Thonys Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 (edited) De slag om Rio Seco 10.27.2019 Aanvallers van Rio Seco: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (hierna de VS genoemd), 11 slagschepen van de 1e rang (waaronder 4 Santissima, de rest voornamelijk Victoria), 1 vaas, 1 shebek. BR 10k . BR 10.1k (onvolledige bemanningen op ongeveer 1 vluchten). De bondgenoten van de Verenigde Staten waren de troepen van het Russische rijk, die, vóór het begin van de hoofdstrijd, de Sisisisisisisisisisisisyskst gebruik makend van de afwezigheid van een georganiseerd detachement van de piraten, deze Amerikaanse troepen trokken vrijelijk de strijd aan vanuit het noorden oostelijke, windwaartse kant van Rio Seco. Onder deze omstandigheden bevalen de piratencommandanten de 1e commandant om de haven te verlaten en een gevecht aan te gaan nabij de noordelijke zone B, deels vechtend met een krachtig fort. De opdracht werd uitgevoerd met een sterke tegenwind, die enkele grote piratenschepen met een abnormale afdaling arriveerde. Twee slagschepen van de 3e rang piraten bezetten zone A en bedekten twee Martell-torens met vuur. Shebek, die samen met de hoofdtroepen de strijd aanging, kreeg opdracht om zone B binnen te gaan, Het verloop van de strijd: Wind die de noordelijke zone aanvalt In de VS-troepen, met 2 klassieke Nelson-kolommen, wilden ze een dubbele piratenformatie doorsnijden, van de kust naar een steile windwind. Ongeveer 10 minuten na het begin van de strijd ontvingen de piratencommandanten een signaal “megalodon pondondond De piraat Santissima, die aan de lijzijde van de hoofdlijn met de wind mee ging, gehoorzaamde de bestelling niet (ze riskeerde 'gefocust' te zijn) en draaide de overstag om en passeerde onder de dekking van de piratenlijn. Daar werd een volley in de lucht afgeschoten op een van de drie US terminal 1-vluchten (Ocean), werd een overschrijding gemaakt en werden er nog twee volle luchtvliegtuigen afgeschoten op dezelfde Ocean. Onvolledige bemanningstraining (een schutterij encyclopedie in een enkele open sleuf) werd gecompenseerd door 2 hangmatten op batterijdekken en het aantal Santissima-bemanningsleden vergroot tot 1208 mensen. Als resultaat van 3 volleys, werd de zijkant van de Amerikaanse oceaan gebroken, wendde zich af naar het noordoosten en wendde zich tot de wind, ontving de oceaan van Santissima een destructief longitudinaal salvo in de achtersteven. De piraat Santissima, verblijf tegen 4 1 Amerikaanse tarieven, Tegelijkertijd namen de belangrijkste Amerikaanse strijdkrachten, die de piraten in een lineair gevecht ontmoetten, een riskante stap: een van hun ontstoken slagschepen explodeerde. De explosie veroorzaakte ernstige verliezen voor de meeste Amerikaanse schepen, waardoor hun bemanningen werden teruggebracht tot 500-700 mensen. Piratenschepen hebben bijna niet geleden. N al Na het achtervolgen van de piraten door de gehavende Amerikaanse vloot was Vase Santissima klaar From a non-wiki user) The battle of Rio Seco 10.27.2019 Attackers of Rio Seco: United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the USA), 11 battleships of the 1st rank (including 4 Santissima, the rest mainly Victoria), 1 Vase, 1 shebek. BR 10k . BR 10.1k (incomplete crews on some 1 flights). The allies of the United States were the forces of the Russian Empire, which, before the start of the main battle, the Sisisisisisisisisisisisisyskst Taking advantage of the absence of an organized detachment from the pirates, these main US forces freely entered the battle from the north-eastern, windward side of Rio Seco. Under these conditions, the pirate commanders ordered the 1st commander to leave the port and engage in battle near the northern zone B, partly sweeping with a powerful fort. The order was executed with a strong headwind, which arrived some large pirate ships with an abnormal descent. Two battleships of the 3rd rank pirates occupied zone A, covering with fire two Martell towers. Shebek, who entered the battle along with the main forces, was ordered to enter zone B, The course of the battle: Wind attacking the northern zone In the US forces, with 2 classic Nelson columns, they intended to cut through a double pirate formation, going from the coast to a steep badewind. Approximately 10 minutes after the start of the battle, the pirate commanders received a signal “metolodon pondondond The pirate Santissima, who was heading downwind on the leeward side of the main line, did not obey the order (she risked being “focused”) and, turning the overstag, passed under the cover of the pirate line at its end. There, an airborne volley was fired from it at one of the three US terminal 1 flights (Ocean), an overshoot was made and 2 more full airborne volleys were fired at the same Ocean. Incomplete crew training (a gannery encyclopedia in a single open slot) was compensated by 2 hammocks mounted on battery decks and increasing the number of Santissima's crew to 1208 people. As a result of 3 volleys, the side of the US Ocean was broken, turning away to the northeast and turning to the wind, the Ocean received from Santissima a destructive longitudinal salvo in the stern. The pirate Santissima, staying against 4 1 US rates, At the same time, the main US forces, which met with the pirates in a linear battle, took a risky step: one of their set fire to the battleships exploded. The explosion inflicted severe losses to most US ships, reducing their crews to 500-700 people. Pirate ships almost did not suffer. N a l Following the pirates' pursuit of the battered US fleet, Vase Santissima was finished Edited October 28, 2019 by Thonys 3
