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Pricing as per August 19th, 1716:

| Resource              | Weight  | Price   | Tax     | Total   | Consump | C&C Cst |
| American Cotton       |    1.00 |   30.00 |    1.50 |   31.50 |   45.00 |   47.25 |
| Batavian Spices       |    0.20 |  200.00 |   10.00 |  210.00 |  300.00 |  315.00 |
| Coal                  |    1.00 |   23.00 |    1.15 |   24.15 |   34.00 |   35.70 |
| Compass Wood          |    2.50 | 1000.00 |   50.00 | 1050.00 | 1500.00 | 1575.00 |
| Copper Ore            |    1.00 |   42.00 |    2.10 |   44.10 |   63.00 |   66.15 |
| Danish Beer           |    0.50 |   90.00 |    4.50 |   94.50 |  135.00 |  141.75 |
| Fir Log               |    2.50 |   30.00 |    1.50 |   31.50 |   45.00 |   47.25 |
| Fish Meat             |    0.50 |   67.00 |    3.35 |   70.35 |  100.00 |  105.00 |
| Food Supplies         |    1.00 |  250.00 |   12.50 |  262.50 |  375.00 |  393.75 |
| French Wine           |    0.50 |  100.00 |    5.00 |  105.00 |  150.00 |  157.50 |
| Gold                  |    1.00 |  152.00 |    7.60 |  159.60 |  228.00 |  239.40 |
| Hemp                  |    1.00 |  100.00 |    5.00 |  105.00 |  150.00 |  157.50 |
| Historical Artifact   |    0.20 | 1000.00 |   50.00 | 1050.00 | 1500.00 | 1575.00 |
| Iberian Meat          |    0.50 |   90.00 |    4.50 |   94.50 |  135.00 |  141.75 |
| Indian Tea            |    0.50 |  100.00 |    5.00 |  105.00 |  150.00 |  157.50 |
| Iron Ore              |    1.00 |  149.00 |    7.45 |  156.45 |  223.00 |  234.15 |
| Lignum Vitae Log      |    2.50 |  250.00 |   12.50 |  262.50 |  375.00 |  393.75 |
| Live Oak Log          |    4.00 |  100.00 |    5.00 |  105.00 |  150.00 |  157.50 |
| Marine Recruit Order  |    0.00 |  250.00 |   12.50 |  262.50 |  375.00 |  393.75 |
| Oak Log               |    2.50 |   50.00 |    2.50 |   52.50 |   75.00 |   78.75 |
| Pine Log              |    2.50 |   30.00 |    1.50 |   31.50 |   45.00 |   47.25 |
| Red Wood Log          |    2.50 |   50.00 |    2.50 |   52.50 |   75.00 |   78.75 |
| Rum                   |    0.50 |  105.00 |    5.25 |  110.25 |  157.00 |  164.85 |
| Salt                  |    1.00 |   50.00 |    2.50 |   52.50 |   75.00 |   78.75 |
| Shipboy Recruit Order |    0.00 | 1000.00 |   50.00 | 1050.00 | 1500.00 | 1575.00 |
| Silver                |    1.00 |   75.00 |    3.75 |   78.75 |  112.00 |  117.60 |
| Stone Block           |    1.00 |   10.00 |    0.50 |   10.50 |   15.00 |   15.75 |
| Sugar                 |    1.00 |  400.00 |   20.00 |  420.00 |  600.00 |  630.00 |
| Swedish Iron          |    1.00 |  150.00 |    7.50 |  157.50 |  225.00 |  236.25 |
| Teak Log              |    2.50 |   45.00 |    2.25 |   47.25 |   67.00 |   70.35 |
| Tobacco               |    0.50 |  500.00 |   25.00 |  525.00 |  750.00 |  787.50 |

