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I'm on the PvE server, just so you guys know.


Anyway, tonight, a friend of mine and myself got on to play a little bit. I haven't been on in quite some time due to work and life issues (all sorted now thank god), so I've missed a few of the updates. Anyway, after reading up on the patch notes and getting an idea on what to expect, I load in and start playing.


My friend and I decide to engage a french LGV with contraband. We're in a group so I think, alright no bigger. He tags him and goes into battle, I click on the swords and...it tells me I have to be in a certain spot to get into the battle...


so I look around, and notice a small circle with the words "pirates" over it. I think "alright, thats for the pirate side that must mean the US side is...oh balls...


Now, we had tagged this LGV as he left Beaufort (we're US players btw) so he was pretty close to land...


This means, that the US join circle...was planted firmly inside the land...meaning I could not join at all. There was physically no way at all for me to get into the spawn circle to join the battle....


I did hit F11 to report this as a bug, because come on, there is no way that was intentional by the devs...thats just poor game play....


Honestly though, why is there no checks for land when tagging someone in OW? If it detects land, why not move the circles to areas where people can join, away from shallows and such....


Anyway, I'm not too upset about it, it was only one trader after all, but I'm more worried about it happening when my friends or guild mates really need help, or we tag some very large OW fleet but it just so happens to be near land...what then? We just leave our friends to die? What? I mean really...I really really feel this needs to be looked into.


And no, do not give me "well tag them farther away from land!" Because sometimes, you just don't have the choice. Like with that LGV, he was hugging the land close enough for the join circle to be inside the land...not fun...


Anyway, bit of a rant thread, bit of a bug report, and bit of a heads up to other players who haven't seen this yet...I'll be gone now... o3o

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