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Posted (edited)

If a fleet ship is sailing broadside to an enemy ship and you give it a command to attack another ship and pathfinder wants to tack towards the enemy ship, it won’t or can’t, it just keeps sailing broadside, pathfinder seems to be trapped in a continuous loop.

The same for any other command like follow me, it won't execute or can't, except the retreat command, the retreat command forces the fleet ship to break away or just tack to a getaway cause.

Similarly if you manoeuvre an AI enemy into a close broadside cause, it can’t change tack or avoid a continuous broadside cause.

If developers can detect this “Tack Trap”, then a "Break Away" move would be great.

But if not, then maybe a micromanagement tool/button is needed to command fleet ships to “Break Away”, U-turn to the open side, rather than miss using the retreat command. 

Others have suggested a “Move To” tool/button but pathfinder could still get suck, "Break Away" method would work better.

Not really a bug but maybe something that could be addressed.


Edited by Guest

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