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As the devs are relutant to implement exploration role in game, i think a way to mitigate the lack of it and warm the economy plus helping new players to grind their ranks:
1) first of all, i believe that reseting the perks of captain only can be done in a port where the player had outposts;

2) to work (and to prevent players to exploit game mechanics) must be created an explorer perk at high points cost (6 or 5);

3) players that the perk is enable gain x2 XP for travel reward (this can be balanced acordly community feedback);

4) when the perk is enabled, at the shop window, hidden goods related to fauna and flora species, etc, pop up and the player can buy it (as that goods are rare, the costs must be high, but the profits too) to sell only at nation ports or capital regions;

5) these itens dont showed up in trade tool, so the player must go OW and seek them at ports;

6) to loot these special itens, the captain must be equiped with that perk, otherwise the goods (species, fauna, flora) remain with its previous owner.
I think it is easy to implement this cuz it will use the same mechanics already set in game.
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Cool, time to catch some lizards!

It could even unlock special fishing rewards like rare species or particular ones like squids for example.

Even better would be if you could go near shore away from any port and go “hunting" for local species. (Like we se in Master&Commander)

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At first (before I finished reading) I thought it was just going to be another way to create sheep to slaughter.  But I like that the owner has the chance to keep the rare items if the attacking ship doesn't also have the perk enabled.  Could be a nice way to get the waters more populated.



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