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(English translation in second post)




Octroy voors compaignie heeren neegentien (XIX).



De Staten Generael der Vereenichde Nederlanden, allen den genen die dese jegenwoordige sullen sien ofte hooren lesen, Saluyt, Doen te weeten, dat wy bemerckende den welstant deser landen ende welvaeren van de ingesetenen van dien, principalyck te bestaen byde scheepvaert ende coophandel, die van allen ouden tijden vuyt deselve landen geluckelyck, ende met grooten zegen gedreven is geweest op alle landen ende coninckrycken, SOO IST dat wy, dan met gemeene vereenichde macht vande coopluyden, ende ingesetenen deser landen, ende dat tot dien eynde opgerecht sal werden eene generaele compaignie, ende daertoe te voorsien met behoorlyck octroy, ende met de privilegien ende exemptien ter eksploytasy vuyt dese vereenichde nederlanden, nochte oock van buyten deselve landen sal moegen vaeren, ofte negotieren opde custen ende landen van america, ofte westindien, ofte andere straten ende passagien, daerontrent gelegen, aan ten meest neegentien heeren uyt den gewesten gestaene voor de princen, welks bestuyr vorm geeve ende sal bestaen uyt ten minst tien hoofde ende voors limiten dese compaignie geaccordeert naer ten meest neegentien hoofde, ten aendele worde verpant één miljoen gulden per hoofde in ‘t bestuyr, ten kleinst aen participanten in grootte hondertduizent gulden denwelcke kapitael ten start tien toe neegentien miljoen gulden sal bedraagen.



Dat voorts de voors compagnie op onsen naeme ende authoriteyt, binnen ……..



[Etc.etc.etc., the actual real historical octroi on which above text is based upon goes on for a good 11 pages and numerous articles!]


link to the historical scans of the octroy: http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/inventaris/gahetnascan/eadid/






(loose translation into English)





Octroi for the business endeavour for seventeen (XVII) merchants/lords.


The State General of the United Provinces, to all who will see or are expected to read this, is greeted. In the importance of the welfare of our lands, that exists in principle because of shipping and trading, which since ancient times from the same lands are fortunate and blessed to be connected to other countries and kingdoms, IT IS DECIDED, that we, the united power of merchants and other citizens of these lands, are served that a general company shall be founded, backed up by a proper octroi, and with the privileges and exemptions to exploit from out of the united provinces, but also are allowed to sail beyond its borders, and may negotiate the coasts of the americas, named westindies, and other routes and passages in that area, and granted to at highest nineteen merchants/lords from the provinces, loyal to the prince of orange, who themselves shall form a board of at least ten persons, acting within accord of the limitations of the company towards a maximum of nineteen persons, who require to acquire shares of the amount of one million guilders, and are allowed to employ normal participants within the company with shares of one hundred thousand guilders, at the start of the company, generating starting capital between ten and nineteen million guilders.


That furthermore the granted company in our name and authority, within ….

[Etc.etc.etc., the actual real historical octroi on which above text is based upon goes on for a good 11 pages and numerous articles!]

link to the scans of the octroy:



Edited by Lytse Pier
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A new start for the active members of the Dutch CORE-clan.


The creator and some officers of the Dutch CORE clan stopped playing the game. Although there are still some active players, there are no possibilities to change some internal structures without the creator role of the clan. Hence we decided to bring our activities into a new clan, structure and settings, opting for a more open/public role and self-enhanced gameplay from a cooperative perspective.


We are proud to announce the public float of the “Compaignie heeren XIX”.


Historically the “heeren XIX”, was the board of the Octroyed Dutch West Indies Compagnie and comprised of 19 representatives of the shareholders of the compagnie. Main goal of the company was to make a profit. This proved to be quite a challenge and the corporation went broke and the original nineteen directors were cut back to 10 directors in the early 1700’s before a restart. The company was eventually closed in 1792 and a third attempt to get things floating again was in 1800, but that endeavour failed all because of the sugar beets; but that is an entirely other story to tell, and I perhaps might do one day. ;-)


So, we are fully aware of the historical facts around the “heeren XIX”and the Dutch West Indies Company and in advance we can tell you that, although we love our history, we are not going to reenact it in our new endeavor. Our clan/Company has set some different goals, which we’d like to lay out to you.


Naval Action is a PvP game. To create better PvP content for our group of players our goals are specifically set to build an experience that is focused around cooperative gameplay and most of all having fun together. Group cohesion and common goals are as important as individual skill and prowess for PvP.


This is why we have set up a system of cooperative gameplay based on building out an actual company within this sandbox, that has shares, pays out dividends, has employees, a board with directors, a trader fleet, a war fleet, actual accounting and financial statements and of course the only thing the game provides us at the moment for cooperative gameplay, a warehouse and warehouse wallet.


