Kanay Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 (edited) This game was announced and still is summarized on steam as a "Hardcore" & " Realistic" one, a niche game, even before the steam release ... that's what it was supposed to be or become ... After 2300+ hours in game I took a one year break from it disappointed by many aspects and some of the directions it was taking, came back around one month ago and played intensively until now, at the very start i was like " So many things have changed", now after a month in it i am like " same old, same old"... The content beside a few more ships is still the same, or the lack of content should i say, the lack of depth, the alt accounts are more than ever a requirement for those who want to get all advantages possibles, the exploits or let's call it the use of ingame mechanics to get an advantage is still the favorite sport in game and the RNG while not present anymore on the ships building process itself is now worse than it ever was with so many books, upgrades and rare materials that can be combined together and giving some really good advantages. I will try to not be too long in what will follow, i already know it will because i have too much things to say so pardon me in advance but i need to do it before it's too late, before this game dies and ends up with just a few guys and them many alts populating the servers, guys not giving up after so many real cash and time invested in what could have been a magnificent game is the Dev's had followed one path and stick to it, instead of trying to please the guys who took this game for what was announced at start and the others who took this game expecting something more easy. Not in a priority order, just things that come to my mind each day when playing this game since i came back to it, some stuff already said more than a year ago before taking a break too but still true... sadly : - Remove all stuff you can get by the RNG lottery only, every player should be able to get everything without having to count on luck, might take time and some grind but enough of the RNG stuff, again we end up with some books and upgrades costing more than a top end ship, rare books exchanged vs a 1st rate, just remove all RNG once and for all, players time invested in game is what should allow them to build or get stuff, not some sort of poker where some will get lucky ( and can get lucky more than once ) and some others will spend them time in game to the end receive only crappy books or upgrades. - Economy is totally broken, first none of the NPC raw materials or crafted materials ( or NPC ships ) include the LH's cost in them, LH's is one of the rarest resources in game, yet nothing is accounted for them, and worst than this is NPC's selling materials for less than it cost me to extract them, Oak logs cost me 73 per unit if i extract them, the NPC's sell large quantities for something 49 to 53-54 gold per log... And i have to use LH's on the top of this to extract the logs .. What kind of economy is that ?? Only a few player produced resources like iron ore are worth being extracted compared to the prices NPC's sell them, most of the rest will cost you less to buy from NPC's than producing it... How can this work ? It simply can't when production of players cost more than what is available for cheaper on the market, and when players have to use LH's to do this. Just base you NPC's economy on players extraction cost + a certain amount of cash for the LH's used, and make the LH's price rate vary from one NPC to another, in the end to follow the first example you will find some oak logs a 73 cost + 25 gold per LH used on some shops, in some others it will be 73+ 50 gold per LH, 73+ 100 for Lh's used, and so on, some shops where there is heavy demand could raise them LH's prices way higher , player will then be able to compete with NPC's, sell stuff to other players that will pay off for the extraction cost+ LH's used and the 5% fee they have to pay when they put a contract up. Right now the economy is a disaster a good part of this is due to the fact that dev's don't bother to account for the LH's and put a price tag on them an aggravate this with NPC's selling mats for way lower than a player can produce them... - Being a max level crafter i don't have issues myself with the following but why did you remove the ability for sub crafters making parts to gain xp and raise up them crafting level, slowly but still gaining some xp and getting somewhere at the end, now they are screwed and need to either make ships of silly delivery missions bringing less benefit than attacking a simple AI trader for most of them... Waste of time. - The port to Unity 5 engine will start soon, probably a real UI will be done by then, so while you will do this, let me see what is the wind direction when i am in a port, don't force me to get out of the port with my ship just to check the wind direction, my captain is able to see the wind direction from the dock no ? And while you are at it, indicate me the wind direction currently running in OW when i end up a battle, at the end of the battle when i have the possibility to exit it, just