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Yes, Tommy I knew you were here. Talking it over with the guys it looks like we hope they will start of with an American Navy if not then will go British for sure.

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Well there will be definetly one polish society in this game! Hope to see ya`ll soon.

Let me advertise our recriutment in polish:


UPN rekrutuje wszystkich graczy chetnych zaczac przygode w tej jakze pieknej i interesujacej grze jaka bedzie bez watpienia Naval Action. Jestesmy society powstala na potrzeby gry Pirates of the Burning Sea ale planujemy takze zaistniec w tej nowej wspanialej grze. Posiadamy wlasny serwer Teamspeak oraz strone wraz z forum: www.upnonline.info na ktora wszystkich serdecznie zapraszamy po wiecej informacji. Sa trzy warunki dolaczenia do nas: posiadanie i chec uzywania Teamspeak, znajomosc jezyka polskiego w pismie i mowie oraz odrobina kultury osobistej. Osoby ponizej 18 roku zycia wchodza na Teamspeak na wlasna odpowiedzialnosc. Zapraszamy


  • 5 weeks later...

I created a thread to have a single location to track those that have identified themselves as a group that will be active in Naval Action



Please let me know if the SeaLords (or any others) have new contact information and I will update it on that thread.


Apologies Saintduiex,


I'll contact you direct with the Sealords information from now on. Please also add me as a contact for the SLVF until we reinstall our retired command system. Our members have all been on extended shore leave until a suitable game was found that serve our purpose. I know several of the old guild have already prepaid so hopefully we'll be active at an early stage.


Our Nation is undecided at present, though in the past we have been a multi nation guild, with members controlling national fleets. I myself commanding within the British Royal Navy.


News on our Website, sadly our current site has been neglected (2006 last update) but I intend myself to redesign the site from the ground up and give my fellow guild members a site they will be proud to call home. Could you remove our site link until further notice.


Many thanks

  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to see a portuguese guild/society, but since it is a minority, it would be very weak in terms of manpower.

Time will tell!


Join the Royal Navy (Sea Lords Virtual Fleet) and be amongst a large group with great standings amongst many communities stretching back over the years Huzzah to those who dare take up her challange   It be amist if ye is found not with us on the seas    Press Gangs are forming so join now in his majesty's navy


Join the Decatur Armada, where our goal is not to be part of that large, cumbersome, somewhat stodgy but mostly amiable British Navy.

Just a major pain in their a$$. :D

To directly answer your question Grim, they have not yet come out and specifically stated what the initial navies will be. They have said that the sandbox will begin in the Carribean and their was a thread asking for input on five major ports to use plus another 20 (or was it 25?)

So based on that info you can make your own guess as to which 5 navies that were in action in the Carribean in the 17th/18th centuries they will initially go with.

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