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Make it so only certain ranks get reinforcements to stop the ganking of NEW players. I am not a good pvper at all but since I chose to use a Trincomalee that instantly means any 5th rate I fight in a safe zone means they will get reinforcements? How can a new player who wants to learn how to pvp go and do so when the developers are turning this into a PVE server? I can sit in my capital port for an hour or two and just make millions without risk so whats the point of moving around? @Ink @admin

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1 hour ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Dont hunt i the reinforcement zones? just an idea lots of targets outside them


This is PVP server for a reason and anyone that is sailing around outside of them knows how to pvp or is usually in a group.


Guys you can have a 1st Rate and you wont be able to Protect yourself in PvP against a Standard PvP group of 5th Rate Frigates.


They DID remove the Safezones. And the Result was that we went from 1200 People Active in Primetime to 400 People Active in Primetime.

You already nearly Killed the Game.

Now you want to give it the coup the grace ? :)




IF there is NO Protection Zone to Play once you reach a certain lvl. Then that means that after you Reach that lvl. You CANNOT Play the Game anymore. Unless you are in a Clan and only Operate with that Clan.

And at that moment where you cant Play unless your Clanmates are with you because you would just end up Ganked anyways. People do the one Logical thing.

They say ok screw you. I am out.



When will you guys finally Realize. That attempting to Force People into PvP does not give more PvP but gives less PvP because the People who dont want to PvP now dont Join PvP rarely but simply Never again join PvP because they leave the Game.





That would not work either.

No offense but I dont think I ever even once were able to actually get a Ship Capable of doing my own Ranks Mission right after reaching it.


So this would be a death trap.

For example.

Right now my Rank would get me into 3rd-4th Rate Missions but I dont even have nearly the Money buy anything beyond a Midtier 5th Rate.


So if I cant do Missions except my PC level I effectively cant play the Game.

Especially the purpose of recovering after you lost a Ship would become impossible.



Guys Seriously.

Just give it a rest and leave the safezones as they are.

The People which do not leave the Safezone to PvP will not PvP even if the Safezone is removed.

They just leave the Game thats all that happens here.


Safe zones were a mistake. Now instead of players protecting their own waters we have AI do it for us. Another piece of the sandbox gimped for people who "will never PVP"


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PVE server

1 hour ago, Borch said:

It's not a death trap. You do not need to recover your Santissima to be effectively play the game. Recover any 4-5th rate ane youre good. Get some combat marks and you got L'Hermione or Wasa. If you are afraid of loosing a ship or cant afford to loose a ship, just dont sail it.

Yes, safe zones need to stay but there has to be some incentive to sail outside.

No it wasnt. The only mistake is the fact that the devs instead of working on incentives to sail outside are working on bringing more nations into the game. Safe zones is only a small piece of a bigger whole and even that wasnt implemented fully, so how can you already tell that it is mistake?

As for players protecting their home waters. Before safe zones no one from pro players cared about captiol waters. Only casuals were sunk in front of capitol all the time. If you want to protect your waters you can conquer profitable port and protect there. People just need incentive to sail finnaly.


And how am I supposed to actually get a Fourth or Third Rate when I cant Accept anything but 1-2 Rate Missions? :)

Should I pull it up my rear or something ? :)


Sorry Mate. But the Idea is rubbish.

That entire thing about Punishing PvE Players is rubbish.


You guys just dont ever learn do you????

The guys who dont come out of the Protection zone dont need incentive.

They aint some dogs that will play with you if you wave a wiener.


People who do not want to PvP will not PvP.


Either they Play PvE and keep the Economy going. Maybe now and then going out for PvP on their own pace.


They leave the Game and you can Play alone and Grind NPCs while getting ganked by your fellow PvPers.


If you guys have still not understood what the Admin said on the other Topic.


The Idea of PvE Reward Penalties or PvP Reward Bonusses is impossible.

Because nothing they can offer or nerf will be worth the risk.


Making it simple for you.

The Punishment/Bonus lvl were an PvE Player would consider to Risk PvP is around lvl 4-7

The Punishment/Bonus lvl were an PvE Player just leaves the Game due to frustration or unfair treatment is around lvl 1-4

So if you add an lvl 2 Incentive to leave Protection Zone. Some PvE Players will leave the game feeling its unfair.

But none of them will start going out of the Protection Zone.

