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Posted (edited)

Again, I have logged over 1,200 hours in this game, and not once have I complained about the timers until it was changed to 2 minutes.  You are just throwing out a strawman's logical fallacy. 


Then you resort to calling me lazy.  How exactly does wanting to sail solo equate to being lazy? 


I like doing missions solo once in a while and I usually do my trade runs solo in a ship that has been tagged many times but never been caught in battle, and that's about the extent of my solo play.  On the contrary, I find solo trade missions quite adrenaline pumping because the risk of getting caught is always there.  I have transported as many as 20 high grade notes in my exceptional fir traders lynx from my capital to a free port for transport to another free-port where I do my ship building, and there has almost always been enemy ships around looking to steal my precious cargo. 


That does not mean however that I think 2 minute timers are healthy for the game. 


Maybe it's just the contradictions in your posts that are throwing me off. On the one hand, I see you saying, "I'm a proud solo player . . . yadda yadda yadda." Then in the very same post: "I'm having trouble finding fun 10v10 fights." U wot m8? So, um, which is it? Either you want to play with other people or you don't, but speak plainly man! I'm trying to figure out what the 'longer timer' advocates really want. So far all I can really tell is that they seem to want a system that protects them from their own foolish risks.


And, I seriously doubt that the people advocating for longer timers to 'bring back PVP' are all that inclined to actually do any PVP'ing, or they might actually spend more time AWAY from their capitals and taking the fight to the enemy. But, alas, that's 'too much effort' or something.

Edited by ajffighter86
Posted (edited)

Whatever you smoking is very potent as i have not stated ANY of things you mentioned! 

Never have i stated that i DON'T WANT/WANT play with other players... What i DID state that i do not want to be forced through tiresome process of finding 

other players for EVERY ACTION i plan to take in this game! Please do not attempt to strawman me another time.


As for your 3rd point you accuse me off it's it seems to me more of your own mindset as you seem to be deeply offended/protective about 

a change to this game you consider helpful to your game style. 


All we have proposed is adding a few mins (1-2-3) to battle timer and with it adding a chance of a ganked victim of getting some help. Help that would be only available in waters populated by

friendly ships anyway.


I've already explained why that won't work, lol.


If it's 3 minutes, you arrive at 3:01 and it still doesn't help you, and then we have to have all these arguments about doing away with the 3-minute timer instead of the argument over the 2-minute timer.


It's really not about timers, it's about the players. The enemy fleet sailed together. You did not. They're going to have an advantage. Get over it.



What that means to you is your ganks in front of enemy towns would be a bit more risky, yea we can't have that! 

And again, we can barely find enough USA players on PVP1 to even form a 'gank' fleet, and I'd rather not be swarmed by every monkey's uncle for taking my merc into enemy trading lanes simply because their friends can respond from hundreds of miles away.

Edited by ajffighter86
  • Like 1

I sail off Jamaica constantly hunting traders and 5th rates. I do this alone. I've been caught and sunk twice in 3 months. I've never come close to being "annihilated" by a superior fleet. The ships I lost were in 2v1s where I gave a good accounting of myself. Not the 20v1s I would have had to deal with if longer timers were in. 




No, it turns into a dogpile on any lone player or pair who dare sail on the OW. I had enough of that crap at the start of early access, and have no wish to return to it. Fight what you see is the only "fair" ROE, whether it's accomplished by 2 minute timers or by Admin's double circle ROE. If I have friends that  can help me, they are already sailing so close that they'd make it in on a 30 second timer. If they're farther away than that, they're not "sailing with me" in the first place and have no business in the fight that I got myself into.




Yours and others definition of a "chance" is perfect safety and total risk aversion. After all, somebody could have come and bailed your sorry ass out for a poor decision you made, if ONLY the game mechanics were modified to allow it. No, ajf has it right. You won't be satisfied even if the battle was open for an hour and a half, you'd complain that battles were to short. I think instead you should learn what constitutes poor decisions in this game and either live with the consequences of making them, or learn to avoid them.