add a compass showing me the wind direction, i'd rather stay 5-10mn in the battle session than exit and discover the wind is against me and will screw me ... Is this too much to ask ? I hope not. - Speaking of wind, make winds fluctuate in OW, wind forces and wind directions, instead of the regular and constant wind we get now, this will bring more depth to the game. - Allow me to use the protractor tool while in a port, allow me to draw routes and add annotations on the map, allow me to save those drawings on the map. - Add a spyglass icon in form of a cone showing up in the compass icon , so i know in which direction i am looking at looking at the compass. - Bring Nations flags in OW, and solve the issue of ships not able to be clicked on when on the edges of the screen. - Fix the damn ports entries problems, coming back after a year and still seeing the same ports supposed to be deep water ports where it's a pain in the rear (admiral) to enter ... More surprisingly i discovered than now i am able to enter shallow water ports while in a big ship not supposed to access those shallow ports, some i have to mess a bit at the entry, like for the problematic supposed deep water ones, some other ports i can enter without having to mess around, i have a deep water port ship and can enter the shallow water port without any problem , and can of course exit it ... - Price of warehouse extensions ... When it cost me less to make build an Indiaman just to store some stuff than extending my warehouse by only 8 slots for 250k there is a serious issue, let apart the next extensions costs... I came back to the one man clan with clan warehouse that is still more interesting for a 600k investment... You added tons of new stuff in game, materials and books players need to keep in hope to have the remaining and rare missing parts or books to do something useful with those, yet warehouses are still tiny as ever and cost tons of cash to extend to the point where building big cargo ships and buying docks slots to store them is more interesting than buying warehouses extensions... - Allow me to stack books and upgrades, i have an outpost that i extended with 8 slots just to store the things i get, it's full of them, as often i receive not really interesting upgrades like pumps in 7-8 exemplars but i need one slot wasted for each upgrade i want to keep and may use those in the future... - Speaking of room ... I had suggested long time ago that the shipyards with the cost they take to be built could give one free slot to store a ship, like a shipyard dry dock added since we need always a free slot to build a ship... Admin even said it was a good idea on the forum 1 year+ ago... Nice, but where is this ? if i have a shipyard level 2 give me a slot where i can store a ship that could have been built using my shipyard level 2, this slot won't allow me to store a 1st rate but will be something already... If i have a shipyard level 3 i can get one free slot allowing any ship to be stored... - Allow traders ships to unlock 5 knowledge slots based on travel XP instead of combat XP, there is no reason that they are always nerfed again and again and put down to misery with each patch... This is just made to cover up the lack of real content this game have to offer and to provide easy meat to supposed pvp players claiming that attacking traders is not a piece of cake... - Ships Battle Ratings and xp requirement for knowledge making no sense at all... What justify a Ship like the Essex to have a 225 battle rating compared to other ships like the trinc, Endymion, indefatigable or a pirate frigate Battle Rates? I am waiting for an answer to this one and ready to take notes, really impatient to hear about this ... Essex gets 225 BR, Pirate Frigate 180 BR, they have same exact armor thickness, pirate frigate have a tiny bit more armor HP, have better speed, have way better turn rate ( and it is not nerfed to make it turn against the wind like a fat rear ship will do... unlike the essex that became unable to tack against the wind without becoming a sitting duck for a while with no reasons at all for a ship of such size and class ), pirate frigate have only 1 less gun per side compared to the essex but have 2 chasers when the essex have none... 300 crew vs 315, 110 men for sails on the frigate vs 130 for essex and 2 less guns to man compensate easily ... and a boarding bonus for the pirate frigate when the Essex is getting a "get boarded bonus" if he tries to sail and turn against the wind with the ridiculous performances it gets there ... Yet one is 180 BR when the other is 225 ... One needs 1500 xp for the first slot when the other needs 2250 XP ... What in the world justify this BR's differences, same stuff compared to some other ships like trinc, indefatigable etc? - Give the ability to load 20 guns per side if i want to instead of having to load the full broadside of 30 guns for example. - Perks reset and single captain in game ... Either give me 2 captains, one for warships other for trader ships or allow me to reset the perks let's say each 48h once i buy the permit ( permit price can go up to 500 marks i don't mind as long as i