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Posted (edited)

As one of the GB players in the Castries PB fleet (my in game name is different to my forum name) I feel qualified to comment.

In my humble view we lost because we lost some ships to boarding - the players concerned know who they are and what they could so different next time - I don't apportion blame. We also lost because an enemy ship exploded taking out 3 of ours - I don't blame the player who was attempting to board for that at all, it was just one of the things that happens in battle (personally I have a LOT of respect for that player having served with him in a number of battles both screening and PBs themselves, I have seen him in action and know he is a sensible player and a good commander).

Finally, I don't blame the fleet commander for the loss, we had a good grip on the battle but sometimes you just lose because stuff happens. I do however have to say that  I am very disheartened by what I see as finger pointing and bickering, particularly on a public forum. It cannot help our nation or our alliance to behave so.

 Let's draw a line under it now please everyone.

Edited by NavalActionPlayer
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Posted (edited)

So firstly wow what a PB, there will always be many things and stuff that take a battle from 970+ from one side to a win to the other...but wowser what a PB.

I have actually up until this PB been impressed with LV's demeanor in chat, on national TS he has been both funny, lampooned himself a fair bit, copped and worn some flack and on occasion played up to his persona. But overall he has been very much an asset to the brits. I don't care if you like or dislike him (I am no fan of biggotry) but he is an excellent commander and it is NOT just about shouting or being brash. He is an inciteful gamer and a good one. Commanding is a long way from being easy.

Indeed my next vid (indeed I hoped a series of them) was going to be with "commanders of the fleet" starting with LV. This behaviour has somewhat soured that appetite.

I am saddened and somewhat angry at the overt finger pointing. It is as important in defeat as it is in victory to be gracious, now whether technically it is one persons fault or another, it should not result in abusive and derisive behavior. It not only tarnishes the fun of the game but it splits our nation and our relationship with allies we DEPEND on. I know most of the names who sailed with the Brits (indeed all of them) and have had lots of fun with pretty much all of of them. I know some of them to be great at certain aspects and less so than others, I believe the majority of them to be better sailors than I. So I really don't like the finger pointing and anatomical breakdown of a single captains failure. Especially when that captain has served the alliance brilliantly time after time...and is GREAT FUN to play with.

So come on. Behave.

Finally, well done Dane/Frenchy/Span/Sweedie gits, great win, I expect we will be back.




Edited by Jeheil
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Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, sruPL said:

Feel free to step up and say the names. Most of us are waiting. So far the players doing this other than Vicious do it, because they are forced to, because no one else wants to.

@sruPL I do not understand why you are trying to turn this into a spitting match about this? I do not understand why you are defending this kind of behavior. His accusations and language are almost Tribunal-worthy. To follow him because you think there is no other alternative is a poor excuse. I should not need to rattle off names, though I have sailed with many captains in game who were cordial, polite, helpful, and did well directing a squadron. If, in your elite group of 25, no one else wants to do it then perhaps that is part of the problem? You are presenting a good example of the "echo chamber" phenomenon: you say no one else wants to do it because you only talk to the small group that doesn't want to, and that reinforces your preconceived notion. I am simply trying to challenge that viewpoint and suggest that there is, potentially, another. I do not know who else would command a port battle, but I am not content to sigh in resignation that there simply isn't one because I haven't spoken to them. I would respectfully ask you to be more open minded about it.


@Jeheil The only dealing I have ever had with Lord Vicious is what I have witnessed here today. Until that point I had no opinion of him one way or the other. I am not asking you, or anyone else, to care whether I like him or not, but his insults, barely coherent ranting, and forum-censored cursing paints a vivid picture of his personality. So, I no longer care how good a fleet commander he may be or what his demeanor towards others has been. He savagely and unjustly attacked me, to say nothing of the player Amplify, for no other reason than that I disagreed with his treatment of another and his (unfounded) attack on a player who followed his lead and tried to win the battle for him. Therefore, I now have no desire to sail with him at any point. 


He will clearly say "good riddance" which is his right to do, but this belies the greatest Achilles heel of the game: the shrinking player base. It baffles me how some players are here rallying around a behavior which will, if left unchecked, drive people away from the game. The elite 25 who always seem to do the port battles will eventually find themselves cold and alone when the player base needed to screen, blockade, help run missions, etc recoils from this kind of behavior.


