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Its a ~17th century sailing MMO? game, similar to Pirates of the Burning Sea or Sid Myers' Pirates.

Not to niggle, but the 17th Century is the 1600s. The ships in the sea trials so far are from the 18th and 19th centuries (1700s-1800s). Hopefully, some 17th century ships get put into the game since some of them are very cool. But the focus seems to be on ships later then 1650 or so.

I've played three battles, two as yacht and one as the cutter. Little damage done, and soon sent to Davy Jones' Locker. Being a yachtsman and staying dry isn't easy.


It is enjoyable and the controlling the boat is straightforward. There are signs it is at an early stage. A tower near the sea battle seemed to have no texture and perhaps the surfaces are a little too shiney. Yet, I enjoyed it, and there's plenty of players.


The towers are definitely untextured placeholders for now.   :)


Keep at it, and don't be afraid to ask for help in the lobby if you don't understand something.  We have a lot of nice folks that will help you out.


Thanks Henry. I will ask if something is unclear, but so far it is more a matter of practice for me. Sailors of the time supposedly didn't learn to swim, maybe not to prolong the agony. They probably should with me as skipper.

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