If you add an lvl 6 incentive to leave Protection Zone. A few PvE Players might play along for a month ir two

But the vast Majority will leave the Game right away. And chances are that most of the few people who did not want this will also leave within some weeks.


This Game was best when we had Reinforcements on every Port.

After that it became crab and everything collapsed. Including the Playerbase.

Get it into your head.

Forcing others into something they dont want does not work in games.

If you try they just leave. As easy as that

  • Like 1

PvE Server has no PvP so what sense would it make there....


And you said *PC Level* which generally Translates as Player Character Level.

Not everyone is a Brit and thinks of Post Captain there......

More Importand however is that this would mean after lvl x you have to do PvP.

Which ends in the same as I told you over.



I dont get why this is so hard to get into you guys.

Players are Players they are not Paid for Playing this Game and dont depend on it. They have fun or they leave.

If they dont find PvP Fun and you remove the stuff they find fun they will not start playing the part they dont find fun. They will simply not consider the Game Fun anymore and leave it.



An PvE Oriented Player will never Survive or Escape an Encounter with an PvP Player on Open World. Much less when hunting NPCs

The Difference in Skills and Equipment is way too Big. PvE is Fought completely different from PvP.

So all an Mechanic like this would do. Is make New Players even less likely to ever even tty learning PvP.

Because their most likely first experiences with PvP would be being ganked and raped by PvP Players while trying to do a Mission.

In 999 of 1000 cases resulting in the Player being frustrated and leaving the Game.....


Seriously get it into your Head.

Players do PvP because they have Fun doing it.

Or they wont do it.

Its a 1 out of 2 choice.


Any of these *incentives* will simply ebd up being seen as punishment making the Game less fun and result in people going away.

Not a hard concept really

4 hours ago, Borch said:

I said "PC rank" not "PC level". You made that up in your mind. Same way you're making up the fact that someone needs to do PvP after certain rank. Currently you can do ensign missions and you still will be able to get 1st rate ship. What is stopping you from building your own ship, earning enough money or gathering enough marks to sell them? How are YOU BEING FORCED?

As for PvE oriented player. If he is only PvE oriented then there is dedicated server for him but if he wants to try PvP from time to time and learn how to be better at it, nothing stops him. He can build anything he wants in safe zone and then sail away looking for PvP fun. Nowhere in my post I have mentioned that people needs to be forced. The only thing I said was that PvP should be encouraged with more rewards on PVP server. You think PvP elite players started from being masters at it or learned with time? Seriously get it in your Head. It's not about forcing anyone but encouraging if someone will happen to want to try something more challenging.

As for the people seeing incentives as punishment, I'm fine with them leaving as they are not taking part in PvP on PvP server anyway. I would encourage them to search fun on PvE server as they are only taking spots from players that would like to enjoy PvP (even if it's only from time to time).


Player Character Rank gives the same Misunderstanding lol.... But nice Try....


Well you said that it should be Limited to Post Captain Missions.

So once you Reach Post Captain and get a Ship above that. You will not be able to get proper Missions and thus proper Rewards unless you go out to PvP area with an Ship likely not Equipped for PvP.

This is the same as the Flat out Reward Nerf others Suggested. And simply means. "Make the Game less Fun for people that dont go full PvP"

This is a way of Forcing. Its the same as when your Employer Tells you. Oh hey if you dont want to do overwork for free I am just cutting your salary. But hey nobody is forcing you to do overtime :)

Problem is just that Your not Peoples Employer. Its the opposite here. The Game wants Money from us not the other way around.

So this kind of behavior is at best leading to people being annoyed at you and leaving you to rot. Or at worst ends in the massive amount of negative Reviews we got when they removed Reinforcements Zones.


Funny thing is. You already make the Difference. Yet you dont even Realize it.

For your Info . PvE Oriented. Means PvE as Primary Playstyle and PvP on Occassions.

Thats NOT PvE Dedicated :)

PvE Dedicated means NO PVP AT ALL. Which is the current PvE Server and which is the reason why so many People on PvP Server use the Protection Zones.

See thats the Fun thing there. You guys should Pray Day and Night that they never Follow one of the Ideas to give the PvE Server Harbor Battles and an Volunteer PvP Flag. Or some Dedicated PvP Areas. Cause then the PvP Server would become damn Empty very very Fast. As all the PvE Oriented Players that dont want to be Forced to PvP but do like to Play PvP now and then will be leaving you for good and you can Shipper around with your 60 Hardcore PvP Players alone :)


Mate no Offense.

