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If it were to continue the way to easily eliminate it during alpha is to put the damage on the guy shooting, not his teammate.

So, broadside a teammate? Great, that's about 1,000 points of damage that you just inflicted on yourself with no damage points added to you total.

Seems right :D

I can just imagine the amount of confused looks wondering who is firing on them at the same time they are firing. It may take many battles for them to catch on lol.


If it were to continue the way to easily eliminate it during alpha is to put the damage on the guy shooting, not his teammate.

So, broadside a teammate? Great, that's about 1,000 points of damage that you just inflicted on yourself with no damage points added to you total.

Seems right :D


Friendly fire is great in game, if the ship is far enough and cant see the player name, u need check the flag not to shoot to your teammate, its quite realistic, ...maybe jsut instead of adding damage that you deal shooting for own team mates, make it on minus, so instead of +1000 poinsts from broadsie the one will get -1000 from what he earned bfor in battle.


Friendly fire is great in game, if the ship is far enough and cant see the player name, u need check the flag not to shoot to your teammate, its quite realistic, ...maybe jsut instead of adding damage that you deal shooting for own team mates, make it on minus, so instead of +1000 poinsts from broadsie the one will get -1000 from what he earned bfor in battle.

That may be the best solution.  A purposeful full broadside would be subtracted from the total.  One or two close shots would be negligible.  It would go a long way to discourage the behavior described by Sainduiex.


May I also add one to this list?


Purposefully ramming someone, or threaten to ram, in order to push/drive them outside of the battle boundary in a boat which is about to sink anyway.


Frankly I think the battle boundary is a mixed blessing, I get why it's there.  That little experience yesterday left a real bad taste in my mouth and hope to never see it again.  Win or lose, do so with some integrity. 


Friendly Fire must stay on - it's important to be able to use enemy ships to shield each other.  


Damage done to Friendlies should definitely subtract from your damage total for the match - it infact should take you below zero if you didn't do enough damage to offset it and force a backwards move away from your next ship. 


If it were to continue the way to easily eliminate it during alpha is to put the damage on the guy shooting, not his teammate.

So, broadside a teammate? Great, that's about 1,000 points of damage that you just inflicted on yourself with no damage points added to you total.

Seems right :D



I think friendly fire is not counted. It was checked before the second sea trials patch.

If someone can confirm or disprove this it would be nice.

griefers can't make people stay in combat. As wins are not important at this stage if you think someone is grieving you just exit and start a new battle. We are not locking your ship at this stage.

Damage from old battle will be properly counted.

Also can someone post those full articles of war in the history section?

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All I can say about chat is, your first words are important. Whatever behavior you wish to change, if your first words are confrontational you will probabably just inspire the troublemaker to continue that behavior, it's just human nature.

It may not be fair or right or just, but that's just the way it works.

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Self-imposed 'rules of engagement'


I had a PvP where I was a Bellona with a Surprise and we fought a Trincomalee, a Surprise, a Brig and a Cutter.


The person in the Trin fired a few broadsides and was hit maybe 2x and then he started sailing towards the ring, told his teammates he'd 'brb', they asked why, he said there was no point in fighting anymore as they would lose.


I asked him a few minutes later why he was doing that and then he said 'well my rudder is gone'. That wasn't true by any means, he'd never even used his repairs and had already ran off admitting he was running.


So next match I joined a PvP and there he is, no one else would join PVP so it ended up being me and him. This time I was in a Victory and he was in the Trincomalee again.


He ran the entire match. I tried my best to get him to fight. He said he 'only fights frigates' and then went on about he was testing for 'speed bugs'.


I have only ever seen one other person run from a bigger ship and that was awhile back and he doesn't do it anymore.


I managed to get a broadside of chain on him, but then he repaired sails and went straight for the ring. I'm not naming him to start anything, but I videoed the whole thing just in case.


This is sea trials, people, fight. Period. No one signs on to adhere to your RoE's and whims, be a man, be courteous and fight.


I love being outmatched and having the chance of pulling off an upset, it's a great feeling. I cannot comprehend running from people in a trial version of a video game while typing the most convoluted reasons why you are doing it.

  • Like 3

Similar happened to me yesterday, fighting alongside a bigger vessel that left me alone with two ships in PvE. I asked what was going on, but even got no answer (or: simply a "Huh?" at the end with that 2 kills).

