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15 hours ago, Beeekonda said:


New wood. Not on the website. Could you check please? No idea how long its been in the game


15 hours ago, A N O O B said:

I think I bought those after we got news on the rare woods. Just saw them at shroud so I bought them. 

@Beeekonda@A N O O BCaptains, Moulmein Teak has no relation to in-game mechanics, it is a legacy item and it was not added to the current event.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

to :Felix Victor   (Master map designer)

In one of your older post I found

"The estimated sell price for a consumed good is  

buyPrice * 3 + (planarDistance * buyPrice * distanceFactor) / 6 / 100  "

How did you figure this out ? did you get it from the developer ?

It seems that early on the intention was to allow a price variation in port depending on available stock but this seems turn off or minimize to a great extend : can you confirm that ?

I try to verify it. It's good indeed, but Xchecking with few examples ( only 3 ressource from Pointe-a-Pitre)  The trader tool game data  is better correlated with a multiplyier of 0.978

  SellPrice= 0.978 *( BasePrice * 3 + (planarDistance * RangePcp*  / 6 / 100 )



in addition there is also a good correlation between 'BasePrice' and 'RangePct' omitting few anomalies on special goods (some unused)... (It's likely an exponential decrease)



I saw in https://na-map.netlify.app/  that you have trade route  to optimize the most profitable item and port: It highlight low price item as they have high 'RangePct' value but that is not the way to get the maximum absolute revenue which is what we need to increase the bank account .

Once one has a couple of million one can buy anything in any port to fully stock 3 indiamans ( Except room for 300 on main ship to keep fishing bottle ! never know what one can catch...)     

Consequently, I'm trying to do some app (in xls at the moment ) to optimize trading using the API data  by comparing long distance trade of single item to multiple short distance exhanging goodalong a close quasi linear  route ( so the total trip distance is similar thus sail time similar) some hand check seems to indicate that multiple short distance trading exchange from county to county canbe more advantageaous in total Net/distance. It is always more beneficial to exchange for new high value, but there are cases where even if the new resource is cheaper than the one on board  it still may be advantageous to exchange the higher price value on board for the new cheaper on. the goal is to identify route /port where its better to keep High value than to exchange to a lower value good...

FYI: my personal Context/Experience with this.

Started learning code in 1973 ( IBM 370 )...punching card and some VB terminal......therefore "older" "engine" coder for industry simulator/ enginnering application (no so much user interface excpet with VB6) with Fortran, ADA. HPGL,VB6 & VBA 🙂always on Windows .

So no experience in linux , WEB coding JSON , Java Script php ( although a little bit in power script to dowload selecting morning Radio podcast).Only exposure to this web environment code has been  a couple of day reading those post on the use of API naval action JSON file! ... 

for now I have by resource 'BasePrice','RangePct' , port to port distance (from position.(x.z)) extracted from the API (throuh a convoluted Notepad++/ excel Mid, search , Vlook function  to parse the Json line) until I move to incorporate Json import in VBA to fill the tables. 





Edited by DeStAug
cosmetic of image delete 2 rong file
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

12.5.0 (2021-02-14)


  • show port ownership map (animated)


12.6.0 (2021-03-06)


  • list loot: fish and fishing regions added

Bug Fixes

  • module data: February patch
  • port investments: January 2021 data
  • port ownership: wait cursor on data load
  • power map: initial zoom aligned to top
  • select ports: do not zoom to port after trade relation selection
  • display ports: circle sizes adjusted (with thresholds)
  • income map: wait cursor on data load
  • list ingredients: table font size adjusted to standard small
Edited by Felix Victor
info on v12.5 added
Posted (edited)
On 2/22/2021 at 3:47 PM, DeStAug said:

The estimated sell price for a consumed good is  

buyPrice * 3 + (planarDistance * buyPrice * distanceFactor) / 6 / 100  "

How did you figure this out ? did you get it from the developer ?

Thanks for your post (havent checked this forum for a while...)

I got the formula through hours of fiddling.

