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Posted (edited)

Please give us the option to loot individual items from found shipwrecks (if there is a way, I haven't found it yet). 

We have the option take what we choose when we board a sinking ship, so we should have the same option when looting a shipwreck. 

Sometimes the total loot from a shipwreck will not fit in a traders lynx or traders cutter. When sailing either of these two ships the player should have the option to loot whichever items he chooses - up to the max of what will fill into the cargo hold - and the option to choose which items to leave behind on the shipwreck.

I believe we used to have this option when shipwrecks were first introduced into game. Please bring it back.

Edited by Captiva
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I like having to take everything... makes it so you have to plan it out or wait till you have a bigger ship available.   

My largest wreck to date has only been 450.. so I havent had to worry about much more than my Trader Lynx, seeing as I sail in schooners a lot lately.  I dont mind sailing around in my Trader Lynx.  



We should actually have the option to take any single item from a shipwreck while in any ship that has the cargo space for that item.

It's our shipwreck; we found the bottle; we should be able to do as we please; no rules.

If we want to send the remainder of the loot to the bottom of the sea, that's our prerogative.

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It should be possible to to choose what you will take. If you left any item you should be able to sail to the wreck one more time and get the rest. Bottles are so rare, that this should be a matter of course.

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