don't have to pay for a permit each time). Allow me to reset the perks so i can do 48h of trader captain work, then reset perks again and do 48h of warship captain work ... or simply give me 2 captains, one for each dedicated work, we are pretty much forced into trading now, yet one captain should fulfill all tasks... - Crossed swords invisible from 30 meters away during heavy storms, those can last up to 45 minutes in game , just add a colored border line to the swords... - Allow transformation and melting of things like coins and cannons to turn them into ingots or ore in the workshop. - Allow to ring the bell in OW like we can do in battle sessions, to prevent abuses only those being part of your clan or being part of your friends list will be able to hear it, will be a nice touch to salutes other captains when we cross them in OW, add an option to disable this feature for those not wanting it at all. - Limit the number of repairs each ship can carry in OW, i mean make a special part of the cargo for repairs, like for the section we have for marks or upgrades, limit the number in this section and only allow the repairs stored there to be used in battle or OW, a player can have more in the cargo itself but will need to dock on a port to switch them to the dedicated repairs section , also we have sails & hull repairs + rum, but in battle repairing the ships replace the not anymore usable guns... makes sense ... not - BTW why is my captain able to store and teleport safely with some upgrades and cannot do this with a simple book ?? Why can't i put a book in my Cpt chest ? - PVP events ... sig ... Alts accounts fest, always in the same areas of the map, logout the alt at sea in a trader , log it in when event pops out, sail a few minutes, pick a chest, logout again and wait for support, or eyes looking around or just run away with your precious loot... - Don't show crew numbers on a ship in a battle session, makes no sense that i have x-ray scanner to see how many guys are hiding in a ship ... - Stop to create false content with things like pve missions where enemy players can enter on, this is blatant example of false pretend of content to mask the reality of no content this game really offers, same with traders nerfed to hell each patch a bit more .. but heh you can jump into a player mission and get some pvp ... detestable mechanics... - Stop encouraging alt accounts, probably a nice source of income but not a way to keep the game prospering and growing up, bringing new players and keeping them interested is what should be any developer goal... But crafting resources not accessible for some Nations, smugglers not anymore able to put contracts on enemies nations, and lastly the new victory marks only needed to login once each 14 days to get a victory mark ... Stop trying to sell more copies of the game to the already existing users and populate the servers with fake players accounts, encourage the venue of new players that will find some depth and stick to the game instead... - PB's, regions captured and hostility levels ... When i left the game the consensus was that there was too much PB's and something had to be done to reduce this... I come back and see that hostilities can be raised up in like 2 hours and now instead of loosing one port per PB you loose 5-6-7 ports at once... How great, you can flip a map even faster than before... How comes that the game ended up in such badly designed system ? The flags were not perfect, needed some tweaks like a flag bought for a city could not be bought again for an entire region for like 2 weeks to prevent the old system of buy a flag, win or loose a PB, next day buy a flag to conquest this lost city and so on... A simple time delay on flags combined with a regions system had done great, and maybe the possibility for a Nation to buy 2 flags at max per week and if it was attacked, if one Nation had attacked it then it had the possibility to buy a third flag, a counter attack flag to attack the hostile Nation on his own waters... This had reduced greatly the PB's and gave a nice result, with fleets able to be prepared, including smaller Nations having time to be ready. Current system that was supposed to put a stop on quick conquests of the map just made it easier and faster and more silly from my point of view... - Merging of servers, when i took a break it was supposed to happen, not done, regrettable decision. - Selective fishing, i select and decide what type of fishes i want to catch or not catch ( let's say nets of different sizes ) , keeping only fishes i want and throwing out or not catching those i don't want in an automatic process, bottle always seen by crew and picked up. - Fish food perishable at seas if the ship stays too long at seas, need to have barrels and salt to directly transform the fish and salt into food supplies while at sea. We are under the tropics ... stay at sea for a week+ come back with fresh fish meat to sell isn't a thing. - Make day/night cycles longer and allow me to turn off or on the lanterns on my ships. - Allow players to know them positions once per day or at night too if sky is clear, to simulate tools they already