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Posted (edited)

The game will lose and gain players . I like playing before the wipe and I wish they would change some things back ,but the game is still in flux and I love playing it. But please no more wipes just biuld the game around us as it is developed and send out a in game emails of what players won't to see changed and new things in the game and it would be nice to teleport out of free towns like before.

Edited by Captain corn blower
2 hours ago, Jeff said:

I joined this game in january 2016 , it was a great game .

Now i think i should leave this stupid world  , the game is now  a nonsense.

 all the day sailling for trade or for special event with an empty box , trying to have a great ship , but  lost in such a F.... PVE fleet.

I don(t like what you have done with this game

so .................



Taking a break myself waiting for either NA2 or a relative rollback to what we had this last pre-wipe. I still believe in the game generally speaking but the developers are completely delusion if they think the current mechanics will result in a large enough player base to be economically feasible. Too many people fail to realize that sometimes compromise must be achieved to make money. The current mechanics will result in an absolute failed financial model bottom line. Disagree all you want but it is the simple truth. It still amazes me a game which had superb combat mechanics, the core of the game, is sabotaging its potential to such a degree. Whomever is calling the shots at Game Labs regarding the current direction is doing a heroic job of failing....My guess it's coming from someone who stepped in with financial backing and hijacked the development arc. If I'm right then go ahead and pass along to that fellow that he is going to lose money and give Game Labs a black eye. I would absolutely love to see this game reviewed in its current state because it would be absolutely eviscerated. My suggestion would be to decide if you want to actually make a product that you can make some money on or if you want to make one where you might be able to eat lunch at McDonalds once a weak with. 

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THere are those who just want to fight... and those that just want to sail and trade.  DEV's can never make both happy in one game.


WRT grinding it out in the OW... my idea is to make it harder.  Give us reef/furl control over individual sails, make the wind real (no more steady counterclockwise movement, always the same wind speed), make storms rougher, and move the longitude for the sun from Bodo Norway (check sunrise/sunset in late June it for yourself) to somewhere much further south.  The idea is not to drive away PvP players (tho many with reflexively bit-ch and moan about it) but to make OW sailing a real challenge instead of an opportunity to go vacuum the carpets or clean the cat box, you know, ~25 minutes of real activity so you can come back and fiddle at the PC for 3 seconds before leaving for another chore).

  • Like 1

1. Fix PvP issue of being completely unrewarding. More detailed list of issues available below:

2. fix point 1

3. look at point 2


Just increasing rewards for PvP by x0.5 or x5 won't work. Reward system has to be smarter, giving greater rewards and preventing alt abuse at the same time.

  • bring some order in the modules and upgrades (indiaman making 15kn with full cargo ?!) 
  • would be good to see conquest more PvP oriented (any chance to use PvP zone for hostility generation?)
  • PvP should be better rewarded (e.g., x3-x5 combat marks multiplier and give money for damage)
  • Like 1
  • All types of wood have to be player crafted and shouldn't be magically generated once a day.
  • Do not push PVP with expensive/exclusive rewards (the pride of winning, the loot and an expensive captured ship should be sufficient. Even more rewards only do promote ganking).
  • Either no NPC crafted/generated items at all or in the contrary realistic and interceptable AI trade routes (could lead to embargos).
  • Like 1

1- Merge combat marks and conquest marks in a single system which allows all playing styles (PVP, RVR, PVE, traders) an access to the whole content of the gameplay. Maybe not at the same speed.

2- Double invisibility and invulnerability times after a battle. Add 30 sec of both when getting off a port.

3- Fix combat entering rules: if I have the BR to be tagged, I have the BR to tag. (Last week my 3 trader Lynx were tagged by a frigate + a Trinconmally. Reinforcement came after the first battle. I got off this fight and tried to tag back the enemy fleet for the two newly arrived Surprises: got insufficient BR! They could tag me but I couldn't tag them: unfair!!!) As a consequence, the BR of trader Lynx, snow, cutter and brig would probably have to be increased, based on corresponding undercrewed warships. 