So we had a "scale" and now we're back to "poor decisions" and well, mind reading me. 

You "know" i will not be happy even with an hour open battles... For fuck sake will you get off that self appointed throne you build for yourself..

Some modesty will not hurt in your case. 


About your "poor decisions". Did i make one when i tried to relocate my Vic from KPR to Carlisle and got ganked right in front of it with no 

chance to get help even from guys in my sight? Fuck a Vic, i have 4 more but a game mechanics that allows 100% no risk ganks 

in the square middle of heavily populated nation waters is BAD! 


Bottom line is we will never see eye to eye as our vision of the game is vastly different. No arguments you make will not change my mind

as i find this game in this state not worth playing and i guess adding a min or 2 to timers it seems would break this game for you. 

We are different players liking different stuff. You happen to hold opinions shared by a small fraction of players playing this game.

Truth is, RoE will be changed in some way or another but if it still stays "gankers paradise" guys like me leave, and guys like you will follow suit right after as the 

game will dwindle and die as it can't survive without a fresh blood.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)



About your "poor decisions". Did i make one when i tried to relocate my Vic from KPR to Carlisle and got ganked right in front of it with no 

chance to get help even from guys in my sight? Fuck a Vic, i have 4 more but a game mechanics that allows 100% no risk ganks 

in the square middle of heavily populated nation waters is BAD! 


Sounds like a successful raid to me. They sailed for probably what, 30 minutes to pull that off, from the nearest free town? They put in the effort, gathered a fleet, coordinated, found a target, spent the time sailing together, and got a vic out of the whole ordeal.


And you want to balance all that effort that they put into it by allowing every yokel on the other side of Jamaica to just pour into the fight so that the end result is that they just stop coming into your waters? And we are to believe that this will promote PVP? And how will players fight each other when you do not sail into their territory, and they no longer see the benefit of sailing into yours?

Edited by ajffighter86
  • Like 1

Whatever you smoking is very potent as i have not stated ANY of things you mentioned!

Never have i stated that i DON'T WANT/WANT play with other players... What i DID state that i do not want to be forced through tiresome process of finding

other players for EVERY ACTION i plan to take in this game! Please do not attempt to strawman me another time.

As for your 3rd point you accuse me off it's it seems to me more of your own mindset as you seem to be deeply offended/protective about

a change to this game you consider helpful to your game style.

All we have proposed is adding a few mins (1-2-3) to battle timer and with it adding a chance of a ganked victim of getting some help. Help that would be only available in waters populated by

friendly ships anyway. What that means to you is your ganks in front of enemy towns would be a bit more risky, yea we can't have that!

Lol. Do you even understand the concept of ow or sandbox?


Sounds like a successful raid to me. They sailed for probably what, 30 minutes to pull that off, from the nearest free town? They put in the effort, gathered a fleet, coordinated, found a target, spent the time sailing together, and got a vic out of the whole ordeal.


And you want to balance all that effort that they put into it by allowing every yokel on the other side of Jamaica to just pour into the fight so that the end result is that they just stop coming into your waters? And we are to believe that this will promote PVP? And how will players fight each other when you do not sail into their territory, and they no longer see the benefit of sailing into yours?

Kudos to them for sure! 

But what they did they did not with superior skill or with effort. Stupid game mechanics allowed them to come into heavily populated home waters

and gank a player with 100% chance of success! And FUN? Where was the fun in that? I surrendered the moment the battle started as i had no chance of winning

or getting help and thought better to save myself half an hour of pain. Cut my losses and went to other activities.

I had no fun. I doubt they had either. There was no glory to be had, no fun fight to be enjoyed that one could tell about somebody afterwards.. Literally nothing.  

As for lost Vic, i did not care as i have plenty more, and i doubt they cared as they probably have plenty themselves.. 


