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I have personally been finding that training is SUPER important in this mod, especially now. Quite simply you need good troops early and the best way to do that is to...have the best troops possible lol, that happens through training. In vanilla training was nearly useless, in this mod with each point giving +2 to stats, just 5 points gives a very comfortable +10 rookie stats. I've been playing with a 6 training start, so a nice cushy +12 rookie stats right off the hop. There are enough points to get another 1-2 in there quite quickly, so by Shiloh I'll have had 7-8 training for a while and my recruit pool is consequently surprisingly well trained.

In practical terms as the CSA with 6 training you can recruit a brand new brigade with a high skill MAJOR and usually still have it be 1*; so with a colonel that brigade is sitting pretty and can be pushed to 2* in just 2-3 battles depending on the battle.

As the Union with 6 training you can get 1* brigades with as low as Lt. Cols and once again they perform quite well under a colonel. Can usually get a small number of 2* by Shiloh.

1 hour ago, sirwaldi said:

omg sorry now i see my failure

wrong position in the text i fixed  it.


Thank u for your infomation

I think i have good weapons...

my problem are the very high losses against 3* units

economy you have no points towards? how do you expect to have cheap good weapons without it
What are your tactics like? You can't play this game like the actual ACW.

Posted (edited)


i have this perks:


politics   0
economy 8
Medicine 0
training 4
army organization 6
logistic 1
reconecence 1




Edited by sirwaldi
23 hours ago, Jorlaan said:

I have personally been finding that training is SUPER important in this mod, especially now. Quite simply you need good troops early and the best way to do that is to...have the best troops possible lol, that happens through training. In vanilla training was nearly useless, in this mod with each point giving +2 to stats, just 5 points gives a very comfortable +10 rookie stats. I've been playing with a 6 training start, so a nice cushy +12 rookie stats right off the hop. There are enough points to get another 1-2 in there quite quickly, so by Shiloh I'll have had 7-8 training for a while and my recruit pool is consequently surprisingly well trained.

In practical terms as the CSA with 6 training you can recruit a brand new brigade with a high skill MAJOR and usually still have it be 1*; so with a colonel that brigade is sitting pretty and can be pushed to 2* in just 2-3 battles depending on the battle.

As the Union with 6 training you can get 1* brigades with as low as Lt. Cols and once again they perform quite well under a colonel. Can usually get a small number of 2* by Shiloh. 

I will try this tactic


i have startet yesterday a new campain  on Major general ( not legendary )

and it was way more easier to play

the enmemy usses most 1 star units  and i can defending him very well, the losses per salvo on enemy side were now much more bigger

in open field i shoot the enmemy brigades 60 to 80 men per salvo

sometimes more....


Thanks for your imformations


17 minutes ago, sirwaldi said:

By the way

can me someone explain the +12 rookie stats

what does its shows or is standing for......


It's +12 to the stats of any new recruits that you get from completing battles. If you hover over the number of recruits in the top right corner of the camp screen you can see the current stats of your recruits.

Also, there is a test version available on the discord channel that will probably go live later this week as long as nothing ends up breaking. It will be improving the allied units at Shiloh slightly among a few other minor changes.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, pandakraut said:

It's +12 to the stats of any new recruits that you get from completing battles. If you hover over the number of recruits in the top right corner of the camp screen you can see the current stats of your recruits.

Also, there is a test version available on the discord channel that will probably go live later this week as long as nothing ends up breaking. It will be improving the allied units at Shiloh slightly among a few other minor changes. 

Ok i found it

but my stats dont change when i raise the training from 4 to 6

i have finished 1 battle at bull run!!!


stats stay by








Edited by sirwaldi

The stats only affect new recruits. So if post bull run you put two points into training the additional +4 to stats would only apply to any battles you finish going forward. The recruits from Crossroads and river crossing will get the bonus and be averaged in to any existing recruits you already have.

22 minutes ago, pandakraut said:

The stats only affect new recruits. So if post bull run you put two points into training the additional +4 to stats would only apply to any battles you finish going forward. The recruits from Crossroads and river crossing will get the bonus and be averaged in to any existing recruits you already have. 

 after each side battle or each main battle or both, the statistics around the specified + (12, 14, etc...)
increased directly at my brigae that was in the fight?


what about the additional skill points after the fight?
in the battle itself, each unit collects its own skill points depending on its performance??

1 hour ago, sirwaldi said:

after each side battle or each main battle or both, the statistics around the specified + (12, 14, etc...)
increased directly at my brigae that was in the fight?

