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Posted (edited)

The following is a bit of an extension and revision of the list of suggestions i provided earlier entitled "The Roadmap".   I will link those posts at the bottom of this one for any interested.   The following would fall mostly in section 9, resource distribution.  The goal is to give the players a reason to want to capture ports, sail around the map, and do more then just sit in their own corners grinding fleets.


Map download linked here.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9mOinkVxfkQZ1B1Q1dVUWlSZEE


It is rather large so i suggest starting the download while you continue reading and opening it when its complete to get a better idea of what I'm proposing.   I will not be touching on pirate mechanics as it is a hot button issue.



I Will try to break how this will work down as logically as possible into sections but in order to get the economy functioning adequately it is difficult to not get detailed.  I will break this post into 3 parts and keep it short as possible.






I will start with :

1.)Resource distribution


I took an incredible map created by a member of our community, whose name i cannot remember at the moment, and redistributed the games resources (added a few) around the map evenly.  I classified the resources into 3 tiers: Common (needed for basic ship crafting), Uncommon (needed for higher tier ship crafting), and Rare (Some luxury goods for trade and some resources needed for high end ship crafting.)I also reduced the number of Regional Capitals and Free towns to better suit the in game lifestyle.  You will see all resources are distributed evenly throughout the map giving no faction an advantage. This is the same for free towns and Regional Capitals.


Specific resources: (and number of ports that produce the good.)



  • Fir x 14
  • Teak x 14
  • Pine x 14
  • Coal x 14
  • Stone x 14
  • Salt x 14
  • Iron x 14
  • Hemp x 14
  • Grain x 14
  • Livestock x 14
  • Game x 14
  • Fish x 13


  • Oak x 11
  • Redwood x 11
  • Silver x 11
  • Copper x 11
  • Sugar x 11
  • Tobacco x 11
  • Fruit x 11
  • Lignum x 10
  • Compass wood x 10


  • Live Oak x 10
  • Gold x 10
  • Silk x  8
  • Cocoa x 8
  • Spices x 8

Nation specific Goods:

  • Indian Tea (Great Britain) x 1
  • French Wine (France) x 1
  • Iberian Meat (Espana) x 1
  • American Cotton (U.S.) x 1
  • Swedish Iron (Sverige) x 1
  • Batavarian Spices (Dutch) x 1
  • Danish Beer (Danmark) x 1

Nation Specific Dyes:

  • Saffron (Great Britain)
  • Indigo (France)
  • Barberry (Espana)
  • Sassafras (United States)
  • Concheal (Sverige)
  • Woad (Dutch)
  • Tumeric (Danmark)

Each port produces only one resource except for  each nations capital.  Due to the capital being so crowded it can only support level 1 production buildings.  (Exception is the shipyard which can be up to level 3.)


The capital: produces :

  • coal,
  • oak,
  • salt,
  • grain,
  • stone
  • lignum,
  • copper
  • its nation nation good

Regional capitals: Produce whichever dye is related to to the controlling nation.  Regional capitals can support up to a level 3 shipyard.




2.) The economy:



There are no longer markets for trade in every port.  Capitals, Regional Capitals, and Free towns are now the only market bearing port types.   Capitals and Regional capitals are linked to the Europe for some trade aspects.  Free towns are player to player trade only.


The player can either yell in local port chat that they are selling goods and trade the old fashion way or they can ship the goods to a market bearing port for trade.


Only Capitals and Regional Capitals now consume raw resources. (Other ports can consume provision and luxury bundles but that is covered in other sections of "The Roadmap")


Every 2 hours the local demand for a given resource in a capital and regional capital increases by a specific amount adding to the over all pool of demand for the resource locally.(A capital will buy 159  fir logs locally every 2 hours or 1908 a day with a max 3 day cap of local demand at 5724)   Each port will buy a given resource that is in demand at a set price until the local demand is satisfied.  Any goods sold to the port beyond the local demand can be sold to the European Traders at reduced profit.  Contracts will work as they always have.