On 2/22/2021 at 3:47 PM, DeStAug said:

SellPrice= 0.978 *( BasePrice * 3 + (planarDistance * RangePcp*  / 6 / 100 )

Is your conclusion that I should add the factor into my calculation?

On 2/22/2021 at 3:47 PM, DeStAug said:

to get the maximum absolute revenue

You are right. The map is not a tool to calculate max revenues. I want to keep it a map (a visual tool) rather than to make it a calculator (for trade revenues or max cannon dps).

Edited by Felix Victor

Regarding the price formula,  i cannot confirm yet that this factor should be added . the correlation I got was quite good but limited to  item drop in the Fort Royal area. Since then I have advance a bit in getting workable info from the API to verify it but not yet finish. It´s also possible that to get the correct distance to a port we need to use as source the weighted position where that particular item is dropped.(as the buying price is the same) but the port have diferrent distance (x,z) to the selling port.

The coeff 0.978 was specific to good from Fort Royal and I used as reference distance Fort Royal itself.

the European good ( which are high value and a priority for trade capital to county) seemed  to be computed from the nearest capital . I have not yet coded that to verifie it.   

I have been stuck a bit as  have not figure out yet how to build the list of port where each item is availble using the API ressource and port and the  nation ,  boolean ,capital, county and likely other stuff .  I need this to check the center of gravity (x,z) of source of the product... 

I don´t see also in the API the info on the area of the good . while the trader tool shows them group by region which may comprised multiple county.  

During the check i was making I also realized that the formula to compute the RangPct  implies that the High value intem drop in price  over distance quickly (low Rangepct)  compare to low price item that do gain more on long run with distance. 

Regardless the strategy to buy highest value item and  sell as close as posible to exchange to similar value item  is the correct one. In fact the only tool needed based on your formula and the Range pct formula is to compare on 3 port trip what is the minimum value of the item that can be bought to replace High value  at the intermediary county/capital : it depends on the distance between those 3 ports ( with an exeption maybe for European good) . The town commodity item are just to fill up the ship when nothing else is avalable....

On 3/6/2021 at 10:32 PM, DeStAug said:

The coeff 0.978 was specific to good from Fort Royal and I used as reference distance Fort Royal itself.

the European good ( which are high value and a priority for trade capital to county) seemed  to be computed from the nearest capital . I have not yet coded that to verifie it.   

You have to get the planar distance to the closest port sourcing the good.


Your Initial formula does not need any correction.  Confirmed using the European goods. Correlation from  sell price in Game Trader tool  to your formula using computed distance to port (x z)  to nearest capital gives R2=1  and coeff 1.0018  1/1000 diff can called it good ! 

  • 3 weeks later...

I could have sworn the map had price system for all current items up for sale? Like when I need to compare prices of upgrades between La tortue and tumbado. Or searching for the best priced woods by players in other ports.

12 hours ago, BDPershing said:

I could have sworn the map had price system for all current items up for sale? Like when I need to compare prices of upgrades between La tortue and tumbado. Or searching for the best priced woods by players in other ports.

Show trades under Settings

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello again felix victor.

I could not find the control to show the port raid indicating spawn point 1 2 3 4 and the capture zone ABC on a single port There are some area of the map too cramped which become confusing. If not yet there, we would need a control to show port raid  on a single port.

In addition the port API provide the direction at the spawn point (tested at Coral Bay). This API parameter "orientation" is most likely the cap taken by the NPC attacking fleets from each of the spawn point ( angle cap is provided by sin , cos value in 'orientation').

added by hand for Coral Bay from x z value in API




Edited by DeStAug
cosmetic of image delete 1 wrong file
11 hours ago, DeStAug said:

control to show the port raid indicating spawn point 1 2 3 4 and the capture zone ABC on a single port

'single raid' and then select the port at 'show trade relations'


11 hours ago, DeStAug said:

direction at the spawn point

Seems likely but it is the direction to the closest circle, what information would it add?

Posted (edited)
On 4/8/2021 at 5:52 PM, Felix Victor said:

'single raid' and then select the port at 'show trade relations'


Seems likely but it is the direction to the closest circle, what information would it add?