| Recipe                | Weight  | Craft   | Labor   | Resources | Res+Tax  | Consump  | C&C Cost | 
| Ballast               |    1.50 |    0.00 |    0.50 |     15.00 |    16.54 |    22.50 |    24.81 |
| Barrels               |    3.42 |    0.00 |    5.50 |    252.00 |   291.72 |   377.00 |   436.42 |
| Blocks                |    0.05 |    0.00 |    0.02 |      5.00 |     5.51 |     7.50 |     8.27 |
| Cables And Howsers    |    0.92 |    0.00 |    0.88 |    118.00 |   132.47 |   176.75 |   198.41 |
| Canvas Rolls          |    1.00 |    0.00 |    0.67 |    100.00 |   110.25 |   150.00 |   165.38 |
| Cases                 |    4.17 |    0.00 |    3.17 |    322.00 |   372.76 |   482.00 |   557.98 |
| Copper Coins          |    0.67 |    0.00 |    2.00 |    153.00 |   175.85 |   228.00 |   262.06 |
| Copper Ingots         |    0.67 |    0.00 |    1.00 |    130.00 |   143.33 |   194.00 |   213.89 |
| Cordage and Oakum     |    0.81 |    0.00 |    1.00 |     82.50 |    91.37 |   123.75 |   137.05 |
| Fir Frame Parts       |    1.50 |    0.00 |    0.60 |     18.00 |    19.85 |    27.00 |    29.77 |
| Food Supplies         |    1.00 |    0.00 |    0.20 |     79.50 |    87.65 |   118.75 |   130.92 |
| Furnishings           |   13.84 |    0.00 |   12.00 |    796.00 |   907.69 |  1191.00 |  1358.06 |
| Gold Coins            |    0.67 |    0.00 |    2.00 |    373.00 |   430.53 |   558.00 |   644.08 |
| Gold Ingots           |    0.67 |    0.00 |    1.00 |    350.00 |   385.88 |   524.00 |   577.71 |
| High Grade Note       |    0.00 |    0.00 |  310.00 |  11190.00 | 13561.58 | 16740.00 | 20288.54 |
| Iron Fittings         |    1.01 |    0.00 |    1.25 |    258.00 |   298.67 |   385.50 |   446.26 |
| Iron Ingots           |    0.67 |    0.00 |    0.50 |    172.00 |   189.63 |   257.00 |   283.34 |
| Knees                 |    1.25 |    0.00 |    0.50 |    500.00 |   551.25 |   750.00 |   826.88 |
| Large Carriage        |    9.56 |    0.00 |   38.13 |   2546.00 |  3056.02 |  3807.25 |  4569.75 |
| Live Oak Frame Parts  |    2.40 |    0.00 |    0.60 |     60.00 |    66.15 |    90.00 |    99.23 |