Anyhow, next battles I found mates (like "thorulf" and "dickie") that helped me gain my "Brig" for the first time. So any frustrating experience with sitting ducks is forgotten as you find a community that enjoys fighting instead.


And, yes,


"I love being outmatched and having the chance of pulling off an upset, it's a great feeling (NorthernWolves)" with this game (!) especially.


Think of Horblower/Gregory Peck and "El Supremo" :D


Taking down a larger ship in an inferior one is an exhilarating experience.  Trinco could dance on a Victory's stern all day but oh well, his loss.  Too bad he messed up someone else's fun...


I think that if we take it like it really was at the time, by giving a punishment for bad behavior, things would be really well. But, as the game gets bigger, there will be more drama. 


Please bear in mind there are times when inexperience or computer disconnects can cause a captain to appear that they are doing something that they are not intending.  I had a couple dc's the other night and apologized both times because I popped back into the game out of nowhere.  Not sure how that appeared to my fellow captain, but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant to be suddenly left alone to battle.


Also, I've made plenty of newbie mistakes, like forgetting to reset auto-skipper after a tack or just not being any good and getting sunk right away.


Have appreciated the patience exhibited by this group thus far and will work to provide that same attitude toward others in the future.



Please bear in mind there are times when inexperience or computer disconnects can cause a captain to appear that they are doing something that they are not intending.  I had a couple dc's the other night and apologized both times because I popped back into the game out of nowhere.  Not sure how that appeared to my fellow captain, but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant to be suddenly left alone to battle.





Even if someone willingly stays still at the beginning of the battle, decides to take a sunbath under the sun instead of playing, and lights a smoke while he witnesses the scene of his teammates being ganbganged by a mass of 1st rates - that kind of behavior has no excuse, no explanation, and no place at all in a game like this , period.


I understand that people can get annoyed because of the wrong stuff (has happened to me, last time a couple days ago when I totally misinterpreted something that was going on in a battle we were fighting I told someone to go to hell. After the battle was over and we spoke about it and I immediately apologized) and say something innapropiate in the heat of the moment. That's understandable to a certain extent. But what we're seeing here isn't that - its just pure scumbag behavior, and that should have no room here at all.



For me the just impossible to understand thing here is that that dude paid 40 bucks to do this kind of crap :wacko: .Seriously wtf is wrong with people nowadays.



/edit: oh, and keelhaul him. Immediately.


I joined a pvp experience in my Victory and was set in a game with 1 cutter 1 brig. 1 surprise and 1 constitution (or Trincomalee) I felt guilty that I was in the battle. First comment on screen was "We're screwed" - I sympathetically agreed, had a general discussion about the lack of visibility of who was entering the match as it could be so one sided.


We had a fun game and pleasant chat throughout, the hardest part was trying to hit the cutter which was the last surviving opponent, Oh was also Heavy/Storm conditions I think.


We had a great time, but the MM was extremely 1 sided. A pity you dont have the choice of leaving a pvp match. I would have voluntarily left ot leave them a much more even experience.

  • Like 1

I joined a pvp experience in my Victory and was set in a game with 1 cutter 1 brig. 1 surprise and 1 constitution (or Trincomalee) I felt guilty that I was in the battle. First comment on screen was "We're screwed" - I sympathetically agreed, had a general discussion about the lack of visibility of who was entering the match as it could be so one sided.


We had a fun game and pleasant chat throughout, the hardest part was trying to hit the cutter which was the last surviving opponent, Oh was also Heavy/Storm conditions I think.


We had a great time, but the MM was extremely 1 sided. A pity you dont have the choice of leaving a pvp match. I would have voluntarily left ot leave them a much more even experience.


You could always disable a deck or two or let them pound on you for good damage experience. :)


Even if someone willingly stays still at the beginning of the battle, decides to take a sunbath under the sun instead of playing, and lights a smoke while he witnesses the scene of his teammates being ganbganged by a mass of 1st rates - that kind of behavior has no excuse, no explanation, and no place at all in a game like this , period.


I understand that people can get annoyed because of the wrong stuff (has happened to me, last time a couple days ago when I totally misinterpreted something that was going on in a battle we were fighting I told someone to go to hell. After the battle was over and we spoke about it and I immediately apologized) and say something innapropiate in the heat of the moment. That's understandable to a certain extent. But what we're seeing here isn't that - its just pure scumbag behavior, and that should have no room here at all.



For me the just impossible to understand thing here is that that dude paid 40 bucks to do this kind of crap :wacko: .Seriously wtf is wrong with people nowadays.