Example: Capitals consume 159 fir log every 2 hours .  A level 1 fir logging camp produces 1 fir log per 24 Bullion invested.  You can sell 159 fir logs to the capital to satisfy local demand at 45 Bullion a log.  The European Trader will buy your remaining stock for 30 Bullion a log


You can always list goods at a higher price and sell them to players. You can buy goods from the European Traders at 3 times the local port consumption rate.  I.E.  135 per fir log.


I have calculated the consumption rates for both Capitals and Regional Capitals as well as production, and sales costs for all resources based on rarity, necessity for crafting , and other factors..  I will list this mostly boring information at the very bottom for those interested.


Free Towns are not linked to the European Traders and do not consumer resources.  Any goods bought or sold will be strictly player to player at whatever price they set.



B.)Currency and Banking:

The in game currency is now Bullion.   Bullion is now a good that can be stored in warehouses, shipped in boats, and and transferred from bank to bank.   Capitals, Regional Capitals, and Free Towns all have banks.  You can spend any Bullion you currently posses at any port for repairs or to purchase things such as warehouses and outposts.  Your production buildings are linked to your Nation's Capital bank account and draw from it for costs related to harvesting goods.


National Banks

The Banks in Capitals and Regional Capitals owned by your nation are independent but connected. For Example: You can have 200,000 in the Bank at your capital and another 50,000 at a Regional Capital for a total of 250,000 in wealth. If you are in the regional capital your spending power is 50,000 unless you transfer more funds to your Regional Capital Account from your Capital account.  There is no limit to the amount of money you can store at any given National bank.


You can transfer money between any National Bank freely but are charged a 5% administration fee and the transfers take 2 hours to verify the transfer.


You can Transfer money from any National Bank to a a Free Town bank or vice versa but you are charged a 15% transfer fee and the transfer takes 3 hours to verify.


You can withdraw your Bullion for free from any National bank you are currently in as a good if :

  • You have an outpost in that port to store it in or
  • You have a boat large enough to haul the Bullion

Depositing money in any National Bank in a port you are currently docked in is free.


Free Town Banks:

The Banks in Free Towns are not connected to one another and stand as independent institutions.  Free town banks are smaller and can only house up to 800,000 in an account for any player at any given time. They don't trust the stability of other Free town banks and will not accept transfers of money to and from other Free Town banks. They trust the stability of the Nations far more and are willing to accept transfers with increased administrative costs.


You can transfer money from any National Bank to any Free Town bank or vice versa at a 15% transfer fee with 3 hour transfer verification time.


You can withdraw your Bullion for free from any Free Town Bank you are currently in as a good if :

  • You have an outpost in that port to store it in or
  • You have a boat large enough to haul the Bullion

Depositing money in any Free Town bank in a port you are currently docked in is free.


Bank Notes:

Any player can be issued a bank Note from any bank that stores some of its Bullion which they can keep on their person. (I.E. does not need to be shipped as a good and is not lost if sunk.)  Bank notes come in 4 set sizes.  5k, 15k, 30k, and 50k.  In order to be issued a bank note from a given bank you must have at least funds equal to that of the bank note you are being issued. (I.E. I have 37,000 Bullion stored in the Bank of La Tortue so i can be issued a 30k bank note from that bank.)


You can only have one bank note on you at a given time.   Bank notes can be used to repair you ships or purchase repairs in any port and the cost is deducted from your note.  


You can redeem your bank note for Bullion at any other bank then the one issuing it with:

  • a 5% fee from National to National
  • a 15% fee from Nation to Free port or vice versa
  • a 15% fee from Free town to free town.
  • Or to the bank that issued it for free.



3.)Sailing Speed:

Since the new resource distribution and banking mechanics will require more sailing form the player a propose we increase the max open world speed by 30%. With a max speed cap of 26 knots.  Some think this will ruin the immersion and imagine ships flying around the map but i think it will do the opposite by drawing more players out into the world to sail around for a reason without bogging them down with work like hours to do simple tasks such as sailing.  I present the following examples as of the proposed speed increase.


For the following i will be using http://burningsail.com/which is an excellent community built navigation aid that very accurately represents the time to sail between two points at a given speed.