Add a min or 2 to the timers, maybe somebody would join in and now i would get a fight out of it and they as well... Works for everybody. That is PvP... Ganking is NOT.


Let's make a IRL comparison: Let's say you are coming home late in the evening in the dark street and get mugged! All are sleeping, nobody in sight, nobody to help you... Pretty common right?

You cut your losses and carry on aware that it was a situation you could no do nothing about. (you would now say: Walk with friends right?)

Now let's make another scenario: You are passing a police station at noon. It's a pretty relaxed day. Then somebody starts beating you with a baseball club 

with  police officers watching from the station entrance. Just standing there meters away. Would you feel awkward and stupefied later in the hospital? 


Well welcome to Naval action! This scenario is exactly how this 2 min timer works in this game and how majority feel about it. 

  • Like 2

here is one thing I think many people forget about gankers, even the gankers themselves as far as I've seen forget to mention it. When you go out to gank, you primary purpose is to find PvP, not really to murder people 1v10. So when you go up to an enemy capital for Pvp and see a lone ship what are you gonna do? let him go, just because it wouldn't be fair? I wouldn't I'd gank the sh*t out of him because i Came there to get PvP regardless of the odds. That being said, gankers aren't suicidal, they wont fight against a fleet of connies in renos, thats dumb so they run. its what is done. If you don't like gankers, the best way to combat them is to form a patrol, and you may say "oh they don't catch anything, the pirates just log out in battle screen" and that is true, but guess what? at least those pirates are gone for an hour or so and your waters are just that little bit safer. Or my preference, go to the enemy capital and gank their newbies :D


2 min timers I don't think hamper either side, but it does force as I think thomas shelby mentioned, "what you see is what you get" During the other timers, the ships  you were engaging were probably scouting for a fleet over the horizon that you can't see. the 2 min timers are fine IMO, they fixed a bunch of problems we had earlier, and the ganking you are mentioning has always been around,and there is ways to fight it


or in shorter terms I have no issues with 2 min timers, (for some of the thoughts i have above) and don't think it should be increased, that being said, i think the ROE changes that admin, and hethwill brought up about changing/expanding the ROE circle. that i think is a meritful idea that should be tried in lieu of timers.

  • Like 2

here is one thing I think many people forget about gankers, even the gankers themselves as far as I've seen forget to mention it. When you go out to gank, you primary purpose is to find PvP, not really to murder people 1v10. So when you go up to an enemy capital for Pvp and see a lone ship what are you gonna do? let him go, just because it wouldn't be fair? I wouldn't I'd gank the sh*t out of him because i Came there to get PvP regardless of the odds. That being said, gankers aren't suicidal, they wont fight against a fleet of connies in renos, thats dumb so they run. its what is done. If you don't like gankers, the best way to combat them is to form a patrol, and you may say "oh they don't catch anything, the pirates just log out in battle screen" and that is true, but guess what? at least those pirates are gone for an hour or so and your waters are just that little bit safer. Or my preference, go to the enemy capital and gank their newbies :D


2 min timers I don't think hamper either side, but it does force as I think thomas shelby mentioned, "what you see is what you get" During the other timers, the ships  you were engaging were probably scouting for a fleet over the horizon that you can't see. the 2 min timers are fine IMO, they fixed a bunch of problems we had earlier, and the ganking you are mentioning has always been around,and there is ways to fight it


or in shorter terms I have no issues with 2 min timers, (for some of the thoughts i have above) and don't think it should be increased, that being said, i think the ROE changes that admin, and hethwill brought up about changing/expanding the ROE circle. that i think is a meritful idea that should be tried in lieu of timers.


z4ys has another thread in suggestions which mentions that prize ship captures be split between all players in the 'gank' fleet, which at some point you'd have to measure out whether having 'too many players' in your 'gank' fleet is really going to be worth the reward.


That is an example of a fresh idea which would limit the ganking WITHOUT going back to longer timers which was tried ultimately voted against. Let us at least evaluate new ideas rather than rehashing old ones.