used at those times, only when there is storms and heavy rain it won't work. - Remove F11 coords once and for all, add some salt to crypt the coords if they need to stay in the log files, each players will get different values based on the encrypting, not exploitable anymore, only the Dev's will know the Hash to restore them in case of need for a bug report. - Add additional chasers guns to ships who had them in real life... - Remove fleet as a perk, allow one ship fleet for a warship for each player, maybe 2 ships fleet for a trader ship maybe ( not sure ), and all being of the same class, you sail a 5th you have at max 5th's as fleet. But not making this a perk and not having large fleets of AI possible with each player. - Bring back Santa Cecilia. ( Please ) - Open world random small events, like help a trader AI ship having issues, when clicking on a AI trader it will indicate he have issues, like if we had OW flags he could use flags to communicate at distances using flag codes, then give him sails repair kits, or tow him to a friendly ports, send a few of your crew on it etc, bring rewards for helping it, gold or sometimes one piece of the interesting stuff he carries or a book, whatever, needs to be rare but happening once in a while to bring some life and depth into the OW. - Dolphins and some stuff like turtles in OW seen once in a while , take a look at "Stranded Deep" for some assets ... Same game engine, plenty of things to be inspired from... - Bottles and wrecks not based on RNG but travel distance, one guy could get a bottle after 500k distance done, another after sailing 750k , but between those two distances sailed a bottle will drop for sure, only will be sooner for some than for some others but no more 3 bottles in 30 minutes for one while the other get none in 8 days when the spent way more time traveling and doing stuff in game than the other player ... - Make bottle drops rare but ships wrecks content worth it, imagine a new player, he buys a trader ship just to go pick his first bottle expecting some kind of valuable stuff, his first treasure, travel there in his freshly bought ship just to end up picking some iron ingots, sugar and tobacco ... WTF is that as a reward seriously ? Make bottles rare but content worth it, not being garbage a 6th rate will bring doing a single mission in terms of value in the same time it took to go pick the bottle ... Oh and make wrecks having some logic, them size vs what you will pick from them , getting 1167.84 cargo out of a trader snow able to carry at max 900 cargo makes no sense ... - AI traders cheap loot most of the times and no XP given in knowledge slots for attacking them (even in a way smaller ship ), make them well escorted but dropping something interesting more than once each blue moon and maybe less present in lands borders but more seen in OW doing long trips. - OW speed being a joke now, 33-34Kn , ships draw distances have not changed tho, still very short with ship poping out of nowhere by magic, the draw distances are so short that at those speeds it take a blink to see a ship and jump on it, bring it back to what is was before for speed, now it feel silly to say the least... You increased OW speeds because some were crying about it, yet i still see this coming back in chat regularly... Be sure that as long as they won't have immediate TP to any point of the map when they want they won't be pleased. This game was not promoted as an assasin's creed black flag arcade type of game, you try to please and bring more easy mode guys to the game, kill the nature and essence itself of the game it was supposed to be and in the end please nobody, and as long as you won't make your mind about this and try to please those who came for what was announced and those who came for a pew pew motorboat game it will be a failure. We used to have no teleports between outposts possible, only once each 4 hours a tp to capital, no trader tool, no shop having the same price as another, prices fluctuating each time a transaction was done in the shop, no info's for the products produced unless you visited the city, no API to know what was available and at what price, no production buildings, no stupid OW speeds allowing to cross the map in a blink and yet the game was way more populated than it ever was since you started to please the easy mode crowd... think twice at this and get back on rails ... - Silly modules, too many of them, and all having way too much bonuses and being stackable, now all ships are able to be turned into motorboats, getting them sailing profiles changed to ridiculous levels, was better before when you knew that ship X no matter the modules it have could not catch ship Y, many ask for a speed cap removal, this isn't the solution game is supposed to be realistic, having 3rd rates sailing at 15Kn is stupid period, review the bonus for woods and upgrades, remove some books and upgrades, some like optimized ballast and cargo optimization do almost the same things anyways, but it is also possible to stack them and makes the things worse, bring back ships having some sense like it was one year ago, not ships all able to run at