Gargamel Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 14 minutes ago, Thonys said: De slag om Rio Seco 10.27.2019 Aanvallers van Rio Seco: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (hierna de VS genoemd), 11 slagschepen van de 1e rang (waaronder 4 Santissima, de rest voornamelijk Victoria), 1 vaas, 1 shebek. BR 10k . BR 10.1k (onvolledige bemanningen op ongeveer 1 vluchten). De bondgenoten van de Verenigde Staten waren de troepen van het Russische rijk, die, vóór het begin van de hoofdstrijd, de Sisisisisisisisisisisisyskst gebruik makend van de afwezigheid van een georganiseerd detachement van de piraten, deze Amerikaanse troepen trokken vrijelijk de strijd aan vanuit het noorden oostelijke, windwaartse kant van Rio Seco. Onder deze omstandigheden bevalen de piratencommandanten de 1e commandant om de haven te verlaten en een gevecht aan te gaan nabij de noordelijke zone B, deels vechtend met een krachtig fort. De opdracht werd uitgevoerd met een sterke tegenwind, die enkele grote piratenschepen met een abnormale afdaling arriveerde. Twee slagschepen van de 3e rang piraten bezetten zone A en bedekten twee Martell-torens met vuur. Shebek, die samen met de hoofdtroepen de strijd aanging, kreeg opdracht om zone B binnen te gaan, ……... als ik dat lees, kijk ik uit naar Frikandel met frites en fritessaus op Texel x)
Rolando Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 26 minutes ago, Gargamel said: als ik dat lees, kijk ik uit naar Frikandel met frites en fritessaus op Texel x) Rio-Seco 27.10.2019 is not like Texel (?) It is like anti-Trafalgar (Trafalgar, 1805) with some elements like Nelson's action in Sent-Vinsent (1797). 1
Gargamel Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Rolando said: Rio-Seco 27.10.2019 is not like Texel (?) It is like anti-Trafalgar (Trafalgar, 1805) with some elements like Nelson's action in Sent-Vinsent (1797). Don't forget the 4 naval wars between Dutch and England. In these naval wars many more ships were involved than in Trafalgar or Abukir. One naval battle was at Texel. Edited October 28, 2019 by Gargamel
Rolando Posted October 28, 2019 Posted October 28, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Gargamel said: Don't forget the three naval wars between Dutch and England. In these naval wars many more ships were involved than in Trafalgar or Abukir. One naval battle was at Texel. If you mean Texel 11.08.1673 (21.08.1673 in new stile), when Dutch sunk (ore fired) 9 (ore 7) British ships, don't forget that Dutch were attackers on wind, and this battle began as classik line battle. 2 lines of attackers were in Trafalgar (1805), but attackers won in Trafalgar) Nelson in St. Vinsent (1797) freely interpreted the orders, he previously attacked Santissima-Trinidad ( ) Spanish division not the same way that ordered. Edited October 28, 2019 by Rolando 1
Gregory Rainsborough Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 (edited) Rio de la Hacha Port Battle PB Commanders VP: Gregory Rainsborough RU: NorthViking / Anolytic Battle began with a wind going from East to West like picture below. The fort and towers have been constructed for this port. Russians joined to the North of the port and I opted to have the fleet join near the docks. This was because the Russian port battle fleet were afraid of a fair fight and Russian screeners attempted to block our favourable entry into the port battle. I didn't want to take the risk that someone might get tagged outside so joined where I knew everyone would be safe. Smaller ships joined West and North to contest the two circles or C and B. Russians kept their Wasas all together and split them off to secure C while our small ships captured B and then contested C. A was captured by Dutch main fleet. After capturing B we moved our forces to group with those south of C and they then joined together and pushed the Russian forces outside of the circle. The Dutch main fleet hugged the coast to secure the wind, Russian forces began a tack just after they lost the wind allowing three of their ships to be boarded, Anolytic perished to boarding early with Shigeru jumped into his ship as it had more health. Farseer was unfortunately focused having been rammed downwind by a couple of Ruskies. Nethros was unfortunately last second attacked and also died in a boarding to a Russian player. I had to pull out towards tower 1 but the battle started to shift NW. The main Russian fleet was in disarray. Haci was killed then NorthViking was killed followed by Durruti and DShiro. Unfortunately before this happened Shigeru was boarded by 3 of them and died (again). Atimk died just before Agend who was the last to perish. Thank you for turning off survival so we could kill him. C was taken by 4 Russian Wasas. Dutch Christian and 3 Wasas waited to group up in a cannon range from the circle. They did not engage, before grouping up, as single