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20 minutes ago, admin said:

rum is bugged and will be fixed tomorrow

it will be 1 rum = 1 crew (Hopefully)

This would be good to know if a hotfix patch note was posted and not 22 pages into a post.  Yah we noticed something was odd with the rum after it burnign through a lot while grinding argo for a port.  Will let the guys know it's a bug.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, admin said:

rum is bugged and will be fixed tomorrow

it will be 1 rum = 1 crew (Hopefully)

Well now I just feel like an ass. I formally and publicly apologize for my outburst :c

Heeeeh, horse, ass, furry jokes, ha ha

Edited by Kiithnaras
22 hours ago, qw569 said:


Do you see how Great Britain and maybe Spanish traders work very well?

Cayman Brac (pvp eu) has 36958 Iron Fittings now. The port was filled in one day.This is the largest number of resources in the ports.

Price will come back in about 152 days.

But now someone don't have to craft iron fittings - they can get them in caymans. 

We made all free towns purchase construction materials so all players who have shipyards in free towns can actually use player brought resources to build ships.

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, admin said:

But now someone don't have to craft iron fittings - they can get them in caymans. 

We made all free towns purchase construction materials so all players who have shipyards in free towns can actually use player brought resources to build ships.


Who want to buy Iron fittings for 1024 gold?

Maybe only Scrooge McDuck :) or maybe you


Edited by qw569
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Dear main Developer! Dear Developers!
Plz read this mail. My reason to write that i like this game very much and im very sad that in this way it wont be succesfull. first of all i wanted to appologize for some of my previous letters, i was upset because of some changes.

I try to explain what are the problems with ur game and give easy solutions. I do it with best regards with the feeling u should make the best game i have ever played. Im 42 years old doctor, i have play games since 25 years, and belive me, i know what the problems.
Seems this game became mmo, so....


U have to give new and old players a constant progression.

The progression on low levels should be easy to keep the new players, on high level hard (to make the game enjoyable long time). At the moment low level progression is hard (high ship prices and labour cost, basic cutter swarm, combat misson ganks, time consuming OS sailing, outpost and repair system), high level progressing is easy (low rate prices, bad new conquest system, no national balance).

Top of that u have to let players to play thier own style. If they want solo or team PVE, solo or team PVP, only trade gamestyle or mixed thiese in thiere favour they should progress nearly the same way. U separed the progressions by the mark system, so nobody can play his style, nearly every player are forced to play gamestyles they dont want.

Low variability of combat missons gives no opportunity to go with team or go solo PVE, as sometimes no missions for solo, sometimes dont worth to do it with team. PVE and PVP has a really boring time consuming and frustrating side effect, because after every battle u have to go back to port and to OS spot because of OS sail repair system.

Players should sail with thier favourite ships but with the new chaotic ship progression system they have to sail shitload boring ships. One of the main problem, that the map is too big for this player population (plz coninue reading, i know u cant change the map), so most of the players spent thier gametime with OS sea sailing.   
I know that u cant change lot of things, like OS map, but i try to give u really easy solutions for thiese problems.


First of all u have to imidiately stop basic cutter ganks and combat mission ganks, those hello kittys up low level and low budget player progression, and make lots of ragequits. Till u let basic cutters into unrisky PVP, the main OS sea battle type will be like 5 basic cutter against 1-2 frigate.

U think this is good? Cutters has no risk, frigates has no earn. Solution is easy, just don let basic cutters attack enemy or join to a battle on attacker side. In that way they will be attackable, so wont be super spotter, they can defend allies in defensive battles but wont make an umbalanced, unenjoyable, shame, dominant OS sea battle type.

How to stop combat misson ganks?

Dont let any enemy player to join in. If u do this, u will have a side effect. Players can disappear form chases by entering missions. U can easy solute this too. dont let players enter missions while they are under attack on OS. Another solution if combat missions disappear from OS after 30 sec, so if no enemy visible on OS, u wont be ganked.

U should make OS repairs as expensive as in city. Maybe make a new window like manage crew window called port repair. it should repair for the same amount of money like they enter into port.

Outpost prices should be much chepaer to help the OS move. i think it should help a lot to avoid frustrating meaningless sail hours and help solo and team players very much because u can get to PVP or silent areas easier. Like 500 k till unlock all outposts. That should really help to defend nations far ports from capitals.