| Low Grade Note        |    0.00 |    0.00 |  210.00 |   4590.00 |  5539.24 |  6840.00 |  8255.02 |
| Medium Carriage       |    4.26 |    0.00 |   14.44 |    872.00 |  1047.76 |  1303.88 |  1566.63 |
| Medkit Large          |    0.00 |    0.00 |   81.50 |  27626.67 | 31204.28 | 41378.33 | 46734.84 |
| Medkit Medium         |    0.00 |    0.00 |   33.83 |   9208.89 | 10401.43 | 13792.78 | 15578.28 |
| Medkit Small          |    0.00 |    0.00 |   11.35 |   2444.67 |  2752.30 |  3662.83 |  4123.61 |
| Mid Grade Note        |    0.00 |    0.00 |  260.00 |   6570.00 |  7945.94 |  9780.00 | 11828.61 |
| Oak Frame Parts       |    1.50 |    0.00 |    0.60 |     30.00 |    33.08 |    45.00 |    49.61 |
| Planks                |    0.50 |    0.00 |    0.20 |     10.00 |    11.03 |    15.00 |    16.54 |
| Precise Parts         |    4.02 |    0.00 |    6.00 |    996.00 |  1152.99 |  1486.00 |  1720.23 |
| Repair Kit Large      |    0.00 |    0.00 |   80.00 |   3000.00 |  3472.88 |  4500.00 |  5209.31 |
| Repair Kit Medium     |    0.00 |    0.00 |   40.33 |   1550.00 |  1794.32 |  2325.00 |  2691.48 |
| Repair Kit Small      |    0.00 |    0.00 |   18.27 |    780.00 |   902.95 |  1170.00 |  1354.42 |
| Rigging Parts         |    1.25 |    0.00 |    1.50 |     15.00 |    16.54 |    22.50 |    24.81 |
| Rudder Parts          |    1.06 |    0.00 |    0.50 |     74.00 |    84.75 |   110.67 |   126.73 |
| Rum                   |    0.50 |    0.00 |    0.58 |    102.89 |   115.02 |   154.28 |   172.46 |
| Silver Coins          |    0.67 |    0.00 |    2.00 |    219.00 |   252.25 |   326.00 |   375.51 |
| Silver Ingots         |    0.67 |    0.00 |    1.00 |    196.00 |   216.09 |   292.00 |   321.93 |
| Small Carriage        |    1.84 |    0.00 |    6.83 |    353.33 |   424.70 |   528.33 |   635.03 |
| Tar                   |    0.25 |    0.00 |    3.00 |     30.00 |    33.08 |    45.00 |    49.61 |
| Teak Frame Parts      |    1.50 |    0.00 |    0.60 |     27.00 |    29.77 |    40.20 |    44.32 |
| Wooden Fittings       |    1.25 |    0.00 |    0.17 |     15.00 |    16.54 |    22.50 |    24.81 |