strategic point was not giving any points to Russian anyway at that point. When Russians noticed that Dutch Wasas are grouping up, they split off one of their Christians from the main battle group, to break up the formation and join the battle at C creating a firepower advantage. At that point, 3rd rate ships were ordered to engage without any delay anymore. It resulted with one Wasa beeing taken out by Dutch, but also it costed them the one sailed by Pluto. With Russian Christian already joined the circle, Russians had an advantage, so Dutch ships had to split, which dragged the Russians away from the circle. With the small engagements created by that, Dutch fleet lost a Wasa commanded by Atimk. The Russian Wasa who sunk Atimk was also taking water, with Christian shooting it at deadly distance, but the end of battle made him run away as well. Unfortunately the Russians left the battle because we had generated points too quickly from the two circles and their remaining 1st rates on the verge of death were able to leave. The battle lasted only half an hour. Unfortunately a salt buildup on the keyboards of the Russian players prevented any of them from saying 'gg'. In anticipation for the Russian propaganda machine rolling out shortly after this post, I've got a head start. Edited October 31, 2019 by Gregory Rainsborough Additions made based on input from other players. 11
Barents Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 1 hour ago, Gregory Rainsborough said: Unfortunately a salt buildup on the keyboards of the Russian players prevented any of them from saying 'gg'. Maybe you should check your replay again. Everything else, o7
Jorge Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 2 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said: Rio de la Hacha Port Battle PB Commanders VP: Gregory Rainsborough RU: NorthViking / Anolytic Battle began with a wind going from East to West like picture below. The fort and towers have been constructed for this port. Russians joined to the North of the port and I opted to have the fleet join near the docks. This was because the Russian port battle fleet were afraid of a fair fight and Russian screeners attempted to block our favourable entry into the port battle. I didn't want to take the risk that someone might get tagged outside so joined where I knew everyone would be safe. Smaller ships joined West and North to contest the two circles or C and B. Russians kept their Wasas all together and split them off to secure C while our small ships captured B and then contested C. A was captured by Dutch main fleet. After capturing B we moved our forces to group with those south of C and they then joined together and pushed the Russian forces outside of the circle. The Dutch main fleet hugged the coast to secure the wind, Russian forces began a tack just after they lost the wind allowing three of their ships to be boarded, Anolytic perished to boarding early with Shigeru jumped into his ship as it had more health. Farseer was unfortunately focused having been rammed downwind by a couple of Ruskies. Nethros was unfortunately last second attacked and also died in a boarding to a Russian player. I had to pull out towards tower 1 but the battle started to shift NW. The main Russian fleet was in disarray. Haci was killed then NorthViking was killed followed by Durruti and DShiro. Unfortunately before this happened Shigeru was boarded by 3 of them and died (again). Atimk died just before Agend who was the last to perish. Thank you for turning off survival so we could kill him. C was taken by 4 Russian Wasas. Dutch Christian and 3 Wasas waited to group up in a cannon range from the circle. They did not engage, before grouping up, as single strategic point was not giving any points to Russian anyway at that point. When Russians noticed that Dutch Wasas are grouping up, they split off one of their Christians from the main battle group, to break up the formation and join the battle at C creating a firepower advantage. At that point, 3rd rate ships were ordered to engage without any delay anymore. It resulted with one Wasa beeing taken out by Dutch, but also it costed them the one sailed by Pluto. With Russian Christian already joined the circle, Russians had an advantage, so Dutch ships had to split, which dragged the Russians away from the circle. With the small engagements created by that, Dutch fleet lost a Wasa commanded by Atimk. The Russian Wasa who sunk Atimk was also taking water, with Christian shooting it at deadly distance, but the end of battle made him run away as well. Unfortunately the Russians left the battle because we had generated points too quickly from the two circles and their remaining 1st rates on the verge of death were able to leave. The battle lasted only half an hour. Unfortunately a salt buildup on the keyboards of the Russian players prevented any of them from saying 'gg'. In anticipation for the Russian propaganda machine rolling out shortly after this post, I've got a head start. Maybe you should speak about Coquibacoa.... Gg all. 1
Celtiberofrog Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 48 minutes ago, Jorge said: Maybe you should speak about Coquibacoa.... Gg all. Pues saca un screeny hombre !!!
