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Workaround for occasional ship control loss.

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I have a notebook and a desktop computer. I have the same problem with both devices. Despite free ports and switching off the internet securytie and other programs, I unfortunately have no control over the ship in combat. in the lower left corner, it shows me that the sails are full and have been set. the helm is moving and everything is working. except that the commands I give do not get to the ship itself. this remains motionless. The interesting thing is that it works to 10% of the attempts! however, 90% of my attempts ended with a no ship control timeout at the beginning of the battle or during the ongoing battle!

I would like to cooperate with the manufacturer to look for this problem.

Can it be the internet provider?

had such a similar problem in another game where I flew after exactly 15 minutes from the game. I then downloaded a program with which you could use another server in Switzerland to the Internet. This was the time to work around the problem.

Has anyone tried this?




ich habe ein notebook und einen desktop computer. Ich habe dasselbe problem bei beiden geräten. Trotz freien ports und abschalten der internet securytie und anderen programmen habe ich bei seekämpfen leider keine kontrolle über das schiff. in der linken unteren ecke zeigt es mir an das die seegel voll hab usw gesetzt sind. das ruder bewegt sich und alles funktioniert. bis auf dass das die befehle die ich gebe nicht zum schiff selber gelangen. dies bleibt regungslos stehen. Das intressante ist jedoch das es zu 10% der versuche funktioniert! jedoch 90% meiner versuche endeten mit einem no ship control timeout zu beginn der schlacht oder wärend des laufenden gefechts!

Ich wäre gerne bereit mit dem hersteller zusammen nach diesem problem zu suchen.

Kann es der internet Anbieter sein?

hatte solch ein ähnliches problem auch in einem anderen spiel wo ich nach genau 15 min aus dem spiel geflogen bin. habe mir dann ein programm herunter geladen mit dem man über einen anderen server in der schweiz ins internet konnte. dadurch konnte man damals das problem umgehen.

hat dies schon jemand ausprobiert?

12 hours ago, James Edward said:

I have a notebook and a desktop computer. I have the same problem with both devices. Despite free ports and switching off the internet securytie and other programs, I unfortunately have no control over the ship in combat. in the lower left corner, it shows me that the sails are full and have been set. the helm is moving and everything is working. except that the commands I give do not get to the ship itself. this remains motionless. The interesting thing is that it works to 10% of the attempts! however, 90% of my attempts ended with a no ship control timeout at the beginning of the battle or during the ongoing battle!

I would like to cooperate with the manufacturer to look for this problem.

Can it be the internet provider?

had such a similar problem in another game where I flew after exactly 15 minutes from the game. I then downloaded a program with which you could use another server in Switzerland to the Internet. This was the time to work around the problem.

Has anyone tried this?




ich habe ein notebook und einen desktop computer. Ich habe dasselbe problem bei beiden geräten. Trotz freien ports und abschalten der internet securytie und anderen programmen habe ich bei seekämpfen leider keine kontrolle über das schiff. in der linken unteren ecke zeigt es mir an das die seegel voll hab usw gesetzt sind. das ruder bewegt sich und alles funktioniert. bis auf dass das die befehle die ich gebe nicht zum schiff selber gelangen. dies bleibt regungslos stehen. Das intressante ist jedoch das es zu 10% der versuche funktioniert! jedoch 90% meiner versuche endeten mit einem no ship control timeout zu beginn der schlacht oder wärend des laufenden gefechts!

Ich wäre gerne bereit mit dem hersteller zusammen nach diesem problem zu suchen.

Kann es der internet Anbieter sein?

hatte solch ein ähnliches problem auch in einem anderen spiel wo ich nach genau 15 min aus dem spiel geflogen bin. habe mir dann ein programm herunter geladen mit dem man über einen anderen server in der schweiz ins internet konnte. dadurch konnte man damals das problem umgehen.

hat dies schon jemand ausprobiert?

While switching providers may be an option in some countries, not everyone will have a choice. The biggest issue I have is that when it happened to me and my clan mates it eliminated the client providers as a cause simply because it affected people from multiple countries at the same time. The likelihood of it being the client side in this case is simply not possible unless all these users were using the same gateway to the server. In this case it is a fault with either the game servers or the terminating provider circuit that connects to it. Neither of these possibilities have been discussed between the admins and the players and was solely considered a client side issue and dismissed. The company I work for deals with over 700,000 connections to our network on a daily basis and I have seen where there have been faults with the inbound signalling and a dropped connection. While very rare it does occur and to our customers we offer compensation for the lost connections or at the very least an explanation and not just tell them that the issue is with their equipment.