  • Like 3

Lol. Do you even understand the concept of ow or sandbox?

Probably better than you. 

What "sandbox" type game has with battle timers mind telling me? EVE is sandbox, yet no timers or battle instances at all? 

Or will you now claim that Eve is not sandbox? 


Sandbox is a broad term that does not imply specific game mechanics but game FEATURES! It pretty much implies that there are no linear level designs and

players are free to explore the world at their own pace or liking. In some games you can build and effect the world (minecraft, RUST), in other you can travel

where you wish without game forced boundaries (like EvE or NA). Many have crafting elements in place as well.

Battle instance and timers involved are unique to Naval Action and are not a part or definition of "sandbox".

Posted (edited)

z4ys has another thread in suggestions which mentions that prize ship captures be split between all players in the 'gank' fleet, which at some point you'd have to measure out whether having 'too many players' in your 'gank' fleet is really going to be worth the reward.


That is an example of a fresh idea which would limit the ganking WITHOUT going back to longer timers which was tried ultimately voted against. Let us at least evaluate new ideas rather than rehashing old ones.


I have not seen this, but sounds like a great idea, something that would've be done historical no? splitting the prize money between everyone.


but I was not arguing for 3+ min timers,  I am arguing for either no change in timers or just other changes. In fact sociable probably shouldn't make any kind of come back. the only reason why people liked it is because it decreased ganking somewhat because, you didn't know if someone def tagged you, that you were gonna get gang banged by ships or not. I might be misunderstanding you tone though that you were saying I was rehasing old ideas

Edited by 3rdguards

Kudos to them for sure!

But what they did they did not with superior skill or with effort. Stupid game mechanics allowed them to come into heavily populated home waters

and gank a player with 100% chance of success! And FUN? Where was the fun in that? I surrendered the moment the battle started as i had no chance of winning

or getting help and thought better to save myself half an hour of pain. Cut my losses and went to other activities.

I had no fun. I doubt they had either. There was no glory to be had, no fun fight to be enjoyed that one could tell about somebody afterwards.. Literally nothing.

As for lost Vic, i did not care as i have plenty more, and i doubt they cared as they probably have plenty themselves..

Add a min or 2 to the timers, maybe somebody would join in and now i would get a fight out of it and they as well... Works for everybody. That is PvP... Ganking is NOT.

Let's make a IRL comparison: Let's say you are coming home late in the evening in the dark street and get mugged! All are sleeping, nobody in sight, nobody to help you... Pretty common right?

You cut your losses and carry on aware that it was a situation you could no do nothing about. (you would now say: Walk with friends right?)

Now let's make another scenario: You are passing a police station at noon. It's a pretty relaxed day. Then somebody starts beating you with a baseball club

with police officers watching from the station entrance. Just standing there meters away. Would you feel awkward and stupefied later in the hospital?

Well welcome to Naval action! This scenario is exactly how this 2 min timer works in this game and how majority feel about it.

The real scenario i see comming from the US and Brit is more like this: a crowded new york street and a,woman is being mugged but nobody wants to get involved because they are scared or there isnt anything in it for them or they simply dont care.

I sed that daily on both coasts.

Probably better than you.

What "sandbox" type game has with battle timers mind telling me? EVE is sandbox, yet no timers or battle instances at all?

Or will you now claim that Eve is not sandbox?

Sandbox is a broad term that does not imply specific game mechanics but game FEATURES! It pretty much implies that there are no linear level designs and

players are free to explore the world at their own pace or liking. In some games you can build and effect the world (minecraft, RUST), in other you can travel

where you wish without game forced boundaries (like EvE or NA). Many have crafting elements in place as well.

Battle instance and timers involved are unique to Naval Action and are not a part or definition of "sandbox".

So no, you dont understand the concept then.


...I dont really care of distances...