Gregory Rainsborough Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 51 minutes ago, Jorge said: Maybe you should speak about Coquibacoa.... Gg all. I wasn't there, I was busy trying to kill NN at Cabo de la Vela but they kept running away. So quick in fact I don't think they generated a single point. 3
Captain2Strong Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said: Rio de la Hacha Port Battle PB Commanders VP: Gregory Rainsborough RU: NorthViking / Anolytic Battle began with a wind going from East to West like picture below. The fort and towers have been constructed for this port. Russians joined to the North of the port and I opted to have the fleet join near the docks. This was because the Russian port battle fleet were afraid of a fair fight and Russian screeners attempted to block our favourable entry into the port battle. I didn't want to take the risk that someone might get tagged outside so joined where I knew everyone would be safe. Smaller ships joined West and North to contest the two circles or C and B. Russians kept their Wasas all together and split them off to secure C while our small ships captured B and then contested C. A was captured by Dutch main fleet. After capturing B we moved our forces to group with those south of C and they then joined together and pushed the Russian forces outside of the circle. The Dutch main fleet hugged the coast to secure the wind, Russian forces began a tack just after they lost the wind allowing three of their ships to be boarded, Anolytic perished to boarding early with Shigeru jumped into his ship as it had more health. Farseer was unfortunately focused having been rammed downwind by a couple of Ruskies. Nethros was unfortunately last second attacked and also died in a boarding to a Russian player. I had to pull out towards tower 1 but the battle started to shift NW. The main Russian fleet was in disarray. Haci was killed then NorthViking was killed followed by Durruti and DShiro. Unfortunately before this happened Shigeru was boarded by 3 of them and died (again). Atimk died just before Agend who was the last to perish. Thank you for turning off survival so we could kill him. C was taken by 4 Russian Wasas. Dutch Christian and 3 Wasas waited to group up in a cannon range from the circle. They did not engage, before grouping up, as single strategic point was not giving any points to Russian anyway at that point. When Russians noticed that Dutch Wasas are grouping up, they split off one of their Christians from the main battle group, to break up the formation and join the battle at C creating a firepower advantage. At that point, 3rd rate ships were ordered to engage without any delay anymore. It resulted with one Wasa beeing taken out by Dutch, but also it costed them the one sailed by Pluto. With Russian Christian already joined the circle, Russians had an advantage, so Dutch ships had to split, which dragged the Russians away from the circle. With the small engagements created by that, Dutch fleet lost a Wasa commanded by Atimk. The Russian Wasa who sunk Atimk was also taking water, with Christian shooting it at deadly distance, but the end of battle made him run away as well. Unfortunately the Russians left the battle because we had generated points too quickly from the two circles and their remaining 1st rates on the verge of death were able to leave. The battle lasted only half an hour. Unfortunately a salt buildup on the keyboards of the Russian players prevented any of them from saying 'gg'. In anticipation for the Russian propaganda machine rolling out shortly after this post, I've got a head start. GB is still in charge of a lot of ports!!! Edited October 31, 2019 by Captain2Strong
Gregory Rainsborough Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 4 minutes ago, Riot stick said: Well, you guys did better then us, at Rio de la Hacha! o7 But like @Anolitic Said "You win some and You loose some"! So, GG and see you next time. Awww a nice Russian 1
van der Clam Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 @Gregory Rainsborough Nice write-up and port map with overall strategy drawings. Bur next time it would be awesome to see the fleet arrangements with the ingame map (no health bars). Get your people on it. 1
Tom Farseer Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 1 hour ago, van der Clam said: @Gregory Rainsborough Nice write-up and port map with overall strategy drawings. Bur next time it would be awesome to see the fleet arrangements with the ingame map (no health bars). Get your people on it. In this specific case those would be useles as this quickly turned into a massive clusterhello kitty of boardings and close quarters brawling to the point where we had trouble finding anything on the map. I seriously had to look three times at one point to find Greg's ship in all of this when he asked for cover. 2