insane speeds, limit woods used on some ships if it's needed, don't allow to make a third or 1st rate out of fir wood if needed but bring back some logic into the game and the ships hierarchy for the speed meta at least. Now i can use upgrades to get a 5th rate having more thickness and hp than a 4th rate, a 3rd having more speed than a 5th rate and so on ... what kind of mess is this ? Where are the Historical and Realistic things promoted by this game ? - Last change for invisibility and speed of light still favor the attackers and gankers, already using the faster ships to do them forfeitures, picking the prey they want ( often with the help of spies or alt accounts even if many will swear they never use some and do pure pvp... ) and fleeing away easily from the ones chasing them, you can make a nice tackler ship it's useless now with all speed upgrades and modules/books allowing to modify a ship sailing profile, they just need to have the eyes open and escape to just come back and pick a prey to jump in a bit after, and now can do this even easier with last patch changes... still no protection for starting players doing missions around capitals ( like if they don't have it already hard to face 2 or now 3 ships in them missions , and get enemies allowed to enter them too ... ) still no AI attacking back to defend at least in those capitals areas, still the same pick your preys around capitals encouraged as ever... and remove free towns once and for all or turn them into pure commercial towns allowing to dock only trader ships there and refusing warships. - Pirates supposed to be the hardcore way of playing this game... yeah... give me a minute to laugh for a bit before i continue.... they almost always had advantages no other regular Nation could get and can do the exact same things as other Nation on the top of this ... what kind of hardcore mode is that when they can profit of the same things and get advantages others don't have ? That's it, i said what i had to say, probably many will disagree on many points, but that's how i see things from my point of view, this game could have been a gem, a magnificent one, but it looks like the more it goes the deeper it digs to bury itself in a hole it will never be able to exit from, and at this rate i don't think it will last long before the only ones remaining in game will be the ones who have invested in a lot of alts accounts and want to have a return on the investment done, a few real players and them numerous alts accounts only ... It ain't too late to change things and make this game what it was supposed to be " Naval Action is a hardcore, realistic, and beautifully detailed naval combat sandbox immersing players into the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas. " I probably forget about some stuff, i'm sure i did , already too much said but i don't think it will take long before i don't have the opportunity anymore to say the things i think about all this, might sound like anger, might some stupid for some others, but that's what i feel after taking a year break and coming back for a month, was expecting things to become better but it ain't the case, last patch again showed me that beside a very few good decisions most changes had made things worse and further away from what this game was supposed to be... Thanks to those who took the time to read this long pile of words, no matter if they agree or disagree on one or more points, and sorry for the bad wording and errors, English is not my primary language, but yeah i had to do it ... Edited July 19, 2017 by Kanay 13
Luc Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 (edited) 38 minutes ago, Kanay said: - Silly modules, too many of them, and all having way too much bonuses and being stackable, now all ships are able to be turned into motorboats, getting them sailing profiles changed to ridiculous levels, was better before when you knew that ship X no matter the modules it have could not catch ship Y, many ask for a speed cap removal, this isn't the solution game is supposed to be realistic, having 3rd rates sailing at 15Kn is stupid period, review the bonus for woods and upgrades, remove some books and upgrades, some like optimized ballast and cargo optimization do almost the same things anyways, but it is also possible to stack them and makes the things worse, bring back ships having some sense like it was one year ago, not ships all able to run at insane speeds, limit woods used on some ships if it's needed, don't allow to make a third or 1st rate out of fir wood if needed but bring back some logic into the game and the ships hierarchy for the speed meta at least. Now i can use upgrades to get a 5th rate having more thickness and hp than a 4th rate, a 3rd having more speed than a 5th rate and so on ... what kind of mess is this ? Where are the Historical and Realistic things promoted by this game ? Dont agree with everything. But with this i agree 100% this Speed thing is some kind of game changer Edited July 18, 2017 by Luc
Hodo Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 While I dont agree with everything... This is by far the best suggestion post of the year!
