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I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong part of the forum, not sure where to spam you guys for hardware questions. :) 

I'm building a server/budget gaming pc. At the moment I have 2x 2.8ghz cores 8gb memory (will be increased to 16 soon) and I'm having doubts about the graphics card. 

I want to play 1080p 60fps on highest settings, and I was wondering what graphics cards I should take. Was thinking about a gtx 1060 although I'm not sure if I can reach 60fps. 

Most posts I found are from 2015, so I tought I would spam you guys to get an updated answer :) 


Thank you in advance for any help!




i got a 6600k i5 and a 1060 3 GB. im runny always on ultra in naval action

here is a video so you can see the fps during a santi vs santi



I've got a 1070 myself, getting 90-110 fps in small battles such as frigate duels or 2v2 or something similar.

however, in 25v25 port battles, I have to lower the graphics to get decent fps (40-60 fps on medium graphics).

A 1060 should be fine tho :)

Posted (edited)

I have an Intel i5-4570, 8GB and a 1060 6GB. I can run the game on ultra with antialiasing off at constant 60fps (if I turn it on it kills the performance going down to 30fps).

However, in big battles those 60fps can drop to 40 or less depending on how many ships are involved.

With a good processor and the 1060 you should be able to play the game fine on ultra settings (except the antialiasing).

Edited by _Alucard_
Posted (edited)

thank you very much! I always turn off anti-aliasing so I think the 1060 6gb would be good enough. Thank you for the help so far! :)

Edited by Amendus

Well I'll give you the other end, lol....

I built my machine in 2010, so I'm definitely due for an upgrade..

i5-750 @2.4GHz  8GB RAM and a 550Ti

Running in "High" graphics with AA turned off, I get around 24-28 FPS...

The only time I really struggle is the first few mins of a Port Battle...


Hope that gives you just some additional baseline info, mate...



for your reference

Intel i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00 GHz
Kingston Hyper X 16.0 GB RAM
64bit OP Windows 10 Home
GPU GeForce GTX 980 Ti v381.89
Average Ping from Hong Kong 260


VSync On, FSXX On, Anti-Aliasing 4x, Full Screen Mode

FPS 45-55


VSync On, FSXX On, Anti-Aliasing OFF, Full Screen Mode 

FPS 60 - 70


VSync OFF, FSXX On, Anti-Aliasing OFF, Full Screen Mode 

FPS 120-135









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