FKL 1982 Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 1 hour ago, Tom Farseer said: to find Greg's ship in all of this when he asked for cover. And he did that a LOT. Get gud Greg! 3
Gregory Rainsborough Posted October 31, 2019 Posted October 31, 2019 4 hours ago, H982 FKL said: And he did that a LOT. Get gud Greg! I is nub, I'm sorry! 3
Tom Farseer Posted November 1, 2019 Posted November 1, 2019 (edited) Attempted Russian Hostility on Puerto de Espana by SHOCK We joined with much lower numbers in the Hostility Order itself to delay their hostility past the timer window. After splitting their group we had @Gregory Rainsborough @Batman join in a perfect position to take a few of them out. Sadly I forgot to take a screen shot. While planning to tag them again outside the Russian fleet managed to get a decent position and tagged us, spawning me right in the middle of their fleet. Luckily the Dutch fleet had the wind advantage and saved my stern, so to speak, while I immediately tacked got to safety. The russian fleet fought hard, resulting in most of us running out of repairs by the end. @dark arisen spent about 6 minutes at 20% structure, his week side being guarded by Batsy while we franticly tried to keep the enemy from surrounding them. Nevertheless we prevailed and slowly but sureley decimated their fleet, albeit taking some losses in the process. Luckily Martian managed to switch his sinking Wasa for an Océan and I managed to push their last surviving ship into the wind and capture it with a few good stern rakes from the others. Thanks to SHOCK for the fight. You fought well and have clearly gotten better at it since release 😃 Until next time, GG o7 Edited November 1, 2019 by Tom Farseer 5
OjK Posted November 1, 2019 Posted November 1, 2019 5 minutes ago, Tom Farseer said: @dark arisen spent about 6 minutes at 20% structure, his week side being guarded by Batsy Oh yeah, @Batman earned a real Order of Defence for the precision he covered Dark with his own body! Well hello kittying done! 2
Gregory Rainsborough Posted November 1, 2019 Posted November 1, 2019 30 minutes ago, OjK said: Oh yeah, @Batman earned a real Order of Defence for the precision he covered Dark with his own body! Well hello kittying done! That was real dedication 1
dark arisen Posted November 1, 2019 Posted November 1, 2019 My thanks to @Batman, it was actually around 10 minutes, not only 6 that he was protecting my side, unfortunately due to force majeure I had to leave battle and log off
FKL 1982 Posted November 2, 2019 Posted November 2, 2019 Can we stop tagging @Batman guys? He realised to conquer banned, you must become banned! 1
William Death Posted November 3, 2019 Posted November 3, 2019 Port Battle for Cayman Brac Attackers: British LURE, Commander: Shocktrooper Basteyy (?) Defenders: Russian VSC and friends, Commander: Christendom Outcome: Russia defends Despite not having the wind at the start of the battle, we were able to maneuver the fleet a bit and take the wind before we engaged the enemy fleet. Many ships were damaged, and there were some well-executed blocking maneuvers by both fleets. We sank 4 ships and had a few more of them damaged. Points accumulated before we could sink more. Good fight, thanks to those who made it happen. 2
PaNik Posted November 3, 2019 Posted November 3, 2019 On 11/1/2019 at 8:21 PM, Tom Farseer said: Attempted Russian Hostility on Puerto de Espana by SHOCK We joined with much lower numbers in the Hostility Order itself to delay their hostility past the timer window. After splitting their group we had @Gregory Rainsborough @Batman join in a perfect position to take a few of them out. Sadly I forgot to take a screen shot. While planning to tag them again outside the Russian fleet managed to get a decent position and tagged us, spawning me right in the middle of their fleet. Luckily the Dutch fleet had the wind advantage and saved my stern, so to speak, while I immediately tacked got to safety. The russian fleet fought hard, resulting in most of us running out of repairs by the end. @dark arisen spent about 6 minutes at 20% structure, his week side being guarded by Batsy while we franticly tried to keep the enemy from surrounding them. Nevertheless we prevailed and slowly but sureley decimated their fleet, albeit taking some losses in the process. Luckily Martian managed to switch his sinking Wasa for an Océan and I managed to push their last surviving ship into the wind and capture it with a few good stern rakes from the others. Thanks to SHOCK for the fight. You fought well and have clearly gotten better at it since release 😃 Until next time, GG o7 Yes, it was good 2 round without repairs. I like the way you survived, it was fantastic. See you next time 3
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