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Posted (edited)

I think by now its pretty clear this is a project in flux, counting 5 years in dev, and passing one year charging retail prices for a beta product via steam. Not the first time we have seen this. The DAYZ standalone product for example, but at least they came clean. Anyway, the monthly goal patches were not a success by anyone's measure, I think we all just gave up on them. Given that road to hell.. ahem roadmap, there is no trust in the community of something better. Over time you have blamed the player base for bad input and general unruliness when you, the business should make calls as it is your destiny; though we thank you for input. Anyone older than 25 can see this is not the bread and butter keeping your lights on, but as lovers of the genre and your basic implementation in tribute to it, respectfully, push it forward. You can call me a tester for sure, but having spent $160 on a pre-release title, you don't get much better a supporter than I. The puritanical enforcement of salty words found in the dictionary and obsession with moderating natural salt in the forums is not what we paid for. You talk down to testers as if they aren't your customers when we are so much more. We are your customers and your advertising and your committed player base. Many of us work in this very field, yet we wait far too patiently for a product that seems to be thrown under the bus. I am linking you a visual and auditory masterpiece as a goodwill visual aid. The initial work you have done is The Band. What we have been getting from you for a long lately is this drunken Van Morrison. Sounds great in the beginning, then oh nelly, it gets bad. Cheesy as shit. Love it again, or kill it. Enjoy.


PS: Don't go out like this. Like a drunken 70's Ballmer.



Edited by Surathani
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I have over 1000 hours in this game, for the price of a round of drinks in an average London bar that would be consumed in 15 mins, I think I had my monies worth what ever happens.  Looking through my steam library there is not much other than Everquest that has given me so many hours of entertainment.


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