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So the marines got this preparation nerf, until some other fixes...


I think the issue is not in preparation, but in the speed you board a ship.  Also, the Rock-Paper-Scissors VS very cool skill based naval battles.  It is kinda lame to have this RPS system in the game.



You have a cannon fight, it takes rather long.

You board a ship, it takes couple minutes.


So in one tick you attack and the Marines kill, lets say 100-150 men.

In the same time the fastest ship in the game can make a U turn, or something similar.


I do not think it would be even physically possible for the men to jump to the other ship and kill 100 men in 1 minute.


The issue in the end is not even the marines, just the lightning fast boarding combat.


Sea battle, cannon fights, are well implemented in the game.  Boarding is a joke.  Why to elevate boarding?


Now everyone is yelling after Gold Marines, it is like the most expensive upgrade/item in the game.  You can trade 1-2 Santisimas to get your Gold Marines.  So it should indicate rather clearly that boarding is broken, and badly.


You should not be able to start boarding, if the enemy ship is not on your side.  


The time it takes to pull the enemy ship, should have far longer timer.

The static time it takes to start the combat after pulling, should be longer.

The static time to leave after successful boarding, or successful boarding defense, should be longer.


Well fitted boarding vessel will start capping a ship in a fleet battle.  The victims friends wont be even able to turn around and help the guy.  So the boarding has to last multiple times longer than it is atm.


The boarding winner, will also win most probably because he has better upgrades.  The skill factor, is not very high in this one.


Ï really would like to see skill based boarding system, instead of what we have now.


But as a temporary solutions, the boarding should take time and not be ~instant like it is atm.


2 ships made for war.  The other one has marines, and because of that, the other war ship is unable to do anything.  He just lost the battle, none of his fleet mates were able to come in his aid.  Actually his fleet mates were not even able to react and the boarding was lost.




Blind luck drops, that has something to do with it, but...  Even if we all had exactly the same mods, I have to say that the boarding would still suck.  Compared to the sailing, that is really well done in the game, the RPS is simply utter crap.

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