Sir.sigurd Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I like to see a Real Danish swallow-tailed flag. I love this game but not the square flag so please give the Danish navy a new flag. 1
Sir.sigurd Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I would really like to see a Danish swallow-tailed flag! I love this game, but not the square flag. So can we please have a real Danish navy flag?
Jonathan Arlington Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 Just something little. I would like to name my ship's.
ID I Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I would like to see a return to a single server and increased population cap for that server.
vjrs01 Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I offer several ideas for discussion: I accept this might be difficult, but tides and tidal currents, please. These could be tied in with lunar phases, and with a much greater significance to running aground. (A propos of this, the feedback of shallow water could a little more refined; it would need to be if running aground was a significant mistake and one to be avoided.) Inadequately mapped areas that could, by careful exploration, be enhanced; the derived charts could be shared with group or clan members, or perhaps, sold. I like the difficult harbours and I like navigating, so more challenges here would be welcome. The weather oscillating back and forth as in the real world (the wind backing and veering); bigger storms that might cause sail/mast damage or carry away a yardarm: woe-betide if you are caught on a 'lee shore'. The occasional porpoise, seabird of flying fish would be nice (suggested by someone else, but good idea in my view). A slightly greater efficiency the the first broadside fired (the first broadside tended to be more carefully - less hastily - loaded and probably was more accurate and damaging than subsequent ones). This would reward more careful thought to the correct shot choice at the start of battles. (This may already be the case, but I haven't found it documented, so far.) Real dark; the option to extinguish sailing lights if you don't want to be seen - contraband traders, raiders, pirates and spies... (See the moon, in point 1. I acknowledge someone else has suggested this.) There has been a lot of discussion about the letters that turn up as items in captured ships and no-one seems to read. Could they not be part of a larger, structured mission? I don't know if there is a way of scripting missions (look at Naev, which allows users to script missions for other users using LUA [i think it's called]), but this could be an exciting development if implemented. I don't want to sound like I am unsatisfied with the game as it is; I am not. It is quite the best, most entertaining and immersive game I have ever come across. The variety of levels in which it can be played is astonishing. Well done, and keep at it, m'hearties. 1
poison Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I know this isn't game-related, and I believe few others will care, but I'd like to see a steam trading card/achievement pack.
Aguirr Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 This gonna probably already be asked, but any chance to see some sort of Guild/Clan/Fleets Depot ? This could be a buyable Buildings, taking a slot, and upgrade could provide more space allowed. In gameplay terms, some depots/stocks could also lead to some sort of trading mission for players. I am sure a lot of people would be interrested to make a delivery contract, for moving ressources or materials from a port to an other. This could add some delivery mission as in Elite dangerous, but player drived. Sorry for my bad english 1
Pappa Pinky Lewis Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 Soooo......I have been playing the game for a good couple of weeks and I wanted to share some things I would like to see become a part of the game! First! My hat off to the Dev's, this SIM/RPG (SRPG??) is AMAZING! Thank you so much for making this a reality! In no important order: Here's what I would like to see and why! -More immersion! Wildlife, music, distinct ports/harbors etc... How about hurricanes, typhoons, lightning storms that make large flash bombs in the water and or cause ships strikes leading to fires. Huge waves, ice bergs (if we going further into the Atlantic), whirlpools etc...Maybe a little bit of legends and folklore like the occasional ghost/phantom ship or Mermaids or even a sea monster! I am thinking of a giant squid whose tentacles wrap around the ships hull and you and the crew have to blast your way out, maybe using the boarding mini game feature! -Ship customization or variety, I would really like a basic Cutter to look different than a Master-craft Cutter or allow us to choose hull & waterline colors. Maybe even the color of different woods used in construction, i.e. teak wood ship would be darker in grain color than say pine or oak! One thing I don't like is seeing the same model for each ship, there is no character or personality to the ship! I am sure Pirates will want shaggy sails and cannon