Every battle gives you some amount of recruits as a reward. The stats of the rewarded recruits will be affected by the +stats. So if you have 10000 recruits with 10 in every stat. Then you put 2 points in training for +4 stats and complete a side battle. For winning the side battle you receive 2000 recruits that will have 14 in every stat. The stats of the 10k recruits will be averaged with those of the 2k recruits so you'll end up with 12k recruits that have 11 in all stats(to make up some numbers).

The bonus stats from training have no effect on created brigades.

1 hour ago, sirwaldi said:

in the battle itself, each unit collects its own skill points depending on its performance??

Units deployed in a battle gain stats based on the following. Efficiency: kills, Morale: time spent in battle. Stamina: distance traveled, Firearms: number of times reloaded, Melee: melee kills.

3 hours ago, fatehunter said:

Are the perks for a general applicable only inside their command radius, or all across all units in their Corps? 

the ones that you apply to the divisions in camp go for the whole division (or corps)

the command radius is more for morale in the heat of battle.

Like if you are charging, and in camp you have attached the melee perk, all your troops have good melee. However, the troops in the radius of your commander will have extra perk and morale when charging

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, fatehunter said:

Are the perks for a general applicable only inside their command radius, or all across all units in their Corps? 

t1 and t2 general perks apply to all units in the commanded corps. The t3 perk applies to all units in the general's radius. As mentioned by @william1993, all generals also apply a morale regeneration bonus in their radius.


  • Like 1

Hallo Panda


ich schreibe es mal in Deutsch hin und übersetze es später mit ins Englische.

Habe nochmal Gaines Mill (Legendary) mit hilfe der Erfahrungswerte hier, nocmals versucht und es geschafft, auch wenn die Verluste ziemlich hoch waren

Union start 26000 inf + 102 Arty + 3000 kav                                                 CSA start 43000 + (4820) arty


Verluste 10000 inf    + 44 arty       1000 kav                                                     Verluste 32700 inf    + (2979) arty


Ich habe zwar gewonnen, aber der sieg ist zu teuer, ich musste alles investieren was möglich war um ein max an Einheiten in die Schlecht werfen zu können.



In der folge Schlacht Malvern Hill habe ich wieder alles investiert und konnte der gegnerischen artelerie nicht entgegensetzen, langsam aber sicher hat mich die KI mit ihrer sehr weit, prezise und starker fernartelerie aufgerieben. Ich muss zu geben das ich zum schluss nicht mehr wirklich versucht habe die KI zurück zu drängen weil es einfach nicht mehr ging.

Das permanente chargen des Computers konnte ich nicht aufhalten.

Union start 27000 inf + 118 Arty + 3500 kav                                                 CSA start 44600 + (3848) arty


Verluste 14200 inf    + 83 arty       1000 kav                                                     Verluste 32700 inf    + (1632) arty


Im moment halte ich den Computer auf Legendary zu stark, ich kann mich nicht entwickeln in der Kampagne weil du einerseits die eigenen Truppen nicht schnell genug an Ehrfahrung gewinnen lässt ( 1 oder 2 sterne) zum anderen vermute ich das die Perks bei der KI den auschlaggebenden faktor darstellen.

ich habe eine 2 test kampagne auf hohem schwierigkeitsgrad aber ohner den legendary mode, ich werde morgen nochmal etwas testen wie ich hier ABSCHNEIDE.

Das soll keine kritik sein, sondern nur eine Info meiner aktuellen Erfahrungswerte des Spiels  im Moment.


Ich erinnere das ich bei der Mission gettysburg (Mod 1.24) auch ein Problem gehabt hatte das die KI  mir mit mehreren Longrange Artys das Leben sehr schwer gemacht hat.

Ich habe die Mission geschafft aber die verluste beim annähern bis zur Arty waren überdurchschnittlich hoch und schwer.

Bei der Legendary Kampagne Mod 1.24 hatte ich nur 2 bis 3 Mission in den mir die gegnerische Arty so heftige verluste zu gefügt hatte.

im aktuellen Mod 1.25.1a finde ich zur zeit keine Lösung die Kampagne fortführen zu können.

Melde mich noch hierzu zeitnah.


Und Fakt ist ich will das Spiel auf Legendary packen, das ist mein persöhnliches problem und wunsch.

Ich  will nicht das du wegen einer Einzelperson hier alles umwirst.

Deine Mods sind GENIAL und ein extreme Bereicherung für uns und das Spiel.




  • Like 1

Hello Panda

I'll write it down in German and translate it into English later.

Again I tried Gaines Mill (Legendary) with the help of the experience here and made it, even if the losses were quite high.

