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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

You’re right, but it would prevent the case of keeping an entire group being tied up by one griefer, partially solve mini-ship spam in non-shallow events, and also provide an out for battles where late joiners completely flip the scales.

Proximity would be ok but doesn’t address the other issues in terms of BR balancing that have brought up in other threads.

I still believe these Patrol battles should close after 3-5 minutes.  Kiting is then no longer valid and ganking is reduced.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Wraith said:

You’re right, but it would prevent the case of keeping an entire group being tied up by one griefer, partially solve mini-ship spam in non-shallow events, and also provide an out for battles where late joiners completely flip the scales.

It will also ruin the gameplay for captains who are outnumbered but winning. 2v5 for example, as right now 5 cannot escape. But they will escape with your proposal

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, admin said:

It's not hard to figure out when someone is trolling, griefing others on purpose. Even theoretically if he was testing it "for science", where are his reports on the subject matter, where are his constructive proposals on improving the mechanics? i dont see any. Thats what testing is all about its not it?

Running and kiting is allowed. But if you try to just attack and do nothing for 1.5 hours - 3-4 times in a row in a patrol - you might look like a griefer to others.

I see your point Admin, but also remember that although we are "testers" very very few of us are what you are describing above. Those are the guys who are constantly on these forums with suggestions like the original poster in this thread and several other notables who have commented here. These are your true testers. The rest of us, myself included, are paddling around in circles trying to figure out how this game works. we aren't technically savvy nor have deep experience in MMOs. I literally have to google half the stuff these guys talk about sometimes. What kind of a report do you think you would get from Lucky? It is obvious that English is not his first language and it is difficult to understand what he is trying to say. Like in your previous post, communication can easily get lost in translation.

The point I'm trying to make here is that we are all supposed to be friends here working towards assisting you with feedback so you can make the best game that you can. If you want to punish abusers in game you can easily do it with asset forfeiture and chat bans. The idea that you would go to Steam to try to get their accounts suspended or deleted is a little harsh.

Edited by The Wren
16 minutes ago, The Wren said:

If you want to punish abusers in game you can easily do it with asset forfeiture and chat bans. The idea that you would go to Steam to try to get their accounts suspended or deleted is a little harsh.

You assumed it or you can provide a quote? 
Game rules concern only NA player in game not his/her steam accounts.


Maybe it's the patrol roe and not the player... How will you deal with tribunals at release if we have 5000 people online? Trolling is part of mmos and its the mechanics that need to be adjusted. The same goes for pvp marks and combat news. The patrol roe are not good and the first step in solving a problem is realizing that there is one. 

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, admin said:

Proximity exit rules might solve the problem better but will let some enemies escape. Something like that: First 45 mins you get the patrol rule (cannot exit). After 45 mins if you are more than 1km away from any enemy you can exit normally if not under fire

I think everyone could live with that solution.

2 hours ago, admin said:

On the topic of the main post. 

There are all sorts of grey areas with this case, because kiting is a genuine strategy. Any measures to limit kiting or attempts to delay your sinking will affect everyone and might make gameplay worse as a result.

Consistently wasting another side time in patrol with no intention to fight though could be considered abuse. But we only have 1 screen and cannot make this decision here, because all we see is a modestly large battle with almost all enemies eliminated + one annoying guy trying to save his ship (you mention that he sank at the end). No further evidence is provided for consistent griefing and time wasting in the subsequent battles 

But the name of the captain is noted and his language in this thread is not appropriate when explaining his actions. If this continues we will take action. Please report if you face repeated griefing from the captain mentioned in this thread. 


Will do.  Going in I assumed one battle wasn’t going to be enough, but just wanted to see what the mindset from up on high was in regards to just joining and immediately running.  

This player in particular has a special desire to purposely waste peoples time and I’m sure there will be future cases in the next shallow patrol. 

Keep this one open if you don’t mind.