Scout Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Some good points in there but of course we do not see eye to eye on all of them. My main worry is that the damage has been done already and mainly by letting players use game mechanics to exploit cheat and glorify them self for doing so and instead of taking it seriously and beat down on those who do the did drive a way allot of player that will never give the game a second chance because of it. My hope is that this game will survive but don't see that in the future if the are allowing the few that misbehave kill their game. 1
Hodo Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 15 minutes ago, Scout said: Some good points in there but of course we do not see eye to eye on all of them. My main worry is that the damage has been done already and mainly by letting players use game mechanics to exploit cheat and glorify them self for doing so and instead of taking it seriously and beat down on those who do the did drive a way allot of player that will never give the game a second chance because of it. My hope is that this game will survive but don't see that in the future if the are allowing the few that misbehave kill their game. Exactly how I feel right now. There are a lot of issues in this patch that I feel are steps in the wrong direction. What is this Victory Marks crap, and the removal of Conquest marks and just lumping them into combat marks. Doesnt really help anything.. if anything it makes it more like WoWs than a proper OW sandbox.
mikawa Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 (edited) Wow, I wouldn't be able to express all the things better ... Thumbs up!! Edited July 18, 2017 by mikawa Typo
Captiva Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 (edited) I agree with, and have suggested, having duel officer's; or better yet, having the ability to reset officer perks at will. No player should be but at a disadvantage in subsequent battles for x amount of days simply because (for one day) he had to reset officer perks in order to move multiple ships to a new outpost. Have also agreed to the ability to see the wind gauge when in port - your suggestion for seeing it in end of battle screen is also a good idea. Ability to take noon time position, ala TDA map, would be a logical inclusion for this game. Edited July 18, 2017 by Captiva wording
JollyRoger1516 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 I don't agree with everything but yes this was a very good thread. Sadly I had to depart this game now. I simply cannot afford the time requirements this game has come down to anymore. And while I have disagreed with the game since November I continuously gave it a second chance. But this is too much and it has broken me by now. Honestly this comes from somebody with over 1500 hours. Do you really believe somebody with only 50 hours gives you a second chance. They break faster and are less willing to see it through. The playerbase has been driven away,m split or pissed off so many times by now I struggle to see this game get anywhere with the limited crowd they have left. 2
Kanay Posted July 19, 2017 Author Posted July 19, 2017 I had 2300hrs before taking a very long break, came back and now at 2700+ hours spent in this game, hours literally spent for most part, i like sailing and hauling things in traders, like the pvp, but since i came back even this became ridiculous with the OW and battles sessions speeds and ships all turned into mortorboats, you don't have any feeling of achievement in game anymore, at the start when there was no productions buildings and shortage of materials i had to resolve myself in making a trip from the French islands to the US coasts at the opposite side of the map to get some iron and hemp in the remaining French cities in Louisiana, we went with 2 other guys, the travel took us like 4 or maybe 5 hours, once arrived you had the feeling of having accomplished something, when coming back with your materials if was really something nice too, now all went easy and arcade mode with some f2p games mechanics like grind and RNG silly drops, the only thing you really need to do is grind cash doing some really boring stuff, again and again. Now beside the ranks or craft level you don't get anymore such feeling of accomplishing something in game, just endless grind bringing you nowhere it seems, and even then now after so many efforts you have to grind again, even small ships like the Niagara reintroduced feels like a pain to get back with the requirements needed and you can loose everything you worked for very hard extremely easily, everything you gathered or built can be lost in a few hours if some decide to flip the region with the actual raising hostilities mechanics that are just stupid from my point of view, turning