Union start 26000 inf + 102 Arty + 3000 kav CSA start 43000 + (4820) arty

Losses 10000 inf + 44 arty 1000 kav Losses 32700 inf + (2979) arty

I won, but the victory is too expensive, I had to invest everything that was possible to throw a max of units into the battle.


In the following battle Malvern Hill I invested everything again and could not oppose the opposing artelerie, slowly but surely the AI with its very far, precise and strong  Artys rubbed me out. I have to admit that in the end I didn't really try to push the AI back because it just didn't work anymore.

I couldn't stop the permanent Attacks and charges of the AI.

Union start 27000 inf + 118 Arty + 3500 kav CSA start 44600 + (3848) arty

Losses 14200 inf + 83 arty 1000 kav Losses 32700 inf + (1632) arty


At the moment I think the AI on Legendary is too strong, I can't develop in the campaign because on the one hand you don't let your own troops gain experience fast enough (1 or 2 stars) and on the other hand I suspect that the Perks are the decisive factor in the AI.

i have a second test campaign on Major General (without legendary)  i will test something tomorrow


This should not be a criticism, but only an info of my current experience values of the game at the moment.

I remember that I also had a problem with the mission gettysburg (Mod 1.24) that the AI made my life very difficult with several Longrange Artys.

I managed the mission but the losses when approaching the arty were above average high and heavy.

In the Legendary Campaign Mod 1.24 I had only 2 to 3 missions in which the enemy arty had caused me such heavy losses.

in the current mod 1.25.1a I can't find a solution to continue the campaign at the moment on legendary mode.


And fact is I want to pack the game on Legendary, this is my personal problem and wish.

I don't want that you change  everything because of a single person here.

Your mods are GENIAL and an extreme enrichment for us and the game

Go on with your briliant work


  • Like 1

@sirwaldi Many players are having trouble with legendary at the moment. There is a minor patch in testing that will make the allied units at Shiloh a bit better and provide more rewards for keeping allied units alive. Hopefully it'll be ready sometime this weekend.

It also may help to check out my videos on youtube. At Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill I found a few ways to keep casualties down and deal with the AI artillery. At Malvern Hill especially, pulling back from the initial VP and capping it later should help a lot.

Glad you're enjoying the mod overall, keep trying and I'm sure you'll figure out how to get past those battles.

3 hours ago, pandakraut said:

Many players are having trouble with legendary at the moment.

Not just legendary.. Major General as well.. just tried to play the 1st Bull Run as CSA.. not even close, a complete disaster.

The parity that artillery provided against the AI scaling is now completely gone.  at best you were facing 2.5 to 1 odds before Johnson arrives for the 'counter-attack' . I estimate that it was closer to 4:1 odds because most CSA units were at half strength at that time, with few Union AI brigades with equivalent casualties.

Not sure why AI scaled Union forces with 2,000+ man brigades.. CSA AI provided brigades were 500 to 800 men. with 1 brigade at 1,300.


I can pull a draw by exploiting the map, not by Civil War era maneuvers.

4 hours ago, BCH said:

I will give it a try...

Interesting.. I did a quick run through with the 1.25.2 test with Phillipi, basically at full speed before heading off to the office this morning (I do not recommend high speed for serious game play..).

The initial encounter between Union  Inf. brigade;two Union skirmishers and a single CSA brigade was promising; the Union Inf. seemed to be more effective; Union skirmishers about the same. The CSA brigade in open ground took significant casualties before retreating.

The first in Union reinforcements (3 inf brigades and 2 batteries) were able to force the CSA AI brigades back across the river and into Phillipi with relative ease. Initially the attack on Phillipi itself went well; what I believed to be single CSA battery located in Phillipi was eliminated with few Union casualties.

The north bridge CSA defender was driven out of the fortification; however a Union brigade in that vicinity began to take heavy casualties (quickly down to half strength). I pushed to position, but could not hold that area. It turned out that two additional CSA batteries were just along the railroad edge of Phillipi; they apparently focused on the Union brigades that had crossed the bridge. I was not able to take the VP in the time allotted.

Hopefully the two additional CSA batteries beyond the normal single battery in town is just a bad roll of the dice..

Other than the two unexpected CSA AI batteries; this 1.25.2 test mod seemed to improve the player's units.

Tough from the player perspective to actually know if it RNG luck that you are seeing or the actual changes from the mod..

But from my perspective this morning:

Inf. brigades seem to have had a slight increase in damage dealt, particularly when they were able to catch an AI brigade in the open, or enfilade fire on it.