Posted (edited)

My friend Banished Privateer and Vile Executioner told me should speak in Chinese to express my real meaning , so now I will speak in Chinese at here (plz use Google if mates want to know about it , thx ): 

克里斯托弗说我浪费了大家的时间 , 在这里投诉, 由于这个问题的关注度超乎了我的想象, 我在此郑重申诉 :  1, 我最初试图用 Lucky L 加入 US mates VS ARMED PB Fleet  的战斗, 但美国玩家用5到6艘船拦截了它, 于时我不得不同时用LZT1209 加入那场战斗, 并且由于是后来进入的战斗,我一入场就进入了远端, 这是我在这一区域(Nassau)第二次和第三次进入同类型的战斗,平时我在港口战中花费了太多的时间,没有时间进行传统的PvP对战。 2 . 在克里斯托弗投诉的那场战斗的同时,我其实在另一场战斗中控制Lucky L 在进行一场 1 V 5/6 的战斗,我不可能有时间和条件把两个账号控制的同样好, 并且那只是一条 Lynx , 还能指望它干什么呢? 由于是中国的假期,我四岁大的儿子就在旁边,我告诉他 ,你可以在这里转转转,他非常兴奋,这就是一切, 浪费时间了吗? 也许吧? 但这一切是我一个人的原因吗? 是我主动攻击了别人吗? 3  .克里斯托弗也使用 alt ,就在西班牙舰队 7UP 中,实际上现在很多玩家都使用 alt , 这不是问题。没人规定不能买两个Naval Action ,毕竟这不是身份信息。 ;)  4 . 我最初在删档前是在PvE的美国开始这个游戏的, 后来删档后我的朋友 Fallenangels13邀请我到 PvP1 GB , 因为当时绝大多数中国玩家加入了这个国家。但这个游戏存在一个问题, 就是老玩家对新玩家的屠杀,我们都经历过这些,无论是在KPR 还是 Belize ,所以我知道作为一个新玩家失去他辛辛苦苦努力很多天获得的一艘船那种感觉,这也是为什么我很少去 Gank 的原因。当然我的朋友Fallenangels13很年轻,他热衷于这点,并击沉过很多玩家,我承认。 5. 由于前述的原因, 很多新玩家在失去了他们心爱的船后离开了这个游戏, 大部分中国人都离开了这个游戏,我几乎失去了所有的老队友,无奈之下我使用了 alts ,但目的只有一个,去维持CH舰队那些赔钱的港口,因为他们的位置对GB比较重要,处于KPR和Belize之间,可以被认为是GB的 Midway Island。 为此我在将近8个月的时间里,花费了超过3亿的金币。请注意,这一切都是靠我一个人,也可以说都是靠我和我的alts,但我并没有进行过任何违反游戏机制的操作,这点我可以保证,甚至我的第一艘LGV Refit 是 Fallenangels 花费了他的150 PvP marks 帮我获得的,而我由于要进行数以百计的港口战,十分缺乏 PvP marks 。我非常反感过度的收集金币,但我不得不为了维持那些港口,每天花费超过1小时的时间进行贸易。6.最初我在港战中也热衷于正面的战斗,但我经常遭遇对手整支舰队的追杀,于是我不得不经常用6th ships 和5th ships 参加战斗,并且找到了适合这些小船的任务 ------ Circles Keeper , ;). 没有人愿意在不公平的战斗中失去自己的船,对手用整支舰队攻击我,就不要抱怨我浪费你们的时间!这一切是公平的, :)




Lucky L 


Edited by Lucky L
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I there ar reason Lucky L's post right above mine here got deleted?
It may have been in chinese, but it was easy to grasp it's meaning via google translator.
@Lucky L did you delete it yourself?

