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As I sit here looking at the maps of everyone hoping we move to the Old World and add it as a whole new world. Though I would love if that became reality, I feel it would cause a separation in the player base, some being New World sailors, others being Old World. As well as the low player base.


My suggestion, with the game in it's current state, is intrduction of just the capital ports. Of course some capitals are not coastal, using the largest coastal city as substitute would be best. London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam and either New York or Boston(ship builder city). The purpose of these ports would be highly lucrative but also time consuming trade and travel. offering maybe the only location able to produce ships that are better than ones produced in the Caribbean, as well as offer great selling prices for new world items and great buying prices for manufactured goods. As well as maybe offering unique bonuses or material for ships. I suggest not allowing the ports to be taken.

This idea would bring a new testing ground for a European theater, as well as a new theater and incentive to be a trader and have a trader fleet. Sailing Indiamen to London to buy goods and selling them in Jamaica would bring back massive income but give you the risk of 1) Being a big juicy target for piracy, and 2) Having a time consuming trip that is worth the money.


Though the US would have an edge, I'm sure others have ideas to bring balance. 



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I have also thought about how europe could be added into this game, and how the two "maps" could work together. And it sure does offer a ton of possibilites. I have rather thought about it as having two servers. One being the europe side, the other being the carribean (as having one massive map is probably technicaly not possible + the sail between europe and the carribean would be... insanely long).

And they would be linked like it hostoricaly was, the carribean relied on resources from europe and europe relied on resources from the carribean. This would work interesting, as it would make alliances more complicated. Cause what might be a favourable alliance in the carribean might not be a good idea in Europe and the other way round.

But there are some "concerns" i have.

- Does it add enough for every type of player to be worth it?

- You would need allot of players to cover both maps, so both feel lively.

- Would only be fun if people would play on both maps, so you don't have like danes doing great in the carribean and having like no ports left in europe.

- It can't slow down the gameplay/PvP, it can't be only there to make it ever harder to get goods transported or stuff made.

I would love to have it historicaly accurate, but it would realy need to add gamefun to the game.

You could also make different ROE between the carribean and the europe side, like we have the bahamas now. You could for instance not do PB's on the europe side, but do like blockading of ports only. The europe map by design will offer more concentrated PvP areas, like in the English channel.


Atlantic doesn't have to be to scale, would be quite possible to reduce distance to 1/3rd or so of real. Maybe add in some currents/tradewinds for faster trans-atlantic passage.

Would be quite interesting to split nations between europe and the caribbean, add in a new faction or two, russia vs sweden, ottoman empire etc. Assuming the playerbase can support this of course.

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