57 minutes ago, airborneguy said:


Make it to where smaller nations don't get screened out of a PB against the largest Nation.


It has always been this way.

Back when it worked in favor of your side it was ok.. but now that the tables are turned it suddenly is wrong?  


They do need some balance to the nations, as has been said before and will continue to be a problem.


most critical to me would be reduction of grinding for gold to fund PVP and a labor hour system that doesn't promote purchasing of additional accounts.


There's no third thing.

12 minutes ago, Quineloe said:

most critical to me would be reduction of grinding for gold to fund PVP and a labor hour system that doesn't promote purchasing of additional accounts.


There's no third thing.

Labor hours could be proportional to the number of buildings you run and/or miles sailed

Posted (edited)

Most important to me for repair/rethink is the way battles are instantiated - meaning the way you move from OW to a battle instance and back = totally FUBAR'ed ATM.

Are you kidding me with this? Gank-otopia is all it is = I've gone back to EVE - it's not perfect, but it's certainly content rich and diverse. There if some SOB ganks you, you can at least call in a revenge fleet to chase them.


If the game were fun at the Basic Cutter level, or even at the Rattlesnake level = I would play, it's just not.

Oh wait - no Rattlesnakes ......



Edited by Magnum

1. Restore fleet mission spawns to how they were pre-wipe. They don't have to be completely balanced, I don't care if I'm 1k BR down in higher end fleet missions. Just being able to do some high end fleet missions with or without friends is a nice way to pass the time and enjoy the best thing about this game, the combat.

I realize AI aren't the best opponents but then again Naval Action doesn't have PvP on demand, that's what I feel portbattles are for.


2. Bring back ship towing. I don't mind having to wait for my ship to arrive where I need it, bring back some QoL for those who don't have hours upon hours to spend on this game just sailing around to get where they need to be. Maybe have a 24h cooldown so you can't tow the same ship 2 days in a row.


3. Small/Large battles - ships can't be lost, no exp or gold rewards, just straight up combat.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I've got an idea. 

1. Revert back to pre wipe. 

2. Still have rarity of ships 

3. Keep one dura ships 

4. Cannons are free or close to it like before 

5. Allow capturing of AI ships up to a point.  

6. Make crafting levels useful again!!


i have over 650+ hours and have NEVER EVEN SAILED A THIRD RATE. I couldn't even join a port battle if I wanted to!!! 

We need to start a petition to revert back.  

And yes I've stopped playing. Back to AC black flag. They have cannons there. 

Edited by Ehutchin78
  • Like 1

3 things I would like to see fixed:

1) You need to match the Br (or be within 50 br) of the fleet you're trying to attack. This way a small nation's port battle fleet can't be tagged by a little fleet of small ships that is designed to shoot your sails for an hour to waste your time. This would create some nice ow battles.

2)) Revert cannons purchasing back to the way it was before

3) Remove caps on upgrades. 

Every ship has a base speed that can be increased. Tired of seeing every ship in the game doing the same speed. Also if I want to stack certain skills or modules to get a specialized ship there should be no caps. That way you can really have a unique build that fits your play style.

4 hours ago, Simon Cadete said:

3 things I would like to see fixed:

1) You need to match the Br (or be within 50 br) of the fleet you're trying to attack. This way a small nation's port battle fleet can't be tagged by a little fleet of small ships that is designed to shoot your sails for an hour to waste your time. This would create some nice ow battles.

2)) Revert cannons purchasing back to the way it was before

3) Remove caps on upgrades. 

Every ship has a base speed that can be increased. Tired of seeing every ship in the game doing the same speed. Also if I want to stack certain skills or modules to get a specialized ship there should be no caps. That way you can really have a unique build that fits your play style.

