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Posted (edited)

I'd like to see a list of active clans on the PvP2 server. The intent is to show activity on the PvP2 server in hopes of preventing the "possible" server merge. This is also an attempt to provide new players direct links to clan recruitment pages. Hopefully, this forum will create server and nation specific boards in the near future. Until then, I thought I'd make this nation categorized list.

Props to www.navalactioncraft.com for their map work and getting all the ports updated.

(Last updated: 1/1/17)


Please respond in the following format and I will keep this updated on this OP (the other posts haven't been updated since Jan):



[Clan Tag] - Clan Name:

Clan website or game-labs recruitment thread:

Active Member Count:

(If you don't have a recruitment thread or clan signature banner, msg me and I can make one...for a price :))



[CN] - Celestial Navy - 20



[AD] - ? - ?
[AVAST] - Boer You to Death - 11
[DEIF] - Dutch East Indies Fleet - ?
[DFHS] - Dutch Forlorn Hope Squadron - ?
[DUTCH] - Dutch - ?
[DWIC] - Dutch West Indies Company - ?
[EEN] - ? - ?
[GI] - ? - ?
[HDZ] - ? - ?
[iPS] - ? - ?
[OJ] - Oranje Flotilla - ?
[SEGA] - ? - ?
[TOVNM] - Total Oblivion - The Flying Dutchmen - 4
[VPAS] - ? - ?



[ACS] - ? - ?
[DSSC] - Drunk Sailors Social Club - 21
[FTC] - French Trade Conglomerate - 3
[KRABS] - Le Marine de Bikini Bas - 8 Defunct
[LBORK] - LeBork - 13 Changed to Sweden [bORK]
[LEDR] - ? - ?
[LFF] - ? - ?
[LN]- ? - ?
[LOS] - ? - ? Defunct / moved to [DSSC]


Great Britain

[11ACR] - ? - ?
[AFG] - The Academy for Fine Gentlemen - 12
[AGW] - Alt Games Warbirds - 11
[AIE] - ? - ?
[AUS] - ? - ?
[BCS] - ? - ?
[BLUE] - ? - ?
[BRRTS] - Barrett's Privateers - ?
[CKA] - Canada Kicks Ass - 34?
[EIC] - ? - ?
[EITC] - ? - ?
[FUN] - ? - ?
[HA] - ? - ?
[IPC] - Indies Privateer Consortium - ?
[JANFU] - JANFU Tactical - ?  Defunct?
[JS] - ? - ?
[KF] - Kraken Fleet - 10 Defunct
[MT6] - ? - ? Defunct?
[MYTY] - Mighty Men of Valour - ?
[NSWCF] - ? - ?
[RCF] - ? - ?
[RED] - ? - ?
[SI] - ? - ?
[SMS] - Reichflotte - ?
[SOB] - Sons of Britain - 80 Moved to PvP1 as [KIN] King's Imperial Navy
[SOH] - ? - ? Defunct?
[SPN] - Soggy Potato Navy - 12
[STERN] - ? - ?
[TOM] - Tides of March - 4
[TWP] - ? - ?
[UK] - ? - ?
[VOLT] - ? - ?
[WBK] - Waffle Brigade - ? Moved to PvP1?
[WHB] - West Indies Hano Badgers - 3
[WIP] - ? - ?



[1B] - One Blood - 10
[BD] - Black Death - 3 Changed to [DP]
[BEARD] - ? - ?
[BLACK] - Black Flag - 48
[BLKS] - Black Sails - ?
[BLOOD] - Blood of BLACK - ?
[BMDF] - Bahama Mama Defense Force - 8
[BOOTY] - ? - ?
[BOTC] - ? - ?
[CBP] - ? - ?
[CDOGS] - ? - ?
[COM] - ? - ?
[CURSE] - ? - ?
[DC] - Disorderly Conduct - ?
[DOW] - ? - ?
[DP] - Dread Pirates - ?
[DREAD] - ? - 1
[FLIBS] - ? - ?
[GUN] - ? - ?
[HYDRA] - ? - ?
[JUL] - Just Us League - ?
[NASTY] - No Allegiance Save To Yourself - 10
[NO] - No Quarter - ?
[PINKY] - ? - ?
[SKULL] - ? - ?
[SOB] - ? - ?
[SSU] - Salty Sailor Union - 3
[THUG] - ? - ?
[UNKN] - Unknown - 11
[ZILCH] - ? - ?