If not why are people with a language barrier denied from answering their accusers? @admin

Edited by Tom Farseer
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

My friends Banished Privateer and Vile Executioner told me should speak in Chinese to express my meaning correctly , so I will type in Chinese and mates can use Google to know about it if you would like , thx , o77 :

克里斯托弗说我浪费了大家的时间 , 在这里投诉, 由于这个问题的关注度超乎了我的想象, 我在此郑重申诉 :  1, 我最初试图用 Lucky L 加入 US mates VS ARMED PB Fleet  的战斗, 但美国玩家用5到6艘船拦截了我, 于时我不得不同时用LZT1209 加入那场战斗, 并且由于是后来进入的战斗,我一入场就进入了远端, 这是我在这个区域(Nassau) 第二次和第三次进入同类型的战斗,平时我在港口战中花费了太多的时间,没有时间进行传统的PvP对战。 2 . 在克里斯托弗投诉的那场战斗的同时,我其实在另一场战斗中控制Lucky L 在进行一场 1 V 5/6 的战斗,我不可能有时间和条件把两个账号控制的同样好, 并且那只是一条 Lynx , 还能指望它干什么呢? 由于是中国的假期,我四岁大的儿子就在旁边,我告诉他 ,你可以在这里转转转,他非常兴奋,这就是一切, 浪费时间了吗? 也许吧? 但这一切是我一个人的原因吗? 是我主动攻击了别人吗? 3  .克里斯托弗也使用 alt ,就在西班牙舰队 7UP 中,实际上现在很多玩家都使用 alt , 这不是问题。没人规定不能买两个Naval Action ,毕竟这不是身份信息。   4 . 我最初在删档前是在PvE的美国开始这个游戏的, 后来删档后我的朋友 Fallenangels13邀请我到 PvP1 GB , 因为当时绝大多数的中国人这个国家,但这个游戏存在一个问题, 就是老玩家对新手的屠杀,我们都经历过这些,无论是 KPR 还是 Belize ,所以我知道作为一个新手失去他辛辛苦苦努力很多天获得的一艘船那种感觉,这也是为什么我很少去 Gank 的原因。当然我的朋友Fallenangels13很年轻,他热衷于这点,并击沉过很多玩家,我承认。 5. 由于前述的原因, 很多新玩家在失去了他们心爱的船后离开了这个游戏, 大部分中国人都离开了这个游戏,我几乎失去了所有的老队友,无奈之下我使用了 alts ,但目的只有一个,去维持CH舰队那些赔钱的港口,因为他们的位置对GB比较重要,处于KPR和Belize直接,可以被认为是GB的 Midway Island。 为此我在将近8个月的时间里,花费了超过3亿的金币。请注意,这一切都是靠我一个人,也可以说都是靠我和我的alts,但我并没有进行过任何违反游戏机制的操作,这点我可以保证,甚至我的第一艘LGV Refit 是 Fallenangels 花费了他的150 PvP marks 帮我获得的,而我由于要进行数以百计的港口战,十分缺乏 PvP marks 。我非常反感过度的收集金币,但我不得不为了维持那些港口,每天花费超过1小时的时间进行贸易。6.最初我也渴望进行公平的战斗, 在港战中正面作战, 但敌人经常用整支舰队攻击我一个人,我不得不经常用6th ships 和 5th ships 加入港战,并且找到了适合他们的工作 ---- Cirles Keeper , :).  既然你们用整支舰队攻击一个玩家,那就不要抱怨浪费你们的时间,这是非常公平的,不是吗??? ;)


Lucky L


Edited by Lucky L
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

I took the liberty and ran Lucky's post piecewise through google translate. (edited for Typo and weird google translation error, that lucky corrected)

13 minutes ago, Lucky L said:

Christopher said that I had wasted everyone's time and complained here.

As the concern of this issue exceeded my imagination, I solemnly appealed here:

1. I initially attempted to join US Mates vs. ARMED PB Fleet with Lucky L. However, the US player intercepted me with 5 or 6 ships. At that time I had to join LZT1209 at the same time. Since it was a battle that entered later, I entered the field as soon as I entered. This is where I am here. The second and third time entered the same type of battle, I usually spend too much time in the port battle, there is no time for the traditional PvP battle.