Considering 20 knots is near current max open world speed I will use this as the start of our example and a 30% increase i propose as the new max speed of 26 knots.  I will set a start and ending destination at various distances and give examples of time to sail currently and time to sail after proposed speed increase.  I will do this at max current speed and max proposed speed as well as at a very good current speed of 15 knots to the increased speed of 19.5.  Please consider this is maintaining that speed for the entire duration despite open world wind shifts and such.  In other words these times will increase even more in the real world.


Tumbado to Mantua:

  • 20 knots 14 minutes game time (current max speed)
  • 26 knots  11 minutes game time (new proposed max.)
  • 15 knots  18 minutes  (Good current speed.)
  • 19 knots 14 minutes (Good new proposed speed.)

Tumbado to Las Tortugas:

  • 20 knots 25 minutes
  • 26 knots 19 minutes
  • 15 knots 33 minutes
  • 19 knots 26 minutes

Tumbado to Santa Rosa:

  • 20 knots 50 minutes
  • 26 knots 39 minutes
  • 15 knots 67 minutes
  • 19 knots 53 minutes

All of these voyages are in the same region yet are extremely time consuming for the player.  How often do you set sail and go afk or alt+tab to do something else.  This is not immersive.  Its the opposite. 


How often do you sail around for an hour or so looking for some pvp only to find some lone navy brig which of course you attack out of bordem. The Navy brig crys he is being ganked or out gunned out numbered and hes right.  But no one wants to play a game for 3 hours a night and do nothing but wait for people to sail around.


The increased sail speeds do not break immersion and lead to to fleets flying around the map.  It will lead to more people on the OS shipping goods for the economy, trading in far off ports, and more frequent pvp with less pain from sailing distances.




Part 2 coming tomorrow will include: Regional capitals and their child ports.  Uncommon and Rare fishing instances.


Other Sections of the un-revised "Roadmap"


(Section 1-8 here : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12696-the-road-map-table-of-contents/)

(Edit: section 9-10 here http://forum.game-la...-section-9-10/)

(Edit: Section 11-12 here  http://forum.game-la...ections-11-12/)

(Edit:  Section 13-14 here http://forum.game-la...sections-13-14/ )

(Edit: Section 15-18 here http://forum.game-la...sections-15-18/ )



Boring Econ Specifics I promised earlier in the post.  Feel free to skip or ignore if not interesting to you.

You will notice all goods make a 20% profit from production cost to sale to European trader and an additional 50% profit if the resource is sold to fill the local port consumption.  All number can be tweaked.  The goal was to set a standard profit on goods in a regulated market based on rarity of said good.


Edit:  i noticed that the formatting of excel did not transfer very well for the pricing information if anyone is interested i can make the excel documents available for download.



Super cool map download link again > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9mOinkVxfkQZ1B1Q1dVUWlSZEE

Edited by Babble
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Posted (edited)

Part 2.  Shipyards, Regional Ports, Reinforcement Zones, and Fishing instances.





The size or level of shipyard a player should be able to build should be dependent on the depth of the harbor.  You can not build a 1st rate in the shallows.    I propose that level 3 shipyards should only be allowed in Capitals, Regional Capitals, and all gold and live oak resource producing ports.  A total of 57 Deep water harbors and shipyards.   This would mean that each level 3 shipyard bearing port would be a deep water harbor and have a deep water port battle for a total of 49 deep water port battle ports.  Again this is all based on the new map i created here >  https://drive.google...Z1B1Q1dVUWlSZEE


Proposed  deep water ports:(Up to a Level 3 shipyard)(59 total)

  • All Capitals (8)
  • All Regional Capitals (29)
  • All Gold and Live resource producing ports. (20)

Proposed Medium water ports: (Up to a Level 2 Shipyard)(121 total)

  • All  other rare resource producing ports (24)
  • All uncommon resource producing ports (97)

Proposed Shallow water ports: (Up to a Level 1 shipyard)(167 total)

  • All common resource producing ports (167)




2.)Regional Capitals and child ports:


In order to make Regional Capitals  more important as actual capitals of the Region I reduced the total number of them on the map.  In order to make them more important I also proposed that they become local markets and level 3 ship yard bearing ports.  Now I propose if your nation owns the regional capital and its associated child ports then those child ports get small bonus to production.   