I only had Napoleon batteries, but the damage at shot range seemed to be the same; shell range damage seemed improved (at least against the one CSA battery that was quickly destroyed); canister range damage seemed improved ( I did not have any CSA brigades waltz into canister and get off with only a handful of casualties.

I will give it another try or two this evening (at a much slower game speed).



Phillipi can change quite a bit depending on what both sides get for random perks and unit splitting. I've found that sometimes it's quite easy, other times it's impossible on legendary. 

The main changes in the test version are that keeping allied units alive will return more weapons than getting them killed and allied units have been improved a bit at Shiloh. The CSA also got some allied unit improvements at Bull Run. Note in both cases this only affects the side of the battle you are playing as. The AI's will not get the same bonus.

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, pandakraut said:

Phillipi can change quite a bit depending on what both sides get for random perks and unit splitting. I've found that sometimes it's quite easy, other times it's impossible on legendary. 

The main changes in the test version are that keeping allied units alive will return more weapons than getting them killed and allied units have been improved a bit at Shiloh. The CSA also got some allied unit improvements at Bull Run. Note in both cases this only affects the side of the battle you are playing as. The AI's will not get the same bonus. 

The main changes in the test version are that keeping allied units alive will return more weapons than getting them killed and allied units have been improved a bit at Shiloh. The CSA also got some allied unit improvements at Bull Run. Note in both cases this only affects the side of the battle you are playing as. The AI's will not get the same bonus.

Can you pease explain this a little bit more.

keeping allied units alive will return more weapons than getting them killed = what does it mean ??

i have started another union legendary campain, this time wit mod 1.25.2

as BCH wrote in the beginning @ Philippi  looks better, i think the enemy brigades have only 1 or 2 *

i try gon on in the campain and tell  you the new expierences.


i have choose this time this perks:

politics   3
economy 0
Medicine 0
training 7
army organization 2
logistic 0
reconecence 1

Edited by sirwaldi

Previously if you had allied units in a battle you wanted to get them all killed so you could recover their weapons. In 1.25.2 I added functionality so that if you can keep the allied units alive you'll receive a larger amount if their weapons than if they are dead.

So now if you can, you want to treat allied units well instead of throwing them away.


The battle as union ( Legendary)
1 bull
result was a draw

 Union start 20700 inf + 72 Arty + 780 kav     CSA start 37000 + (2470) arty

Losses 10900 inf + 36 arty 88 kav    Losses CSA 32700 inf + (580) arty

after taking of the 1 Victory point and becoming some diverent reinvormets the AI  comes over the river and pushed me back
I was not able to push back the AI and hold position in and neat the woods southeast of the 1 VP
It was a tough battle where I couldn't even get near the river.

Special situation and experiences:
my brigade with 3500 1* (perk sniper) staying infront of the enemy artillery brigade with
550 3* man
My units only damage 26 men per salvo in the open field!!!!! OK WTF!!! after 1 salvo of the artelerie my units are routing!!!
Other situation my close combat brigade 3000 1* (perk charge) man charged with 55 % morally in an enemy single standing brigade in the field with 650 3* man, the brigade of the opponent only shoots and stands in the field. after contact with the enmy brigade together I lost 300 man the enemy only 50 and my brigade routes!!!!

In the battle, the AI had some 1* brigades, some 2* brigades and a lot of
 3* Brigades.

I realize that the main problem at the beginning of the campaign is the 3* brigades with their Perks. These units deal a lot of damage, absorb very little damage themselves, and have a very high morale that drops very slowly.

In the campaign it just takes too long to build something comparable or similar.

The reinforcements in the battle are numerous, but have no quality to stand up to the AI.  (0*  VS 3* and out numberd)
I could have brought 3200 men from my own camp, but I don't think they could have helped any more.

another question:
is the scaling with
 Union start 20700 inf + 72 Arty + 780 kav CSA start 37000 + (2470) arty   OK???

or is there some kind of scaling a mistake in the game???



The battle as union ( Major General)
1 bull
result was a win

 Union start 19300 inf + 68 Arty + 1500 kav     CSA start 24600 inf + 1300 kav  71 arty

Losses 8500 inf + 5 arty 500 kav    Losses CSA 15200 inf + kav 850
41 arty


The battle went well and after conquering the 1 VP it was possible for me to push the enemy slowly  back  direction Henry Hill.
The VP was after the counterattack of the csa several times for short time in enemy hands, but I could conquer him again and again back in time to finish the fight with a victory.

The skrimisher  this time are clearly stronger than on Legendary!
The artillery somehow did more damage than Legendary could do. The own units also did more damage than Legendary could do.
more deaths from enemy than own losses.

i will also try to win shiloh and get in touch again


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