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Map 1

Playing as CSA vs. Union:


- Opponents usually open with some kind of flanking maneuver, usually to the right but lately, increasingly, to the left. 

  • Turns the CSA right to put fire on Archer before he can get up to the ridge  This retards CSA advance and exposes its right and rear to vidette spam against guns. 
  • Positions forces (especially cavalry) to immediately engage anticipated arty reinforcement.  Micromanagers can keep up fire against arty. Davis taking fire from 3-4 Union units gets dicey. Reb guns will often rout very early.

Since the next set of guns come up after Pettigrew and Becky it is now much safer to open aggressively as rebs.  All you really have to do is push down from Herr's ridge up to McPherson's ridge  Keep a steady, firing pace, with your guns close by in motion with the division.  Set them on shell or canister if you really want them to tank.  Just keep pusjing until you take McPherosn's farm and its forest cover.  Put Davis on the reverse slope of McPheron's hill ,if you were not able to get Burford off of Oak Ridge (Davis would then be occupying that ridge, on HOLD, with 95+% cover) bring up your guns on shell, and start raking in kills while you wait to get Pettigrew on line.


Defending your left is harder.  Pender comes up eventually, before Grandy and a few other batteries show up and deploy to the ridge.  You gotta be right on top of that and hurry guns to your center or else they're dead meat.  Try to leave Lane or Scales in reserve to keep an eye on guns and solve for any Union Herr's Ridge capture cheese or late-game vidette spam (always a threat). CSA Skirmishers on HOLD can help but don't cover much ground.  Many gaps for cavalry to exploit.. 


- If Union is less ambitious in its early opening, take the initiative and try to get Davis up on Oak Ridge.  Don't be afraid to charge after a couple volleys.  You need to get that ground before Cutler or Meredith gets up.


- In general, Union spams attacks at CSA rear with videttes and wipe out guns at every opportunity. 

  • The implication to this, potentially, is rebels are probably safest when moving as a bio ball.  
  •  USA videttes/skirmishers can penetrate predicable gaps and retreat quickly.
  • Even with three CSA batteries on canister exchanging with the videttes, they can rout one battery at negligible penalty 



Playing as Union vs. CSA: 


-   If CSA is smart they are charging early and often so use the fall back command liberally.


-   Small, mobile units might be used early in an offensive move to rebel's left.  This isolates Davis and buys time.  Time is key.

  • Note that CSA infantry reinforcements now arrive before the two sets of artillery that re-enforce the rebels  It used to be that Rebels needed to secure the southwest in anticipation of their guns coming up. lest videttes spam those guns into oblivion.  Now Pettigrew and Becky come up first.  This means Rebels can use their skirmishers again. 
  • This also means it is now harder to burn down reb canon reinforcements with vidette spam.


- Rebels will often attempt to get Davis onto Oak Ridge early, locking down that high round.

  • This is catastrophic for the Union player.  If it happens, your only hope is to use Buford's boys to harass the CSA rear.  Isolate Davis so they can't get their guns up there and re-form left.  Push back up the ridge.   If you left a division in reserve, you still have a fighting chance.
  • Hopefully you can delay Rebs by demonstrating up the middle or swinging around to one of their flanks.  Buy enough time to get 1st div up on Oak Ridge and either McPherson's (if opening skirmish successful) or seminary (if not so great).  

- In general, if Union can get its guns up to McPherson's farm and protect the area around the forest to the structure, up the ridge, canister will shred Johnny Reb. 

  • This goes for both maps.  Really, the two battles play out similarly.  The forest and rise around McPherson's farm provide logical canister platforms for Union arty assuming you can get a strong brigade into the forest.  It should not take more than a division and three batters to hold McPherson's ridge on either map.  At this point Meredith and Cutler backed by Cooper Reynolds and Stewart on canister might be able to take on four brigades with ease, if you hold this ground.