2. At the same time that Christopher complained about the battle, I actually controlled Lucky L in another battle in a 1 V 5/6 battle. I could not have the same time and conditions to control the two accounts as well. , And that's just a Lynx, what can you expect it to do? Because it is a Chinese holiday, my four-year-old son is next to him. I told him that you can make a turn here. He is very excited. This is everything. Is it a waste of time? Maybe? But is it all my own reason? Did I actively attack others?

3. Christopher also uses alt, just in the Spanish fleet 7UP. Actually many players now use alt. This is not a problem. No one stipulates that you cannot buy two Naval Actions. After all, this is not identity information.

4. I originally started this game in PvE America before deleting files. After deleting the files, my friend Fallenangels13 invited me to PvP1 GB, because at that time the vast majority of Chinese were in this country, but there was a problem with this game. It’s the old player’s slaughter for novices. We’ve all been through these, whether it’s KPR or Belize, so I know that feeling like losing a boat he’s worked so hard for many days as a novice, and that’s why I rarely go The reason for Gank. Of course my friend Fallenangels13 is very young. He is passionate about this and he has hit many players, I admit.

5. For the foregoing reasons, many new players have left this game after losing their beloved boat. Most Chinese people have left the game. I almost lost all my old teammates and desperation I used alts. But there is only one purpose to maintain the losing battleships of the CH Fleet, because their position is more important to GB, and they are directly in KPR and Belize and can be considered as GB Midway Island. For this reason, I spent more than 300 million coins in nearly eight months. Please note that it all depends on me alone. It can also be said that they rely on me and my alts.
But I haven't done anything that violates the mechanics of the game. I can guarantee that even my first LGV Refit was Fallenangels who spent his 150 PvP marks to help me get, and I have to do hundreds of The port war, very lack of PvP marks. I was very disgusted with overcollecting gold coins, but I had to spend more than one hour a day trading in order to maintain those ports.

6. At first I also yearned for a fair fight. I fought in front of me in the Port Battles. However, the enemy often attacked me with the entire fleet. I had to join the Hong Kong War with 6th ships and 5th ships and found a suitable one for them. Work ---- Cirles Keeper, :).
Already said a lot, I don't want to explain too much. This is just a game. My only mistake is to spend too much time in this game. Hahahaha!

I wish you all a happy game!

Lucky L


Edited by Tom Farseer
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Tom Farseer said:

I took the liberty and ran Lucky's post piecewise through google translate. (edited for Typo)


THX very much ,mate, o7!   

BTW   Hong Kong war === Port battles , Google is fool at here , XDD

Edited by Lucky L
  • Like 3
2 hours ago, admin said:

It will also ruin the gameplay for captains who are outnumbered but winning. 2v5 for example, as right now 5 cannot escape. But they will escape with your proposal

It won't run anything for anyone. This is the least of anyone's problems, I promise.

I wish we would focus on avoiding 5v2 in patrols instead of worrying about the feelings of the top half of the top percentile players.

We won't even take anything away from them as they can go enjoy even worse odds on OW.

  • Like 1

You are attacking 6 vs 1 and crying for the kiting, that I do not understand.

If ganking is a historical tactic, sure kiting is also one. You can only blame the game mechanics not Lucky.

btw, I love getting ganked in patrol. First it was annoying, but after some time I learned to live with it, and it helped me improve myself. In only one battle, I could do as high as 20k damage in Nassau , and 40k in a frigate on other patrols. And yes I have to kite, repair, fight, kite, repair,fight forever. Until a point when I think it is enough, and then I keep fighting to the end.

Thank you developers for giving me the opportunity. 

Still there should be BR limit, around 1,5 BR difference max as most of us agreed, which the devs do not seem to accept.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, admin said:

You assumed it or you can provide a quote? 
Game rules concern only NA player in game not his/her steam accounts.

I guess you can say that I assumed it when you previously posted the link for the steam code of conduct.

Violating that code will result in Steam suspensions, since you linked it I figured that you brought it up for a reason. If you linked it for other reasons that are not clear then I guess I just don't understand. Cheers.

Edited by The Wren

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