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Dear developers,

There has been a long discussion about the speed balance and I have made a proposition how to balance the speed bonuses.

It would be great if you could comment on this suggestion. Thank you!



van Veen


I agree that there should be a limitation of speed bonus from the mods. However, limiting the number of 'speed mods' is problematic. With the current mods it's difficult to say what is a 'speed mod' as most combine different bonuses. Then, which other bonuses should be disregarded? This is difficult to balance. 

For this reason I propose the following (quoted from my original post):

the speed cap should not be a constant speed value in knots, but a percentage value for bonuses which cannot be exceeded, even if more speed improvements are added to the ship.

No speed cap in knots.

Wood type should have the biggest influence - max. +12% (I think that's max possible with Fir/Fir or Fir/Bermuda right now)

Any other mod/skill should not exceed +2%

The sum of all mods/skills should not exceed +6%

Speed penalties should not be limited, because getting slower by improper trim or too much cargo/weight is always possible.

In summary, max possible speed bonus is then 18% of ships base speed. 12% max contribution by wood type, 6% max contribution by mods.






Geehrte Kapitäne, geehrte Entwickler,

viele Veränderungen - der Veränderung wegen - haben die Spieler mit ihren Schiffen bisher erlebt. Dazu zähle ich den unnötig verkomplizierten (um nicht zu sagen Dank "combatmarks" sinnlosen) Schiffbau, das "balancing" von Schiffen (Stichpunkt Superschiff Agamemnon), die Einführung von XP-Level-Linien, die Weiterentwicklung von Hölzern (die genau genommen bis auf thickness sich kaum unterscheiden) sowie die Einführung des 15-Knoten-Limits.

Letzteres ist der Schwachsinn in höchster Potenz, da mittlerweile fast alle Schiffe (Reno, Surprise, Endymion, Conni, ja selbst Belona) diese Geschwindigkeit mit Upgrades erreichen können. Ergebnis: Spieler jagen Spieler - ohne Ergebnis. Seeschlachten verlieren an Bedeutung, es wird nur noch gegankt oder Portbattles gefahren. Leider wird diese Entwicklung auch noch durch die Spieler (Admiralitäten) gefördert, weil es politisch nur "schick" ist, Land zu gewinnen - nicht aber interessante Seegefechte und ich wage zu behaupten, die alle Admiralitäten das eigentliche Problem überhaupt nicht mehr erkennen.

Deswegen wünsche ich mir umgehend für dieses Spiel:

- Wegfall der Geschwindigkeitsgrenze (und damit im Zusammenhang Überarbeitung der Items!!)
- realistischere Werte für alle Schiffe (weg von den Superschiffen wie die Agamemnon)
- Schluss mit den Versuchen, Schiffe mit vernünftigen Werten weiterhin zu überarbeiten (es gibt ganz andere Baustellen ingame)
- Sofortige Wiedereinführung des Politik-Systems mit Abstimmung.

LG Jakob


Dear captains, dear developers,

Many changes - for the sake of change - have been experienced by the players with their ships. In addition I count the unnecessarily complicated (Not to say thanks "combatmarks" meaningless) shipbuilding, the "balancing" of ships (hello supership Agamemnon), the introduction of XP-level lines, the further development of timber (the strictly speaking up to Thickness) and the introduction of the 15-knots limit.

The latter is the nonsense in the highest potency, so nearly all ships (Reno, Surprise, Endymion, Conni, even Belona) can reach this speed with upgrades. The result: Players chase players - without result. Sea battles are becoming less important, they are only giant or portbattles. Unfortunately, this development is also promoted by the players (admiralities of nations), because it is only politically "smart" to win land - but not interesting sea battles and I dare to say that all admirals no longer recognize the real problem at all.

Therefore, I would like to see you immediately for this game:

- omission of the speed limit (and thus in connection with the revision of the items !!)
- more realistic values for all ships (away from the superships like the Agamemnon)
- Conclusion with the attempts to rework ships with reasonable values (there are completely otther problems in the game)
- Immediate reintroduction of the policy system by vote.

LG Jakob


I think speed mods should be like armor hp bonus mods... no more than +20% over base numbers.

So no matter how hard you try you will NEVER get a Ballona to 15kn because of its base speed only being around 11kn.

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