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I get the impression that the developers of this game are trying to generate more PvP, and I have a few ideas that I think many players can get behind.


Here are 3 event ideas I think could be lots of fun:


1)  Fleet escort events: 


The basic idea is that players sail to wherever the escort event is and the players get instanced.  There will be an attacking team and a defending team.  Lets assume that the trade ships are British, then a British convoy of trade ships needs to be escorted to a certain destination.  A minimum of 15 ships need to join on the British side including only British players and nations that are Allies to British players. 


Any players in a nation that is not allied with the randomly chosen faction (in this case the British) of the trade ships, or if you are part of the pirate nation, join the attacking side of the instance.  There needs to be a minimum of 15 players on the attacking side before the instance battle will start.  The attacking players try to cap the NPC trade ships, each successfully capped trade ship increased the chances of getting a rare blueprint or exceptional upgrade, the more trade ships that are sunk or captured reduces the chance of the defending nation of getting rare blueprints or exceptional upgrades. 


If 50 people show up on each side, then two instances will generate and create two 25 vs 25 instances.


1)  Blockade Events:


Same idea as above, except players on the attacking side are trying to destroy trade ships trying to get into port, and defending players are trying to destroy the ships attacking the trade ships. 


This will generate heavy pvp in the area of events both outside and inside the events.  These can be all day events at locations on the map.  Just show up, and wait for your instanced event to start. 


3)  Port Capture Events:


If your nation is enemy based on the new voting system, then once a week, 5 ports will be randomly selected that are owned by that nation.  If you participate and successfully attack or defend one of those ports in a port battle, then you get a chance to win rare blueprint or exceptional module loot. 



Edited by Ultravis
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Port captures are already there.


I think the new conquest system might actually sort of implement #2, but without the rewards.  Maybe the reward part could be tied into how much conquest points you generate for your side.


#1 is a good idea.  A lot of people have suggested it, but devs seem to want to only put it on the pve server.



I think it would be awesome if somewhere there was a Treasure fleet sailing around on the pvp server.  Bring back the ship report letters but for the treasure fleet (treasure fleet is at war with every nation so no one gets left out).  Have the route be random.  Rewards for pvp and pve combat might include the ship report letter saying the treasure fleet was spotted traveling from Europe to Key West, so it might be somewhere between the middle of the Atlantic in the rarely visited north east side of the map or maybe it is along the Florida Coast.  The treasure fleets are heavily guarded and are full of indiamen with deadmen's chests.


So this isn't necessarily a pvp event, but a pve event.  Though, maybe two different nations will fight on the open world over the fleet.  Maybe the Spanish find it first and send one fleet to attack it and another to defend against the US fleet who is trying to attack it as well.  Maybe the Spanish fleet loses to the AI treasure fleet and then the Americans can have an attempt at it.  The fleet that respawns on the open sea after the Spanish lost to it only including the surviving ships.  Maybe the Americans lose too and a pirate fleet has a go at it.  Maybe the pirates run in, isolate one indiaman and capture one ship and leave with the one indiaman.  And then another Spanish fleet go in and mop it all up.  After that fleet is done, someone gets a letter saying a treasure fleet left Maracaibo 2 days ago (40 minutes in game time) and is headed to Europe, and then the Dutch, French and everyone down that way has a go at it.


Think of this.  The players can only bring 15 ships.  The AI bring 25 warships (64 gun 4th rates up to 1st rates, most of them 3rd rates and up with a good percentage of Oceans and Santis) and 10 Indiamen.  15 players vs 35 AI.


Now that would be an epic event.


Now that would be an epic event.

Ehrm... we already have those in the form of "Rear Admiral" Epic Events, right? :P

I don't recall with how many we were, but we had a good work-out almost lasting the full 90 minutes. Didn't get much loot though. :)


Like I've suggested why does it have to be pve? Why can't the devs impress us with their skills . They could be the captain's of said treasure fleet. Everyone that gets in gets a reward whether bp or paint. And you could do it at random all the time. Slow night on Tuesday? Jump in devs.


Like I've suggested why does it have to be pve? Why can't the devs impress us with their skills . They could be the captain's of said treasure fleet. Everyone that gets in gets a reward whether bp or paint. And you could do it at random all the time. Slow night on Tuesday? Jump in devs.

The trick is that marking players who have a chest, will make them become the treasure fleet to escort and protect (or intercept and loot).

Not that I wouldn't mind seeing the devs sail in, it would make it a self-fulling event without having an absolute requirement for dev intervention.

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