| Recipe                | Craft   | Labor   | Frames | Resources  | Res+Tax   | Consump   | C&C Cost  |
| 3rd Rate              |    0.00 | 3600.94 |    399 |  188078.00 | 240264.80 | 281499.67 | 359582.72 |
| Agamemnon             |    0.00 | 3555.81 |    360 |  189713.50 | 243040.50 | 283917.67 | 363699.28 |
| BellePoule            |    0.00 | 1838.24 |    240 |   69757.00 |  89144.90 | 104367.00 | 133366.83 |
| Bellona               |    0.00 | 4006.19 |    399 |  225326.00 | 288486.88 | 337210.17 | 431705.69 |
| Brig                  |    0.00 |  597.92 |     94 |   18838.00 |  23949.65 |  28188.42 |  35835.23 |
| Bucentaure            |    0.00 | 5078.18 |    413 |  293156.50 | 377676.25 | 438674.00 | 565108.91 |
| Cerberus              |    0.00 | 1113.71 |    140 |   42956.00 |  55354.58 |  64261.83 |  82805.28 |
| Constitution          |    0.00 | 3401.97 |    333 |  181775.50 | 233175.12 | 272022.17 | 348916.53 |
| Cutter                |    0.00 |  391.62 |     60 |   12423.00 |  15796.98 |  18589.25 |  23636.57 |
| Essex                 |    0.00 | 1808.01 |    253 |   65047.00 |  83214.96 |  97321.58 | 124496.85 |
| Frigate               |    0.00 | 1715.04 |    240 |   61555.67 |  78788.06 |  92096.92 | 117872.52 |
| GunBoat               |    0.00 |  236.88 |     30 |    9426.00 |  12123.67 |  14101.83 |  18136.67 |
| Indiaman              |    0.00 | 2013.27 |    293 |   88242.50 | 111601.50 | 132084.17 | 167038.81 |
| Ingermanland          |    0.00 | 3452.03 |    306 |  193063.00 | 247565.90 | 288918.00 | 370455.95 |
| L'Ocean               |    0.00 | 6473.72 |    532 |  402801.00 | 517490.62 | 602750.17 | 774326.48 |
| Le Gros Ventre        |    0.00 | 1555.84 |    237 |   53417.00 |  67890.14 |  79929.50 | 101580.37 |
| Lynx                  |    0.00 |  265.31 |     40 |    8464.17 |  10759.04 |  12665.42 |  16098.45 |
| Mercury               |    0.00 |  873.18 |    127 |   30156.67 |  38149.88 |  45126.67 |  57084.75 |
| Mortar Brig           |    0.00 |  704.44 |    120 |   20838.17 |  26327.22 |  31185.25 |  39397.65 |
| NavyBrig              |    0.00 |  647.46 |    100 |   20495.17 |  26061.50 |  30668.50 |  38995.58 |
| Niagara               |    0.00 |  661.13 |    100 |   21201.83 |  26995.85 |  31725.17 |  40392.64 |
| Pickle                |    0.00 |  428.33 |     67 |   13358.50 |  16956.30 |  19990.17 |  25372.58 |
| Pirate Frigate        |    0.00 | 1679.03 |    240 |   59167.67 |  75792.69 |  88523.92 | 113390.92 |
| Privateer             |    0.00 |  361.51 |     54 |   11452.50 |  14582.18 |  17137.08 |  21818.93 |
| Rattlesnake           |    0.00 |  782.24 |    114 |   26891.67 |  34077.06 |  40239.58 |  50988.79 |
| Rattlesnake Heavy     |    0.00 |  799.11 |    120 |   25784.83 |  32867.62 |  38581.92 |  49177.06 |
| Renommee              |    0.00 | 1349.42 |    147 |   56969.50 |  72955.49 |  85229.08 | 109139.05 |
| Santa Cecilia         |    0.00 | 1788.90 |    247 |   64388.17 |  82477.36 |  96333.58 | 123390.44 |
| Santisima             |    0.00 | 6810.97 |    532 |  428092.00 | 549931.66 | 640613.67 | 822888.63 |
| Snow                  |    0.00 |  722.33 |    107 |   23357.67 |  29787.18 |  34950.17 |  44568.08 |
| St. Pavel             |    0.00 | 4700.51 |    373 |  275049.00 | 354283.52 | 411582.75 | 530112.40 |
| Surprise              |    0.00 | 1290.78 |    160 |   49031.67 |  63196.97 |  73350.83 |  94536.60 |
| Traders Brig          |    0.00 |  488.59 |     94 |   13184.67 |  16474.91 |  19735.08 |  24658.77 |
| Traders Cutter        |    0.00 |  309.62 |     60 |    8183.00 |  10190.92 |  12249.25 |  15254.23 |
| Traders Lynx          |    0.00 |  210.64 |     40 |    5637.50 |   7021.67 |   8438.75 |  10510.22 |
| Traders Snow          |    0.00 |  585.66 |    107 |   16291.00 |  20443.75 |  24383.50 |  30597.50 |
| Trincomalee           |    0.00 | 2042.80 |    266 |   76520.17 |  97928.58 | 114484.33 | 146505.94 |
| Victory               |    0.00 | 5662.71 |    466 |  343506.00 | 441840.92 | 514025.17 | 661132.68 |


