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It would be an interesting thing to see that if escorted trader ships were to offer better loot in the idea of risk vs gain.


in game some Trader NPC's sail solo. Some sail with combat ships escorting them.


Why not increase the value of the traders sailing with armed escorts? 


Not only do i think it would be a historically plausible feature of the game, but i also think it would bring raiding/privateering, group gameplay, and clan content to the game and could potentially be more fun.


I think if there were escorted traders with various sized NPC fleets it could add new game content and combat strategy. Players would enjoy the tactics of forming up their group/party with a strategic array of ships for the specific tasks. It would also create a demand for the smaller ships as they would be sought after in the doctrine to chase the trader vessels as the other ships battle it out.


If suddenly this new group activity became popular and in itself the lower tier ships again desired i think it would help create a market demand for them and it would help the economy area for the upstarting ship builders. It is also a way of training newer players for PVP in a "safer" way buy exposing them to the NPC armada. These same tactics will be useful later when these newer players are faced with player vs player fights.


As with any economical addition there has to be checks and balances. I feel that Risk vs Gain is one of them here as the more dangerous the trader fleet is then the better the chances for good loot. Another factor to take into account is that this would certainly be an activity that requires group gameplay and that the ability to form these groups is also a limitation in itself on how much these fleets are engaged.


I see it as another means of encouraging teamwork and group gameplay that isn't just another harbor assault or port camping fleet. I also think it implies the encouragement of players to use a more variety of ships than just things like the Constitution and above.




  • Encourages group gameplay
  • Is a new and creative way to obtain monetary and resources
  • Encourages the use of a variety of ship types/classes and the strategies of employing them in different ways
  • Can stimulate the economy - gives a market demand for the low-level crafters to sell to.
  • Helps newer or novice players learn the game mechanics by being included in these fights and actually practicing these strategies.
  • Instills a sense of accomplishment when your group/party is successful
  • Encourages small groups to go explore/travel while looking for these NPC trader fleets
  • Game potential - Perhaps these fleets could trigger special loot drops, resources, items, etc.. later down the road.
  • PVP Potential - It may lead to more small group PVP fights and other encounters



  • Potential to be exploited too much and could change the economy too much
  • It may become too popular and players may struggle to find one of these fleets as so many people are out doing the same thing
  • It may be a nuisance to try and attempt to do with a bunch of "pubbies" or random players
  • It potentially could be too difficult to both engage the fleet as well as chase and engage the traders
  • Players out doing missions or other gameplay by themselves may complain alot about an increase number of small groups of enemies and potential "ganks".
  • Players may argue on how to split the loot among the group (Not so much in the clans).



Originally posted: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13873-npc-trader-fleets-suggestion/#entry254669

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