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Posted (edited)

Remove ability to make ports Neutral as Solo player i get ganked now every time.


Edited by Shrez
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You have to look at the whole reason why a nation would open their port to all, and that would be to get more trade and consequently more tax income. The downside is it attracts people who prey on your traders and use the port as a base to attack other territories. A simple solution would be to not allow warships to use these ports.

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I would assume that if the clan owning an "Open For All" port wants it to prosper they should defend those that want to use it or no one will go there. The word that it is a dangerous port will get around.

Could maybe hire some pirate clans to patrol the area to catch trader clubbers. Though I see problems with that too. How would a trader know which pirate was clubber or savior. Just my ramblings. I've wondered about that too. Seems like places where the wolves are going to be hunting prey. For now I'll just stay away from them. 

14 hours ago, Shrez said:

Remove ability to make ports Neutral as Solo player i get ganked now every time coz stupid dicks clan like RTS & BF!


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