[ARF] - ? - ?
[LDM] - ? - ?
[NAVY] - ? - ?
[USE] - United Shipwrights Espana - ?



[BORK] - 3th Swedish Flotilla - 13
[ISN] - ? - ?
[SSF] - ? - ?
[TSM] - The Swedish Meatballs - 2


United States

[AN] - American Navy - ? Changed to Pirates [SKULL]
[ASP] - Atlantic Society of Pioneers - 8
[BCS] - ? - ?
[BMDF] - Bahama Mama Defense Force - 8 Changed to Pirate [DMDF]
[BORG] - ? - ?
[BRRB]- Broken Rebels - 7
[CBR] - Chum Bucket Raiders - 11
[CDOGS] - ? - ?
[CSS] - Crusty Squidly Squad - ?
[DD] - Detroit Demolition - 8
[FEAR] - Face Everything And Rise - 15
[FFN] - ? - ?
[FLB] - Furry Lovable Bunnies - 6
[GT] - ? - ?
[JR] - Jolly Rodgers - 2
[JUL] - Just Us League - ? Changed to Pirates [JUL]
[MHS] - ? - ?
[MOGN] - Massive Online Gaming Nation - 10
[MTC] - ? - ?
[NPG] - No Pants Guys - 80
[NSJR] - ? - ?
[PA] - ? - ?
[PXP] - ? - ?
[OPR8] - ? - ?
[SCS] - Secondhand Cannonball Salesmen - ?
[SKY] - Clear Skies - ?
[SOG] - ? - ?
[TOTC] - Total Oblivion Trading Company - 8
[TZ] - ? - ?
[UNKN] - Unknown - 40 Changed to Pirates [UNKN]
[USCCG] - United States Continental Coast Guard - 24
[USN] - United States Navy - ?
[USS] - United States Ships - 4
[UW] - Unknown Warriors - ?
[VCO] - Voodoo Shipping Company - ?
[WATCH] - The Bay's Watch - 9 Majority changed to Pirates
[WBK] - ? - ?

Edited by Cpt Blackthorne
  • Like 6

Rumor has it that the AUS GB and most of BLACK Pirate clans have left the PvP2 server for PvP1? This saddens me...

Meh, who cares. Chickens run when the going gets tough. PVP1's US pop zergs over to PVP2 , some cant handle it. Plenty of us still there having fun. :)

  • Like 1

Meh, who cares. Chickens run when the going gets tough. PVP1's US pop zergs over to PVP2 , some cant handle it. Plenty of us still there having fun. :)

What nation and clan are you in? I'd like to keep this list updated w all nations. just trying to help ppl see there is activity and might even help us split nations evenly


And what does the acronym stand for?



It doesn't stand for anything.  It's Krusty Krabs, per the description.  Haven't you ever seen Spongebob Squarepants?  ;)  Never seen Mr. Eugene Krabs?  He owns the Krusty Krab restaurant.


Mr. Eugene Krabs


The Krusty Krab Restaurant

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

It doesn't stand for anything.  It's Krusty Krabs, per the description.  Haven't you ever seen Spongebob Squarepants?  ;)  Never seen Mr. Eugene Krabs?  He owns the Krusty Krab restaurant.

Yes, my daughter and I used to watch it all the time. I just thought you had a clever acronym for it...So, since you did not, I gave you a name in my best French language. Le Marine de Bikini Bas... heh :)

Edited by Cpt Blackthorne
  • Like 1

Well, I didn't make that one up.  But the guy that did moved over to PVP1 and he never frequents the forums, so that's all I can give you.  :rolleyes:


But hey, you can call me anything you want to, I've been called plenty of things in my lifetime.  :o

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