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I know that multiplayer online games often have a shelf life. But it is nice to know that one can keep them going as long as the player wishes.


Also for better local ping.


Is there any option to hire a local server and have the game hosted locally?

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Since there is no bonus to the test forum (about devs answering faster) I moved this topic here.

You could also merge it into the "question to developers"-thread.


Right now we know there are server(s) in germany when the game starts.


Bungee I thank you.

I actually realised I had posted in the wrong forum, but too late :)


I recently played a game called war of the roses to death (lvl60) and now years later people are keeping the game alive with their own servers - still connected and being rewarded in the back end from the master server.


possible, but there is one heavy concern


providing private servers to people - could let them disassemble the source code and after that ruin the experience on official servers with cheats, hacks etc. 


Oh I see. I guess that would have to be a risk that one takes. A lot of games do allow it.

Can you not encrypt the source... or leave some part on the master server.


possible, but there is one heavy concern


providing private servers to people - could let them disassemble the source code and after that ruin the experience on official servers with cheats, hacks etc. 

There will allways be cheats , there will allways be hacks and pirates.

- Steam games get cracked day one.

- Origin ditto

- Uplay ditto

- starforce,securom,tages,safedisc,GFWL,cd key systems ect all cracked

Even looking to MMO games like WoW there are pirate servers , pirate copys of the game these people have been doing this for years and years and they are very good at it there is no stopping them even on consoles and exclusive servers.

Put simply you need to make a choice whether your main concern is the fun and enjoyment of your game for manny years to come and most likely gaining great favor in doing so looking to GOG and CD project red gaining great fame with their anti drm policy or to try and keep the flame that is your game in a bottle by keeping server files and so on private and hidden in what most likely will be an in vain attempt to stop the cheating hacking minority.

Edit: for reference i have already ordered your game and put in a $30 donation on top of that so its not like i am a troll angling for my own agenda as an Australian i feel strongly about this because i am so often the brunt of terrible internet connections.

Edit2: my connection to Munich germany http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3780423506

Edit3: as its now been 17 hours without a response,

TLDR - These people have been doing this for years its like a hobby to them the harder you make it the more they want to do it and a lot more powerful company's have tried and failed to defeat them on many fronts you will not be the golden sheep that defeats the wolves concentrate on your community that should be your heavy concern things like releasing server files and modding capability are two extremely good things to do for your game and can give it a life beyond anything you could imagine.

So you might ask me well what can we do to fight this monster ? Ultimately it comes down to your basics D.E.A.D (from my day z admin days)

- Detection of hacks, ip and account banning keeping in mind it takes 3 minutes to change your ip to a new one.

- Enabling server rollback functionality, to undo dammage done by any hacks / cheats it stops people becoming disheartened .

- Administration and moderation, your community appreciates it, you have to remember there are just plain asses out there who will harass and abuse without cheating.

- Deny them the satisfaction, don't make a spectacle of it show them that they mean less than your time is worth.

We had hacks all the damn time with day z they could turn us all into chickens or blow us up do whatever they what but the community always stuck around so long as we could roll back and were obviously working to keep an eye on them.


I play mechwarrior online. We actually get countries closer to the servers berating us for shooting at nothing or getting in their way.

Really bugs me.

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well i sometimes played with brutish and we could play just fine even with his 180ping

keep in mind this is not an FPS or an Flightsimulator where this would cause extreme issues


Used to play with one of my American friends on xbox 360 it was always laggy as heck but we only played co op so it dident matter , was i think a 16 hour timezone difference there haha good times.

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