I have not become very well known on the PVP1 server since I have had far less time to play in the last few months than I did when the game was released and I played on PVP2. It is too bad that many people I have seen in game and here on the forums would rather cast accusations about than sail with someone newer to the server, or see how good they actually are. The TOXIC clan certainly seems to be living up to its name at present.

Edited by Sir R. Calder of Southwick
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As I said in my earlier post. Let's ALL draw a line under all this please.

To also add to that post, I would like to echo Jeheil's sentiments. Well played to the victors, you beat us fair and square, you were on the ropes but came back fighting, good one lads!


  • Like 1

Not a single world on islamorada?

23-25. Us got the wind but just one area. Spanish commander manage to keep upernumberon 2 area leading us to charge and brawl.

Home managing to get a new point TS Spanish succes to sunk more us that reverse leading to victory.


  • Like 6

Let's remind ourselves that this thread is not to discuss battles at this length. Please keep it clean to not obscure the videos (which is the reason people come here).

  • Like 3

I respect the sweeds, you are using the pirate problem to help you break the US/gb/vp alliance.

Use the pirates to help you flip ports, something the high and mighty brits refused on principle! 

I respect that :)

Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, rediii said:

You never make mistakes. Every random event is calculated from you. Like the british fireship in Puerto de Espana which turned around the battle again. You took advantage of this fireship and said you turned around that battle. It is a pitty that the british leadership was/is too weak to deny you and your attitude to lead portbattles. Hats off to the US which seems to be restisting.




they literally hello kitty up, turning our fleet against wind they got caught by the fireship since they put the fleet in chains,   And then liiterally QUIT TS3 giving order to ppl to leave battle and in that chaos, i took over a battle we where losing 6 loss to 1 kill and turned into a 11-7 

I never hello kitty up an entire fleet like that but for sure i am not going to quit ts3 if a fleet i lead turn into disaster your role is to lead from start to end, you cant? dont have the nerves? you cant lead sorry.


 Lead means that every time you lose a pb, becouse someone explode, get boarded, or just becouse soon or later simply happens, little worms who never showup will always say he could have done this or this or this,  everyone is super smart after the battle.  But if you ask the same ppl to go and lead.   all you get is the sound of silence.


So you either grow a thick skin, and tell this irrilevant ppl to stfu, (they didnt even have balls to use their in game name ) or you gonna quit ts3 like the ppl who lead the first 30 min of that pb.    I listen to only ppl who have credits for talk, like the players who where there , they have titles for talk :)


When we lost in les cayes last time, we joined from the wrong side,(left) cause we didnt wanna gamble on wind rotation, so i took that decision becouse whats you supposed to do when nobody will. (difference is you take that decision accordingly to the information you have in that moment while ppl always criticize after the facts)

The second time i couldt not be there in person (2 day ago) but i spent a good 30 min explaining augustus and other guys another strategy.  And it worked very well.  at end we didnt (a fireship went wrong not cause the captain but becouse fire took forever to explode)  win but we obtained many of the targets we planned, and the enemy fleet behave exactly like i predicted. 

And i was very happy of the results, the guys played well, there is always a randomness factor in each pb  so no i not go salty or angry at losses if you play fairly your cards. 

Edited by Lord Vicious
  • Like 1
26 minutes ago, monk33y said:

I respect the sweeds, you are using the pirate problem to help you break the US/gb/vp alliance.

Use the pirates to help you flip ports, something the high and mighty brits refused on principle! 

I respect that :)

Pirates haven't flipped any ports for our alliance. If you're talking about Puerto Plata, that was the US flipping it for the Pirates and then giving it to pirates undefended. Which is fine with us. We don't care if we take it from Pirates or Americans.

  • Like 3
6 minutes ago, rediii said:

Exactly what i was saying.

Not you turned that battle around. It was the british fireship which took as many french with it as the french fireship which took brits with it.


Leaving the teamspeak as a fleetcommander is not a good thing though. Have to agree with you here but i think there are many more british captains which can lead battles, have the nerves to do it and take responsibility if a order goes wrong but you deny them a chance because you spread the rumor that you are the only one who is able to do this. You might give the right orders sometimes but which bothers me the most about you is your personality. I would never sail under someone like you and i think if your alliance fails or if brits stop turning up at portbattles you and your attitude to lead fleets and blame people is the reason behind it.