16 hours ago, James Edward said:

I have a notebook and a desktop computer. I have the same problem with both devices. Despite free ports and switching off the internet securytie and other programs, I unfortunately have no control over the ship in combat. in the lower left corner, it shows me that the sails are full and have been set. the helm is moving and everything is working. except that the commands I give do not get to the ship itself. this remains motionless. The interesting thing is that it works to 10% of the attempts! however, 90% of my attempts ended with a no ship control timeout at the beginning of the battle or during the ongoing battle!

I would like to cooperate with the manufacturer to look for this problem.

Can it be the internet provider?

had such a similar problem in another game where I flew after exactly 15 minutes from the game. I then downloaded a program with which you could use another server in Switzerland to the Internet. This was the time to work around the problem.

Has anyone tried this?

Captain, in the report you have recently sent there is a problem with connection (incoming packets) - most likely the issue is about firewall blocking certain ports

The list of required ports is:

7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 (highlighted ports are ports needed for battles)


Also, do you have an option to temporary test the game via a different source of internet, e.g. mobile connection?


On the mobile phone of my friend (provider Telekom) worked 2 battles smoothly.

once I hit a battle on my mobile phone, there was the same message "No ship control ...." (provider vodafone).

Unfortunately I could not make another test about my provider because I found no suitable ship to fight, which represented no danger for mine. Otherwise I would have made there 2 tests and sent you a bug report. The player's "visible" things went and were not the same.

My internet security was ACTIVE on both mobile tests!
ps. A portfreischaltung on the router (7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 at the "correct mac address") did not help.




Über das mobile phone meines freundes (anbieter Telekom) funktionierten 2 schlachten reibungslos.

ich habe einmal über mein mobile phone eine schlacht geschlagen, dort kam dieselbe meldung "No ship control...." (anbieter vodafone).

Leider konnte ich über meinen anbieter keinen weiteren test machen da ich kein geeignetes schiff zum kämpfen fand, was keine gefahr für meines darstellte. Sonst hätte ich dort auch 2 tests gemacht und euch einen fehlerbericht zugeschickt. Die für den spieler "sichtbaren" sachen die gingen und auch nicht waren dieselben.

Meine internet security war zu beiden mobilen tests AKTIV!

ps. Eine portfreischaltung am router (7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 bei der "richtigen mac adresse") half nichts.

19 hours ago, James Edward said:

On the mobile phone of my friend (provider Telekom) worked 2 battles smoothly.

once I hit a battle on my mobile phone, there was the same message "No ship control ...." (provider vodafone).

Unfortunately I could not make another test about my provider because I found no suitable ship to fight, which represented no danger for mine. Otherwise I would have made there 2 tests and sent you a bug report. The player's "visible" things went and were not the same.

My internet security was ACTIVE on both mobile tests!
ps. A portfreischaltung on the router (7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 at the "correct mac address") did not help.

Captain, could you please try to call your ISP to solve the problem, along the list of needed ports (7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600), please also include the following ip addresses :

  • War server:
  • Peace server:
Posted (edited)
I thought it was my cable provider (ISP). I'll get back to you soon. However, I already know that this will annoy a lot and take a lot of time. because here where I live there is only this one. and the radio connection is very bad, in "rainy weather, fog, ... I have no mobile reception more let alone mobile internet." As you can imagine, someone who has the "monopoly" on a range of uses.

Until I report to my provider I will use a vpn tunnel. Like in a previous game. That was still a beta version! (now you have fixed your connection problem there had to do the same as you)

Is not it possible for you to fix this? Because then I could me and many of your "fans" a lot of nerves, time and a lot of frustration save.

I would be very nice, even if it would be fixed next year!

ich dachte mir schon das es an meinem kabel anbieter (ISP) liegt. Ich werde mich mal in nächster Zeit wieder bei ihnen melden. ich weis jedoch jetzt schon das dies sehr viele nerven und sehr viel Zeit in anspruch nehmen wird. denn hier wo ich lebe gibt es nur diesen einen. und die funk verbindung ist sehr schlecht, bei "regenwetter, nebel,... habe ich keinen mobilempfang mehr geschweige denn mobiles internet. Da kann man sich gut vorstellen, das jemand der das "Monopol" auf einen bereich hat es ausnützt.

Bis ich mich bei meinem provider melde werde ich einen vpn tunnel benützen. Wie auch früher bei einem anderen spiel. Das war jedoch noch eine beta variante! (nun haben sie ihr verbindungsproblem behoben musste dort dasselbe machen wie bei euch nun)

Ist es für euch nicht möglich dies zu beheben? Denn dann könnte ich mir und viele eurer "fans" sich einiges an nerven, zeit und sehr viel frust sparen.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, selbst wenn es erst nächstes jahr behoben würde!

Edited by James Edward
  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, leighte said:

oh i always thought its becuz of my internet and resetered router and modem lol is this caused by player connection or by server connection?

The problem is caused by player connection.

In case there are issues on server side, we always make an announcement

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