/edit: oh, and keelhaul him. Immediately.


I see that my post was removed, and as such your post might be mis-interpreted as an attack on Sir_Bass.


So just to make things clear for anyone who didn't see the picture I posted earlier, I posted a screenie of a fellow behaving in a manner so intolerable & abusive in the ingame lobby that I just had to report it, and this is what RAMJB is commenting on. 


I see that my post was removed, and as such your post might be mis-interpreted as an attack on Sir_Bass.


So just to make things clear for anyone who didn't see the picture I posted earlier, I posted a screenie of a fellow behaving in a manner so intolerable & abusive in the ingame lobby that I just had to report it. 



it was moved here

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funny little story: i was trying to powerlevel my consti to get the belly, and i got put into a game with a suprise, against a bellona and a cutte (i think).


the suprise completely ignored me for the first game, as i was trying to explain the penetration mechanics, and that you have to use double... to even try and pen it...


the next game, pretty similar teams. again, the suprise on my team, didnt respond. just sailed upwind and basically did nothing.


third game, the same guy requed, and left.


by this point, i am pretty frustrated and  start ranting at him, he started ranting back about being a no lifer -etc.  the next game after that, it was me and 2 trincs, v a consti, 1 trinc, 1 suprise, and 1 brig.


the suprise is the same guy, and he directly charges me with double shot, attempting to sink me (using my own tactics)


i then commented on how well he played, and he thought i was being sarcastic.


from then on we have been friendly and always are working well together, today we almost sunk a victory, consti and trinc v vic and brig ^^


(Edward Pellew)


also i have ranted at some players before, but i do not like being griefed by people who make my testing experience more frustrating then it needs to be by trolling me, t boning me on purpose etc. all i ask for the start of the game is a plan, and make a plan, to the best of my ability, to win.


funny little story: i was trying to powerlevel my consti to get the belly, and i got put into a game with a suprise, against a bellona and a cutte (i think).


the suprise completely ignored me for the first game, as i was trying to explain the penetration mechanics, and that you have to use double... to even try and pen it...


the next game, pretty similar teams. again, the suprise on my team, didnt respond. just sailed upwind and basically did nothing.


third game, the same guy requed, and left.


by this point, i am pretty frustrated and  start ranting at him, he started ranting back about being a no lifer -etc.  the next game after that, it was me and 2 trincs, v a consti, 1 trinc, 1 suprise, and 1 brig.


the suprise is the same guy, and he directly charges me with double shot, attempting to sink me (using my own tactics)


i then commented on how well he played, and he thought i was being sarcastic.


from then on we have been friendly and always are working well together, today we almost sunk a victory, consti and trinc v vic and brig ^^


(Edward Pellew)


also i have ranted at some players before, but i do not like being griefed by people who make my testing experience more frustrating then it needs to be by trolling me, t boning me on purpose etc. all i ask for the start of the game is a plan, and make a plan, to the best of my ability, to win.

You were pretty swift to abuse me the other day when you thought I wasn't doing anything....so please in future remember what you don't like and then don't do it to other people......

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funny little story: i was trying to powerlevel my consti to get the belly, and i got put into a game with a suprise, against a bellona and a cutte (i think).


the suprise completely ignored me for the first game, as i was trying to explain the penetration mechanics, and that you have to use double... to even try and pen it...


the next game, pretty similar teams. again, the suprise on my team, didnt respond. just sailed upwind and basically did nothing.


third game, the same guy requed, and left.


by this point, i am pretty frustrated and  start ranting at him, he started ranting back about being a no lifer -etc.  the next game after that, it was me and 2 trincs, v a consti, 1 trinc, 1 suprise, and 1 brig.


the suprise is the same guy, and he directly charges me with double shot, attempting to sink me (using my own tactics)


i then commented on how well he played, and he thought i was being sarcastic.


from then on we have been friendly and always are working well together, today we almost sunk a victory, consti and trinc v vic and brig ^^


(Edward Pellew)


also i have ranted at some players before, but i do not like being griefed by people who make my testing experience more frustrating then it needs to be by trolling me, t boning me on purpose etc. all i ask for the start of the game is a plan, and make a plan, to the best of my ability, to win.

Hm, I seem to recall a similar instance a few days back.  Not the not doing anything part, more of the not responding part....   ;)   :P


All is forgiven because after all...


"We'll rant and we'll roar, like true British sailors!"

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