scares to remain as badges of courage or valor! -Ship visual maintenance/repairs, if you are out to sea for a month then your paint job starts to fade, guns rust if the crew is lazy and affects performance, repair kits show patched sails and patched hulls! Barnacles can set in and slow down the ship. As mentioned in the thread animated port holes, sales, anchors etc.... Maybe a Dry dock could be introduced where MAJOR repairs or UPGRADES are done! Each port could have varying prices for using dry dock and paying for extra features or customization! Just like teleport takes real time, so will dry dock! -Whaling/Fishing, I would really like to see whaling as a part of the economy! Allows us to harpoon and land whales for profit like they did back then! To add to this, fishing trawlers with drag nets so we can fish tuna, menhaden, sardines etc.... I can only imagine racing to chase a Blue whale where we have to throw a harpoon and then fight wind, wave and fish to tire it out so we can land it! Add to that a salty pirate who decides to blast us while in the process! -I don't know why this is not already a feature, but lets us name our ships! I know some folks will be rude and crude when they do this but I feel this is essential AND make it so the name is permanent! So when you craft or purchase a ship it must be named and the name shows on the stern for ever, PLEASE! -As mentioned custom flags! -Real scuttlebutt, that leads us on treasure hunts, seeking rare artifacts, shallow sunk ships that we can recover loot from etc... -I missed the special ships for pre-order, just like so many others, but it would be cool if those ships were tweaked and reintroduced. I would not mine having a lesser version of the Yacht, that way those who earned the original can still have something unique and I can still have a shot at some of the original ships too. -I would also like to see a chance of mutiny along with the mentioned diseases. -Survivors floating the water after a ship sinks! -Ship listing when leaks start to leak in so that water can or could capsize the boat or cause a side of guns to point skyward becoming useless! Just some ideas.... 2
Henry d'Esterre Darby Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 [snip] The only unobtainable ship is the Yacht. All other ships can now be crafted. The yacht was specifically promised to people who supported the game before Early Access, there will be other ships in the future that will be awarded for testing and helping out in this phase. Ships listing is not historical. These ships didn't have compartments that would hold the water and allow the ship to become imbalanced to one side or the other - the bilge, orlop, and gun deck(s) were effectively open all the way through the ship. This means that they would settle relatively evenly - assuming the overall weight was evenly distributed. They generally sank upright, they didn't list much (though they did tend to roll more heavily as they flooded). 2
Niels Terkildsen Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 (edited) I'd like to see actual historically used compass points used in the compass instead of the arbitrary ones we have now. The compass currently has N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, and inbetween each there's two extra points. There should actually be three points between them so we end up having N, NbE, NNE, NEbN, NE, NEbE, etc. This way you can refer to all the points accurately instead of using only the degree system (eg. "North by East" instead of "North (0 degrees) and slightly left of first point (15 degrees)", "North-Northeast" instead of "between Northeast (45 degrees) and North (0 degrees)", and "Northeast" instead of "45 degrees". See the compass rose: Edited March 19, 2016 by Niels Terkildsen
Kwik Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 Hey All, on the conquest information tab of the map you can see who is attacking what. Could the names of the ports in that tab be clickable so that it centers your map on that port? I don't know about you guys but there's no way I can remember where every port is! Cheers
Bapums Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 I think it would be cool if St. Elmo's Fire was added to the game. "St. Elmo's fire (also St. Elmo's light) is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere" "Physically, St. Elmo's fire is a bright blue or violet glow, appearing like fire in some circumstances" -Wikipedia Basically in lightning storms, the tips of the masts would glow, which produced a pretty cool effect. Pictures: I've never been in one, but I've heard about the sea storms in the game before, where you could hardly hit other ships. I think it would be interesting if in the open world, VERY rarely, there would be a sea storm where you couldn't see past waves, and if you could there would be low visibility anyways from the rain. Again, make this rare so that it is not annoying, however having it show up on occasion would add another element to the game, rather than look at map, point ship, travel from Point A to Point B - it would especially make things interesting if there were some ops going on against other nations. St. Elmo's Fire could come into this by having the tips of the masts light up, either before or during the storm. It would be useful if the masts lit up before a heavy storm hit, but it would be really cool, considering you would know by seeing it that a sea storm is developing and you should take shelter or something. Or, it could just be added once the storm/lightning starts up. 1