The separated mark system is bad. To help players playing thier gamestyles marks should be tradable. PVE mark should be called honor mark. PVP and conquest mark should stay. They should be tradable for each otherz like 1 Conq=5 PVP mark=25 honor mark. I want one more mark in system called trade mark (1 trade mark = 1 conquest mark), but i want to talk about it later.

To help beginners, let them get low and mid level ships with (!) medium cannons from admirality for marks with progressive prices. (Navy brig for 20, Cerberus for 40, Indef for 200 honor mark. (i think 15-20 master and commander misson grind should enough for an Indef, its approxomatly 10 hour gameplay) These ships should be oak, crew space, so they can be use for PVE and PVP aswell, and in this way they dont be uniqe.

Nowdays no market for low ships, so u wont hurt traders with this, as most of this ships can be buy for money aswell, and crafter and traders usually go for rates. To make long gouls, rate prices should go hihger in porgressive way to give different ship goals for players.

Like for get a bellona u should spend 600 honor mark for blueprint and permit, for Buccanteur 1200, for Vic 2500, for La Ocean 3500, and u still need to craft it. This mark system should avoid that soon 2 main battle type will be in game: 25 la Ocean against 25 la Ocean in PB, basic cutter swarm against  Indef. on OS battle.

The new conquest mark system is horrible, it streghten the powerfull nations and weaken the weaks. U should give 1 conquest mark for participating in PB, and 1 more for every kill and 1/2 for assist (+1 for win if u want, but i think better if not because of the balance). If u want u can give multiplier for ports, that can focus actions on map aswell.

U have to force PVP and trading actions into certain areas to make the sea live. Ur new tradeing model solve that, but its not published enough and its not effective. To make it effective every day 3-5 freetown should give Europian trader flag. That should mean that in this port NPC (homeland) traders buy goods for high prices. On map should be signed what they wanted. They all should buy gold and silver ingot (took out gold and silver coins from craft list, they were done in mother countries), and some luxury resources like cocoa, tobaco, suggar. Make a new perk plantation mastery in perk tree and for some certain ports u should give permition to make plantation buldings.

So make new resource called luxury resource just for some ports, like cocoa, tobacco, according to history. Dont make it too difficult, and dont let much port, like 3-5/nation. Need only 2-3 type of luxury resorce.  Gold ingots should be sold for highest profit with hihgest risk to let all players trade, luxury resources with lower (but high) with lower risk (to give extra profit for traders with plantation perk and luxury resources. If player sell certain amount of 1 resource to europian trader,  should get 1 trader mark with the cap of how many resource type the trader wanted. Like trader wants cocoa, gold, silver then after selling "1000 (2000-3000?) hold space" from all of these can get 3 mark, but not more. U should give 1 trader mark for delivery missions aswell.

The combat misson pool is really low. If u dont want to sail hours on OS and seek for the right target u cant progress with some levels and ships. like there should be 3x more type missions. 1v1 missons should egsist till frigates like the strongest enemy is an Indef.

Fleet missions should be scaled with the number of enemies, like master and commander 1-2-3-4 mission type with 3-4-5-6 enemy and players should set enemy number with selection (but with variate ship types about same battlerating).
The ship "cross" XP porgession system is bad, just take it out. Certain ship XP could be earned only with that type of ship, maybe harder than now.

My last suggestion is that u have to implement natinal balance system. U can do it with the new mark system i suggested. Mark trade rates should be changed up on national progression. Like underdog nation change rates: 1 Conq=1 trade= 8 PVP mark = 64 honor mark.U can set it easily according to the political situation, and thats a real balance.

If u do this all, i promise :) old players come back, new will stay and server will be filled. Maybe more servers.

After all, how u can get money for this. After release u can sell marks for money. Like 100 honor mark for 1 euro. So 1 Indef cost 2 Euro with guns (fill PVE and PVP system) but to help build la Ocean is 35 euro. Fair enough? if u want, u should implement differnt paintings for ships, like 3 type: basic, improved and superior and should sell for marks like 0-100-300 honor mark. u should implement sail paintings aswell with this system and alow the guilds make thier own sail patterns. For implementing a guild sail paintings into game should cost 4000 honor mark for the guild and 400 honor mark/person wanted to use in the guild.

