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- Defender as a zerg screen ennemy fleet to not allow it to join the pb with fail ship (exemple santo tome where the british fleet never joined the pb after 1ll the french to suicide kite their fleet to hell)

- defender just tp to outpost two minutes before pb to be in


-offender move near port to log out before the pb. Then they just log in when pb start to just have to click in


We are facing now a problem that involve and defender and offenders. The problem we meet is that the pb start as soon as timer is +46hour after flip. With or without offenders. It means offenders has to be present in front of the port to join it before it start what is impossible due of screen. So offenders chose easy way to avoid screen what is log out log in.

The problem is too that it's too easy to défend a port. People has just to tp to the port and jump out to join the pb. You can't screen defensive fleet.


How to solve the problem :

For offenders:

-introducing flags back. 46h after flip, captain can purchase à flag as before during one hour. To avoid trolls, just the captain who gain enough contention can buy the flags.

If noone with enough contention has buy the flag,  anyone in the nation can buy it after 30 min.

With flag, you have one or more (comment)  hours to plant it to make the pb start.

For defenders :

As soon as the port is put in conquest mode, you are no more able anymore to tp to the ports belonging to the attacked région exept free town.

You will have to sails to it from your base or from the closest free town.


It will help the territory to be less cluster -introducing back à bit the frontiere war. The free town will be a key point for both def and offenders helping large pvp battle to be there. Def and offenders may need screen to be able to join the port. It will stop this stupidity of ennemy jumping out a port they once sails in a trader with war ship in and it will noy allow any more the login/logout tactic.

The flag has already beeing code so it may be not to hard to introduce the changes propos here


Pz comment and improve.




Big downside of blocking tp to a region is the consequences it has for casual abd non rvr involved players.


The collateral is simply too great to implement. And putting a region in conquest mode can be used/abused in a griefing way, for thr sake of just blocking the nation from utilizing far away outposts.


The problem is that there is just ONE battle for the port - well, actually the whole area.

We need a series of battles and/or objectives that an attacker can do - but that a determined defender can defend against - not an easy thing given the "ingenuity" of some players.

Perhaps a series of objectives for a regional capitol that involves 7 (out of 10) successful skirmishes in a 12 hour period and the region flips ownership - if a defender wins 4 in the time frame the area is saved.


My few cents:

There was a lot good and less good suggestions about Port Battles already on forums. Currently PB favor certain group of players (Agamemnons owners) and throw away rest.  Another problem is possibility to reinforce allies in port battles - same people with same ships and same screening fleets - no place for casual players and possibility to earn some experience for them. PB are now only for small group of hardcore players with a lot time for playing (including craft and haul). Again: what the point have so many nations when 30-40 same people from mostly 3-4 nations participate in every PB on map. What about rest of players? They come few times get farmed and leave...leaving negative comments 

All hope for land in PB this will be great feature, no doubt but we need change as well pure PB mechanics (coming soon) and not allow to join allies or at least limit them to small numbers or ship size - let the nations defend own ports. Here we could use pirates in privateers role - allow sign letters of marque and fight for certain nation for certain time (not PB only OW). Port battles may be limited (i know nobody like this word) to 2-3 per nation daily with 2 hour between them allow all interested to participate if nation have smaller population. Assuming we get more players after game release this need to be adressed imo otherwise whole RvR may turn into fun for 40 players.  Ideas about few "mini PB" are reasonable and could be tested futher.

Strongly recommend open "test server" after game release for future testing and polishing game.


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