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This post contain the link to the introduction of the Spanish newspaper version, the rest of "news" will be posted equally in this post as in the original Spanish subforum

Each post will contain a fictional story and a curious fact about the Spanish nation to give it a humorous touch




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Posted (edited)


Se intensifica la piratería en el Yucatan

Se multiplican los asaltados a barcos mercantes y tras el reciente asalto al puerto de Rio Lagartos

el miedo de la población local y los comerciantes de la zona se dispara

La noche del 23 de abril se divisaron,desde el puesto de vigilancia en Isla Cerritos, un convoy formado por 3 fragatas y varias bricbarcas todas ellas portando pabellón español, las sospechas comenzaron cuando el vigilante reconoció una de aquellas fragatas, la "venganza" que fue rendida a una flotilla pirata cerca de Jacksonville.

El sitio de la pequeña colonia de Rio Lagartos a manos de los piratas comenzaría el dia siguiente de madrugada y finalizaría un día mas tarde. Se describió la actuación de los piratas como salvaje e impía, limpiaron tabernas, pequeños puestos comerciales, almacenes, casas, limpiaron hasta el ultimo rincón de la pequeña colonia. En el parte de daños consta las importantes perdida de 172 regulares y la captura de la fragata "clara" que se encontraba en el puerto reabasteciéndose, también consta el robo de numerosas piezas de oro y plata aparte de otros bienes como cacao, azúcar, tabaco y víveres. Por ultimo el documento habla del la liberación de mas de 80 esclavos de una plantación cercana. Tanto la asociación de comercio de la zona como el virrey Juan José de Vértiz y Salcedo han pedido a S.M. ayuda para combatir la piratería en la zona puesto que esta causando estragos y dificultando el suministro armas y víveres a las naves que parten desde el Yucatán a combatir en la guerra contra el imperio británico.


Dato curioso: El rey más breve de España llevó su corona durante seis meses y doce días, no te sonará, pero se llamó Luis I de Borbón.



Piracy intensifies in the Yucatan
The assaults on merchant ships multiply and after the recent assault on the port of Rio Lagartos
The fear of local people and local merchants soar

On the night of April 23, a convoy of 3 frigates and several bric-a-bers all bearing the Spanish flag were spotted, suspicions began when the watchman recognized one of those frigates, the "revenge" that Was surrendered to a pirate flotilla near Jacksonville.

The site of the small colony of Rio Lagartos at the hands of the pirates would begin the day after dawn and end a day later. The performance of the pirates was described as wild and unholy, they cleaned taverns, small trading posts, warehouses, houses, cleaned to the last corner of the small colony. In the damage report, there are the important losses of 172 Regular soldiers and the capture of the "Clara" frigate that was in the port refueling, also consists of the robbery of numerous pieces of gold and silver apart from other goods like cocoa, sugar, tobacco And food. Finally the document speaks of the liberation of more than 80 slaves from a nearby plantation. Both the trade association of the area and the viceroy Juan José de Vértiz and Salcedo have asked S.M. Help to combat piracy in the area as it is weakening  and making it difficult to supply weapons and food to ships departing from the Yucatan to fight in the war against the British empire.

Curious Fact: Spain's shortest king took his crown for six months and twelve days, it will not ring you, but his name was Luis I of Bourbon.




Thanks to @Anolytic for the header!

Edited by Pitxagorri
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No es gran cosa pero por lo menos queda algo mas "bonito" que letras sobre un fondo blanco



Not a big deal but at least something "nice" is left over than letters on a white background

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3 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Something great has to start somewhere. Keep it going.

Some fellows dropped a few resources here


Many thank! ill take today to re-organize a bit wiht this new resources



Due to the lack of space in the forum I will upload it to imgur from today


On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 5:50 PM, The Red Duke said:

Some fellows dropped a few resources here


Many thanks to show me the resources and to the people that link something on that topic. Ill try to improve my english wiht this "newspaper" and my lack of experience wiht the image editor ^_^

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