Thats all i wanted to say.
i still belive u can make this game really succesfull. The game is superior just some of ur mechanic make it nearly unplayable.
Best regards!
Basic cutter swarm solved, super!


~edited for legibility/paragraphs~ the moderation team

Edited by DrZoidberg
  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, DrZoidberg said:

After all, how u can get money for this. After release u can sell marks for money. Like 100 honor mark for 1 euro. So 1 Indef cost 2 Euro with guns (fill PVE and PVP system) but to help build la Ocean is 35 euro. Fair enough? 

lol doctor with big wallet spotted ;) 

You want spend money, make cosmetic shop, nothing more ! 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, DrZoidberg said:

~edited for legibility/paragraphs~ the moderation team

Sorry for being a bit of a snob here, but could you change "u" and "ur" to "you" and "your" too? My brain dies after the first couple of paragraphs.

Edited by Niels Terkildsen
That came out a bit rude. Delete it if you like...
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

After some time testing the new patch, I want to give you some feedback.

1. I like the cannon crafting and that guns must be purchased individually

2. At the moment I am not sure if shall like or dislike PvP, PvE and Conquest marks. They have some good sides (more incentives for action) and some bad (If you do not get enough Conquest marks in the beginning, the enemy, that has CMs, will simply kill you, since he can build the better ships).

3. I like the new repair mechanics, though I would limit the repair to half of the maximum damage, to simulate that sea repairs (especially in battle) cannot be as good as repairs done in port.

4. I like the system with looting sinking vessels.

5. I have to get used to having only one life for a ship. Of course this increases the thrill during battles, but on the other hand it decreases the the willingness of some captains to fight when they do not outnumber the enemy.

6. This game has become a dismasting game again. I heard storys of dismasting an Ingermanland with an Indy in two broadsides or a Niagara with one (the first one shot in the battle). I shot the mast of a traders brig away with a basic cutter with 6 pdrs. This is something I don't like. In my opinion, it should be necessary to damage the ship, before dismasting can take place. Historically the shrouds must be shot away to kill the mast. To simulate that, I would like to see dismasting taking place after reducing the structure of the ship by 1/3 or something like that.

7. There should be some incentive to build a regular cutter. Up to now, everybody can use the basic cutter for free, with free repairs and it is not worse than the regular one. So why should someone build a cutter? Please limit the basic cutter to 4pdr guns, so that only the regular one can carry 6pdrs.

8. Currently I have traders cutter, that cannot be armed. When I leave port, I am always asked if I really want to sail without guns. Please remove that for ships, that do not have the possibility to mount guns.

9. I like the new NPC fleets sailing around. They have a strength that gives a real chance to beat them. Some NPC ships still find a course through land, please have a look at them.

10. For my taste the battles are too short, the damage inflicted is too high.

11. I don't like it, that you have to sink capped NPC ships after battle. I would prefer ther option to sink them to get XP or to send them to Admiralty as a price to get money.

I hope you can rebalance some features to improve the game.



Edited by Sea Archer
forgot to write 11.
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

After 3 hour meaningless sailing i think i give up. This is joke. naval action developers cant understand basics to make thier game succesfull. After the daily sailing alone action on the "huge, beautifull Ocean" just looked after Steam rewievs. Bad developers and endless sailing time the two reason players left, but most of them just like the core of the game. Why developers stick to thier casinged, dumb idea to force player to sail hours for some/no action. Why they cant focus action with some real good idea (for example triple PVP xp at 50% flipped ports) Its enough again, i log sometimes in, maybe they will let us move ships without cargo automatically and make some real game developing, not just setting rum consuming in battles. Joke, joke, joke.... Super game with casinged developers  without any clue how to make thier superior game core succesfull. It wasnt long, i started a week before. :)


Edited by DrZoidberg
Posted (edited)

Let ships without cargo move automatically.

4 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Sounds like you want Naval Actions Legends which is more your speed, ADHD fighting.  

No i dont want that, i want this succesfull. But with this OS mechanichs just players can play this without real life. If u concentrate fight on map that doesnt hurt the players like u love to sailing, PVE, trading, treasure hunting better. i like them too, but if those not forced, and not rule the gameplay. If i cant go out with my guild to PVP, because to get together is 1-2 hour, then i wont be happy with those actions. If u dont understand, that moving between outpost automatically doesnt hurt economy and help players to do what they want and where they want then u just as casinged as developers at the moment. dude, i want this succesfull as u, just understand plz that most players cant sail so many as u for thier joy they look after this good game.


