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I am playing the game from less than a week, and there have been many occasion where I wanted to ask Steam the refund because of rosik >9000 even after reading the beginner guides here...

I keep on playing because the community is really nice




I just describe the best moments:



-playing normal order for level 1

-it is me and the AI against 1 ship

-finally board the enemy ship

-win the fight;

-"<enemy ship> has been sunken from <friend AI>"


-do another order.

-Before I board the enemy I open the map and I order the AI "stop"....

-<enemy ship> has been sunken from <friend AI> 


I can't lead the friendly AI (friendly AI =/= ships in the fleet) while playing an order




-Buying some hemp and oak just for fun so that I can craft something

-after crafting I go to the shop and I see that I can sell those materials for a very good price

-buying a lot of hemp and oak more and craft again

-open the shop again an press on sell

-"this product can be sold only with contracts"


One should be able to understand which product can be sold only with contracts



-Producing/buying some raw material

-crafting some stuff 

- I think: "ok, 400 planks sounds like a lot, maybe a better use this oak log to produce some different products"

- placing contracts 

-"you can only place 5 different contracts"


One should be able to understand that the max number of contracts is 5



-leading the fleet of 3 cutter 

-find randomly a fight "friends vs enemies"

-join the fight

It was a mission of some guys, thought it was a pvp (later I understood how to distinguish them)

-give order "escape" to other ships in the fleet

-"you can leave the battle, press esc to escape"

-escape. I do, my ships in the fleet didn't


I just sunk my 2 ships, at least I didn't lose any crew member.



One should be able to understand that if you can escape your fleet is f*cked


You are learning this the way the rest of us have. We are still in Alpha and as such there will be changes in the game as time passes. The experience you are having with fleets is an issue under current discussion on another thread in this section.

I cannot count what I have loss in game due to a bad decision by not knowing what is or isn't possible. I am still learning aspects of this game that I haven't experienced yet and I have over 900 hours in game so far.

There is a lot to do in this world. Try capturing a lynx or cutter traders and keep these vessels for your traders. Don't use a fleet if you are trying to capture a ship, you already know the results of that configuration. With your basic cutter and the use of carronades you can capture ship up to trader brig fairly easy enough (abet with some practice). These captures, along with an outpost where you can place a building, you will start making a profit and gain XP.

Remember this, if you have an outpost in a Free town you can only have a shipyard building in it. You can only use other resources buildings in outpost placed in national ports. If not aware of this you will have spent a lot on some useless real estate.

In most ports you are gathering resources from, your building will produce product at half of the buy price for that port. When you gather from your building you are collecting your resources with half the gold you can sell them at plus labor hours. Basically you can potentially double your money on each gathering. You will start small and returns are not big, but if you are patient then the amount collects will climb over time.

Any step in the right direction pays for itself in the long run.


One should be able to understand it's still alpha....

I do understand (even if at that time it made me angry anyway)


That is why I write in the section for the suggestions  :)


@Midshipman thanks for the suggestions

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