Richmuel UK Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 (edited) I'd like to see on the Map Screen in addition to the Ports Taken the total BR Value of ships sunk that day in PvP. Would be cool to guage how each nation is doing on the Open World. Edited March 22, 2016 by Richmuel UK 1
blademage Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Well,... ... things I'd love to see in this (already really great) game: - a better UI. It doesn't need to look nicer (but, hell - yeah that would look nice^^), but contain some more info. e.g. in open world having access to detailed ship stats, in town having a list of people docked, etc. - captains cabin - a tavern, fort, etc. to get officers - baroque & classical music - menues that are easier to handle - cosmetic ship customization (names, colors, flags) - ship upgrades / modifications - an easy option for a clan tag for player names - (always) more ships. Thanks for reading 1
Capt. Rice Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Love to have sound when at could even be ambient noises. like people talking or seagulls in the back ground. 1
FireBush Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Just let me spin my ships in the test UI so I can see what the look like. 1
Hugo van Grojt Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Make it possible to deliver ships from one outpost to another (for a gold fee, taking some real life hours, empty cargohold) to make transferring warships less of a time grind/time sink. Currently, I need to find a trader to capture, capture it, take command, send my warship to the desired outpost, go back in captured trader to wherever - all that just to move a Frigate from outpost A to outpost B that might be too far away. Yes, I could MANUALLY sail it, but you do not know how many ships I own....
Precious Roy Posted March 25, 2016 Posted March 25, 2016 One thing I would not like to see is barnacles. Hopefully no one is disturbed enough to ask for them.
Sir.sigurd Posted March 25, 2016 Posted March 25, 2016 I just want to say thanks for giving us Danes the real swallow-tailed navy flag. I am really happy ! ) thanks for listen too US . From a very happy captain.!! 1
JimDandy Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 I believe this is a fairly simple & easy one ... let us have access to all levels of missions that we have earned. I currently find myself dreading the prospect of reaching the next level since it will mean I can no longer access the lower level missions that I can currently access. Why? because sometimes I like to use my lower level ships to have good PVE battles just to past the time & use ships which I really enjoy playing but are not the go to ships for PVE fleet or PVP game play. I can't see any down side to this, in terms of abuse that is, and it will be necessary after the upcomming wipe unless of course we are expected to do top level missions with cutters! So... com'on ... what do you say? can ya please? I should also mention that after +1,500 hours I'm still hooked, this is a great game! 3
Wilson09 Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 Completly agree. No use of my "Privateer" being fully upgraded now....
Migui Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 Duels between players of the same nation as consensual pvp. Killboards for ego purposes.
PG Monkey Posted March 28, 2016 Posted March 28, 2016 I believe this is a fairly simple & easy one ... let us have access to all levels of missions that we have earned. I currently find myself dreading the prospect of reaching the next level since it will mean I can no longer access the lower level missions that I can currently access. Why? because sometimes I like to use my lower level ships to have good PVE battles just to past the time & use ships which I really enjoy playing but are not the go to ships for PVE fleet or PVP game play. I can't see any down side to this, in terms of abuse that is, and it will be necessary after the upcomming wipe unless of course we are expected to do top level missions with cutters! So... com'on ... what do you say? can ya please? I should also mention that after +1,500 hours I'm still hooked, this is a great game! Great idea
Gatzweiler Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 i want more information of the opposite ship. Such as how many water has the ship taken already. How many Leaks it have.
Sea Archer Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 I would like to have the hammock nets filled with hammocks, and it would be great if the cities would show some light at night. 1
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