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Character  -  Ahnrynn      British

Server - PVE


 I don't get any sort of error message, the system seems to lock up trying to load my character. I have no problem logging into the server.


  Just prior to 9.94 going active I was sailing back from a wreck. It was 3:30 AM, and I fell asleep at the computer. I don't know if the game logged me out AFK or not.

  I've not had any serious issues with the game previous to this episode. 

  Once the 'entering open world' screen loads, the only way out is cntrl-alt-del.  I have left it on the loading screen literally for hours, hoping it would cycle past whatever has it hung up.


    I'm hoping you can reset my character so I can get back in the game without having to start from scratch. I'm suffering some major NA withdrawal symptoms, but this character is sooo close to level 50 crafting and has half a dozen gold 3/5 ships. My enthusiasm for the game would take a hard hit if I have to begin again.



     Thanks in advance for your efforts,




First try "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" on Steam.


If it works, in game use "Teleport to Capitol" (unfortunately, you have to destroy everything in hold, but you can keep upgrades).


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