Edited by DrZoidberg
Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

A 4 hour long sail can be done in 2 sessions ? Logoff in the middle of the sea ?...

Long hauls provide more profit margin, usually, but consume time. Very short hauls provide less profit margin, usually.

Choice, choices, choices.

I want to free move without cargo! So trading mechanics, hunting doesnt bothered. Till traders can move thier empty ships automatically they can haul manually, so more pricie target out. PVP oriented player can PVP more. PVE oriented player can PVE more. Guilds, friends can play together and not just talk on skype about what they do separated. Even low number guilds can play together, because they can organize thier ship locations easily. So long hauls stay big profit in this system too with the advantage every trader on the sea is hauling :). Good enough?

As side effect i can play. Yesterday we had a good PVP fight with my guild, last one. We wrere like 10, today logged in 2. We all 10 on Vent and 3 of us just told, they wont play more because the long sailing time, others just dont get partner for any actions.

Edited by DrZoidberg

I get you Zoidberg.

But how do you plan to become yourself part of content not only when you want ? Unless it is only player versus environment, but then it is even more obvious that you can logoff in the middle of the ocean and continue the travel the next day.

I don't trade but do plan the Outposts I will need and the ships I will be using.

Effectively where before you could expect to do in couple of days now you have to plan for a week or more, depending on time played.

I measure all gaming, NA and other games I play, in 2 hours session per day with 15 min break in between.

Long sail might do in two sessions, but so far could reach anywhere I planned in one session ( pickle is the best OW traveler ).

I hope you guys reach a plan of operations. Trying to do everything at once like before will burn you out.

Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Hodo said:

You can move without cargo, and without a ship.. just establish an outpost first and teleport there.

jeah, then math out plz how i can play with two of my friends plz. Im at Belize, 3 spanish surprise at the port i cant go out. My friends at Kingston with thier ships. They have outpost at Belize, made by Basic cutter run, they have not much money, so cant buy ship. We talked a day before that we want play here, but they gone to bed because of thier job, so they couldnt sail sail to Belize. No play for me, no play for them, no play for spanish. We all log off.  Thats good for u?? and this is a true story mate....

Edited by DrZoidberg
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

I get you Zoidberg.

But how do you plan to become yourself part of content not only when you want ? Unless it is only player versus environment, but then it is even more obvious that you can logoff in the middle of the ocean and continue the travel the next day.

I don't trade but do plan the Outposts I will need and the ships I will be using.

Effectively where before you could expect to do in couple of days now you have to plan for a week or more, depending on time played.

I measure all gaming, NA and other games I play, in 2 hours session per day with 15 min break in between.

Long sail might do in two sessions, but so far could reach anywhere I planned in one session ( pickle is the best OW traveler ).

I hope you guys reach a plan of operations. Trying to do everything at once like before will burn you out.

I play in a guild, we not much, like 10. We cant play together, because all ships all over the map, while we all have outpost at Beliz, Mandinga, and Kingston aswell. we should go out in 5-10, but never can get more then 3, what is not enough.  If we can organize our ship movement with free automatical ship movement (whitout carg!), that should help a lot ... The problem is that developers cant understand this, and that doesnt help if someplayers just dont want this while they doesnt get hurt by this system. Everybody can sail OS when he wants, but game shouldnt foce them to do! But just read steam rewievs, how many left because they feel they waste shitload time with this OS system.

Edited by DrZoidberg
Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Hodo said:

No offense but this comes down to some effort on your part or your friends part.  They want to play with you and yet unwilling to sail what the 1 hour to you.  If they have an outpost over there already they can teleport and buy a ship on the market there.  OR make a ship over there.    It isnt that complex.  I will sail 45min one way in a Privateer, with a trader Lynx in fleet just to establish an outpost for hunting in a region for a couple of days then sail back to one of my other outposts.  

I sit in the Tattered Flags US Teamspeak and I listen to TF, VCO, and sometimes NPG sail for over an hour one way in Indes just to go create hostility in a region against AI fleets then create an outpost to log out or sit there at sea logged out.  

It sucks being that spread out but sometimes you have to put forth a little effort to work together as a team.  I wont tell you the number of nights I have worked with my clan in another game moving stuff for a siege... boring long runs that took an hour round trip, and do this for 10 hours straight, then log out, do it again the next 3 days to have to work the day of the actual attack.   But hey I did my part.  