Map 2 


I have been successful drawing in flanks and then deploying forward onto McPherson's ridge. I take my time... leaving the Union the initiative.  

  • Union might only wake up after I have consolidated and started pushing.  It then attacks only to meet canister spam.  It's ugly. 

Early control of McPherson's ridge is everything.  I am still pretty slow to get up on Map 2, and in cases where Union did what it was supposed to (advance to McPherson's) I am usually in for a real scrap . 

  • This situation is irritating because you absolutely have to get those boys off that ridge.  Best answer is to direct arty fire on shell to whatever is on McPherson's ridge and drive it off, then push with infantry.  Standard. 

AS Union:

Brook no delay in getting at least 3 batteries up to McPherson's farm, supported by at least a division in the woods and right on the reverse slope of McPherson's.  Draw in right flank and bring up Buford to harass exposed CSA batteries. Hit-and-run their brigades on the CSA left (your right) with Buford, distracting/buying time for you to get that div set up at McPherson's.  Set up a Division and two batteries on Oak Ridge.  Hold a division and a battery in reserve at Seminary.

  • If you get to the ridge first and can get your batteries up ASAP you will be fine
  • use the division in reserve and/or whichever part of your mcphersons / oak ridge line is not seeing much action to turn rebel attackers' flanks piecemeal.  
  • Sit back and let your guns do their job..



Both first two maps (McPherson's) 

  • Artillery is absolutely murderous.  So far my top kill count on a battery is 399.  In-between Herr's Tavern and A. Spangler is a rise that you can sit four batteries atop that can see McPherson's ridge.  To the left, I leave a battery or two to support the skirmishers I've advanced north of the unfinished railroad along with a brigade in reserve.  The guns that come up early get deployed right or center.  You might get lucky with canister just a tiny bit outside its range, and certainly the middle setting does good DPS. 
  • I just feel like those Union brigades hang in there longer than when they would under AI management.  Doesn't bother me, but I noticed it.
  • Now that you can see the stats, it really reveals just how powerful a brigade is Pettigrew.  It's imperative to micromanage this brigade as its volleys in open space are crushing.  You better be sure to flank it as Union or else Blue will run for the hills and the battle is over.  
  • My experience so far is the area I described between the tavern and Spangler is key jumping-off point for CSA on both maps, for me.  I would love to hear about the experiences of other players. 
  • In many ways both maps play out similarly as Union.  The key is to get at least 3 batteries on canister up to McPherson's ridge and that forested area.  on Map 1, use your faster, more numerous units to harass CSA long enough for Reynolds to come up up with the first division of the 1st Corps and then get Meredith into either Oak Ridge or even better, the forest adjacent to McPherson's farm.  Meredith on HOLD + 2-3 batters = victory for Union on either map.



Map 3 / Devil's Den:

Couple thoughts on how to set up as Rebels: 


- You can move all the way around to the right but it will take a lot of time

- Consider the middle as the jumping-off point.  Pincer the peach orchard. 

- Keep those guns up and enfilade! 

- Imperative to protect northern re-enforcement route in case Union advances III Corps to your starting point early.  Flank this if it happens. 

- I try to deploy as many guns as i can fit onto the high ground overlooking the peach orchard, the weatfield, and the western half of the Devil's den 



As Union: 

- That area around the wheat field and peach orchard has potential for a canister smorgasbord if you can lure the Rebs there.  

- I feel like you can afford to sort-of ignore your center because Rebs seem to be in love with trying to swing around the Union right.  I'm not sure this is smart for rebels, there are just too many reinforcements coming up from V corps throughout the battle to sustain an attack on the Union right (if you launch it right away Union will see it coming and swing its reserve batteries to its right) 

- II Corps are your best troops so use them aggressively



Map 4

I have not played this map as much and I find I usually play Union

As Rebels

 - Flank the Union right with as much of II corps and ignore their hugely powerful left centered around oak hill. 