Each Regional Capital has 4 child ports associated with it.  If one nation owns the Regional Capital and all of the 4 child ports those child ports get a 5% bonus to resource production in those child ports.  If at any time the nation loses any of the child ports or the regional capital the production bonus is lost.


I will post all regional capitals followed by child ports are the very end.





3.)Capitals and reinforcement zones:


To expand on the idea of Regional Capitals having child ports I propose something similar with Capitals.  Capitals have 6 child ports.  If a Nation Controls any 4 or more of the 6 child ports then those ports get a production bonus. If they do not control at least 4 of the 6 then they lose the production bonus.  If the own all 6 they get the added bonus of a reinforcement zone that expands to all 6 ports.  If a member of that nation is attacked within their reinforcement zone the battle remains open for Allies to join for 4 minutes.   Owning all 6 child ports shows dominance in the region providing safety in the waters surrounding the Nations Capital.   This will help new players and add another level of strategy when choosing which ports to attack.


I will add the Capitals and their child ports at the very end of this post.





4.)Uncommon and Rare Fishing Instances:


If you notice on the map i created there are marked Uncommon and Rare fishing instances.  The intent of these instances is to give players a reason to go out exploring and draw players out into the open sea giving more options for random occurrences.   In the other sections of the road map I discuss the % chance of farming a uncommon or rare fish based on the level of fishing production building.  These instances give another method for farming those resources. 


If you divided the map into 4 sections evenly you will find that there are exactly 14 uncommon and 14 rare fishing instances in each section for a total of 56 of each.   I propose each day at server reset the computer makes 20 of each type randomly active.  Players can discover the instances when out and about sailing or go looking for them.  To Harvest fish from an instance that is active, a player would need to sail a fishing boat into the instance zone and remain motionless for a determined period of time.   The instances can be depleted so a player cannot sit there all day farming fish.  The amount of fish farm-able would also be randomized by the server.


This would give some element of exploration, another method for farming resources, and potentially promote PVP in the region.




The boring stuff:  As promised the capitals, regional capitals, and their children ports.  Feel Free to skip if not interested.


Proposed Regional Capitals and child ports:



San Agustin:

  • San Mateo (oak)
  • Ayamonte (sugar)
  • Saint Marys (iron)
  • Nueva Smyrma (stone)

Crown Haven:

  • Road Roack (Tobacco)
  • Green Turtle Cay (Red wood)
  • Mangrove Cay (Compass Wood)
  • Walker's Cay (grain)


  • Harbour Island (livestock)
  • Governor's Harbour (fish)
  • Morgan's Bluff (teak)
  • Frozen Cay (iron)


  • Manataca (game)
  • Sarazota (tobacco)
  • Tampa (Fruit)
  • Cayo de Anclote (spices)

Pitt's Town

  • Salina Point (iron)
  • Atwood (fir)
  • Deadman's Cay (compasswood)
  • Ragged Cay (salt)

Puerto Del Padre:

  • Guibara (Pine)
  • Nuevitas (Grain)
  • Puerto de nipe (silver)
  • La Guanaja (gold)

Puerto Escondido:

  • Sant Jago (compass wood)
  • Guama Sevilla (teak)
  • Saint-Nicolas (fish)
  • Les Gonaves (iron)


  • Nippes (red Wood)
  • Jereme (game)
  • Les Cayes (compass wood)
  • Saint-Louis (teak)


  • Portillo (salt)
  • Santa Cruz (oak)
  • Cayman Brac (silk Worm)
  • Little Cayman (game)


  • San Lazaro (grain)
  • Jagua (sugar)
  • Sante Fe (copper)
  • Daguilla (compass Wood)


  • Mantua (teak)
  • Pinar del rio (cocoa)
  • Robras (salt)
  • Baracos (game)


  • Santa Rosa (lignum)
  • Penzacola (silver)
  • Apalachicola (Copper)
  • San Marcos (stone)


  • Barataria (red wood)
  • Terrebonne (salt)
  • Atchafalaya (fish)
  • Vermiou (hemp)

San Luis:

  • Calcasieu (pine)
  • Sabina (iron)
  • Ahumada (gold)
  • La Baha (fir)

Soto La Marina:

  • Tampico (copper)
  • Tordo (pine)
  • San Fernando (silver)
  • Esteros (teak)