You have incriminated yourself! ;)

I would have played World of Naval Action probably more than I play now. But if we're going to have OW it needs to make sense.

With 30 min timers the OW is reduced to an extremely clunky lobby for WoNA with an entirely insane matchmaker queue.


So no, you dont understand the concept then.

If you wish to refute something i stated about sandbox and how it is connected to Naval Action battle timer then please feel free to 

do so. Playing a vague smartass will not get you nowhere (except in the kindergarten, that tactics is still valid there) 


As for your situation about ppl being mugged and nobody caring... I'm happy that does not happen in my country and i sure would not want to live in a

country where people think this acceptable or normal. No wonder you are so thick with this smug attitude living there.




If you wish to refute something i stated about sandbox and how it is connected to Naval Action battle timer then please feel free to

do so. Playing a vague smartass will not get you nowhere (except in the kindergarten, that tactics is still valid there)

As for your situation about ppl being mugged and nobody caring... I'm happy that does not happen in my country and i sure would not want to live in a

country where people think this acceptable or normal. No wonder you are so thick with this smug attitude living there.

Lol you live in a fantastic world dont you ha ha ha. I always enjoy your rants. Please feel free to keep being fodder to those of us that can play while you try and change the game to fit your short commings and lack of adaptability.

Its you and the few others here that have problems with every move the devs make because it leads to you losing.

Just please learn to play better then try and play the game instead of making analogies to fit your story but then ignore the counter. Good day rabid

Posted (edited)

The social perk decreased ganking because of decreasing overall pvp. nobody wanted to sail around and fight. Everyone was sailing/staying in port in his own waters waiting for someone so the social perk trap gets active.

In my opinion to say the social perk generates pvp is just wrong. It decreases pvp because everybody is afraid of the social perk. All stay at homewaters to be in favor of that perk.

Just one example. I attacked a trinc in my surprise barely in view distance of port. We both could had a good fight but suddenly after 4min 8 other guys in SoLs joined on the trinc side.

Social perk is just a step back to old issues that we had. An old wrong decision with a new appeal.

Edited by z4ys
  • Like 4

This. You can pretty much bet it will halt PVP in the Antilles due to the close proximity of the ports. I'm not going to sail over there with a few buddies just so that the people hiding in ports can get their jollies off on creating ambushes. Those guys can rot in the ports waiting for all I care, if that's how they want to spend their time logged onto the game.


I have no desire to give a handicap to people who aren't playing as a group, so they can have an advantage or even an undeserved 'even' fight with people who are putting in the effort of actively working together. And dare I go so far as to say it: even if it *is* a gank squadron near a port, they are still working together and naturally should have an advantage over people who are NOT.


+1 for 'Sail together, fight together.'


To Aethlstan, I recall the days on PVP2 with the longer timers. Vieques had dozens of players taking turns popping in and out of the port trying to gauge the enemy's strength. The result was, as I recall it, VERY LITTLE PVP'ing, lots of port sniping/'peek-a-boo' and eventually everyone just got frustrated that neither side had the guts to commit to sail out of port in force, and the next thing you know, 'it's time for bed', 'gotta work tomorrow' and lots of 'I don't have time for this ***t' being declared on teamspeak. [Log off.] No fight today, maybe tomorrow.


Please. Please do not bring those days back.



I'm not suggesting that that should be the final solution. That happens with 2 minute timers now, as well. OMG was up in the bahamas during the glory days, you guys missed most of the good stuff. The british behavior was cowardly and they really didnt want to fight, but thats also because their skill levels were so much farther below ours, even though their ranks were higher. Again, their behavior is also seen with the 2 minute timer, so  I fail to see how it is relevant at all.


I am suggesting a dynamic, moving, always open battle instance that spawns people where they were, up to the horizon limit. Thats my proposal. 


see a battle? you can join it. You just have to sail to it at battle speed. Whats so bad about that? 