- The valley in the middle is a trap.  

- I really dont see a viable way to challenge the fortress that is Culp's hill with I Corps 1st Division there  The move left as Rebs just makes sense. 


As Union

- Pray CSA challenges Culp''s hill.  Your arty on canister and I Corps 1st Div + Stannard and Ames is more than enough to stop the five or six brigades they will throw at you. 

- I move the entire XII Corps to extend my right.  Kinzie is the only battery in the area, but he's hard to set up due to LoS issues. 

- Just hold the VP location.  Start out with a few elements protecting the approach, fall back to the hill, and then flank this bulge in the CSA lines from their right with II or V Corps reinforcements OR use your best brigade (Meredith).  



Map 5 plays very much like single player... 


From what I understand you have been playing on the first map, This map is completley imbalanced in my oppinon (which is expected of a "Historical" Scenario) Try playing the other map the "META" is ALOT different and more balanced.


What I notice playing the "2nd" map most players Run their troops to the ridge at the start of the game. I have been letting them take the ridge and when they move their cannons up to the ridge attack before they are set in place. That is pretty much it, Just direct attack the ridge and win. This has not failed me yet.


You seem like someone I want to play with, shoot me a message and we can set a game up!

  • Like 1

I won't rush to the ridge but I'll sit behind the hills hoping my Yankee counterpart will rush then my well rested Rebs pounce lol never fails.


I won't rush to the ridge but I'll sit behind the hills hoping my Yankee counterpart will rush then my well rested Rebs pounce lol never fails.


My experience on map 2 is similar.  I wait to collapse in my flanks and then ball into a mass down Chambersburg Pike .Deploy at the foot of the hill and see where it goes... 


There were 3-4 times that the game started and then instantly ended, resulting in a win for me.  I think all of them were on map 1. 


Well I got two battles into the game.


Just hard to find games I work during day hours and want to play at night. Central Standard US time.


Hmm, my experience seems to differ - the meeting engagement scenario does seem balanced (playing both sides about near-evenly , a total of about a dozen times so far, winning them) - although, of course, the scoring is a bit broken (the Union can't technically get a victory, but definitely holding all VLs and causing more casualties counts as a victory in my book!).


Hmm, my experience seems to differ - the meeting engagement scenario does seem balanced (playing both sides about near-evenly , a total of about a dozen times so far, winning them) - although, of course, the scoring is a bit broken (the Union can't technically get a victory, but definitely holding all VLs and causing more casualties counts as a victory in my book!).


What do you mean by can't get a victory? Surely all three points have equal values, so holding any two is a win condition (as long as you don't take 3k+ more casualties than the Confederates)?


Well, don't know how, but for example this doesn't count as a victory for the Union in Map 1 (but of course that's just a technicality and a bug in scoring - in actual terms it is a victory).  I meant to say that with map two I've only seen Union win whereas Map 1 I've "won" whichever side I've played.  Anyway, these one-offs aren't really satisfactory for long, the whole battle is what I'm after, because there you have to balance aggression  and attrition with long term goals.




I have noticed in Multiplayer Observations that I have murdered the #1 ranked player in a decisive victory.I was rebels he was blue bellies. If I am reading the statistics correct I am now ranked #1 as a Colonel, He was a Major General. Hope your rank did not go down too much :) Great game who ever you were. Send me a invite...


Now who wants some?


Shoot me a invite at REB_Blunt on Steam to all comers!!!!



Errr in Beta.. Just realized there two different servers GRRRR!!!!


In the interest of the marketability of the game, are good historical tactics successful/optimal in the game, or is creating and throwing a large mob of grouped infantry through the enemy position without regard to good order successful?  


(...) is creating and throwing a large mob of grouped infantry through the enemy position without regard to good order successful?  


This tactic will fail every time.