But let's stop arguing in a good fights battlereport topic. You can and will have the last word though ;) 

I believe there is some, they free to step up,  Get the glory, share it as well endure the blaming if they cause bad losses as any other commanders.      I dont give a damn if you or anyone else like me as person or character,i have a history of success in game that talk for me. So remove the person from the equation.       Brit is a community they decide if i lead not me, unless you pretend i can force ppl to showup.  So evidently if lead is becouse people give me credits for, arguably more credits then previous brits commanders and trust me when i joined brit there was 7-8 ppl leading with very randomic results.

I tbh hate 4th rate battles so i rarely lead them,  plenty of space for other commanders to showup.  Afterall is a community decision, if someone showup and is better then me, the ppl in ts3 will say X lead not you, is a natural process nobody can fake. not even me Redii :)

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, monk33y said:

From what iv seen of the battle in question. It's one captains total and utter error (I would use more colourful language but Mr editing mod seems to be keeping a close eye on me). 

If any captain makes that level of error you highlight it and make an example (so other coming through the ranks captains don't make it later) but  NO! This is Britain, we don't say bad things, we don't command correctly etc!?

Would you like to see Britain go back to the cluster f*** of old fleet commanding!!  

We are aware most of the British hate sorry/toxic, how many other captains would be able hold that port next to the French capital?? I look forward to receiving capturing it on the first attempt. As we are not wanted to help so be it. (Im pissed off that while I'm away Durring the week loads of my sh!t is now under French control) but what do I expect good old Britain, 

total rubbish...it doesnt matter where the port is .. if its next to the capital or other side of the map a 25 v 25 pb is the same ,,,,,how many times was castries an easy defence because the french were screened out  ..i know of at least 4 port battles ... care to name who lead  and planned the screening ?

who led Orinoco and Trinidad,, port battles ? when we won offensive battles 

as for Castries battle look at the battle time line

48 mins remaining Brits hold all 3 circles lead 862 -0

43 mins remaining Brits have lost 2 circles 1-2 lead 935 -42

33 mins remaining still 1-2 down on circles lead 978- 138 ...

28 mins remaining 1-2 down lead 898 -308

26 mins remaining french/Danes have all 3 circles Brits lead 935 -340

24 mins boarded ship blows

in 24 minutes of battle British fleet went from an 862 -0 lead holding all circles to a 935-340 ,,but holding no circles ...

mistakes were made but to blame the loss of the battle on one person is ridiculous ...if you want to point fingers the fleet commander lost all 3 circles ..before the ship exploded

the fleet commander has been very good in some battles not so in this one it seems

Find it strange that on the forums both yourself and LV seem to want to convince everyone else you are the saviours of poor chaotic British Nation ... even though your hated ..

yet the reality is that the British nations acceptance and tolerance ,,something you seem to despise ...has given Sorry/Toxic .. game content and a nation to play the game in .we've accepted you in game.. we have accepted in port battles ,,,in nation chat and in TS

I don't expect you buy us flowers and romantic gifts ....... but a thank you would be nice

Edited by Grundgemunkey
  • Like 8
Posted (edited)

Not being with the game long I enjoyed the reading here. Also the little banter here and there is ok, spices up the vids.

Right now, I feel you are overstepping it a bit.

Thx and good wind to all of you.

edit: Something I would rather argue, my cigar smoking seal avatar looks better than monkeys cigar smoking monkey :P

Edited by OlFson
towards a Different topic
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

No gifts munkey!! That cuts deep

I enjoy the screening fleets, I enjoy playing with you lot! but I dislike is this attack a toxic or sorry player attitude! When your winning you attack us, when you loose you loose your minds attacking us!

If one captains error in the battle is LV'S fault as he was leading then all the past dreadful looses the brits suffered were the commanders fault also! But no you don't attack them. They are your friends. You just attack LV. 

I just love Reading this. Such venom iv not posted in ages and when I do good old munkey launches a new attack 

( I like that munkey shows passion on here, I don't take what's written as a personal insult but instead more in good humour, sometimes munkey is correct others he is wrong, we all get it right and wrong) 

Edited by monk33y

Hey guys ..Now seriously.This is a PB report site, not a blaming/flaming d..k measuring pissing contest.

Sometimes you win,sometimes you lose.


