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Hello everyone!


First of all I am not too sure whether there already is a post discussing this but I want to put this out there:


So this has been buggering me for the past few weeks: PIRATES.


Pirates are able to capture ports which is historically inaccurate nor is it "Realistic". The thing with pirates was that they had certain ports to dock, repair and gather crew. Also, it appears that the Pirates work together with other Nations. Now, I wouldn't have a problem with that but if that is going to be the case then please add Letters of Marque, it may come with some exploits obviously, but if you add enough penalties or cooldowns on switching Letters of Marque or buying them it should fix this "Issue" if I may call it an issue that is.


In my honest opinion I do not think that there should be Pirate "Fleets" or clans if you will, or they should be limited to a certain amount of players. Since only on a rare occasion pirates would work together.



The Solution:


Once the server resets in it's entirety this could be implemented:


Give the Pirates 20 - 30 ports spread across the map and give them the ability to choose where they want to start, at the same time introduce Letters of Marque for Pirates to sail under.


Q: But how will Pirates gather materials for crafting?


A: Letters of Marque will allow a pirate to enter that Nation's ports and build production buildings there.


Then this could be combined with this: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8329-pirate-mechanics-vote/



The Idea in steps:


 - Pirates choose a starting port somewhere on the map. (A Pirate port which cannot be captured)

 - The Pirate chooses a Letter of Marque or chooses to stay neutral. (hostile to all nations)

 - Eventually the other Nation's influence will spread and reach the Pirate ports, thus creating the possibility for a Pirate to fight for that Nation or against it. (Once introduced the Pirate can then send captured ships to the Admiralty of the nation they sail under and receive an increased reward for doing so)

 - By sailing under another nation the Pirate is able to build buildings in any town of that nation except for the capital, as well as enter the ports and trade there.




- Surtur


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