entire regions to another color with a couple of pve work and one PB won is a disaster mechanic. You miss a couple of days in game and you lost all you worked hard for, clan warehouse and stuff stored inside it, shipyards, workshop, buildings... as long as you don't go for the most secure place that are capitals... that are secure for storing or building stuff but also the most insecure to access them or do anythings around them with all hordes of players searching for easy preys and nothing done to prevent them, at contrary it seems all is still done to encourage this even more... If game was back to the population it used to have you will find players in OW at many different spots, not have to search 2 hours, or only come around capitals, to find some... This game became a very long grind taking hundred of hours in game that can end up and break you up in a blink, but the fun factor, the entertainment or achievements factors are missing, it's just an empty egg with false content in it like i said earlier, a mirage of content only ... just grind and grind again but nothing in the end as a kind of "moral" reward. I saw countless of new players asking some infos in chat on them first days, after a few days you don't hear them anymore, they just stopped to play and went to other things more entertaining, and nobody can blame them for that, all is done to discourage them it seems, myself i don't know if i will hit the 3k hours before stopping to care about the game again, taking another long break and just come back for the release to see if it is worth it investing more time in the game, the last changes i saw seems to indicate that it will never turn into the game many of us have dreamed of when they saw the various announcements for planned things at start, it's sad to see such great potential destroyed. Never made a single review for a game on Steam, no matter if really good or really bad, but the day the things will be set in stone for this game, the day it will be released, it will be the first one i will do one review for, the level of promises we got, the level of reasonable expectations this game gave me, and probably gave to many of us, compared to the level of disappointment it actually brings will make me spend a few hours typing another long wall of words for it. I really hope when the day will come i will have only nice things to say about it due to changes made and things arranged but right now i don't get my hopes really high.
Rick Astley Posted July 19, 2017 Posted July 19, 2017 1 hour ago, Kanay said: I had 2300hrs before taking a very long break, came back and now at 2700+ hours spent in this game, hours literally spent for most part, i like sailing and hauling things in traders, like the pvp, but since i came back even this became ridiculous with the OW and battles sessions speeds and ships all turned into mortorboats, you don't have any feeling of achievement in game anymore, at the start when there was no productions buildings and shortage of materials i had to resolve myself in making a trip from the French islands to the US coasts at the opposite side of the map to get some iron and hemp in the remaining French cities in Louisiana, we went with 2 other guys, the travel took us like 4 or maybe 5 hours, once arrived you had the feeling of having accomplished something, when coming back with your materials if was really something nice too, now all went easy and arcade mode with some f2p games mechanics like grind and RNG silly drops, the only thing you really need to do is grind cash doing some really boring stuff, again and again. Now beside the ranks or craft level you don't get anymore such feeling of accomplishing something in game, just endless grind bringing you nowhere it seems, and even then now after so many efforts you have to grind again, even small ships like the Niagara reintroduced feels like a pain to get back with the requirements needed and you can loose everything you worked for very hard extremely easily, everything you gathered or built can be lost in a few hours if some decide to flip the region with the actual raising hostilities mechanics that are just stupid from my point of view, turning entire regions to another color with a couple of pve work and one PB won is a disaster mechanic. You miss a couple of days in game and you lost all you worked hard for, clan warehouse and stuff stored inside it, shipyards, workshop, buildings... as long as you don't go for the most secure place that are capitals... that are secure for storing or building stuff but also the most insecure to access them or do anythings around them with all hordes of players searching for easy preys and nothing done to prevent them, at contrary it seems all is still done to encourage this even more... If game was back to the population