Until then, I want a return to the 5 minute timer, and I want abuses to be reportable and bannable. Timers are a horrible way to run a combat system, simply because how easy they are to abuse. Again, most of the enemies I see on OW are abusing the 2 minute timer to gain ridiculous numerical advantages, and they run when faced with anything thats even close to a challenge. I want my damn PvP back. Is that too much to ask?


the 2 minute timer is definitely not the best solution, thats a false assertion made by the rabid supporters who make up most of the people who still play this game. Most people who have bought this game, do not play it anymore because it is not enjoyable and the #1 reason for that in this game is the combat system. Coincidentally, the #1 reason why action games fail after launch is due to horrible combat systems. Hmmm.



2min timer is fine, maybe the social perk can increase it to 5min timer? 

this right here is what social should be just enough time for some players to help but not long enough for a whole armada to jump in

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I don't understand how anyone can have that much time in the game and yet still advocate for a system of longer timers that >>>> has already been tested and was determined not to work. <<<<<


What was it Einstein was credited with saying?


"Insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

maybe we can try 4 min timers?  :P

Edited by Herpaderp64

Okey, time to add one more worthless opinion...


Every time i leave a port i do it with a knowledge i may not return with my ship into it again.

As i play on PvP server i have no problem with this. I am rear admiral rank, lvl 50 crafter with full warehouse full of resources and craft materials.

What ever loss i take on OW i can compensate it fast and easy.


I have whole array of ships in my outpost that are tailored for every mission you can think of. Scouting, PB's, missioning, random Pvping, hunting, etc..

When i go missioning i usually go alone but i choose my mission and only take those that are very close to harbor and often take them from couple of ports and

then proceed to do the one that is the safest and closest. I watch the nation chat for reports of enemy activity and plan accordingly.


Before starting a mission i turn my ship in the direction of the port i plan to return to as to not lose time in order to turn my ship after it.

At mission end (in battle report screen) i take a minute to scroll through chat in order to find out if there are any gankers/raiders reported. 

When taking a trade run i take the ship most appropriate to the run's role. I do not use fleets as i do not find them useful. 


I play it safe and generally i stay safe. With all that said, i believe we have an issue regarding RoE in this game and i think it plays a major part in bad player retention this

game suffers from. i can not provide any numbers but from my experience playing NA for this 2 years (pre steam sea trials to now) i will put a player retention at about 15%.

That means from all the player who bought/tried NA only about 15% is still somewhat active. This may be normal for early access title but one has to wonder how many players have

left with a bad taste in their mouth never to return again..


Some of you will maybe dismiss this out of hand claiming that these players were bad, carebears, whiners, entitled children, (and i saw many a time those words used from the users who use

this forum on daily basis) but consider this as players are the MEAT of this game. Players are those who give you content and a reason to play! Without players who will participate in Pb's, huntings, trading and who will you gank in OW? Low player count will hit hard core PvPiers the hardest as PvP implies PLAYERS!


So i believe WE MUST HAVE COMPROMISE! PvP or not this game should be a bit more "player friendly" and those of you that i see every time commenting on EVERY single forum

post berating other players who do not share exact vision of what this game should be would benefit from a bit of compassion towards your fellow humans.

Not everybody plays this game for the same reasons nor enjoys the same things you do or has the same conditions.

I understand that there are about 50 of you hard core pvpers very active on this forums who jump on every thread that in your opinion endangers your 

PvP heaven, be it timers, fleets, sociable perk or perks all together...   


2 min timers are a joke, people DO NOT LIKE IT. Sociable perk is still mentioned in chat and most thought it was a good edition making for more PvP and better Pvp!

30 mins was dumb and over the top. However most will agree that timers would do a good job if they were 3-4-5 minutes long. Personally i would kill timers all together but 

that would probably brake balance as the nations with numbers supremacy would be able to rule the OW. 


