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Posted (edited)

today ,TheAgend47 from KINGS Clan ( british) joined a battle Pirate against US on Pirate side. He active helped the US player against the pirate players sabotaged, a boarding action and help sinking on of the pirate ships, more then one screenshot are available as a proove and two pirate players Richart Sievers and Black Sails are wittness.

Agend47 has been told in battle chat that wat he is doing is against the rules and that that is a behavior worthy of demoting the player










Edited by Richart Sievers

Richart Sievers, I told you before that you should tell the whole Story and the trueth, not a fictional Story that fits your own thoughts. So, i will complain about your foul languages against us three Players before the battle  was started.



Leider hab ich den falschen Kreis ausgewählt und dann auch noch die eigenen (falschen) Leute angegriffen.

Im Gefecht habe ich noch geschrieben das wir/ich die Trader LGV holen werde/verteidige, was ich auch tat. 

So konnten quasi auch die Piraten sehen was ich tue.

Im Gefecht selber hab ich das erst später bemerkt, aber dennoch weiter angegriffen.

Mir ist jetzt im Nachgang, wo ich über TS mit den beiteiligten Piraten gesprochen wurde, der Fehler bekannt gegeben worden  und möchte mich entschuldigen.

Da es mein erster Fehler war, hoffe ich auf ein angemessenes Verfahren.



Posted (edited)

thats why i wrote on purpose ... a player of max rank should know what he is doing .. and i told you that this is against the rules maybe a demotion to shipmonkey could help ;) 



Edited by Richart Sievers
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Posted (edited)

you mean when you wrote that you will take the lgv back you simply overlooked my answer ? 

but its on others to deside now whats gone happen with you ... i am for keelhauling and hanging from the rig ... and then a demotion


Edited by Richart Sievers
Posted (edited)

Rules were violated and your answer only 4 minutes after the thread was opened proves you knew those rules very well - case closed.

Edited by Captain Lust

Upon a Guilty finding by the Admiralty, the following actions will be taken against the offender:

1st Offense: The offender will receive a warning.
2nd Offense: The offender will be demoted to the first rank.
3rd Offense: The offender's account will be banned on all servers.
The Admiralty reserves the right to bypass one or more levels of punishment at its discretion - do NOT assume that you can get away with it once and get off with just a warning.

Since this is the first case, Captain TheAgend47 recieves a warning. As green on green led to loss of the ship,  we recommend to compensate the loss within 7 days. Otherwise the next case will lead to not only rank demotion but also account ban until at least release.

Kapitän TheAgend47 erhält, da es sich um den ersten Verstoß handelt, eine Verwarnung.
Da während des Vorgangs ein Schiff durch seinen Teamschaden verloren gegangen ist empfehlen wir, diesen Verlust innerhalb von 7 Tagen zu ersetzen.
Falls das nicht erfolgt, wird in der nächsten Anklage keine Milde walten, der Angeklagte wird seine Ränge verlieren sowie bis zum Release des Spielt einen Ban auferlegt bekommen.

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