  • Like 1

I have noticed in Multiplayer Observations that I have murdered the #1 ranked player in a decisive victory.I was rebels he was blue bellies. If I am reading the statistics correct I am now ranked #1 as a Colonel, He was a Major General. Hope your rank did not go down too much :) Great game who ever you were. Send me a invite...


Now who wants some?


Shoot me a invite at REB_Blunt on Steam to all comers!!!!



Errr in Beta.. Just realized there two different servers GRRRR!!!!



Two servers? Boo! 


Hi, all! First, apologies for my bad English. Now. This is a great game and a great idea! I have played several multiplayer games, and in last one I noticed something very strange. I played against other guy and I think that he cheated. He was rebels, and a game was McPherson Ridge. He moved forward Wilcox brigade on my right, and I wait it. I killed more then 400 of them from three different directions. Their flag was white, and they start to flee, but suddenly they start to shake and walk towards my line, and when they were behind my line they recovered and start firing. Guy did that with every single brigade of his. It was impossible to beat them. They act like a terminators. No matter how many of them I killed in a volley, or how many times their flags turn white, they just keep moving forward. 

I wonder, whether anyone else had this experience playing this game? What was that? Or, I am just imagining.


I encountered similar in a few games I played. The multiplayer is still in development, and has many bugs. I think it might be caused by you and your opponent becoming disconnected, and at the moment the game doesn't tell you this happens. The AI just takes over. The other option is that the two of you de-synched for a while, and what you saw was the game attempting to fix the difference in unit positions. I don't think people are cheating, at least not yet. I don't know if that is even possible for this kind of game, it depends how it was coded.


I encountered similar in a few games I played. The multiplayer is still in development, and has many bugs. I think it might be caused by you and your opponent becoming disconnected, and at the moment the game doesn't tell you this happens. The AI just takes over. The other option is that the two of you de-synched for a while, and what you saw was the game attempting to fix the difference in unit positions. I don't think people are cheating, at least not yet. I don't know if that is even possible for this kind of game, it depends how it was coded.

Thanks for info. You are probably right about this problem I encountered. 


made some edits to the OP to reflect more recent experiences... overall I've been having good success (Lt. General) but at least 3 wins were instant, probably disconnects or a glitch. 





You seem like someone I want to play with, shoot me a message and we can set a game up!

I don't know much about Steam r this forum (still don't know how to post a screenshot lol)  but hit me up and add me or whatever!!  Thank you for the kind words.



Hi, all! First, apologies for my bad English. 


I am a native English speaker and I enjoy reading English through a translation because it is a good reminder of how to employ word economy.  


Who all have played me? I can never tell as the first I hear of a battle starting is the sound of Calef's first barrage during the countdown to the start of the game.

I sure hope it won't be too long before MP is fixed and we can get into proper battlin' with the whole shebang, 3-4 days.


I'm still not sure how to be friends so i can see more than just me on the leaderboard.


DO I friend on this forum or in stream.


If in stream how do i know who is who to be a friend.


Yours "friendless"

Rich "no friends"  :-(


boo hoo


You'll need to add people as friends on Steam. I'd suggest asking people in PMs here on the boards, as putting SteamIDs out in public usually isn't a great idea from a security perspective. A few people have posted theirs in places around here though.


Your "SteamID" n your Steam "Ingame name" are 2 different things. Your SteamID is your 'Account Name + pass word.' You sign into your account with those.

Its needs protecting, never post/give that out to anyone under any circumstances, like Elvin said.


To friend someone on steam, get there steam "InGame name". This 'ingame name' can be changed at any time, once signed into Steam.Go to (Steam-Settings-Friends) 

You need to set ur friends settings up with, Friend online/notifications, etc etc..

As Elvin said the best way is to get ppl's steam "ingame name" is with a PM.


When I post a message on the steam boards it uses my 'Ingame Name',To identify me with that Post,


If you use friends here(UG:G) I believe its just internal here. I know when I go to multi player it displays my

Rank n my 'Ingame steam name'.

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