  • Like 5
Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, monk33y said:

Monkey looks forward to "bumping" into you down a dark ally my friend.. :) 

On a lighter note it's my star citizen avatar (been using it for years) 

I am sure you would :( just got my ass handed to me yesterday in my first pvp 1 on 1. So much to learn. It was a well mannered russian pirate though. The only drawback, he couldn't speak more than 2 words in english.

Same here, having that avatar for years now (WoT).


But nevertheless, back to the PB vid topic, not the other one :ph34r:

Edited by OlFson
Posted (edited)

if i may....

First of i would like to congratulate the Castries Eastern Alliance port battle fleet for this win.
I was watching it live and was fascinating about this mind blowing thriller.

Also i want to tell the Brits/US players that they fought very well; all of them fought like lions.

The truth, why Castries was won by the Eastern Alliance is here:
After Orinoco loss, we had a turn-around in our alliance. We got our act together.
We understood that mutual respect and help is the key to succeed.

We put all our eggs into one basket and hit you with it! :D
Everybody was working for this win, the French, the Danes, the Swedes and the Spaniards.
I personally would like to take the blame for Castries loss; but that wouldn't be fair to my allies. ;)


BTW: Congrats to the Spaniards for the Islamodora win!


Edited by sveno
  • Like 15

Not been online for a couple of days, I've not seen all of Pb video. First of all unlucky Brit's shame I couldn't be there to help bloody work does get in the way and congrats to the enemy.( we will be back)

I would like to say as a player who does partake in pb's when possible I have no problems with any of our fleet commanders it's a horrible thankless task I wasn't too sure about LV  joining Brit's at first but TBH as a fleet commander I respect him and happily follow him into battles in game ( not to sure I would follow him in the forum wars) at times.....

On the subject of fleet commanders hell I've thought about giving it a go but the learning curve is steep and the responsibility of 25 players & there ships is alot to carry especially if they get flamed when it goes wrong and most pb's are important also I feel that if Brit's bring a new fleet commander against a seasoned one the defeat may have effect of killing that persons enthusiasm to lead another...

There may be some shall we say reluctant leaders waiting in the mist, who will be hiding further in the mist without some encouragement and some support.  Let's not let one defeat divide us let's pick ourselves up and take the fight to the enemy.

If we win we win as a team of 25 and if we lose its as a team of 25..  not forgetting the screen?

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

I was totaly asleep (French use whisper to be able to speak french while not heard by spanish to not disturb them. It's why you listening me and some french over the spanish commander. My kid awake up several time, if i look away it's thati'm away or asleep on keyboard)

I put kid on school today on 8h30 and go back to sleep untill now (14h). I hello kitty UP half my day due of a game :-(!!

Edited by PIerrick de Badas
  • Like 7

I tried or even try to be a PB Commander, but it's not the same as what I am used to. I really love commanding normal battles, where there are no points, no circles, just have to kill enemies. Also battles consisted of players that I know very well, like my clan members. I know their skill, experience and for example I know who I can send to fight 1v2 because he is a decent player, who to chain enemy, who to start boarding because he is good in boarding etc. 


I also pay respect to all British players that tried to softly push me to be a commander because I wanted to try it. People like JohnSnow, skmarsh and lots of other players, even if I performed badly or avarage. I don't remember anyone saying that we failed battle because of my bad decissions, neither I tried to blame someone from captains for failures.


A good battle, and again, a real pleasure to fight beside Spanish guys :)

Communications are difficult, but well, the fun is always here! Big up to the US who thanks our presence to this battle... I've got no child like our Venerable Leader, but its still quite hard to fight at 4am.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Guillaume Longueheuse said:

A good battle, and again, a real pleasure to fight beside Spanish guys :)

Communications are difficult, but well, the fun is always here! Big up to the US who thanks our presence to this battle... I've got no child like our Venerable Leader, but its still quite hard to fight at 4am.

I was not leading you little worm! This honnor was for our honnorable spanish allies that i will not name exept if he want. Congrts to him to have kepp control of the ships into the brawl and get the upper hand everywhere.

Tiphat for the us for the fight, the mortar on the other side of island was really smart

  • Like 4

This thread has gone FUBAR!!! 

Gg eastern alliance or the empire or mordor whatever, as comebacks go that was one of the best, excellent watch and most exciting, wp to all participants. 

See that wasn't so hard was it.

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