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Ping Rate effects in BATTLE instances


I’m in the Asian Time zone Hong Kong. My average ping rate now is roughly 230. On the TestBed it drops to as low as 180 using full screen.

During a mission, I drop into battle and believe I suffer no lag at all.

During PvP or a Port Battle I assume I suffer lag against someone in the UK with a Ping of 20-25. How much is that against my position? Can it be worked out? Ie 1-2 seconds delay etc


I’ve also heard that the ping has little to no effect during PvP battles. Again, I can’t quite believe this.


This is not a complaint just fact finding





Ping does affect you, but the normal sailing routine is very slow as opposed to CoD shooters. My ping to Global is 10x higher, so I have to adjusted my moment of raking for example. (Also crafting is 10x slower.)

It becomes immediately apparent when we get into the cookie clicker boarding, hence I seldomly get the cookie. :D



In my opinion, the influence of ping can be estimated as follows. Calculate how long it will take 14 single shoots (spacebar) from gun deck of trincomalee. In ideal conditions It must take 13 seconds.



shouldn't you have won the boarding hands down? Your saying in the boarding instances the game needs to sync to the highest ping rate?

Reading on other forums WoT WoW if the Ping is stable which mine is that's not too much of a problem. Is this the reason why players asked for a Asian based SERVER?

sorry for the dumb questions I'm an old man

When I played EVE on the big battles it became awful to play as everything slowed down. The lag was dreadful.

Hypothetically, at the Port Battle start could the game match all players to the slowest most stable ping? Surely no one would actually notice... At 260 ping when I press fire the cannon fires. Its the image that I'm looking at that's 200 pings behind?


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@Norfolk nChance of course I should have won the boarding, that goes without saying. :lol:

I suspect the clock we are seeing counting down is not tied to the real time countdown on the server. As I can time my click to within 6 ms and I have a super stable line, when I actually click the server time is already 6 ms ahead and my click is coming 6 ms after. While visually (on my client) I have clicked in time, in the "real world" (/ on server) I was too late.

12 minutes ago, Norfolk nChance said:

Is this the reason why players asked for a Asian based SERVER?

Some folks have pings going over 1000ms, which makes the game unplayable. I think 500ms is the absolute max, but really after 400ms it becomes a problem.

14 minutes ago, Norfolk nChance said:

When I played EVE on the big battles it became awful to play as everything slowed down. The lag was dreadful.

While we have a 75x OW and real time battle instances, EVE has semi-real time instances. NA OW can host up to 2500 (and probably more), but only have ~50 in a battle instance. EVE allows for many more players in an (battle) instance, but does the reverse to real time: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Time_dilation

18 minutes ago, Norfolk nChance said:

Hypothetically, at the Port Battle start could the game match all players to the slowest most stable ping? Surely no one would actually notice... At 260 ping when I press fire the cannon fires. Its the image that I'm looking at that's 200 pings behind?

Nah, that would all get very funky. Again, for the current way battle works in NA ping only is a factor once it goes over 400/500ms.

What might be a solution is having the battle shard boot up closest to the majority of folks entering battle. But this would require serious technical work. It would however allow us all to sail one OW instance. ^_^


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I find the only two baddo things with a ping of ~230-300 is stern raking and boarding.

Boarding can be the most deadly you or they do something in the last 500ms...and often you can't react or it doesn't register. You click while still in the last wee mo...but it just doesn't TAKE

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Why I made the OP was watching @JobaSet on Twitchy TV. He filmed a PB at George Town I took part in. The main thing I noticed was how slow my broadsides were firing. In fact, missing most of the target at times. The ship simply had moved.

Now that could be for a few reasons which am sure you’d like to lambast me with. However, the thoughts at the time were clear enough from targeting, balance, distance, and delivery I wasn’t under pressure.

@Jeheil I too also have raking issues and de-masting, but funny enough not in missions EPICs or RAs etc. ONLY PvP related. It’s not a complaint as I’ve stated above, it’s just one of those things. The idea of having to further predicted movement is an interesting challenge.

Any ideas am all ears…


Norfolk nChance

[Slower than the Speed of Light]



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I am guessing bad ping is doubled against a player. If you are fighting AI it is a trip from your computer, to the server and back. If its against a player, its a threesome. So obviously better...I mean worse.

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4 hours ago, Jeheil said:

I am guessing bad ping is doubled against a player. If you are fighting AI it is a trip from your computer, to the server and back. If its against a player, its a threesome. So obviously better...I mean worse.

Not entirely. NA is build on a classical notion in which the server is always in control as opposed to for example Planetside 2.

In P2 each client owns its world and the server acts as a referee. This becomes apparent when you die behind a corner. It can even be triggered (if they haven't "fixed" it already) by you jumping off a bridge into a teammate vehicle. Your client may decide you did not make it, while his client may decide you did.

"Shoot, shoot, why are you not shooting!?" "I'm dead." "No, you are not!" :lol:

In NA you only have to worry about the RTT to the server, but a players reaction to you is dictated by adding both pings.

So us poking holes happens at a relative straight cadence... (hmm... where did this discussion go wrong? :lol:)

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On Thursday, September 07, 2017 at 4:32 AM, Jeheil said:

I am guessing bad ping is doubled against a player

A threesome, but not doubled. 350ms + 10ms instead of 2 * 350ms.

So effectively we are banging faster than you initially figured. :D

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