But "Encouraging and Forcing" is the same as "Stubborn and Resolute" its simply two words for the same thing. One being negative and the other Positive.

If you give PvP Players higher Rewards or PvE Players lower Rewards changes nothing on the Fact that this is a Bonus for PvP Players or a Punishment for PvE Players.

You can Sugarcoat it all you want.

But the end result is the same as with the other Suggestion "Make Game less Fun for People who do not like PvP"


Yes I noticed.

And See Mate. Thats the Good thing.

Gladly unlike you who just like us is not Dependent on the Game.

The Devs indeed are as their Wages are actually Paid by the Game.

And while you might not give a crab about it that 800 of 1200 Players Ran away due to the attempts of Forcing them into PvP.

The Devs do in Fact Care alot.

1 hour ago, Borch said:

1. PC rank means in game rank. If thats nice try it's from you taking it as commodore or rear admiral. Not sure from where at all.

2. No mission, that's fine. Go hit enemy PvE fleets sailing around your safe zone. Btw. I'm not sure if you follow dev team game developement but they intend to get rid of stupid easy mode combat missions as soon as they develop new chain missions (which will likely send you outside safe zone). Thats a good thing as it's stupid anyway getting mission lterally in front of your capital where you fight bunch of warped enemy first rates. People will sail anyway.

3. That's cool. So those oriented players won't mind doing PC rank mission max in safe zone and for something more challenging sailing outside. If not they can always hit fleets in their safe first rates.

4. PvP server implies that PvP is rewarded more. Also, like you said its much harder than PvE, so it's natural thing that it deserves hihgher rewards. Also, I'm not saying that rewards should be obtainable only by participating in PvP but also for PvE activities outside safe zone. If anybody don't like PvP then his place is on PvE server.

5. Ahh mate I'm glad that you agree with me. Let's together encourage people to participate in PvP and let them discover how fun it is.


Mate no Offense. But as I said not everybody is a Brit. And others would not think of Post Captain when you say PC Rank.

The common and logical thing to assume. Is Player Character Rank. Which would in your context mean that the Mission Should be Limited to the Players Character Rank.

So if he is Rear Admiral he can only do Rear Admiral Missions in Safe Zone. To Prevent easy Farming of Missions.

But oh well whatever pulls your cart Mate. Why do I even bother


Then why bother changing things now :) ?

I doubt it will happen like you plan but then lets talk again when we got new Missions.


Wrong they will Mind. Cause it means unless they go PvP all the time and not only when they want it. They will feel Punished and thus decide nope then I wont do PvP at all screw you.

Thats pretty much what happened back then which is why we now got 800 Players less in Prime Time.


It does not. It merely notes that PvP is Possible in this case. It never said PvP was Mandatory. And most of us Registered when EVERY SINGLE PORT had a Safezone.

Its never mentioned anything of PvP being an Requirement.

Moreover as the PvE Server makes PvP entirely Impossible which is the very only reason why so many People Play on PvP Server. Its Logical to assume that the PvP Server is Mixed as it was back then. Until you guys Ruined it and killed off two thirds of the Playerbase that is...

And wrong again. No Offense. But as I said Mate. PvE Server is 100% PvE. So People who would like to PvP Occassionally dislike being there even if 90% of the time they want to Fight NPCs.


I dont. And no I have no Intention to help you Forcing People into PvP.

Gladly the Devs have abandoned that Idea as well. Because any Attempts to Force Players into this will only result in there being no PvP at all due to Server Population dropping like crazy.

The Devs realized this gladly. It seems you guys who are the cause of this mess in the first place have yet to learn your lesson tough....


The devs are rightfully trying out ways to combine the pve and pvp servers.

Safe areas around unconquerable ports are a way to allow the casual, carebear, new players to "more" safely go about their business. These safer areas made up about 10percent of the map, leaving 90% of the map for the pvp'rs to do their business.

The people who want the safe areas removed are not interested in playing their game, they have 90% of the map to do that in. They are interested in forcing other players to play the game how they want them too, Because they either dont have enough targets or want easy ones. The flip side would be carebears saying 90% of the map should be a safe zone. The devs are trying to find a balance to allow all players to play how they want.