As a guide to the in game economics I thought I would make a pricing guide.

The Resources are priced at the AI port sell price. (Also called the base price.)

For now I've left out the crafting / production prices. I've also left out the controversial labor hour pricing of $100/h. :)

I have also not gone into ships (yet). :P

Please let me know if you spot any faults or whether I should add more calculation models.

[edit] fixed to per unit

[edit] Added consumption price & consumption price incl. contract cost

[edit] Added weight

[edit] Added ships

Edited by Skully
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
Ah lol, it is per recipe, instead of per unit. I'll start fixing that up. Edited by Skully

Do you have this in JSON format , Skully?


Does this work for you? It's subject to change though. ;)

  • Like 1

Damn Skully, you killing the "poor crafters" now. "Oh no, we cannot make a decent living!"


500% profit margin is barely enough to scrap a slice of bread.

Hehe, it actually is not a profit margin that high. Labor hours I've purposely not included in the price, but separately.

Labor hours itself is a commodity that doesn't have a "fixed" price. It is completely under player market control.

The same goes for scarcity and transport. All those factors are not included.


Wow, thanks you for this!


​Seems you are the go to person for economic related things.


Can you please shed more light on what the tax mean? Is it the tax based on when creating contracts at the given item?


Price materials:




If you assume a price of $100/lh, then yes those sheets are correct. So is the price guide, because the prices listed are excluding labor hours.
  • 2 weeks later...

Added ships into the sheet. Note that the frames are not part of the cost, so you need to add those manually based on the wood type you choose.



This, gentlemen, should be displayed in every port to prevent first-timers from setting buy orders at stupidly high prices for astronomical quantities, thus wasting everyone else's time.

national news?

It belongs in every. single. damn. section of the forum


This, gentlemen, should be displayed in every port to prevent first-timers from setting buy orders at stupidly high prices for astronomical quantities, thus wasting everyone else's time.

It belongs in every. single. damn. section of the forum

:lol: The guide gives no opinion on fair pricing. Everybody has to decide for her/himself what pricing policy to use.

For example, I personally consider $100/h and $10/lbs fair for crafters and traders (potentially adding a risk percentage).

So the guide only sticks to the facts as provided by clan "AI". :)

Posted (edited)

Medkits seem to be too expensive while you dont include lh.

There is trickery in Medkits, hence it is the market I focus on. :)

The base price for Fish Meat is $67/p. However what is the market price of Fish Meat? You can easily obtain it at $35 ($34 + contract cost) or do you own fishing.

Then again people buy the Medkit Large at $50k/p. For that price you can stuff in resources at maximum price. :D

Hence Tobbies is always capable of providing Medkits at a profit. :P


So the other thing you should not read out of the price guide is the market price.

(I'm trying to build up a tool that will spit out the global (and National) market price for each commodity.)

Edited by Skully

Hi, was comparing quickly with my crafting sheet for ships , let's pick Brig for example :


Recipe | Craft | Labor   | Frames | Resources | Res+Tax | Consump | C&C Cost |


Brig      | 0.00 | 597.92 |  94        |   18838.00 | 22861.03 | 28188.42 | 34206.36 |



18838 for resources needed in parts, less the left over parts and frames parts i get the same for a basic quality brig.


but then comes 'resources + Tax' 22861.03 ,

What tax are we talking about here? also did you include some type of frame wood parts in this price contrary to previous one ?? 


If i add contract fee on resources, +1 gold + 5% on each resource unit used for parts, less the left overs crafted and less the frame parts i get 20063.537

if i add 10% for the ship shop fee on top of it i end up with 22069.890



Brig with fir wood frames included : 

+ 1 gold +5% on resources = 21899.357

+10% shop fee = 24089,292


Brig with Teak wood frames included : 

+ 1 gold +5% on resources = 22787.657

+10% shop fee = 25066,422


Brig with Oak wood frames included : 

+ 1 gold +5% on resources = 23083.757

+10% shop fee = 25392,132


Brig with Live Oak wood frames included : 

+ 1 gold  +5% on resources = 26044.757

+10% shop fee = 28649,232



And looking just quickly at the tax applied on crafted parts it seems wrong too, let's take blocks for example, with mats at NPC price it make the cost at 5 gold per unit, this is correct, then i see resources +tax price listed at 5.51 ??  It should be 5.271 gold with contact fee price included.


Lignum vitae cost 250 at default, with contract it is (250+1)+5%= 263.55 , you do 50 block with one log so 263.55/50=5.271 gold per block


I don't know what kind of tax you apply here, don't have time to compare others deeply, just made a quick comparison with my crafting sheet and it does not match for a few compared.