It will be as much a social experiment for us as a content testing experience for this budding Naval Action game.


The form we choose was just like the Dutch West Indies Compagnie. A public corporation, backed by a firm national octroi, which leaves far stretching possibilities for autonomy from The Hague’s political influences. ;-)


So, what are we going to do?


  • We will make a monthly financial statement about the state of the corporation;

  • We publish a roster of it’s employees and their sphere of influence;

  • We will publish the dividends that are payed out to the shareholders;

  • We will be available to buy your goods and ships;

  • We will be available to sell you goods and ships;

  • We will be available to talk to members of any nation or origin to bring us profits;

  • We will give feedback on our endeavours and experiences with the game mechanics during this endeavour;

  • We will sail as a group to trade, fight, build, conquer, win and be defeated, all for company profit;

  • We will all pledge firmly to be willing to give our (ingame) lives for country and profit;


If you would like to be part of this experience we are trying to offer, to be part of a “real company” in the age of sail, don’t hesitate to contact our Heer van Keuring (or any member of the board that is available for you) to inquire about the possibilities.


On behalf of the Heeren XIX,


We are looking forward to trade with you, and we wish you safe sailing.




“Compaignie heeren XIX” - Employee Roster


(All positions are based on actual historical roles within the Dutch East India Company).


heer der Heeren, vacant, will be chosen amongst the Heeren. (Chairman of the board)

heer van den Oorlogsvloot, Oliviervdp, (Director of the warfleet)

heer van den Scheepsbouw, jointventure, (Director of shipbuilding)
heer van den Equipage, Odin87nl, (Director of equipement)
heer van den Handel, Bosch, (Director of commerce)
heer van den Koopvaardijvloot, Tjerk Hiddes de Vries, (Director of the trading fleet)
heer van den Pakhuysen, Morv, (Director of the warehouses)
heer van Haags Besogne, Flamigant, (Director of relations)
heer van den Rekenkamer, Lytse Pier, (Director of accounts and auditing)
heer van Keuring, Bout bij Nacht,  (Director of personnel)
heer van Verkenning ende Gelegenheid, Cornelis Evertsen de Oude, (Director of development)
heer van Besinning ende Ondersteuning, StanhopeNL, (Director of support)

-- all “Heeren” have obtained 10 shares in the company at nominal value of 1 million gold


Positions eligible for one share in the company at nominal value of 100.000,- guilders.

  • Timmerman (Carpenter);

  • Smid (Smithy);

  • Scheepsbouwer, (Shipwright);

  • Bevelhebber, (Commander);

  • Koopman, (Merchant);

  • Verkenner, (Scout);


Role eligible for sailing with our company, but without shares and without many obligations.

  • Kapitein, (Captain)





For the Dutch that would like some fun reading:


heer der Heeren, voorsitter des Raads ende Bestuur van den onderneming
heer van den Oorlogsvloot, in den slach ende veroveringen neemt hij het voortouw
heer van den Scheepsbouw, draagt sorg voor den toestand der vloot ende haar beschikbaarheid
heer van den Equipage, den juiste voorraad voor één goede productie en handel is syn vakgebied
heer van den Handel, regelt de juiste koopjes ende verhandelt den equipage surplus
heer van den Koopvaardijvloot, voor transport ende verplaatsingsaken draait hy syn hand niet om
heer van den Pakhuysen, tellingen ende beheer der voorraad vergt precisie alsook insicht.
heer van Haags Besogne, regelt den goede ontvangst ende weest een voorbeeld voor gastvryheid
heer van den Rekenkamer, één sorgvuldige administratie en tydige betaling sorgt voor één goede dividend
heer van Keuring, draagt sorg voor den juyste besoldiging en prestaties van al het personeel
heer van Verkenning ende Gelegenheid, niets ontgaat syn waakend oog ende scherp luusterend oor
heer van Besinning ende Ondersteuning, hy weet uw werksaemheden te verlichtten door syne geest ende handen te leenen
heer van Dralen en Talmen, sonder syn inbreng komt het ook goed
heer van Stand, oud geld spekt den kas sonder hard werk (100.000 donatie per week)
Timmerman, één schip sonder syn stukken vaart niet uyt
Smid, maakt swaarden ende messen voor den stryd aan boord
Scheepsbouwer, vakmanschap en meesterschap is wat hy brengt naar den heer van den Scheepsbouw
Bevelhebber, leidt den stryd onder den heer van den Oorlogsvloot
Koopman, syn handelswaar brengt geld en aansien in den lade
Verkenner, één vloot beweecht, echter twee oogen spiedden.
Kapitein, gaat syn eigen gang maar syn (handels)schip staat ter beschikking van den vloot

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Best of luck with the new clan. We in the US are looking forward to working with you guys. I'll need to add olivervdp and Flamigant as contacts for future dealings between our nations.

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