Often i am at sea in my home waters sailing or patroling and seeing a distress signal in chat that somebody is being ganked but i am unable to be of help as i am aware that by 

the time i get there the battle will be closed even if i am very close by. Even if i am in a position to help i will do it reluctantly as i know that i will (and the ganked victim) will 

​be facing a superior enemy and i am entering a losing battle. From any standpoint (military, fun, economic,ego) surely it's better to lose 1 ship then 2. 


Sociable for me brought a whiff of fresh air into the game making the PvP more readily, exciting and fun. Fighting a battle not knowing what will happen 

during its course was a blast! Will enemy get more ppl in, will i get more reinforcement?

Bringing it back to 2 mins made me not wanting to play this game AT ALL!  

You ppl say use escorts or patrols...Yeah well, gankers use speed rigged ships and are generally very skilled in running away only attacking if they have a superiority

Those stories of "honest gankers" who sail around looking for honest combat are BS and you all know it. I saw it happen sometimes but for every "honest" one there are

​50 cowardly ganks. 


For all that is wrong with this game, catering to only one play style (ganking) is surely the worst offender. If a working compromise is not found none of us will be playing 

NA in the future. With all this potential and a beautiful game in the making it would be a sad, sad affair.  

yeah the only honest fight I've had with gankers after social was removed was a 1 v 2 in my contitution vs 2 dane trincomalee's of course as it was as it was a 1 v 2 they sank me but it was bloody close i had taken a side of armor off both of them but unfortunately my armor had been destroyed long before theirs so i ended up sinking one hell of a battle though at least i went down swinging lol. you know who you are dane trincs and i salute 07 you for not being cowards.

Posted (edited)

This is not "victim blaming." This is common sense. He sailed his ship in a high risk area, IE an area where there is high player traffic of both friendlies and enemies. Being geographically close to a major port does not make this area "safe." It did not in real life, nor should it in game (outside of the green zone) for as long as the Devs strive to put you in the breeches of an 18th century captain.




Back when timers were 5 minutes long, PVP consisted of 1v10 to 2v48. Port ganking from free ports was rampant. The 2 minute timer is the best thing that ever happened in regards to fair fights, because if your help wasn't there when you were tagged, 9/10 times it wasn't GOING to be there after 5 minutes. The same is true now, except that teleports are limitless with no cooldown and leaving a battle open longer than 2 minutes allows players from all corners of the caribbean to teleport in for a massive countergank. That line of thinking is total bullshit and I don't want it to return via Social perk in another name.




We can gank with impunity due to player lethargy. A player in port waiting for the call in nation chat is useless for the purpose of protecting people from "ganks" (or more accurately "raiders"). You know what prevents my Rattlesnake, Essex, Cecilia, what have you from capping merchants or other 5th rates off Port Royal? People sailing around outside Port Royal in groups of two or more, ensuring I don't have a lone target or that I'll be outmatched by players within visual range jumping in even if I tagged a "loner." If you want to help prevent people from being ganked, get some buddies and start sailing around. You'll foil the plans of people trying to take lone ships or merchants, and if you set up your patrol group right you have a good chance of catching some as well. Don't expect the game mechanics to feed you your countergank on a silver platter (which it already does to an extent).


Now we just have 1 vs 20... it doesnt change. 2 min is nothing but a ganking paradise without any hope of reinforcements. When we had longer timers the home waters where safe while being alone out at sea where dangerous. It gave som excitement leaving the safe homewaters... And the battles grew large pretty quick as reinforcements came along.


Ganking or unfair battles should not be a part of the discussion. They will always occur as long as you dont have any BR limits or arena style setup. 


Longer timers WHERE more fun. 2 min is death for this game. Sorry to say. When we had longer timers there where battles all over the place! Large battles. Players pooring in as reinforcements to save their buddies etc. Now its just some well-coordinated gamers on TS that use hours to find a small trader or a single beginner at sea in cerberus. Whats the fun in that?


Longer timers would require less waste of time and easier access to battles!

Edited by fox2run

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