  • Puerto Real (Tobacco)
  • Santa Ana (Oak)
  • Champoton (fruit)
  • Espiritu Santo (salt)


  • Conil (sugar)
  • Selam (fir)
  • Ysil (iron)
  • Sissal (red Wood)


  • Ambergrease Caye (Game)
  • Salamanza (Live oak)
  • Congrios (fir)
  • Chinchorro (iron)


  • Bonacca (fish)
  • Black River (hemp)
  • Truxillo (stone)
  • Utila (teak)


  • Brangman's Bluff (salt)
  • San Andres (coal)
  • Great Corn (grain)
  • Great River (fir)


  • Mandinga (livestock)
  • Portobelo (iron)
  • Calobelo (stone)
  • Conception (compass Wood)

Cartagena de Indias:

  • Canalete (salt)
  • tolu (silk Worm)
  • Barranquilla (lignum)
  • Santa Marta (silver)


  • Gibarltar (copper)
  • San Timoteo (sugar)
  • Perjia (red Wood)
  • Maracaibo (coal)

La Tortuga:

  • Rio Chcio (hemp)
  • Piritu (iron)
  • Nueva Barcelona (lignum)
  • Macano (oak)

Saint Geroge's:

  • Carriacou (grain)
  • Kingstown (coal)
  • Bridgetown (stone)
  • Saint Joseph (hemp)

Cano Macareo:

  • Pedermales (red Wood)
  • Cano araguabis (coal)
  • Guayaguayare (fruit)
  • Naparina (fish)


  • Basse-terre (fish)
  • Terre-de-bas (tobacco)
  • Camp du Roy (silver)
  • Saint Francois (compass wood)

Cabo Rojo:

  • Aguadilla (oak)
  • La Mona (silver)
  • Guanica (sugar)
  • Ponce (pine)


  • Bani (fruit)
  • Santo Domingo (salt)
  • Barahona (live Oak)
  • El soco (lignum)


Proposed Capitals and Child Ports:



  • Swannasborough (game)
  • Wilmington (fir)
  • Georgetown (coal)
  • Beaufort (hemp)
  • Savannah (livestock)
  • Sunbury (pine)

La Habana:

  • Mantanzas (pine)
  • Mariel (hemp)
  • Bahia Honda (fir)
  • Carahatas (iron)
  • Key West (fish)
  • Las Tortugas (stone)

Mortimer Town:

  • Islet (grain)
  • Little Inagua (livestock)
  • Parrot Cay (stone)
  • Blondel Cay (game)
  • Lormiers (teak)
  • Mayaguana (hemp)

Port Royal:

  • Port Morant (iron)
  • Carlise (fir)
  • Savanna la Mar (livestock)
  • Pedro Cay (coal)
  • Port Antonio (stone)
  • Saint Ann (pine)


  • Fort Oranje (fruit)
  • Fort Zoutman (teak)
  • Rio Tocuyo (salt)
  • Coro (Stone)
  • Mitara (fish)
  • Coquibacoa (livestock)


  • Castries (game)
  • Marin (fir)
  • La Trinte (sugar)
  • Saint-Pierre (iron)
  • Roasaly (pine)
  • Roseau (oak)


  • Phillispburg (pine)
  • Fort Baai (grain)
  • Oranjestad (fruit)
  • Basseterre (livestock)
  • Charlestown (iron)
  • Codrington (hemp)


  • Frederiksted (coal)
  • Spanish town (teak)
  • Road Town (fir)
  • Coral Bay (hemp)
  • Amalenborg (iron)
  • Vieques (fish)
Edited by Babble
  • Like 1

I like the idea of in-game currency being a good that must be transported - and therefore capturable. No more sailing around with millions of gold and not a care in the world.

  • Like 1

Huge work here.


  My first impression is that the Economy /markets , capital/reg capital and child port production system is sound,  as the shipyard limits (though do not understand why gold producing ports should be able to hold larger).  


 But IMHO currency and banking is overcomplicate.... this is one of the things that is better abstracted as it is now -  for practical effect we have all our money in a bank note-  using your system simply would not match with having "on ourselves" a dozen ship upgrades , or the posibility to teleport...both of them abstractions that gives us gain playability.