Its not about complexity! They can come and get thier PC to my house, and we can drink beer together while playing. The possibility is real, just we are too far to do it. I know the solutions to get the PVP, i told u. just doent worth it in that way. If u dont want to understand what i say just go and read steam rewievs. Open your eye man. u want to force OS sailing on others, because u like it, while it wont hurt ur play if we can decide to do it or not .  Just answer me: bother u if i can move one of my empty ship automatically between outposts while u do it manually?

Edited by DrZoidberg
11 minutes ago, Hodo said:

It sucks being that spread out but sometimes you have to put forth a little effort to work together as a team.  I wont tell you the number of nights I have worked with my clan in another game moving stuff for a siege... boring long runs that took an hour round trip, and do this for 10 hours straight, then log out, do it again the next 3 days to have to work the day of the actual attack.   But hey I did my part.  

I think one thing that is going to start being a problem hopefully once the rush for regions is that folks are going to learn being so spread out isn't good.  The biggest problem is the CM system forces every one to do the rush and grab. If that wasn't put into place there is no real reason to one port Spain cause it has pretty much zero players.   In the past we use to leave 5 ports or even 3 regions, but eventionally some one comes along and flips those ports any way and one team or the other will grab it up to stop the other from doing so.  With the new system and lack of teleport and restrictions on dock space/cost for more we will find some areas undefended and easy to capture.  These would be great spots for small nations or clans to get there little piece of land.   Than again this all depends if certain nations don't become carebears alliances and not attack each other other than arranged flips of ports back and forth.  If that happens the RvR part of the game is going to be very boring.

  • Like 2
44 minutes ago, Hodo said:

It will hurt my play style if others can just teleport.  You see I am a privateer, that is a legalized pirate for those who fail to savvy that word.  I hunt other player ships for profit.  If you can teleport your ship to a distant port without ever having been there or avoiding a blockaide by teleporting warships there, you are again hurting my play style.  And not just mine, but I am sure Sir Texas Sir, MrDoomed, and a dozen other privateer/pirate players would find the world a vastly more empty place if people arent forced to sail in it.   

But you probably didnt play before this patch so you dont know how bad the revenge teleport fleet was.  You could attack someone 100nm from where they started, but they would yell for help in TeamSpeak or nation chat and then their clan would teleport to a port right next to where I am at.  I would come out of the fight surrounded by a dozen other ships.  Never fun.  


So I am a solid NO on teleporting with ships.  

If u can move ur empty ship automatically meanwhile u can PVP or make a cargo run that not bother ur playstyle, i think it helps to it aswell. But i can write 100 times, u just dont understand that :).

Posted (edited)


Did you turn off contracts in enemy ports?

I hope it's bug.


I tried to put contract for buy Provision in Spanish town and got message
Can't place contract in enemy port


Edited by qw569
10 minutes ago, qw569 said:


You turned off contracts in enemy ports and forgot to say about this. :)

But i hope it's bug.


  Reveal hidden contents


I tried to put contract for buy Provision in Spanish town and got message
Can't place contract in enemy port




I thought it was always like this. While I would like to see contracts in enemy ports, I can understand it not being appropriate. After all, international trade should be what free towns are for.


Now the Dev's have really excelled themselves stopping Basic Cutters from attacking another player or entering a battle yet another player can attack a Basic Cutter, where is the logic in that? What is going to be next? A pickle can't attack another player, you guys have lost the plot.

What is the difference between 6 basic cutters going into battle against a Surprise (for example) or 6 Surprises going into battle against a Bellona? They are all equipped with guns and are all there to fight off or attack an enemy, whether they have 2 guns or 100 guns.

If Basic Cutters cannot be used in PVP then only have them on the PVE server. How do you expect young players to gain experience if they cannot go up against a player.

It would appear that some players have complained about being attacked by a number of Basic Cutters, yet given the opportunity they would do the same.

This game is becoming farcical and unrealistic and player will get fed up with this game very quickly, especially those who cannot commit to many hours per day to play it. You will lose players because of the length of time and effort that has to be put into playing it. It is no longer enjoyable and I would be one of many waiting for another similar game with similar graphics that is enjoyable without the bullshit.

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