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     The officer we can purchase and level up is, basically, the same dude for everyone albeit a different name. Maybe we could have different grades of officer (basic->exceptional) that comes with their own "built in perks". Lets say the officer is a cannon master. At the basic level, he has no built in perks, so he wouldnt have a classification. As you get better grade, reload speed (or dispersion) can increase similar to powder monkeys or pellews sights. With how hard it is to find exceptional, non-craftable upgrades, it would help mix things up. Firstly, it would give additional bonuses that don't require points. Second, upon finding a better officer, it would require you to make the decision to swap out officers, and train the new officer from 0. This could open the possibility to have an officers quarters, and maybe have 2-3 officers kept in port to switch between. Much like cargo, they should remain in the port you offload them to, with the option to have them transported to a port for a price. I keep seeing how people want realism in the game, but yet dont want captain specific skills. Realistically, officers would have specific skill sets that differ between them, on-top of basic nautical skills every sailor would learn. Even in the modern navies of the world, almost every department has its own officer will a profound understanding of the areas they are in charge of, along with some knowledge of other departments.


In this game we govern the ship as if we were at the same time captains, officers and crew; as a single organism. This is good for me. We have already tested the major combat dynamics in early alpha.

What you say seem most like bonuses, anything else. Personally i don't agree. I am for a simple game that gives space to the player's skills; and not for bonuses, upgrades, perks, etc.

But this is obviously just my point of view.

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I agree with Jean. My least favourite bit about PotBS was being in a ship of the line and being able to be almost one-shotted by a frigate by some prick who was a bit faster at mashing skill buttons like every other MMO. This game should be more about our skills as players, not perks as characters. 

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The bonuses wouldnt be about increasing firepower to make the ship a floating fortress, it would be about increasing the efficiency at which ones ship operates at sea. It also wouldnt take away from the need for a person to be skillful in sailing. If you want it to be all about the skill of the player than no ship should have any upgrades, regional bonuses, or quality ratings. 

32 minutes ago, Amonacc said:

tavern hiring ftw

Wait, what? I never was able to oneshot SOL in potbs on frigate. Even on Herc mc trough stern and every dmg booster on, but youtube still had video where my frigate was oneshoted by trader heavy ship. Well, maybe two very powerfull shots from Mc herc could take down some light SOL, but rly I saw 6 vs 6 frigate vs SOL fight, where frigates was oneshoted by sols one aftr another to bow. being even unable to go for sols stern

Once in my Valiant I got jumped by two pirates in frigates outside of Jamaica. One broadside had my masts down and I was immediately boarded and taken. 

1 hour ago, SirSamuelHood said:

I agree with Jean. My least favourite bit about PotBS was being in a ship of the line and being able to be almost one-shotted by a frigate by some prick who was a bit faster at mashing skill buttons like every other MMO. This game should be more about our skills as players, not perks as characters. 

sadly i was never able to play POTBS, i went into the real navy a few months after it came out, and by the time i was able to try it the servers were dead. It seems the golden age of sails is a hard niche to properly reconstruct in a manner that is fun for everyone. I would like to see this game succeed, which is why i post things that stand out to me personally. I like to hear every side, whether i agree or not. With Sea of Thieves coming out this year, the need for additions that will bring in new players is needed, and fast.

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I even have never played POTBS, i honestly don't even know what is.
The proposal that you do, Wonderbread, is not bad and has a realistic sense. With a better crew (also officials) such vessels function better, but it is quite difficult to apply to a game, let's see why ...
A game that has a crew that improves with experience (which you can do playing or paying) is War Thunder (a game that i don't like very much). I play a bit only with Tanks and that happens, then those who play more (or pays) has a better crew (faster and more precise) of those who play less. Eg. i have some slots with very evolved crew and others little; if i put the same tank in these two slots, the difference is definitely noticeable, although i am the same player.
Result: playing a lot of you have benefits (bonus) on who plays less; I don't like that.

Also on NA it is what happened with regard to the officers / perks. The players to accumulate the exp necessary to level the officer have done great fleets missions. Translated, a great waste of time. Forced to play against stupid boots and leave normal battles in OW to do this. Everyone to now use the officers and perk, so there are almost no such bonus, if not on at the beginning players.

This is why i would prefer no bonus.

I go slightly OT and i comment on upgrades:
we are playing a game on sailing ships or a magic card game?

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