Thank for the quick response ....

much better indeed  but need to reset once to get rid of the large white localisation circle ( which does not scale with zoom) and is not necessary on high zoom

The attacking fleet target(A,B,C)  from the 4 possible spawn point was not obvious to most player  that i came across : Based on recent compilation ot the orientation on other port the orientation cap indeed goes to the closest circle.


Edited by DeStAug
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello again 

i have hard time figuring out what is the conversion for the various time provbided in the API . not really necessary but it bug me not to understand what was done.....

for example in Ports file  ../Ports_cleanopenworldprodeu2.json

"Created": "/Date(-62135596800000-0000)/",
"LastRaidStartTime": 637534740190077289,

"LastPortBattle": 637506676654044108

I suspect that this are ticks or milliseconds since a reference which should be unix (1.1.1970) ( i m familair with time track in unix) but no conversion I tried  from this number  makes any sense. I'm sure you solved this a long time ago ... 

a unix time stamp in sec as of 2010.01.01  (before dev of naval action started) starts with 1 not 6  https://www.textmagic.com/free-tools/timestamp-converter    

I also notice that the number is bigger than the resolution of my 32 bit version of excel ( symtomn is : it cut the last 3 digit replacing with 0)... this I can fix as we "human" really don´t care of time below 1 sec ....:-) 

UPDATED : likely solution ...next day ...

Seems the API  used some reference to year 1   ... ( what an inconventional way to store date on a server which is likely unix! )

I add to look for the number of official sec since year 1 as of  1/1/1970... i.e  62135596800  second


substract that to the ApiDate /10 0000 00    to then add to 1/1/1970 .... 

(this is nuts) although an explanation would be that there may have been  an intend to get date in the 1500 to 1850 in the game ...

Did you use anything simpler ?


Edited by DeStAug
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello Felix Victor : Likely  broken option on PvE ( or not implemented?) ?  Sampietru from my clan on PvE pointed out that one of the option on https://na-map.netlify.app/ which is working on PvP server is not working on PvE server. As he is following the sequence of port battle he would be interested to have this info also on PvE to provide hint on  how to prevent or favor attack on selected port.

best regards.



Edited by DeStAug
Posted (edited)


For Your Info Funny based on this site the ticks is a .net time scale with exlpanation provided my Microsoft doc  . I did browse a lot to figure out what that huge number was and I did not come across that reference ?

Adding .net to the search critera gives the hint  


Edited by DeStAug
23 hours ago, DeStAug said:

Likely  broken option on PvE ( or not implemented?)

Not implemented as @qw569😳 provides no such data.

23 hours ago, DeStAug said:

huge number

(timeInTicks - 621355968000000000) / 10000)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Felix! First off, thanks for all the awesome work and site. 
Not sure if you are aware already that all the speeds are currently incorrect for all ships (speeds show up way to low).

Good luck and hope you'll continue your hard work!

1 hour ago, Morgoth said:

all the speeds are currently incorrect for all ships

Please indicate what result you got and what results you expected. In case you have used the ship compare without choosing woods, you will get a lower base speed.

21 minutes ago, Felix Victor said:

Please indicate what result you got and what results you expected. In case you have used the ship compare without choosing woods, you will get a lower base speed.

I checked Pavel, Bellona and Implac (and then assumed it was the same for all other ships). 

I checked all variations, no wood selection, with wood selection, with/without pb's and upgrades. 

I use your website multiple times a day for years, so I like think I know I'm not making any mistakes ;). I refreshed multiple times as well. The test site does still give the correct speeds (other than for example the Pavel that got a slight speed boost 3 days ago). 

From the top of my head a teak(S)/teak(S) bellona with sailing 4 is 12.6 while the site now gives 11.3 (no books and bonusses). 

I see more people reporting the same on discord. 

39 minutes ago, Morgoth said:

I see more people reporting the same on discord.

Yeah, saw it. API data seems to be out of sync with the game. Cannot do anything about it.

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