Uilleam Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 I went from playing constantly prior to the last patch, to only showing up to see what if anything had changed on the weekends. Since this patch has come out, I'm back playing again. Pros: Taking out the fine wood was a good idea (or if resource distribution had been tweaked to make things less rare...on balance, I'm not asking for fine woods to come back). Towing service--generally good idea. Not sure if I'd keep it as is, or make it like the delivery system for goods...on balance I like it as is. Definitely saves time sailing ships from crafting site to port. Exiting to port from Battle--I like this as it solves the issue of being ganged up on after winning a battle. I would rather have had some extended invisibility time to get out of the vicinity, but, this works. Neutral--from a "big picture" point of view, I think the community likes the admiralty events. I'll take the minority position here, The game has developed to a point where it has an increasing level of realism. These events are like nothing that happened in reality, so they feel like a step backwards to me. HOWEVER, I wonder if they couldn't be integrated into port battles. I know (personally) that the timer situation on port battles keeps some players of the battles. So a suggestion...if port battles opened up multiple times a day, and the final result of who keeps the port was then part of the server update, then no one would be excluded due to time zone issues and no one battle would flip the port, and the screening battles in front of the port could work something like the admiralty events now, so even though the port battle filled up, you still get rewarded. I think that would be more 'realistic', provide lots of PvP, and allow a much larger group to get into port battles. Would this be possible to do? Con--Free towns are still essentially mega fortresses where everyone stores their war ships, attacks the local shipping as it approaches and ducks back into harbor as soon as opposing war ships arrive. Very frustrating, but, I'm now doing it myself, only way to pay back the nation that's doing it to me is to do the same to them. Such a minor change, but, again, the more realistic the game is, the more this bugs me. Can "Clan" be changed to "Fleet"? Pirates--I like the proposed change of having 2 pirate factions, on functioning as a nation, and one as free pirates. I think it will be interesting to see how the two approaches work out. I made some posts about making pirates more pirate like (existing perks, additional perks, and also some hindrances to balance them out). But in any case, some experimenting with the way pirates work would be a benefit. Overall, generally good improvements, no negatives with anything that was done, and I hope you'll consider the cons as suggestions for further improvement. Game is much better now than it has been. Thank you for the work, the game, and your ongoing efforts with it. Uilleam
Uilleam Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 I see the requests for specific port battle comments... The current system doesn't work for me at all. Last night was the first time I could have taken part in a PB, but didn't realize one was scheduled, so I was way too far out of position to get to it, so that's my fault. ALL other PB's since the new system came on line have locked me out of play by happening when I am at work or when I am asleep (sorry, but I need to keep my real life job). I hear the new battles with land in port battles is pretty good to great, but I can't comment as I don't have any personal experience with one yet. Also, I understand the current mechanic is going away next patch...I hope so, if the current PB mechanic remains, I'll likely drop the game as it's really frustrating to not be able to participate in them. I'm in the minority on this, but to me this is a war game and wars are about either eliminating the enemy, acquiring resources, or acquiring territory. No port battles, then all the other things in the game are sort of pointless (in my way of viewing, and I acknowledge, I'm not in the majority on this). It's a fun challenge to sink enemy ships and take enemy cargo, but taking ports is the ultimate point of a war game, (to me). Again, thanks for the work that's been done, and while the last patch put me out where I couldn't craft ships due to the fine woods, couldn't do other crafting due to lack of resources (US had too little territory at that time), and couldn't (and mostly still can't) take part in PB's, the current changes fixed several issues, with port battles and free towns being the biggest issues remaining for me (and in Pirates being a more general issue). The upcoming changes I've heard about sound like several will be improved, and I hope all will eventually be resolved. Best wishes, Uilleam.
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