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I'm trying to analyze information about port battles based on information from  Mishka for January 2018.  Link sometimes not work :(

Total clans in RvR 64
The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
RSC 24 50.00%
REDS 23 56.52%
VLTRA 19 78.95%
BF 14 35.71%
HRE 13 53.85%
VCO 11 63.64%
RUBLI 10 80.00%
WO 10 70.00%
BCC 8 50.00%
SLRN 7 57.14%
CABAL 7 85.71%
DNP 7 42.86%
MAD47 7 0.00%
CBC 6 50.00%
EDR 5 100.00%
GNF 5 40.00%
ARM 5 40.00%
GOE 5 80.00%
USSR 5 0.00%
CKA 5 40.00%

without PB against Neutrals



[31-01-2018 23:21 UTC] Chiriquí defended by BTF (Great Britain) against MAD47 (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanChiriquí
[31-01-2018 21:26 UTC] Nassau defended by HRE (Sverige) against GOE (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNassau
[31-01-2018 21:06 UTC] William's Bay defended by HRE (Sverige) against ARM #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWilliamsBay
[31-01-2018 20:21 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[31-01-2018 05:56 UTC] Monte Cristi captured by WO (France). Previous owner: BETEP (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMonteCristi
[31-01-2018 04:56 UTC] Fort-Dauphin captured by WO (France). Previous owner: BETEP (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanFortDauphin
[30-01-2018 22:56 UTC] Macanao captured by CABAL (Sverige). Previous owner: DKF (Verenigde Provinciën) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMacanao
[30-01-2018 22:56 UTC] San Juan del Norte captured by EDR. Previous owner: AHOY (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanJuandelNorte
[30-01-2018 22:16 UTC] Sandy Point defended by EDR (France) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSandyPoint
[30-01-2018 20:26 UTC] Caño Macareo defended by GROG (France) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCañoMacareo
[30-01-2018 18:51 UTC] Saint-Marc captured by HRE. Previous owner: WO (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc
[29-01-2018 23:36 UTC] Mandinga captured by HOST (Commonwealth of Poland). Previous owner: VLTRA (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMandinga
[29-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Mimbres defended by VLTRA (España) against WIK (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMimbres
[29-01-2018 01:06 UTC] Portobelo captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: PKM (Kingdom of Prussia) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPortobelo
[28-01-2018 22:06 UTC] Bonacca defended by GNF (Great Britain) against RUS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBonacca
[28-01-2018 18:41 UTC] Coquibacoa defended by BF (Danmark-Norge) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCoquibacoa
[28-01-2018 14:26 UTC] Santa María captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: PLA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMaría
[28-01-2018 13:36 UTC] Arthur's Town defended by RSC (Great Britain) against VINO (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanArthursTown
[28-01-2018 13:01 UTC] Sancti Spíritus captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: PLA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanctiSpíritus
[28-01-2018 05:36 UTC] Cayo Biscayno defended by TURN (United States) against HANSA (Kingdom of Prussia) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCayoBiscayno
[28-01-2018 02:26 UTC] Crown Haven captured by CBC (France). Previous owner: CKA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCrownHaven
[28-01-2018 00:46 UTC] Misteriosa defended by VCO (Russian Empire) against SALTP (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMisteriosa
[28-01-2018 00:26 UTC] Hat Island defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against WIK #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHatIsland
[27-01-2018 22:46 UTC] Tolú captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: PFK (Commonwealth of Poland) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTolú
[27-01-2018 22:31 UTC] Harbour Island defended by VLTRA (España) against HRE (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland
[27-01-2018 21:36 UTC] Great River defended by BCC (Great Britain) against CBC (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanGreatRiver
[27-01-2018 21:36 UTC] Mosquito Cay defended by SLRN (Great Britain) against MAD47 (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMosquitoCay
[27-01-2018 19:06 UTC] El Toco defended by LTB (France) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanElToco
[27-01-2018 06:16 UTC] Water Bay captured by WIE (United States). Previous owner: ALOHA (Kingdom of Prussia) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWaterBay
[27-01-2018 00:06 UTC] Little Cayman defended by VCO (Russian Empire) against SLRN (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLittleCayman
[26-01-2018 21:11 UTC] Blondel Cay defended by UBOAT (Kingdom of Prussia) against KOTO #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBlondelCay
[26-01-2018 20:31 UTC] Cartagena de Indias defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCartagenadeIndias
[26-01-2018 19:46 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[26-01-2018 06:56 UTC] Saint-Marc captured by WO (France). Previous owner: GER (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc
[26-01-2018 05:21 UTC] Guayama captured by VCO (Russian Empire). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanGuayama
[25-01-2018 23:31 UTC] Barranquilla defended by CABAL (Sverige) against VLTRA (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBarranquilla
[25-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Santa Marta defended by HRE (Sverige) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMarta
[25-01-2018 21:26 UTC] William's Bay captured by HRE (Sverige). Previous owner: ARM (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWilliamsBay
[25-01-2018 16:16 UTC] Almirante captured by SLRN. Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanAlmirante
[25-01-2018 00:41 UTC] Caño Araguao captured by SLRN (Great Britain). Previous owner: LTB (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCañoAraguao
[24-01-2018 21:06 UTC] El Toco defended by LTB (France) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanElToco
[24-01-2018 03:51 UTC] Bluefields captured by BLANC (France). Previous owner: BCC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBluefields
[22-01-2018 21:46 UTC] Sandy Point defended by EDR (France) against RSC #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSandyPoint
[22-01-2018 21:46 UTC] Saint-Louis defended by RSC (Great Britain) against CBC (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintLouis
[22-01-2018 21:36 UTC] Water Bay captured by ALOHA. Previous owner: VCA (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWaterBay
[22-01-2018 20:41 UTC] Cartagena de Indias defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against HRE (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCartagenadeIndias
[22-01-2018 08:21 UTC] Prinzapolka captured by WO (France). Previous owner: BCC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPrinzapolka
[22-01-2018 06:31 UTC] Haulover captured by H2O (France). Previous owner: BCC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHaulover
[21-01-2018 22:46 UTC] Talamanca defended by VLTRA (España) against GA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTalamanca
[21-01-2018 21:36 UTC] Little Cayman captured by VCO (Russian Empire). Previous owner: RUBLI (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLittleCayman
[21-01-2018 20:46 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against USSR #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[19-01-2018 23:46 UTC] Cayman Brac captured by RUS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCaymanBrac
[19-01-2018 06:41 UTC] Cojoro captured by VNM (Verenigde Provinciën). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCojoro
[19-01-2018 06:26 UTC] Hat Island defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against WO (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHatIsland
[19-01-2018 02:16 UTC] Watling captured by BABO (Pirates). Previous owner: CKA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWatling
[18-01-2018 23:26 UTC] Harbour Island defended by VLTRA (España) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland
[18-01-2018 22:06 UTC] Trinidad defended by VLTRA (España) against HRE (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTrinidad
[17-01-2018 22:41 UTC] Baxo Nuevo captured by GOE (España). Previous owner: VCO (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBaxoNuevo
[17-01-2018 22:36 UTC] San Juan del Norte defended by AHOY (Great Britain) against VLTRA (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanJuandelNorte
[17-01-2018 22:36 UTC] Bahía Escocesa captured by RUS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBahíaEscocesa
[17-01-2018 21:21 UTC] Salinas captured by GOE (España). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSalinas
[17-01-2018 21:06 UTC] Les Cayes defended by PFK (Commonwealth of Poland) against BCC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLesCayes
[16-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Sinamaica captured by LIONS (Verenigde Provinciën). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSinamaica
[16-01-2018 20:26 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against RUS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[16-01-2018 06:31 UTC] Selam captured by WO (France). Previous owner: VCO (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSelam
[15-01-2018 22:46 UTC] Talamanca captured by VLTRA. Previous owner: DNP (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTalamanca
[15-01-2018 00:21 UTC] George's Town defended by BLACK (Pirates) against CKA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanGeorgesTown
[15-01-2018 00:06 UTC] Casigua captured by PERVS (Verenigde Provinciën). Previous owner: BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCasigua
[14-01-2018 22:16 UTC] Blondel Cay defended by UBOAT (Kingdom of Prussia) against KOTO (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBlondelCay
[14-01-2018 21:31 UTC] Arenas captured by GOE (España). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanArenas
[14-01-2018 19:46 UTC] Triangles captured by GRIJ (España). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTriangles
[14-01-2018 19:41 UTC] Arcas captured by GOE (España). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanArcas
[14-01-2018 17:21 UTC] Saint-Louis captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintLouis
[14-01-2018 06:16 UTC] Conttoy captured by WO (France). Previous owner: VCO (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanConttoy
[14-01-2018 01:16 UTC] Jobe captured by XOXO (Kingdom of Prussia). Previous owner: TDY (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanJobe
[13-01-2018 22:21 UTC] Corrientes defended by VLTRA (España) against DNP (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCorrientes
[13-01-2018 21:31 UTC] Somerset defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against BF #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSomerset
[13-01-2018 13:41 UTC] Little Isaac Rocks captured by RSC. Previous owner: ARM (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLittleIsaacRocks
[13-01-2018 01:41 UTC] Harbour Island defended by VLTRA (España) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland
[12-01-2018 23:06 UTC] San Juan del Norte defended by AHOY (Great Britain) against VLTRA (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanJuandelNorte
[12-01-2018 21:11 UTC] Cartagena de Indias defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against HRE (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCartagenadeIndias
[12-01-2018 20:26 UTC] Cayman Brac captured by BF (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: USSR (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCaymanBrac
[12-01-2018 20:21 UTC] Little Cayman captured by RUBLI (Pirates). Previous owner: USSR (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLittleCayman
[12-01-2018 19:56 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against USSR (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[12-01-2018 06:26 UTC] Ays defended by RAM (United States) against WO (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanAys
[11-01-2018 21:26 UTC] Oranjestad captured by PPP (Sverige). Previous owner: DNP (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanOranjestad
[10-01-2018 23:11 UTC] Little Isaac Rocks defended by ARM (España) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLittleIsaacRocks
[10-01-2018 22:06 UTC] Sandy Point defended by EDR (France) against MAD2 (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSandyPoint
[10-01-2018 20:16 UTC] Grand Turk captured by RUBLI (Pirates). Previous owner: HRE (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanGrandTurk
[10-01-2018 20:01 UTC] San Andrés defended by DNP (Danmark-Norge) against SLRN (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanAndrés
[09-01-2018 23:26 UTC] Bimini captured by PGG (Kingdom of Prussia). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBimini
[09-01-2018 22:41 UTC] Water Bay captured by VCA. Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWaterBay
[09-01-2018 22:16 UTC] La Désirade captured by CABAL (Sverige). Previous owner: CBC (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLaDésirade
[09-01-2018 16:06 UTC] West End captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWestEnd
[08-01-2018 21:26 UTC] Harbour Island captured by VLTRA. Previous owner: RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland
[08-01-2018 21:21 UTC] Arthur's Town defended by RSC (Great Britain) against KOTO (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanArthursTown
[08-01-2018 20:16 UTC] Blondel Cay captured by UBOAT (Kingdom of Prussia). Previous owner: ALOHA (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBlondelCay
[08-01-2018 19:26 UTC] Guamá Sevilla captured by DNP. Previous owner: YPSIL (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanGuamáSevilla
[08-01-2018 19:16 UTC] Nassau defended by HRE (Sverige) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNassau
[08-01-2018 07:16 UTC] Selam captured by VCO (Russian Empire). Previous owner: GNF (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSelam
[08-01-2018 05:01 UTC] Nippes captured by WO (France). Previous owner: GER (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNippes
[07-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Chinchorro defended by VCO (Russian Empire) against SLRN (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanChinchorro
[07-01-2018 22:56 UTC] Matina captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMatina
[07-01-2018 22:51 UTC] Prinzapolka defended by BCC (Great Britain) against PFK (Commonwealth of Poland) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPrinzapolka
[07-01-2018 21:31 UTC] Ahumada defended by CBC (France) against MAD47 (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanAhumada
[07-01-2018 21:31 UTC] Road Rocks defended by EDR (France) against MAD47 (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanRoadRocks
[07-01-2018 21:06 UTC] North Inlet captured by RUBLI (Pirates). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNorthInlet
[07-01-2018 20:01 UTC] Cabo de la Vela defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against BF (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCabodelaVela
[07-01-2018 16:46 UTC] San Juan del Norte captured by AHOY (Great Britain). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanJuandelNorte
[07-01-2018 05:11 UTC] Crown Haven captured by CKA (Great Britain). Previous owner: TURN (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCrownHaven
[07-01-2018 03:21 UTC] Watling captured by CKA (Great Britain). Previous owner: SMOKE (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanWatling
[07-01-2018 00:36 UTC] Salamanca captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: GNF (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSalamanca
[06-01-2018 22:01 UTC] Oranjestad captured by DNP (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: GER (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanOranjestad
[06-01-2018 20:51 UTC] Barranquilla defended by CABAL (Sverige) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBarranquilla
[06-01-2018 20:51 UTC] Bonacca defended by GNF (Great Britain) against USSR (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBonacca
[06-01-2018 17:01 UTC] Tantun Cuzamil captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: CH (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTantunCuzamil
[06-01-2018 00:11 UTC] Saint-Louis captured by UNION (Commonwealth of Poland). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintLouis
[05-01-2018 23:56 UTC] Chagres captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: Neutral #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanChagres
[05-01-2018 23:56 UTC] La Désirade defended by CBC (France) against PPP #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLaDésirade
[05-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Cayo Romano defended by VLTRA (España) against RUBLI (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCayoRomano
[05-01-2018 22:01 UTC] Tulum captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: GNF (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanTulum
[05-01-2018 21:51 UTC] Casigua captured by BF (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: GU (Verenigde Provinciën) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCasigua
[05-01-2018 19:46 UTC] Sinamaica captured by BF (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: GU (Verenigde Provinciën) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSinamaica
[05-01-2018 07:48 UTC] Croata defended by CH (Great Britain) against 303BF (Commonwealth of Poland) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCroata
[05-01-2018 06:41 UTC] Tiburon captured by BLANC (France). Previous owner: YPSIL (Sverige) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuTiburon
[04-01-2018 21:41 UTC] Cojoro captured by BF (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: GU (Verenigde Provinciën) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCojoro
[04-01-2018 21:16 UTC] Serrana defended by SLRN (Great Britain) against MAD47 (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuSerrana
[04-01-2018 21:06 UTC] Nassau defended by HRE (Sverige) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuNassau
[04-01-2018 18:46 UTC] Haulover defended by BCC (Great Britain) against MAD2 (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuHaulover
[04-01-2018 13:56 UTC] Little Isaac Rocks captured by ARM (España). Previous owner: RSC (Great Britain) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuLittleIsaacRocks
[04-01-2018 13:41 UTC] Mangrove Cay defended by RSC (Great Britain) against MAD47 (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuMangroveCay
[04-01-2018 07:26 UTC] Santanillas defended by CH (Great Britain) against VCO (Russian Empire) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuSantanillas
[03-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Arthur's Town captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: BLACK (Pirates) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuArthursTown
[03-01-2018 22:51 UTC] Río Seco captured by XOXO (Kingdom of Prussia). Previous owner: RAE (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuRíoSeco
[03-01-2018 21:31 UTC] Mandinga captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: Neutral #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuMandinga
[03-01-2018 17:41 UTC] Walker's Cay captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: TURN (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuWalkersCay
[03-01-2018 00:36 UTC] Green Cay captured by XOXO (Kingdom of Prussia). Previous owner: HRE (Sverige) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuGreenCay
[02-01-2018 23:01 UTC] La Blanquilla defended by CABAL (Sverige) against LIONS (Verenigde Provinciën) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuLaBlanquilla
[02-01-2018 21:11 UTC] Harbour Island defended by RSC (Great Britain) against MAD47 (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuHarbourIsland
[02-01-2018 20:46 UTC] Cartagena de Indias captured by REDS. Previous owner: CABAL (Sverige) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCartagenadeIndias
[02-01-2018 20:26 UTC] La Desconocida defended by RSC (Great Britain) against RAM (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuLaDesconocida
[02-01-2018 18:11 UTC] Prinzapolka defended by BCC (Great Britain) against DNP (Danmark-Norge) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuPrinzapolka
[02-01-2018 16:31 UTC] Charles Town captured by CABAL (Sverige). Previous owner: Neutral #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCharlesTown
[02-01-2018 15:36 UTC] Turtle Cay defended by RSC (Great Britain) against TDY (United States) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuTurtleCay
[01-01-2018 07:21 UTC] Chinchorro captured by VCO (Russian Empire). Previous owner: CH (Great Britain) #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuChinchorro
[01-01-2018 05:01 UTC] Coro captured by VNM (Verenigde Provinciën). Previous owner: Neutral #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCoro

Edited by qw569
  • Like 2
1 minute ago, qw569 said:
Total clans in RvR 64
The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
HRE 13 7.69%


How long until forged papers get removed?

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Krists said:

RSC   24   0.00%

BF     14    0.00%


I make mistake :D

The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
RSC 24 50.00%
REDS 23 56.52%
VLTRA 19 78.95%
BF 14 35.71%
HRE 13 53.85%
VCO 11 63.64%
RUBLI 10 80.00%
WO 10 70.00%
BCC 8 50.00%
SLRN 7 57.14%
CABAL 7 85.71%
DNP 7 42.86%
MAD47 7 0.00%
CBC 6 50.00%
EDR 5 100.00%
GNF 5 40.00%
ARM 5 40.00%
GOE 5 80.00%
USSR 5 0.00%
CKA 5 40.00%
Edited by qw569
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Where is data for UBOAT and ALOHA?

not enter to list of 20 :D
UBOAT and ALOHA 3 port battles

  • UBOAT Succesfully ratio 100%
  • ALOHA Succesfully ratio 33.33%
Edited by qw569
  • Like 1

Without PB against Neutrals

The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
REDS 23 56.52%
RSC 22 45.45%
VLTRA 16 75.00%
BF 14 35.71%
HRE 13 53.85%
VCO 11 63.64%
RUBLI 10 80.00%
WO 10 70.00%
BCC 8 50.00%
DNP 7 42.86%
MAD47 7 0.00%
SLRN 6 50.00%
CABAL 6 83.33%
CBC 6 50.00%
EDR 5 100.00%
GNF 5 40.00%
ARM 5 40.00%
GOE 5 80.00%
USSR 5 0.00%
CKA 5 40.00%
  • Like 2
4 hours ago, qw569 said:

Without PB against Neutrals

The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
REDS 23 56.52%
RSC 22 45.45%
VLTRA 16 75.00%
BF 14 35.71%
HRE 13 53.85%
VCO 11 63.64%
RUBLI 10 80.00%
WO 10 70.00%
BCC 8 50.00%
DNP 7 42.86%
MAD47 7 0.00%
SLRN 6 50.00%
CABAL 6 83.33%
CBC 6 50.00%
EDR 5 100.00%
GNF 5 40.00%
ARM 5 40.00%
GOE 5 80.00%
USSR 5 0.00%
CKA 5 40.00%

so we all can see, that BF are noobs

  • Like 1

Well how many have been fought with only one clan. I can not recall any pb where DNP fought alone. We have at all the time had DS fighting by oure side. 


Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Weekly report 29/01/2018-04/02/2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 33 266 671 28 726 414 4 540 257 19
Danmark-Norge 14 330 740 29 785 171 -15 454 431 22
France 47 313 234 69 115 057 -21 801 823 45
Great Britain 42 110 622 63 970 021 -21 859 399 43
España 17 038 678 68 710 000 -51 671 322 54
United States 12 927 676 16 899 759 -3 972 083 11
Sverige 84 573 458 73 804 983 10 768 475 48
Verenigde Provinciën 15 529 859 36 960 061 -21 430 202 26
Russian Empire 87 250 513 68 861 302 18 389 211 38
Kingdom of Prussia 8 773 399 8 861 297 - 87 898 6
Commonwealth of Poland 9 503 117 12 393 748 -2 890 631 11

Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
REDS 72 632 158 47 683 510 24 948 648
RUBLI 17 009 122 8 832 218 8 176 904
HRE 47 926 727 41 200 922 6 725 805
RSC 30 607 175 25 407 207 5 199 968
JG4 10 135 090 6 133 711 4 001 379
HREKK 7 637 369 4 091 615 3 545 754
PPP 5 572 086 2 093 019 3 479 067
X 3 652 559 1 534 416 2 118 143
WTF 6 445 337 4 404 154 2 041 183
XOXO 7 699 863 5 956 297 1 743 566

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 8 119 842 35 340 000 -27 220 158
PERVS 3 617 902 17 664 169 -14 046 267
CH 1 248 145 10 920 000 -9 671 855
CBC 4 359 944 11 660 365 -7 300 421
GOE 1 647 332 8 530 000 -6 882 668
CABAL 4 200 805 11 000 000 -6 799 195
SH 269 457 7 000 000 -6 730 543
DNP 5 528 923 11 339 471 -5 810 548
SLRN 1 686 073 7 120 000 -5 433 927
VCO 2 986 836 8 065 429 -5 078 593

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 52 781 421 16 534 424 36 246 997
Little Harbour 20 981 516 6 422 330 14 559 186
La Navasse 10 908 091 2 881 616 8 026 475
Nassau 9 937 450 2 687 487 7 249 963
Esteros 10 948 936 4 381 290 6 567 646
Flatts 11 546 154 5 318 458 6 227 696
Pitt's Town 8 938 354 3 408 884 5 529 470
Santo Domingo 6 570 390 2 112 947 4 457 443
Pointe-à-Pitre 6 964 849 2 789 451 4 175 398
Puerto de España 9 403 573 5 401 786 4 001 787
Edited by qw569
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Weekly report 05/02/2018-11/02/2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 30 716 253 25 463 264 5 252 989 17
Danmark-Norge 15 062 710 24 168 972 -9 106 262 18
France 75 033 769 78 638 652 -3 604 883 46
Great Britain 59 826 082 70 660 510 -10 834 428 44
España 19 995 604 72 127 797 -52 132 193 53
United States 11 343 853 15 592 797 -4 248 944 9
Sverige 105 676 215 84 265 879 21 410 336 53
Verenigde Provinciën 16 927 861 37 014 380 -20 086 519 26
Russian Empire 78 318 396 65 882 980 12 435 416 37
Kingdom of Prussia 5 575 175 8 448 261 -2 873 086 6
Commonwealth of Poland 7 560 239 11 989 381 -4 429 142 12



Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
REDS 64 124 307 46 028 945 18 095 362
RSC 49 998 083 33 924 807 16 073 276
HRE 60 553 293 46 401 340 14 151 953
EDR 33 453 318 22 187 715 11 265 603
HREKK 13 058 784 5 612 905 7 445 879
RUBLI 13 384 035 7 511 105 5 872 930
WTF 8 862 722 4 952 292 3 910 430
PPP 4 484 620 1 881 588 2 603 032
FRL 4 437 235 2 047 226 2 390 009
X 4 006 480 1 673 155 2 333 325

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 10 454 285 36 847 305 -26 393 020
PERVS 3 922 103 17 737 357 -13 815 254
CH 1 079 102 10 920 000 -9 840 898
SH 251 310 7 000 000 -6 748 690
SLRN 1 271 912 7 140 000 -5 868 088
GOE 2 619 868 8 470 000 -5 850 132
ARM 4 182 178 9 940 000 -5 757 822
CBC 7 528 382 12 935 552 -5 407 170
DANVE 686 249 4 900 000 -4 213 751
LTB 188 608 4 200 000 -4 011 392

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 33 781 461 10 834 436 22 947 025
Little Harbour 30 096 523 8 786 467 21 310 056
Esteros 27 842 368 9 052 707 18 789 661
Flatts 20 393 771 8 857 504 11 536 267
Santo Domingo 11 214 600 2 942 919 8 271 681
La Navasse 12 103 573 3 832 868 8 270 705
Saint John's 11 071 444 4 021 429 7 050 015
Philipsburg 10 323 303 4 829 317 5 493 986
Pointe-à-Pitre 8 775 778 3 363 757 5 412 021
Nassau 7 167 948 2 133 586 5 034 362


Edited by qw569
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Posted (edited)

Continue analyze information about port battles based on information from  Mishka for January 2018. 

