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Posted (edited)

[VLTRA] Non Terrae Plus Ultra

Spanish RvR clan [PVP1-EU]


[VLTRA] is a new spanish clan created from the union of some of the most important spanish societies: EI, CELTI, COSA, ARES and BSG.

[VLTRA] has born as a result of the wishes of the spanish RvR players, who always wanted a stronger organization to be more efficient in all the sections of this game.

Our clan is the biggest RvR and PVP spanish clan and we will be focused on defending Spain from our enemies and helping our allies. Although, we will always be able to help our pubbies in PVE missions.

Our crafting structure is really powerful with lots of 50 LVL crafters that allows us to be always prepared to fight.

We use the Spanish Nation Team Speak: There you can contact with our officers: Hidalgo de Cisneros, Pablo Frias, Jorge and Celtiberofrog who will explain you the main information you need to know.

We´re are a mainly spanish speaking clan but we have english-french speakers who will help you to feel integrated and confortable.

[VLTRA] is here to defend the Empire against our enemies.

¡Santiago y Cierra España!



Edited by Pablo Frias
  • Like 16
  • 3 weeks later...


Ataque de Islamorada 15/02/2017 (Grabado por uno de nuestros aliados daneses: Strategist)

Attack of Islamorada 15/02/2017 (Recorded by one of our Danish allies: Strategist)


The Vltra clan continues to seek new members to defend the interests of the Crown of Spain.

El clan Vltra sigue buscando nuevos miembro para defender los intereses de la nación.

This photo is from yesterday. We stayed for a few beers with our English friends but it seems they were already in bed.

Esta foto es de ayer. Quedamos para tomar unas cervezas con nuestros amigos los ingleses pero parece que ya estaban en la cama, a ver si otro día aguantan una noche de fiesta y no se van a dormir tan pronto:(




  • Like 3
3 hours ago, Capt. Daniel said:






I´m sad ... I was wondering on UK take my hand for a romantic city tour on Kingston and I have to get back to my bed with my tedybear.

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, sruPL said:



Nice screenshot from yesterday @deltonos, this one is from today.

I can see : 23 cowards from UK, one newbie sunked, and you with green skin (like an alligator).

On the other side ... 16 brave men running behind 23 cowards from Uk (must be maltese, I think) and 8 men with honour.


Edited by deltonos
to slurp or to suck.

I see 24 Spanish trying to blockade capital and pick up a fight with anything that passes through. We've driven you away. You got rekt. 

"I´m sad ... I was wondering on UK take my hand for a romantic city tour on Kingston and I have to get back to my bed with my tedybear"

We did what you asked for :wub:

Posted (edited)

I think you're wrong to post, the one you are looking for is this:

This post is only for recruitment and those images only show that  Dutch give away a ship. Save this link in favorites so you do not miss again and try not separate from your parents. They say there are bad people in NN.

Edited by Capt. Daniel
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Volviendo a lo importante.
Quiero felicitar a todos los integrantes del clan por el trabajo de ayer. La defensa de Gasparilla fue como queríamos gracias a la alta participación:


Además teníamos 5 o 6 integrantes más del clan en la flota de bloqueo, poco clanes en todo el servidor son capaces de hacer eso actualmente. :D

I want to congratulate all the members of the clan for the work of yesterday. The defense of Gasparilla was as we wanted thanks to the high participation.

Also we had 5 or 6 more members of the clan in the screen fleet. Very few clans around the server are able to do that currently.


También aprovecho para felicitar al clan SH, CORS y por supuesto a nuestros aliados por defender Pinar del Río :)

I also take the opportunity to congratulate the SH, CORS and of course our allies for defending Pinar del Río

Edited by Capt. Daniel
  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


Nación/Nation: España 


El clan VLTRA vuelve a la actividad y estamos reclutando activamente a nuevos miembros. Los interesados pueden contactar con Hidalgo de Cisneros en el juego o entrar en el TS (Team Speak) de la nación Española: y preguntar por el clan VLTRA. 

Si no estás interesado en nuestro clan pero luchas bajo la bandera española en el servidor PVP EU eres igualmente bienvenido a unirte a nuestra comunidad en el TS y participar en todas las actividades conjuntas de la nación.

También disponemos de un foro para la comunidad española: http://foronavalaction.es/index.php y una página web que puede ser de utilidad para los novatos: http://navalaction.es/  está un poco desactualizada por ahora debido a los recientes cambios pero como guía inicial puede ser de utilidad.


The VLTRA clan returns to the activity and we are actively recruiting new members. Those interested can contact Hidalgo de Cisneros in the game or enter the TS (Team Speak) of the Spanish nation: and ask for the VLTRA clan.
If you are not interested in our clan but you fight under the Spanish flag on the server PVP  EU you are welcome to join our community in TS and participate in all the joint activities of the nation.

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

En la batalla de Cartagena VLTRA demostró que tiene capitanes y barcos dispuestos a defender las tierras del Imperio por muy lejos que estén de La Habana:


Si quieres pertenecer a un clan organizado y preparado no dudes en contactar con algún miembro del clan.

  • Like 4

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