All this without LH's that are the biggest cost often in all this , i am working on my sheet since few days but slowly to get exact number of LH's used excluding left over parts but not finished as bored by this and crafting sent to toilet by game mechanics but some LH's needed reported for ships seems very odd at first look too ...



Edited to add more detailed prices without any rounding from my sheet so it should be pretty accurate now, should be.

Posted (edited)

What tax are we talking about here? also did you include some type of frame wood parts in this price contrary to previous one ??

All resources and materials obtained cumulatively via contracts. I simply added 5%, no rounding, so yes there is probably a $1 margin in there.

There is something finicky in game as well with rounding, so I'm not too concerned about it yet. We are coming into the the high amounts though. :)

I forgot about the 10% shop fee for ships. I can either incorporate that in every column or leave it out completely. WDYT?

[edit] Added to each column in ships

Edited by Skully

All resources and materials obtained cumulatively via contracts. I simply added 5%, no rounding, so yes there is probably a $1 margin in there.

How do you end up those prices adding 5% only ? Here i posted exact values but my sheet rounds number to next entire value too for the total prices so it's less than 1 gold difference on the total price for a ship yeah.


I add the correct values for resources tax,  +1 gold per unit for the contract to be triggered + 5% for the contract fee and end up at lower prices for ships or parts than you adding only 5% 


After calculating a bit more for example blocks again , you end up at 5.51 , it ain't 5% added it's 10,20% added


For the Brig it is almost 21.36% applied on tax passing from 18838 to 22861.03 o_O


Can't be 5% only unless i'm still not well wake up and doing my maths wrong this morning.


The 10% fee shop is something many buyers forget about, a ship listed for 500k brings only 450K on the seller pocket, as we pay 10% on the price listed for the shop fee, 50k paid from the crafter only to list a ship on shop at 500k for 9 days, those 50k are lost if ship is removed or not sold after 9 days, this should be made clear for all i think.



Edit : i see consumption prices, on what are those based please ?

I don't understand some of those prices but again I'm not well wake up this morning so maybe missing something there :P 


Can't be 5% only unless i'm still not well wake up and doing my maths wrong this morning.

Your math is correct, but the calculation is wrong. :)

It is implemented as a cascading sales tax. So every time a commodity changes hands through a contract 5% is added.

I have gone to the extreme in which I simply say that each step is done through different hands. (It is a MMO after all. :P )

So an Iron Ingot is 1 Coal $23/p + 1 Iron Ore $149/p = $179/p.

Through contracts: $24.15 + $156.45 = $180.60 + 5% = $189.63

Hence sales tax is never used anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value-added_tax#Comparison_with_sales_tax

It accumulates too fast if the supply lines goes over too many hands.


The 10% fee shop is something many buyers forget about, a ship listed for 500k brings only 450K on the seller pocket, as we pay 10% on the price listed for the shop fee, 50k paid from the crafter only to list a ship on shop at 500k for 9 days, those 50k are lost if ship is removed or not sold after 9 days, this should be made clear for all i think.

I've added the 10% in each column. Ah crock, it also has the original 5%... I need to redo this completely into a proper resale tax thing. Doh! :wacko:


Edit : i see consumption prices, on what are those based please ?

I don't understand some of those prices but again I'm not well wake up this morning so maybe missing something there :P

Consumption prices are prices offered by clan "AI" in consuming ports. In essence if you put up a contract in a (consuming) port at that price you can be almost guaranteed delivery (by a smart trader). You don't need to go EU trader at all.


Ah i just read the wrong colums... it fits with your high resource prices. Fraction of lh is pretty low for medkits.


You should include a guide for lh, because thats what people are struggling with. Whats the value of your lh, how do you estimate it, how is demand and supply for ships affecting it. Its nice to know the resource cost for mats and ships, but thats usually the smaller fraction.


Another small suggestion, maybe arrange ships in their classes and for increasing amount of lh. Would make it easier to compare similar ships.

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