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I already forgot VBA :)
You can parse ItemTemplates_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json to csv with commandline utilites jq and import to excel

I suppose you use Windows.

The most usefull commandline utilites such as curl and sed is absent.

  1. Download curl (https://curl.haxx.se/download.html)
  2. Download sed and dependencies (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/sed.htm)
  3. Download jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/)
  4. And now command line kung fu
	curl http://storage.googleapis.com/nacleanopenworldprodshards/ItemTemplates_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json | sed "s/^.\{20\}//" | sed "s/.\{1\}$//" | jq-win64 -r ".[]|select(.ShipTemplateName!= null)|[.ShipTemplateName,.Specs.MaxSpeed,.Specs.SpeedToWind[],.HealthInfo.LeftArmor,.HealthInfo.FrontArmor,.HealthInfo.BackArmor,.HealthInfo.InternalStructure,.HealthInfo.Sails]|@csv"  >stats.csv

You can skip steps 1-2.

  1. Then you must download ItemTemplates_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json
  2. Delete "var ItemTemplates = " in the begining and ";" in the end of file ItemTemplates_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json.
  3. Save new file as 1.json
	jq-win64 -r ".[]|select(.ShipTemplateName!= null)|[.ShipTemplateName,.Specs.MaxSpeed,.Specs.SpeedToWind[],.HealthInfo.LeftArmor,.HealthInfo.FrontArmor,.HealthInfo.BackArmor,.HealthInfo.InternalStructure,.HealthInfo.Sails]|@csv"  1.json >stats.csv

And we get file stats.csv



where columns:

  1. ShipTemplateName
  2. MaxSpeed
  3. SpeedToWind
  4. LeftArmor
  5. FrontArmor
  6. BackArmor
  7. InternalStructure
  8. Sails


Edited by qw569
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I guess I can help a little when it comes to speed, but I have published everything I've found already.

I'm on vacation right now so I'll make a proper reply when back at my computer.

Some of the people that REALLY know their shit are Black Spawn and qw569.

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Yep I hear ya... I need to reverse engineer the different wood adjustments. Cross reference check it so it will reveal the actual BASE number. Didn't want to manually crunch it 

From there I can add different cannon weight effects etc and check against the in-game Pop-Up...

From that BASE its an easy jump to add Perm Mod adjustments and compare like with like. I did this ages ago with "Norfolk nChance Sea" but this is a complete rebuild now.

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