Thankfully the devs are realizing that in order to increase the enjoyment of "more" players they need to give options to players of very different play styles within the same sandbox. So they are listening more to the idea that give players "options" and less to the players trying to force others how to play over the entire server.

PVP'rs have plenty of map and ports to go PVP, my guess is those who want to end or limit safe zones do not want two sided pvp, they want one sided pvp (gank). Which is great, more power to them. However, When 90% of the map is dedicated to PVPrs playstyle, its very telling when they say they want the other 10% taken from other players play style.

Will see what the devs come up with next.

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Nope. I was Pirate.

Then went to US (currently having my Base in Ays)

And once Prussia is out you can guess thats where I will go.


Yes. Because we lost two thirds of the playerbase and now cant really fill out the Map anymore.

The less than 10% of the Map that are Safezone are not at fault for this.

In fact after they got added Playercounts finally are coming back up a bit.....


Their choice is to be Punished or Risk PvP on highly unfavorable terms.

Thats not Fun and not Voluntary.....

So yes they will Leave.


That was not Playerbase. They were gone after a few Weeks.....

Because they dropped so fast we got the Safezones in the First Place.


Sorry to rain on your Parade.

But nope. In fact hardly anyone is in the safezone. (Except Sweden cause they are smsll xD)

The reason there is hardly PvP is because nobody is left.

The only guys left is the Clans which dont do PvP unless in Big Group and they aint in the Safezones cause they own Ports.

Safezones are astonishingly Empty.

They all left when no safezones existed.





On 10/1/2017 at 11:53 PM, Lord Gud said:

This is PVP server for a reason and anyone that is sailing around outside of them knows how to pvp or is usually in a group.

Hence the idea to keep the safe zones...anyone going outside is free game...anyone inside isn't...seems simple enough and has no effect on PvP


My suggestion is the best of both worlds. The problem according to most players is NEW players were getting ganked and leaving shortly after playing the game. THIS IS A PVP SERVER WITH VERY FEW PLACES TO PVP AT. By the time NEW PLAYERS learn the basics of playing and reach a certain rank they will have the gold and knowledge to not get ganked and buy more ships if they do get ganked which will teach them even more valuable lessons about pvp(did I not mention this is a PVP server) so all of you people who want this safe zone when you are maxed rank with millions worth of gold who don't want to pvp theres a PVE server for a reason. To the people who are saying it has no effect on pvp are the ones who don't pvp in the first place...

Posted (edited)
On 10/2/2017 at 5:20 AM, Sunleader said:

That would not work either.

No offense but I dont think I ever even once were able to actually get a Ship Capable of doing my own Ranks Mission right after reaching it.


So this would be a death trap.

For example.

Right now my Rank would get me into 3rd-4th Rate Missions but I dont even have nearly the Money buy anything beyond a Midtier 5th Rate.


So if I cant do Missions except my PC level I effectively cant play the Game.

Especially the purpose of recovering after you lost a Ship would become impossible.



Guys Seriously.

Just give it a rest and leave the safezones as they are.

The People which do not leave the Safezone to PvP will not PvP even if the Safezone is removed.

They just leave the Game thats all that happens here.

You dont need money.. 150 combat marks gets you a Wasa which can do those easy. Same for teh 5th rates with a L\'Herm

Edited by CaptVonGunn
46 minutes ago, CaptVonGunn said:

You dont need money.. 150 combat marks gets you a Wasa which can do those easy. Same for teh 5th rates with a L\'Herm

read the Topic before you Answer Mate.

I am not a Brit. So there is no Post Captain Rank for me.

I assumed Player Character Rank. Which would have mean if I am Rear Admiral I can only do Rear Admiral Missions. Which is an Funny Idea if you got killed and maybe just got a 5th Rate left in the Docks to do Missions.


But he meant Post Captain.

Which is a different Issue. Because its just the same usual Nerf of PvE Player Rewards which will result in PvE Players feeling treated unfair and leaving the Game.

20 minutes ago, Sunleader said:

read the Topic before you Answer Mate.

I am not a Brit. So there is no Post Captain Rank for me.

I assumed Player Character Rank. Which would have mean if I am Rear Admiral I can only do Rear Admiral Missions. Which is an Funny Idea if you got killed and maybe just got a 5th Rate left in the Docks to do Missions.


But he meant Post Captain.