There may be an error of 5 minutes

Number of PB except Neutrals 134
successfully defended 69
successfully attacked 65
Number of PB except Neutrals by BR
BR Count Min time (min) Max time (min)
1250 28 36 110
2400 41 38 118
2500 21 38 117
4800 17 31 114
7200 16 29 116
9600 11 33 113
11000 0 0 0
Top 10 most short port battles
29 min
[28-01-2018 00:41 UTC] The port battle for Portobelo (Kingdom of Prussia) is scheduled for 29 Jan 2018 00:37 UTC. Defender: PKM. Attacker: VLTRA (España). BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPortobelo #NavalAction
[29-01-2018 01:06 UTC] Portobelo captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: PKM (Kingdom of Prussia) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPortobelo
31 min
[27-01-2018 13:56 UTC] The port battle for Santa María (Great Britain) is scheduled for 28 Jan 2018 13:55 UTC. Defender: PLA. Attacker: REDS (Russian Empire). BR: 4800 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMaría #NavalAction
[28-01-2018 14:26 UTC] Santa María captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: PLA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMaría
32 min
[25-01-2018 06:26 UTC] The port battle for Saint-Marc (Sverige) is scheduled for 26 Jan 2018 06:24 UTC. Defender: GER. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc #NavalAction
[26-01-2018 06:56 UTC] Saint-Marc captured by WO (France). Previous owner: GER (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc
33 min
[10-01-2018 20:56 UTC] The port battle for Oranjestad (Danmark-Norge) is scheduled for 11 Jan 2018 20:53 UTC. Defender: DNP. Attacker: PPP (Sverige). BR: 9600 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanOranjestad #NavalAction
[11-01-2018 21:26 UTC] Oranjestad captured by PPP (Sverige). Previous owner: DNP (Danmark-Norge) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanOranjestad
34 min
[29-01-2018 18:21 UTC] The port battle for Saint-Marc (France) is scheduled for 30 Jan 2018 18:17 UTC. Defender: WO. Attacker: HRE. BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc #NavalAction
[30-01-2018 18:51 UTC] Saint-Marc captured by HRE. Previous owner: WO (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintMarc
34 min
[15-01-2018 06:01 UTC] The port battle for Selam (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 16 Jan 2018 05:57 UTC. Defender: VCO. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSelam #NavalAction
[16-01-2018 06:31 UTC] Selam captured by WO (France). Previous owner: VCO (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSelam
36 min
[27-01-2018 12:26 UTC] The port battle for Sancti Spíritus (Great Britain) is scheduled for 28 Jan 2018 12:25 UTC. Defender: PLA. Attacker: REDS (Russian Empire). BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanctiSpíritus #NavalAction
[28-01-2018 13:01 UTC] Sancti Spíritus captured by REDS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: PLA (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSanctiSpíritus
36 min
[21-01-2018 07:46 UTC] The port battle for Prinzapolka (Great Britain) is scheduled for 22 Jan 2018 07:45 UTC. Defender: BCC. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 4800 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPrinzapolka #NavalAction
[22-01-2018 08:21 UTC] Prinzapolka captured by WO (France). Previous owner: BCC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanPrinzapolka
36 min
[07-01-2018 04:26 UTC] The port battle for Nippes (Sverige) is scheduled for 8 Jan 2018 04:25 UTC. Defender: GER. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 4800 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNippes #NavalAction
[08-01-2018 05:01 UTC] Nippes captured by WO (France). Previous owner: GER (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanNippes
36 min
[06-01-2018 04:36 UTC] The port battle for Crown Haven (United States) is scheduled for 7 Jan 2018 04:35 UTC. Defender: TURN. Attacker: CKA (Great Britain). BR: 1250 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCrownHaven #NavalAction
[07-01-2018 05:11 UTC] Crown Haven captured by CKA (Great Britain). Previous owner: TURN (United States) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCrownHaven
Top 10 most long port battles
118 min
[27-01-2018 03:41 UTC] The port battle for Cayo Biscayno (United States) is scheduled for 28 Jan 2018 03:38 UTC. Defender: TURN. Attacker: HANSA (Kingdom of Prussia). BR: 2400 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCayoBiscayno #NavalAction
[28-01-2018 05:36 UTC] Cayo Biscayno defended by TURN (United States) against HANSA (Kingdom of Prussia) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCayoBiscayno
117 min
[17-01-2018 21:31 UTC] The port battle for Harbour Island (España) is scheduled for 18 Jan 2018 21:29 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: RSC (Great Britain). BR: 2500 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland #NavalAction
[18-01-2018 23:26 UTC] Harbour Island defended by VLTRA (España) against RSC (Great Britain) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHarbourIsland
116 min
[21-01-2018 19:51 UTC] The port battle for Saint-Louis (Great Britain) is scheduled for 22 Jan 2018 19:50 UTC. Defender: RSC. Attacker: CBC (France). BR: 7200 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintLouis #NavalAction
[22-01-2018 21:46 UTC] Saint-Louis defended by RSC (Great Britain) against CBC (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSaintLouis
114 min
[24-01-2018 21:41 UTC] The port battle for Barranquilla (Sverige) is scheduled for 25 Jan 2018 21:37 UTC. Defender: CABAL. Attacker: VLTRA (España). BR: 4800 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBarranquilla #NavalAction
[25-01-2018 23:31 UTC] Barranquilla defended by CABAL (Sverige) against VLTRA (España) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBarranquilla
113 min
[24-01-2018 21:26 UTC] The port battle for Santa Marta (Sverige) is scheduled for 25 Jan 2018 21:23 UTC. Defender: HRE. Attacker: REDS (Russian Empire). BR: 9600 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMarta #NavalAction
[25-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Santa Marta defended by HRE (Sverige) against REDS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanSantaMarta
113 min
[18-01-2018 04:36 UTC] The port battle for Hat Island (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 19 Jan 2018 04:33 UTC. Defender: REDS. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 2400 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHatIsland #NavalAction
[19-01-2018 06:26 UTC] Hat Island defended by REDS (Russian Empire) against WO (France) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanHatIsland
112 min
[27-01-2018 20:16 UTC] The port battle for Bonacca (Great Britain) is scheduled for 28 Jan 2018 20:14 UTC. Defender: GNF. Attacker: RUS (Russian Empire). BR: 2400 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBonacca #NavalAction
[28-01-2018 22:06 UTC] Bonacca defended by GNF (Great Britain) against RUS (Russian Empire) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanBonacca
112 min
[04-01-2018 22:06 UTC] The port battle for La Désirade (France) is scheduled for 5 Jan 2018 22:04 UTC. Defender: CBC. Attacker: PPP. BR: 2400 #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuLaDésirade
[05-01-2018 23:56 UTC] La Désirade defended by CBC (France) against PPP #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanLaDésirade
112 min
[04-01-2018 21:26 UTC] The port battle for Cayo Romano (España) is scheduled for 5 Jan 2018 21:24 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: RUBLI (Pirates). BR: 2400 #PBpvpeu #PBpvpeuCayoRomano
[05-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Cayo Romano defended by VLTRA (España) against RUBLI (Pirates) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanCayoRomano
110 min
[28-01-2018 21:31 UTC] The port battle for Mimbres (España) is scheduled for 29 Jan 2018 21:26 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: WIK (Sverige). BR: 1250 #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMimbres #NavalAction
[29-01-2018 23:16 UTC] Mimbres defended by VLTRA (España) against WIK (Sverige) #PBCaribbean #PBCaribbeanMimbres