it used to have you will find players in OW at many different spots, not have to search 2 hours, or only come around capitals, to find some... This game became a very long grind taking hundred of hours in game that can end up and break you up in a blink, but the fun factor, the entertainment or achievements factors are missing, it's just an empty egg with false content in it like i said earlier, a mirage of content only ... just grind and grind again but nothing in the end as a kind of "moral" reward. I saw countless of new players asking some infos in chat on them first days, after a few days you don't hear them anymore, they just stopped to play and went to other things more entertaining, and nobody can blame them for that, all is done to discourage them it seems, myself i don't know if i will hit the 3k hours before stopping to care about the game again, taking another long break and just come back for the release to see if it is worth it investing more time in the game, the last changes i saw seems to indicate that it will never turn into the game many of us have dreamed of when they saw the various announcements for planned things at start, it's sad to see such great potential destroyed. Never made a single review for a game on Steam, no matter if really good or really bad, but the day the things will be set in stone for this game, the day it will be released, it will be the first one i will do one review for, the level of promises we got, the level of reasonable expectations this game gave me, and probably gave to many of us, compared to the level of disappointment it actually brings will make me spend a few hours typing another long wall of words for it. I really hope when the day will come i will have only nice things to say about it due to changes made and things arranged but right now i don't get my hopes really high. I think Donald Trump has found his wall maker Back on topic, Kanay knows how I feel with this game, we speak a lot about how the game has changed since the early days. I feel he has worded it perfectly and due to discussions I can relate to how he came to his conclusions. I personally do not like the direction this game is going towards, I gave it the benefit of the doubt after the "Great Wipe" but this new patch is turning this once enjoyable game into a FiFa ranking system.... The in game mechanics that one "Nation" **lol** can exploit to there cause... is the last straw for me.... Outlaw Battles are abused and well you cannot blame the Pirates for using them since the Devs thought it was an "epic" idea to give them a mechanic they can exploit that other nations cannot. The Futuristic stealth technology after OW PvP and the Caterpillar diesel engines that they allow the Players to have to escape any direction is a joke. This game in my eyes had great potential and I was starting to enjoy coming back... not anymore... A simple message for the Devs and the "LMAO" tester.... you guys have gone and "FCUKED IT UP"... I have not made steam reviews for this game yet.... but I sense if this game is not renamed Gank Action... or Exploit Action then I will happily leave this game and write an honest review... Why join any other Nation when you can have the same plus and added perk which no one else gets.....? ALTS in other nations spying and ruining any Surprise you plan... **I weeded one out of AUSEZ last night** I see this ship is sinking *Gank/Exploit/Pirate Action* (oops "Naval" Action) and well only the captain **The Devs and Testers* should go down with his ship.... I'm out... Enjoy your game guys..... those who stay and brave it out... you have my full respect... but I cannot sit back supporting a game that I personally do not enjoy playing at the moment and it seems I'm forced to play. I don;t want to wake up at 5 AM to do PB's therefore I cannot be a burden on my Clan. It was perfect having a global server due to having an angry wife and 2 young kids... I could log on and find action that the EU server could not offer..... but the last PB's have been US prime Time.... not good for a Russkie.... No hate towards anyone who plays this game daily, Yes I upset a few in Global chat but hey if you don;t have banter inter Nation..... You might as well play the Sims Anyway... cheerio guys o7 I might see you in the future... only the Devs can decide that fate... enjoy your ships o7 but not even Rick Astley can keep his promise in this situation. One for the road.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Toggman Posted July 19, 2017 Posted July 19, 2017 I agree fully with Kanay and the combat missions need to go back before the patch. I would like to fight any ship or fleet I like not by ship rate. I also think that the last patch is one patch to many.
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