Which is a different Issue. Because its just the same usual Nerf of PvE Player Rewards which will result in PvE Players feeling treated unfair and leaving the Game.

WTF you on about? You were complaining about not having money to do 3-4th rate mission in a proper ships.. I was explaining that waslt a real issue .. if you are tyhe rank to do them then you should have he CMs to spend.. None of which has to do with the Topic...

See below your post

For example.

Right now my Rank would get me into 3rd-4th Rate Missions but I dont even have nearly the Money buy anything beyond a Midtier 5th Rate.


19 minutes ago, CaptVonGunn said:

WTF you on about? You were complaining about not having money to do 3-4th rate mission in a proper ships.. I was explaining that waslt a real issue .. if you are tyhe rank to do them then you should have he CMs to spend.. None of which has to do with the Topic...

See below your post

For example.

Right now my Rank would get me into 3rd-4th Rate Missions but I dont even have nearly the Money buy anything beyond a Midtier 5th Rate.


Sigh. Not the Brightest Bulp in the House are we.....


Listen. He Wrote "PC Rank"

I read that as "Player Character Rank"

So in short. I understood his Suggestion as in the Safezone you can ONLY do the Mission that is Equivalent to your Rank. So you cannot Farm easier or harder Missions.


Now in my case. My Rank will usually get me up against 3rd to 4th Rates. But if I got Killed and got no Ship. How am I supposed to do these Missions ?

Just because I am a certain Rank does not mean I got tons of Combat Marks Stored up somewhere.

I currently got 73 of them if you want to know. And even assuming I got 2 more to Buy a Hermione. I would never go into an Flag Captain Mission with that lol.



But his actual Suggestion was Different.

He is likely a Brit. What he meant with "PC Rank" was "Post Captain Rank" a Rank only available for the British Navy which I am not part of thus not having known the Rank till he named it.


Meaning his Suggestion is that you can only do Post Captain Rank Missions and Lower.

That is a Problem for a Different Reason.

Because that would mean. A Rear Admiral can only do Missions that are too small for him and dont give him a good Reward.

Meaning that the Safezone would in Fact get a Simple and Straight Nerf to their Rewards.

Which would merely Result in PvE Players feeling treated unfair and leaving the Game. It would not help to get more PvP. Because it would merely feel like a Punishment for not Playing like a certain other Player Group wants. And People do not have Fun being Punished. (well I guess a few do lol but they will leave the Safezone without that *gg*) so the Game becomes less Fun for them and they leave the Game.



You got this now ?

Next time pls read the entire Discussion and not just one Post out of the middle....

55 minutes ago, Sunleader said:

Sigh. Not the Brightest Bulp in the House are we.....


Listen. He Wrote "PC Rank"

I read that as "Player Character Rank"

So in short. I understood his Suggestion as in the Safezone you can ONLY do the Mission that is Equivalent to your Rank. So you cannot Farm easier or harder Missions.


Now in my case. My Rank will usually get me up against 3rd to 4th Rates. But if I got Killed and got no Ship. How am I supposed to do these Missions ?

Just because I am a certain Rank does not mean I got tons of Combat Marks Stored up somewhere.

I currently got 73 of them if you want to know. And even assuming I got 2 more to Buy a Hermione. I would never go into an Flag Captain Mission with that lol.



But his actual Suggestion was Different.

He is likely a Brit. What he meant with "PC Rank" was "Post Captain Rank" a Rank only available for the British Navy which I am not part of thus not having known the Rank till he named it.


Meaning his Suggestion is that you can only do Post Captain Rank Missions and Lower.

That is a Problem for a Different Reason.

Because that would mean. A Rear Admiral can only do Missions that are too small for him and dont give him a good Reward.

Meaning that the Safezone would in Fact get a Simple and Straight Nerf to their Rewards.

Which would merely Result in PvE Players feeling treated unfair and leaving the Game. It would not help to get more PvP. Because it would merely feel like a Punishment for not Playing like a certain other Player Group wants. And People do not have Fun being Punished. (well I guess a few do lol but they will leave the Safezone without that *gg*) so the Game becomes less Fun for them and they leave the Game.



You got this now ?

Next time pls read the entire Discussion and not just one Post out of the middle....

all I got is you are fixated on aon something that doesnt matter and that no one but you was talking about .  The only dim one I have seen herew is you dude

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