Edited by qw569
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Weekly report 12/02/2018-18/02/2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 27 388 555 25 804 856 1 583 699 18
Danmark-Norge 21 573 710 28 299 523 -6 725 813 22
France 74 481 427 78 953 821 -4 472 394 50
Great Britain 45 815 244 70 065 285 -24 250 041 50
España 17 530 847 72 739 644 -55 208 797 55
United States 11 507 073 14 957 637 -3 450 564 9
Sverige 137 562 688 99 505 951 38 056 737 56
Verenigde Provinciën 20 618 586 34 741 350 -14 122 764 22
Russian Empire 32 334 168 38 467 632 -6 133 464 32
Kingdom of Prussia 9 715 719 12 378 610 -2 662 891 10
Commonwealth of Poland 2 944 284 10 200 000 -7 255 716 10

Daily reports are available at this link


Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
HRE 88 512 564 56 026 608 32 485 956
EDR 35 515 181 21 839 436 13 675 745
HREKK 12 795 839 5 372 427 7 423 412
RUBLI 14 623 424 8 405 755 6 217 669
PPP 4 651 440 1 946 950 2 704 490
LIONS 8 366 293 6 068 229 2 298 064
BF 6 490 935 4 707 053 1 783 882
R0GUE 3 161 729 1 533 383 1 628 346
WTF 5 575 205 4 341 789 1 233 416
TURN 6 486 451 5 505 991 980 460

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 8 192 512 37 600 000 -29 407 488
PERVS 5 675 809 17 204 314 -11 528 505
CH 1 897 392 11 033 626 -9 136 234
SH 455 649 7 000 000 -6 544 351
ARM 4 088 093 9 729 644 -5 641 551
GOE 2 910 727 8 470 000 -5 559 273
CBC 7 115 668 12 390 587 -5 274 919
PFK 2 476 911 7 400 000 -4 923 089
REDS 20 133 471 24 507 444 -4 373 973
LTB 23 782 4 200 000 -4 176 218

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 42 572 941 12 846 482 29 726 459
Esteros 27 879 467 9 063 838 18 815 629
Little Harbour 19 850 040 6 153 181 13 696 859
La Navasse 9 056 413 2 511 280 6 545 133
Saint John's 9 991 509 3 697 450 6 294 059
Flatts 11 182 100 5 172 836 6 009 264
Maracaibo 8 888 548 3 804 454 5 084 094
Puerto de España 10 787 414 6 093 706 4 693 708
Nassau 6 700 378 2 040 072 4 660 306
Santo Domingo 5 877 602 1 875 517 4 002 085


Edited by qw569
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Weekly report 19/02/2018-25/02/2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 28 214 498 26 679 889 1 534 609 18
Danmark-Norge 20 507 884 33 124 514 -12 616 630 24
France 57 275 255 77 426 299 -20 151 044 49
Great Britain 33 266 293 70 374 819 -37 108 526 49
España 17 923 317 70 746 955 -52 823 638 53
United States 11 990 523 14 835 339 -2 844 816 9
Sverige 122 095 797 98 377 225 23 718 572 57
Verenigde Provinciën 9 863 932 27 795 223 -17 931 291 19
Russian Empire 26 944 660 30 715 793 -3 771 133 23
Kingdom of Prussia 10 402 067 15 683 458 -5 281 391 11
Commonwealth of Poland 4 629 753 9 800 000 -5 170 247 9

Daily reports are available at this link


Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
HRE 80 685 393 53 774 849 26 910 544
EDR 24 757 472 17 542 450 7 215 022
HREKK 11 699 222 5 244 152 6 455 070
BF 9 601 266 6 365 205 3 236 061
RUBLI 11 201 087 8 422 399 2 778 688
PPP 3 877 408 1 882 595 1 994 813
WTF 6 354 198 4 633 951 1 720 247
RUS 6 360 462 5 024 552 1 335 910
ALOHA 2 488 185 1 527 725 960 460
WIE 5 236 931 4 361 641 875 290

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 9 659 659 38 360 886 -28 701 227
PERVS 4 414 701 16 203 641 -11 788 940
CH 1 301 814 11 060 000 -9 758 186
DNP 9 350 471 18 709 309 -9 358 838
CABAL 12 176 357 20 934 115 -8 757 758
SH 247 754 7 000 000 -6 752 246
CBC 5 017 294 11 689 684 -6 672 390
GOE 2 772 627 8 470 000 -5 697 373
RSC 23 936 125 29 489 819 -5 553 694
XCLAN 450 702 5 670 000 -5 219 298

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 37 641 427 11 992 426 25 649 001
Esteros 17 565 195 5 969 557 11 595 638
Little Harbour 15 626 721 4 773 028 10 853 693
Santo Domingo 9 173 745 2 534 745 6 639 000
Saint John's 10 149 219 3 744 762 6 404 457
Puerto de España 10 045 341 5 722 668 4 322 673
Nassau 5 938 262 1 887 650 4 050 612
La Navasse 5 862 036 1 895 639 3 966 397
Grand Anse 6 007 281 2 161 522 3 845 759
Flatts 6 852 530 3 441 008 3 411 522
Edited by qw569
  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Monthly report February 2018