It will create zero open world port battles.  No one is tagging to shoot sails if they had the ability to fight the PB fleet on the OW in the first place. So BR restrictions would just eliminate any intercept attempt. The problem isn't that a smaller group tags the port battle fleet. The problem is the port battle fleet make up is ALL solid one style heavy boats. The conquest circles award points for number of ships. Not BR.  If players would just let go of last years big big ONLY BIG ship mantras and start mixing it up ship make ups they would be just fine.  Today's port battles aren't meant to be fought all the time everytime by x25 1st rates. The devs got closer to solving the puzzle but they didn't get there yet. 

if there were no caps everyone would all be sailing the exact same ship for the exact same role everytime like we did last year. This game has more min/maxers than most.  If you toss out the caps you could remove half the ship models no one would ever use.

47 minutes ago, Bach said:

It will create zero open world port battles.  No one is tagging to shoot sails if they had the ability to fight the PB fleet on the OW in the first place. So BR restrictions would just eliminate any intercept attempt. The problem isn't that a smaller group tags the port battle fleet. The problem is the port battle fleet make up is ALL solid one style heavy boats. The conquest circles award points for number of ships. Not BR.  If players would just let go of last years big big ONLY BIG ship mantras and start mixing it up ship make ups they would be just fine.  Today's port battles aren't meant to be fought all the time everytime by x25 1st rates. The devs got closer to solving the puzzle but they didn't get there yet. 

if there were no caps everyone would all be sailing the exact same ship for the exact same role everytime like we did last year. This game has more min/maxers than most.  If you toss out the caps you could remove half the ship models no one would ever use.

The people that show up in the biggest ships will always win. It was like that before, it is like that now and it will be like that in the future.

What nation and server do you play on so I have a better idea of where you're coming from

12 minutes ago, Simon Cadete said:

The people that show up in the biggest ships will always win. It was like that before, it is like that now and it will be like that in the future.

What nation and server do you play on so I have a better idea of where you're coming from

Yes yes yes. I've heard that broken record from you before on big big big!  Except here you are complaining about how small ships are messing with your big ones. So maybe you are only correct if you actually manage to get your big fleet into the port battle instance. 

PvP Global France....anytime sweetie.


1 hour ago, Bach said:

It will create zero open world port battles.  No one is tagging to shoot sails if they had the ability to fight the PB fleet on the OW in the first place. So BR restrictions would just eliminate any intercept attempt. The problem isn't that a smaller group tags the port battle fleet. The problem is the port battle fleet make up is ALL solid one style heavy boats. The conquest circles award points for number of ships. Not BR.  If players would just let go of last years big big ONLY BIG ship mantras and start mixing it up ship make ups they would be just fine.  Today's port battles aren't meant to be fought all the time everytime by x25 1st rates. The devs got closer to solving the puzzle but they didn't get there yet. 

if there were no caps everyone would all be sailing the exact same ship for the exact same role everytime like we did last year. This game has more min/maxers than most.  If you toss out the caps you could remove half the ship models no one would ever use.

People tag PB fleets all the time and run from the battle wasting precious time. I'm not sure where you are playing at but that's how the OP nations do it to smaller nations...they just get screened out totally. As far as the ship selection goes, maybe the devs should totally revamp PBs because it is totally broken

1 hour ago, airborneguy said:

People tag PB fleets all the time and run from the battle wasting precious time. I'm not sure where you are playing at but that's how the OP nations do it to smaller nations...they just get screened out totally. As far as the ship selection goes, maybe the devs should totally revamp PBs because it is totally broken

There certainly is always room for better changes. I doubt anyone is all that happy with the current mechanic.  If large nations are time griefing smaller ones then they are truly wasting their time. The fun battle isn't in the port battle then anyway. They should just hit them at sea with the main fleet. You only need one boat in the PB to win it.

perhaps it is the player nature to never lose anything or minimize risk.  I always chuckle a bit when I hear players quote the Art of War.  Those tactics are great for real life but they suck for competitive gaming.  "To win without fighting is the ultimate goal".... Sure it is. Unless your goal is actually entertainment. Then "winning without fighting" just bores everyone to death.  

17 hours ago, Magnum said:

If the game were fun at the Basic Cutter level, or even at the Rattlesnake level = I would play, it's just not.

