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Hello all,

Have a few concerns about this (could be best Naval Game out here).

1. Keeping in the realistic mode , Captains had sextants to find their location on the charts they had (we don't) we have a map!

  The location numbers (upper left on map page) was the closest thing to a sextant.

    The protractor is a great aid and if some players don't want it they can sail by the seat of their pants, if they choose.


2. New players (using my wife's problems after starting a account the day after the wipe). she has to try to gather 100k gold to buyt a shipyard to get any crafting exp. at all, only ship construction gives exp.   No other crafting give any exp. 

 I have heard many new players on our Nation chat cuss and the leave because of the way too many restrictions in their impossible leveling grind.  Thought this was a GAME not a school to teach non sailors  how to jump into a real sailing ship and go to sea.  Realism  is great but it's a game also and I am worried the player base will all leave and then the game will fold also.


3.  I can speak for many of my Clanmates that love this game as much as I do and are thinking the same as me.   I can imagine how difficult it is to make everyone happy, but giving some things for the players to use (if they choose to use them ) and make it  the players choice, so some hard core sailors who don't want help in playing the game can choose to not turn those aids on and we all would be happy.

And maybe this game might not sink into the  cold sea of (WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN).Like so many other games in the past


thanks for your time and please fix the real problems that are killing NAVAL ACTION.


I could have added many other small problems tthat need to be changed , but I think these are the most damaging problems at this moment and you devs are busy enough and I thank you for a very great game.


OLDGOAT from the Sea 

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I'd love the sextant as a perk costing 4 points.

If you want to do long distance sailing you would be a skilled captain etc.

Everything should have a cost!


I Agree, 7th rate ships can be built in rudimentary facilities, like a dry beach with a barn. (and some rum).

And I live the idea if a sextant, but it should only be usable at NOON, just like IRL. :)

Posted (edited)

great to see there are gamers out there wanting to better this game, thanks for you feedback and help.


Old man from the sea,lol

Edited by OLDGOAT
missed spell a word

Some really great points.

I also think the 7th rate level of ships in this game should be very easy to build (no shipyard needed) and cannons for them very cheap to allow new and casual players time to just get into it, enjoy it etc. It would also allow vets down on their gold to fall back on something easily without having to grind as much just for small enjoyment of the game.

There could be a steady climb as you go up the rates, and that climb gets steeper and steeper which encourages people who want to get into the end game to get involved with clans, group up or if they insist on going solo to be prepared to grind like a mutha* to get the biggest ships or best guns. Those who use teamwork should be as rewarded as those who work hard right?


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