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>>>Feedback for Ultimate General: Gettysburg v0.9+<<< (Update 15/10/2014)

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Love the tilt shift effect, but agreed that it need to be toned down a bit, or even better be something we can turn on and off during a battle.

It looks great in screen shots, but not so useful while playing.


The Tilt-Shift does bring a more realistic look to the fight, but


I agree with guys above, it should be toned down. The blurred effect should be removed.

I like seeing the whole battle/screen with no blurry sides.


The darker shading that the Tilt-Shift brings, is a bit to dark. I like the sharpness/lighting of the whole battle field,

as it is. I will leave T-S it off for now.


Thx for your time,hard work with theses Update(s). 


Tilt Shift?  Too dark around the edges.  And while the blurred effect is cool, it comes in from the edges too far and basically reduces the ability to see the map by at least 30%.  I like the bright feel without the TIlt-Shift.  If you reduced the blur a bit, brightened it up, I would play with it on all the time.


About Tilt-Shift, thank you all for your comments. We acknowledge and we will see what we can do to improve.

About AI it will get even more improvements in next update, together with melee fixes that affect the overall battle balance.

Hello all,


New update v0.95 will arrive shortly.


It contains mostly polishes to gameplay and AI and some bug fixes. Tilt-Shift is going to get a polish later as well.


This patch we plan to be the last after the full release. We will still support the game after the release.


I still have problems with placing two brigades as a group in that there is a lot spinning going on, and then the brigades go off each swapping places with the other brigade. Any solutions?


first off: I am really happy I spent my money on this game. The way this game is being developed, and how developers are in contact with the users, as well as the obvious love that goes into the project all make me very happy.


My feedback for now:

- the cavalry units are able to create serious havoc in the enemy rear, routing batteries and generally creating a lot of noise, without taking serious casualties or being disabled as a whole (as I would expect)

- in melee, things still get messy. blobs of soldiers retreating towards the enemy where they can even rally themselves sometimes. I have even seen this happening with enemy artillery in one case. A 'logical fix' could be: I would expect units not being able to rally when cut off from their own lines. -

- that said, it seems units are able to rally far too quick

- on formations: fallback should see units moving towards their own lines, while facing the enemy. not turning their backs to the enemy and run away. (I would call that a tactical retreat :))

- I would love to see some more possibilities for formation movement. moving sidewards while in line, road columns, stuff like that.

- bonus for continuous lines with neighbouring units a possibility? (or morale penalties for not being in line)


So far so good.. Let's hope this game will turn out to be a classic!


Is there a way to get rid of the blue movement arrows once you're done with that brigade?

Still have had no answer to the problem of spinning and swapping positions when you group brigades and position them.


Union Triumphant Victory on Day 3 - CSA AI on Cunning


Union VPs 79,000

CSA VPs     7,000


Union Casualties 18,794

CSA Casualties   38,972


Artillery batteries still slaughtering as many men as entire infantry divisions.

Way out of line with historical results.

Videtts still able to slaughter 3 batteries in a row with no problems.


Why does the Union cavalry suck vs. CSA cavalry?  

By this point in the war the cavalry had reached parity - as demonstrated on East Cavalry Field and Brandy Station.


No statistically significant change between earlier versions and this version on the AI.


AI still way to easy to beat - not much of a challenge.



Summary - as Union on Day 2 swept CSA from South and East of Gettysburg.  Chased the the CSA west of McPherson's Ridge.


Morning of Day 3 CSA holds Gettysburg and Union now on Benner's Hill set to attack Wolf's Hill.  


Funny because I'd expect on the morning of Day 3 to be pushing to the west of Herr's Ridge toward South Mountain.


When the CSA is losing the game seems to jump to Phases around the map regardless of the logic of the battle.


It would be great to have 3 more miles to the west of Gettysburg for later phases.


Revision update available for PC, in a few hours also for Mac users:

- Fixed AI not moving in some Custom Multiplayer Maps and adjusted it better as per first feedback.

- Rank reset bug for Multiplayer fixed.



Revision update available for PC, in a few hours also for Mac users:

- Fixed AI not moving in some Custom Multiplayer Maps and adjusted it better as per first feedback.

- Rank reset bug for Multiplayer fixed.

Any word on modding being a launch feature, or a post-launch addition?


I hope they will support modding - the first mod I'd like to play is the complete removal of the fantasy cavalry.


I plan on modding the hell out of it, textures, maps, balancing, everything. :)


Ran a test to see how much damage I could do with the Videttes and the results in the statistics are stunning. 


Not all of the CSA casualties were inflicted by Videttes; but about 12 of the CSA batteries were taken by Videttes.  These batteries taken by the Videttes are the bottom 12:


Page's Battery           114 men -  57 men lost vs. 142 Union KIA

Rice's Battery            114 men - 114 men lost vs.   87 Union KIA

Johnson's Battery        96 men -  96 men lost vs.    74 Union KIA

McGraw's Battery        89 men -  83 men lost vs.    54 Union KIA

Carrington's Battery  114 men - 114 men lost vs.    87 Union KIA

Crenshaw's Battery     71 men -   71 men lost vs.    53 Union KIA

Fry's Battery                79 men -   65 men lost vs.    36 Union KIA

Marye's Battery           75 men -   75 men lost vs.    36 Union KIA

Green's Battery           60 men -   30 men lost vs.    26 Union KIA

Grandy's Battery         92 men -   92 men lost vs.    23 Union KIA

Reese's Battery          79 men -   52 men lost vs.    23 Union KIA

Tanner's Battery         90 men -    90 men lost vs.    22 Union KIA

Zimmerman's Battery  65 men -   65 men lost vs.    20 Union KIA

Wallace's Battery        67 men -   67 men lost vs.    18 Union KIA

Moore's Battery           90 men -   75 men lost vs.    19 Union KIA

Hurt's Battery              71 men -   71 men lost vs.    12 Union KIA

Brander's Battery        65 men -   65 men lost vs.      9 Union KIA

Garber's Battery          60 men -   60 men lost vs.      9 Union KIA

Law's Battery              80 men -    80 men lost vs.     6  Union KIA

Maurin's Battery          50 men -    50 men lost vs.     3  Union KIA

Carter's Battery         103  men - 103  men lost vs.    2 Union KIA


Bottom line to wipe out the CSA artillery with 1,571 men cost the Uniuon about 850 casualties.


My conclusion is that the AI artillery is not aware of threats, not setting ammunition on canister when it should, not turning in the direction of the threat soon enough, and the artillery gets wiped out as a result.


Videttes were not the entire problem; but a significant contribution to the problem.

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