I think it's fun, at least PvP-wise. What don't you like about it? One of our most accomplished PvPers actually swears by the Pickle and caps surprising amounts of ships using one.

The Cerberus has become a popular PvP ship. Last night, for example, we sailed up into pirate waters using just 3x Cerb and 1x Endymion. Sank 2 frigates (with the Cerbs doing most of that work because the Endy joined late), stole a trader's brig and had to run like hell from the entire pirate armada that chased us halfway around the world. All the king's horses and all the king's men only managed to sink one of our Cerbs.

An interesting footnote is that so many people failfit their ships (make them very fast at the cost of being very low armor) that you can do actual damage to them with just 6 or 9 pounders.

It's really not just about the big ships.

15 hours ago, Ehutchin78 said:

i have over 650+ hours and have NEVER EVEN SAILED A THIRD RATE

What? Why the heck not? What's stopping you? They only cost about 200k to build (more or less depending on wood type). If you were on my team (and someone we at least recognized and vaguely liked) our insiders cost would only be about 500k (...depending on wood type and assuming you had the conquest marks, which I have a hard time imagining anyone not having. All you have to do is show up to like 1 winning port battle now and then. We'd do it for a lot less than that if you provided the parts. And if anyone ever tells you not to join a port battle, tell em you'll agree but they'll have to promise you a couple of Bellona notes. If they refuse, then join the port battle and get your own marks.)

I'm part of what I'd consider to be a somewhat casual PvP guild and the only reason we aren't all in first rates is literally because we do not feel like it. We have the marks, the money and the economy. It's not that hard.

It's also an MMO, you shouldn't be having to build your own lineships solo. Get some help from your team or get a better team.

13 minutes ago, Slamz said:

I think it's fun, at least PvP-wise. What don't you like about it? One of our most accomplished PvPers actually swears by the Pickle and caps surprising amounts of ships using one.

The Cerberus has become a popular PvP ship. Last night, for example, we sailed up into pirate waters using just 3x Cerb and 1x Endymion. Sank 2 frigates (with the Cerbs doing most of that work because the Endy joined late), stole a trader's brig and had to run like hell from the entire pirate armada that chased us halfway around the world. All the king's horses and all the king's men only managed to sink one of our Cerbs.

An interesting footnote is that so many people failfit their ships (make them very fast at the cost of being very low armor) that you can do actual damage to them with just 6 or 9 pounders.

It's really not just about the big ships.

What? Why the heck not? What's stopping you? They only cost about 200k to build (more or less depending on wood type). If you were on my team (and someone we at least recognized and vaguely liked) our insiders cost would only be about 500k (...depending on wood type and assuming you had the conquest marks, which I have a hard time imagining anyone not having. All you have to do is show up to like 1 winning port battle now and then. We'd do it for a lot less than that if you provided the parts. And if anyone ever tells you not to join a port battle, tell em you'll agree but they'll have to promise you a couple of Bellona notes. If they refuse, then join the port battle and get your own marks.)

I'm part of what I'd consider to be a somewhat casual PvP guild and the only reason we aren't all in first rates is literally because we do not feel like it. We have the marks, the money and the economy. It's not that hard.

It's also an MMO, you shouldn't be having to build your own lineships solo. Get some help from your team or get a better team.

I dont have anything bigger than a 5th rate currently, and only 2 of those, 1 LGV and 1 Reno.  I have an Indefatigable but been debating on moving it and selling it because I dont like it.. to slow for my liking.

But you are right about the MMO part.  I wouldnt say get a better team or get a team.  Ask people if you could have one built if you supply the parts.  Most have no problem with it if you have the parts and labor contracts.  

  • Like 2

I've always enjoyed the surprise and belle Poole size ships. I loved the LGV before the wipe when you could get one.  Before the wipe I had leveled crafting up to 41 and was right on the brink of being able to craft my first third rate. Today I was able to sell my 1800 labor hours and craft some stuff for someone in my nation. It was the first time, post wipe, that I've made any money. Nothing to buy thought unless you want to sail a brig. ?



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