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Small pop nations are having a real hard time grinding hostility, especially with the 15% drop every day.  If small nations have very little chance to get new regions, then naturally  they can't get access to new resources to help them craft things like ships.  It's a game killer for some.  I suggest you scale the hostility gathering abilities based on population....the lower the pop, the higher the hostility each player can generate in missions etc.

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Posted (edited)

So that small nations with 25 very active players rule supreme over nations with 500 players that don't leave the green zone?

Number of accounts or even active players don't mean they participate in RVR.

Balancing is very difficult in a game where people can choose which side to play for. Plus I don't think all nations need to have the same population and the same share of territory for the game to work. Alliances have brought balancing very far already imho. Just a matter of coordination. Btw. Coordinating 100 British ships to be at the same spot at the same time is probably not a lot easier then 100 captains from different nations (language barriers aside)

Edited by Chimera
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Posted (edited)

Hmmm. I could see this working, but it most certainly should not be linear. Some kind of 'low pop incentive' like the bonuses in Planetside 2, might be an idea. At most they should be something like 50% more hostility gain, if population is something like 10% or something. Anything beyond that would be very hard to prevent becoming an issue as described above. Probably would have to be scaled to 'active RvR player count' (basically all players who participate in either hostility, both offensive and defensive, and port battles and PvP, over a certain time period).

Edited by Elouda
Posted (edited)

It doesn't sound bad but I wonder what the effects would be combined with the two PB limit and allies. It sounds good if you consider just one nation solo but the math skews when you add in allies.

Let's say you are France and Spain Allied and want to fight Great Britain in a sort of push move.

France is a large nation but Spain is tiny. The two put together equal the size of GB (example only).

So now the players of GB have the base potential to creat PB against France/Spain and get x2 PBs.

However, since tiny Spain now has the full hostility generation potential of a large nation France/Spain actually has x2 the hostility generation of GB for the same number of players and get x4 PBs for the same effort.

Edited by Bach

Unfortunately the small do not rule the large the weak dont outfight the strong.

If your faction is small then as in life you are going to be weak. WIth the new crafting recipe and rarity of supply it makes it even harder.

I am basically in a faction of 4 players that is in a constant state of war with everyone and am finding making a exceptional ship almost impossible BUT I'm getting closer to building one...yes one.

As hard as my struggle is i dont think we should get special rules or bonuses to aid us ,mostly because we couldn't hold what we take anyways.

Just have to hope for people to join us.

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I don't want to speak for Stropwafel, but he may have mentioned he plays on PvP2. We have here a little population and the amount of hostility the game asks for open a PB, compared to the population, is ridiculous, especially for the smallest nations who are now out of the game.


This is a point PvP1 players may not understand. The hostility needed cannot be the same on PvP1 and PvP2 due to a large difference of population. This is too much to ask to a player, even an hardcore one.


As an example, if Dutch goes to war vs. SWE, they will have no chance to counter-attack. I am not talking their chances of winning a PB, but they will simply unable to trigger an offensive PB ! The game leave them no chance to HOPE something in a war... This is nonsense to me. But to me, the roots of the problem is server scaled, not faction scaled.



1) Merge the servers quickly.


2) Adapt hostility needed to PvP2 according to his population.


IMO, the daily drop should be smaller and it should happens progressively during the whole day. Then, you have to balance the nations and boom! they should be able to trigger the PB after a couple of days of national effort. 

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This is how hostility has worked for me for the last 2 days,  Get in fleet look for something to do, get reports of Spanish near Belize, go find Spanish, Spanish run to forts if in OW, if we find a battle Spanish send out a scout and log off in results screen.  After 2-3 hours i have not fired cannons at all and get frustrated and go grind PvE to lower hostility.  After that i log off a little more dead inside.  


Never mind the frustration that not getting hostility points for sinking allies of a nation causes.  When the Swedes are defending Spanish areas to keep hostility down and we get no points for sinking them that's BS.

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This is how hostility has worked for me for the last 2 days, Get in fleet look for something to do, get reports of Spanish near Belize, go find Spanish, Spanish run to forts if in OW, if we find a battle Spanish send out a scout and log off in results screen. After 2-3 hours i have not fired cannons at all and get frustrated and go grind PvE to lower hostility. After that i log off a little more dead inside.

Never mind the frustration that not getting hostility points for sinking allies of a nation causes. When the Swedes are defending Spanish areas to keep hostility down and we get no points for sinking them that's BS.

The same happens with other nations. I hope they remove the capability to gain hostility that fast with PvE, they encourage players to go to the frontiers and PVP should grow. I thought that was the intentions of the devs... But who knows, they might change their mind.

And in the next patch (when?) will add new content to the RvR.

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