Number of PB except Neutrals 107

Total clans in RvR 63
The top 20 clan with number of PB
Clan Number of PB Succesfully ratio
REDS 15 26.67%
VLTRA 15 60.00%
DNP 11 36.36%
RSC 10 80.00%
VCO 9 66.67%
WO 9 77.78%
CABAL 9 88.89%
ARM 9 33.33%
EDR 8 75.00%
DRAKE 7 28.57%
RUBLI 6 83.33%
USSR 6 50.00%
HRE 6 50.00%
RUS 6 16.67%
HANSA 5 60.00%
R0GUE 4 100.00%
SLRN 4 75.00%
WIE 3 33.33%
BCC 3 33.33%
DKF 3 33.33%
Top 10 most short port battles
34 min
[27-02-2018 21:36 UTC] The port battle for Tampa (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 28 Feb 2018 21:32 UTC. Defender: REDS. Attacker: VLTRA (España). BR: 2690
[28-02-2018 22:06 UTC] Tampa captured by VLTRA (España). Previous owner: REDS (Russian Empire)
34 min
[24-02-2018 19:23 UTC] The port battle for Bensalem (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 25 Feb 2018 19:17 UTC. Defender: USSR. Attacker: DRAKE (Great Britain). BR: 2620
[25-02-2018 19:51 UTC] Bensalem captured by DRAKE (Great Britain). Previous owner: USSR (Russian Empire)
34 min
[20-02-2018 20:36 UTC] The port battle for Tolú (España) is scheduled for 21 Feb 2018 20:32 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: CABAL. BR: 9600
[21-02-2018 21:06 UTC] Tolú captured by CABAL. Previous owner: VLTRA (España)
35 min
[06-02-2018 22:56 UTC] The port battle for Nueva Barcelona (Verenigde Provinciën) is scheduled for 7 Feb 2018 22:51 UTC. Defender: DKF. Attacker: CABAL (Sverige). BR: 9600
[07-02-2018 23:26 UTC] Nueva Barcelona captured by CABAL (Sverige). Previous owner: DKF (Verenigde Provinciën)
36 min
[25-02-2018 00:31 UTC] The port battle for Bimini (Kingdom of Prussia) is scheduled for 26 Feb 2018 00:30 UTC. Defender: PGG. Attacker: VSCO (United States). BR: 1110
[26-02-2018 01:06 UTC] Bimini captured by VSCO (United States). Previous owner: PGG (Kingdom of Prussia)
36 min
[15-02-2018 18:36 UTC] The port battle for Chiriquí (Great Britain) is scheduled for 16 Feb 2018 18:35 UTC. Defender: BTF. Attacker: VLTRA. BR: 1250
[16-02-2018 19:11 UTC] Chiriquí captured by VLTRA. Previous owner: BTF (Great Britain)
36 min
[15-02-2018 04:41 UTC] The port battle for Rum Cove (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 16 Feb 2018 04:40 UTC. Defender: USSR. Attacker: RSC (Great Britain). BR: 1250
[16-02-2018 05:16 UTC] Rum Cove captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: USSR (Russian Empire)
36 min
[02-02-2018 21:56 UTC] The port battle for Mimbres (España) is scheduled for 3 Feb 2018 21:55 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: CABAL (Sverige). BR: 1250
[03-02-2018 22:31 UTC] Mimbres captured by CABAL (Sverige). Previous owner: VLTRA (España)
37 min
[24-02-2018 20:36 UTC] The port battle for Somerset (Pirates) is scheduled for 25 Feb 2018 20:34 UTC. Defender: RUBLI. Attacker: RUS (Russian Empire). BR: 2640
[25-02-2018 21:11 UTC] Somerset captured by RUS (Russian Empire). Previous owner: RUBLI (Pirates)
37 min
[19-02-2018 21:56 UTC] The port battle for Sinamaica (Verenigde Provinciën) is scheduled for 20 Feb 2018 21:54 UTC. Defender: LIONS. Attacker: DNP (Danmark-Norge). BR: 4800
[20-02-2018 22:31 UTC] Sinamaica captured by DNP (Danmark-Norge). Previous owner: LIONS (Verenigde Provinciën)
Top 10 most long port battles
120 min
[01-02-2018 03:52 UTC] The port battle for Ays (United States) is scheduled for 2 Feb 2018 03:51 UTC. Defender: RAM. Attacker: WO (France). BR: 4800
[02-02-2018 05:51 UTC] Ays captured by WO (France). Previous owner: RAM (United States)
119 min
[24-02-2018 22:06 UTC] The port battle for Xpu Ha (España) is scheduled for 25 Feb 2018 22:02 UTC. Defender: VLTRA. Attacker: DRAKE (Great Britain). BR: 5040
[26-02-2018 00:01 UTC] Xpu Ha defended by VLTRA (España) against DRAKE (Great Britain)
116 min
[09-02-2018 21:26 UTC] The port battle for Carriacou (France) is scheduled for 10 Feb 2018 21:25 UTC. Defender: EDR. Attacker: BF (Danmark-Norge). BR: 2400
[10-02-2018 23:21 UTC] Carriacou defended by EDR (France) against BF (Danmark-Norge)
116 min
[03-02-2018 22:56 UTC] The port battle for Sandy Point (France) is scheduled for 4 Feb 2018 22:55 UTC. Defender: EDR. Attacker: RSC (Great Britain). BR: 2500
[05-02-2018 00:51 UTC] Sandy Point defended by EDR (France) against RSC (Great Britain)
114 min
[19-02-2018 19:51 UTC] The port battle for North Inlet (Pirates) is scheduled for 20 Feb 2018 19:47 UTC. Defender: RUBLI. Attacker: RUS (Russian Empire). BR: 2400
[20-02-2018 21:41 UTC] North Inlet defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against RUS (Russian Empire)
114 min
[19-02-2018 19:51 UTC] The port battle for Somerset (Pirates) is scheduled for 20 Feb 2018 19:47 UTC. Defender: RUBLI. Attacker: REDS (Russian Empire). BR: 2400
[20-02-2018 21:41 UTC] Somerset defended by RUBLI (Pirates) against REDS (Russian Empire)
113 min
[06-02-2018 20:41 UTC] The port battle for Sandy Point (France) is scheduled for 7 Feb 2018 20:38 UTC. Defender: EDR. Attacker: RSC (Great Britain). BR: 2500
[07-02-2018 22:31 UTC] Sandy Point captured by RSC (Great Britain). Previous owner: EDR (France)
112 min
[08-02-2018 21:06 UTC] The port battle for Road Rocks (France) is scheduled for 9 Feb 2018 21:04 UTC. Defender: EDR. Attacker: DRAKE (Great Britain). BR: 1250
[09-02-2018 22:56 UTC] Road Rocks defended by EDR (France) against DRAKE (Great Britain)
108 min
[23-02-2018 12:36 UTC] The port battle for Little River (Russian Empire) is scheduled for 24 Feb 2018 12:33 UTC. Defender: R0GUE. Attacker: VSCO (United States). BR: 2550
[24-02-2018 14:21 UTC] Little River defended by R0GUE (Russian Empire) against VSCO (United States)
108 min
[10-02-2018 03:46 UTC] The port battle for La Navasse (France) is scheduled for 11 Feb 2018 03:43 UTC. Defender: WO. Attacker: CKA. BR: 2400
[11-02-2018 05:31 UTC] La Navasse defended by WO (France) against CKA
Edited by qw569
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Monthly report February 2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 114 613 677 104 146 891 10 466 786 20
Danmark-Norge 77 291 542 118 351 886 -41 060 344 27
France 265 244 600 311 187 527 -45 942 927 52
Great Britain 192 968 795 281 714 666 -88 745 871 55
España 73 240 927 285 946 028 -212 705 101 64
United States 49 801 066 62 714 270 -12 913 204 12
Sverige 468 469 695 367 630 117 100 839 578 57
Verenigde Provinciën 60 482 734 132 570 090 -72 087 356 26
Russian Empire 193 961 274 183 444 984 10 516 290 40
Kingdom of Prussia 39 882 656 49 072 908 -9 190 252 12
Commonwealth of Poland 22 799 864 43 324 791 -20 524 927 12

Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
HRE 292 071 967 202 908 090 89 163 877
EDR 120 012 293 81 344 569 38 667 724
HREKK 46 120 036 20 619 927 25 500 109
RSC 146 035 295 123 901 749 22 133 546
RUBLI 53 148 222 32 181 961 20 966 261
REDS 143 873 078 123 720 171 20 152 907
PPP 19 491 542 8 030 649 11 460 893
WTF 26 437 600 18 325 484 8 112 116
BF 26 437 074 19 974 586 6 462 488
X 10 704 951 6 047 825 4 657 126

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 37 166 276 149 748 191 -112 581 915
PERVS 17 987 057 68 302 492 -50 315 435
CH 5 429 947 43 993 626 -38 563 679
SH 1 065 112 28 000 000 -26 934 888
CBC 24 279 651 48 772 342 -24 492 691
GOE 10 811 296 33 931 632 -23 120 336
CABAL 47 716 109 70 482 913 -22 766 804
SLRN 7 724 731 27 844 484 -20 119 753
DNP 43 004 042 62 746 823 -19 742 781
ARM 15 656 467 33 155 713 -17 499 246

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 151 611 203 47 657 954 103 953 249
Little Harbour 93 757 715 27 275 601 66 482 114
Esteros 92 992 696 30 797 800 62 194 896
Flatts 49 208 347 22 483 323 26 725 024
La Navasse 36 183 630 10 772 106 25 411 524
Santo Domingo 33 951 252 9 639 675 24 311 577
Saint John's 38 613 655 14 384 084 24 229 571
Nassau 30 282 315 8 856 450 21 425 865
Puerto de España 40 468 992 23 034 490 17 434 502
Oranjestad 19 491 542 8 030 649 11 460 893


Edited by qw569
  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, Jorge said:

Well, Fran is not Vltra... ;)

Yeah, but he is spanish and for some reason only interested in exploit farming gold that he will never need.... ;)

Posted (edited)

Statistical Institute of Inagua

Weekly report 26/02/2018-04/03/2018 (prev report)

Revenue by nations

Nation Tax Cost Revenue Max Captured Ports
Pirates 26 348 978 25 127 998 1 220 980 19
Danmark-Norge 24 763 047 37 543 511 -12 780 464 26
France 65 696 104 78 745 173 -13 049 069 50
Great Britain 50 521 671 73 526 648 -23 004 977 50
España 18 514 991 73 393 906 -54 878 915 53
United States 15 196 765 17 278 829 -2 082 064 10
Sverige 120 688 048 96 831 000 23 857 048 57
Verenigde Provinciën 8 230 476 27 450 424 -19 219 948 18
Russian Empire 29 436 577 24 643 641 4 792 936 17
Kingdom of Prussia 13 864 714 16 997 892 -3 133 178 12
Commonwealth of Poland 2 434 435 9 800 000 -7 365 565 9

Revenue by clans (highest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
HRE 77 176 796 51 941 474 25 235 322
EDR 29 411 239 18 506 989 10 904 250
RSC 37 127 794 29 274 920 7 852 874
HREKK 10 519 990 5 057 221 5 462 769
RUBLI 11 318 449 6 368 113 4 950 336
PPP 5 593 701 2 113 019 3 480 682
BF 8 531 200 6 435 406 2 095 794
TURN 7 752 118 5 901 462 1 850 656
RUS 6 564 279 4 913 884 1 650 395
REDS 18 431 355 16 806 336 1 625 019

Revenue by clans (lowest revenue)

Clan Tax Cost Revenue
VLTRA 9 906 172 40 091 224 -30 185 052
PERVS 3 350 298 16 157 435 -12 807 137
CH 1 518 637 11 060 000 -9 541 363
DNP 13 545 563 23 051 106 -9 505 543
CABAL 13 873 519 21 074 160 -7 200 641
SH 79 979 7 000 000 -6 920 021
SLRN 2 112 173 8 545 000 -6 432 827
CBC 6 149 084 12 409 841 -6 260 757
WO 11 337 855 17 577 185 -6 239 330
GOE 3 198 453 8 491 632 -5 293 179

Revenue by ports (highest revenue)

Port Tax Cost Revenue
Cartagena de Indias 29 653 486 9 596 043 20 057 443
Little Harbour 24 185 196 5 537 037 18 648 159
Esteros 20 737 042 6 921 110 13 815 932
Nassau 11 322 070 2 964 411 8 357 659
Saint John's 9 624 076 3 587 221 6 036 855
Puerto de España 12 024 544 6 712 271 5 312 273
Santo Domingo 7 307 301 2 192 185 5 115 116
La Navasse 6 596 975 2 019 391 4 577 584
Flatts 7 153 250 3 561 296 3 591 954
Oranjestad 5 593 701 2 113 019 3 480 682


Edited by qw569
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If players want to cap useless ports that noone attacks anyway to get on the conquest leaderboard its their decision

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, trashiiii said:

denmark dutch and pirates have no chance to get there.

And the system will change soon anyway.


You only benefit by WO anyway demoines, france would never be in top 3 without your americans

Nor would Swedes be in top without CABAL,  or HRE, or whatever clan. What is your point exactly anyways? :P 

12 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

In total the losses on ports was 105 million last week. Was that the intention of devs to put such a burden on clans which own all those ports nobody uses? How many game hours have to be spend to make all that money needed for maintenance? 

Money is easy to come by.. I print them every week.. And I make them in NA too!!

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