About  Sailing speed  I fear that increasing  a 30% carries with it a 30% more distance from where you can join a battle (with the different time compression) 

  • Like 1

Huge work here.


  My first impression is that the Economy /markets , capital/reg capital and child port production system is sound,  as the shipyard limits (though do not understand why gold producing ports should be able to hold larger).  (I chose gold and live oak just to add the possibility of more large port battles.  The level 3 shipyards are simply to go in line with depth of port = level of shipyard available.)


 But IMHO currency and banking is overcomplicate.... this is one of the things that is better abstracted as it is now -  for practical effect we have all our money in a bank note-  using your system simply would not match with having "on ourselves" a dozen ship upgrades , or the posibility to teleport...both of them abstractions that gives us gain playability. (true both teleport and hold upgrades make the game easier to play and there fore more fun.  The banking system and making currency a good makes it so currency will need to be shipped by the player in larger quantities creating the possiblity for actual piracy and gold fleets.  Potentially some enterprising individuals will form a shipping consortium and specialize in transporting goods for other players.  All of this adds more fun just like teleporting.)


About  Sailing speed  I fear that increasing  a 30% carries with it a 30% more distance from where you can join a battle (with the different time compression) 

(Indeed but join time can be tweaked as well and I'm not sure more ability to join battles is a bad thing anyway.  Regardless I think the befits far out weigh any draw backs or changes that need to be made. )

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

If devs:


1) Reduce the amount of money from battles;

2) Remove teleport on Traders  any ship with load


It will change the economy and will make a huge reason to sail 

Edited by juji
Posted (edited)

Some great proposals here, especially the in-game currency which should be implemented asap. 


I think one aspect that should also be considered, but is largely ignored here, is historical flavors. Of course Naval Action should not be a "reality economy simulator of the Carribean World in 1805", and I definitely do not expect the economic aspects of game to be as complex as they are in Victoria II or other Paradox series. That is why i use the term "historical flavor" than "historical reality". 


So here i offer some of my visions on the economy, market and resource distributions:

1. unequal distributions of the resource instead of equal ones--some region should be much richer than others:

  - More than 75% of the ports in the game during the 18th century were no more than a small fishing towns, some of them entirely fictional and did not exist during that period ( those small island in the Mexican Gulf for instance). Those ports should produce very few resources, and should not consume resources (like it was suggested above). But they can be developed by players through production buildings or other means of investment. 

  - Some regions, which are almost considered as wastelands in the current patch, are extremely developed and prosperous during that period. The prime example here is Mexico. Campeche/ Veracruz were responsible for almost all the export/import of Mexican/ Yucatan inland. They should be made the most important and prosperous ports in the game, thus giving factions incentives to capture/ defend/ loot those ports. the level of consumption/ production of those ports should be significantly higher than other regional capitals. 

   Meanwhile some regions in the game were almost completely undeveloped during that period, only settled by a bunch of Spanish or French missionaries and some native Americans. (Texas, Florida, The Mosquito Coast...) The level of production in those regions should be very low unless potential investment by players. 

 2. The concept of the "European traders" should be expanded. In the current patch, all trades are domestic by shipping goods from one Caribbean ports to another. That is shame since during that period as a majority of goods produced in the Carribean were ultimately shipped to Europe. Besides, the most valuable products that sustained almost the entire economy of the Caribbean islands, sugar, cocoa, tobacco.... all all not existent. Meanwhile, as a part of "Atlantic triangle trade", the Caribbean is integrated into the world economy through traders from Europe. Slaves (a controversial one. I mention here just as a matter of historical fact), manufactured goods, and other raw materials were brought by European traders to make the Caribbean economy alive. What i propose here is to make European trade (or i prefer to to call it trans-continental trade) an another independent layer of trading opportunities.  

 - regional capitals, and capitals should act as massive consumption ports, to simulate the presence of European traders. 

 - colonial plantation goods are to be introduced; cotton, cocoa, sugar, cotton, tobacco, indigo... They can be produced through certain ports that are not capital/regional capital/free port. Those goods are consumed massively by European traders. and they should be a major source of income for certain players.

 -some goods should be accessible only to certain regions. Life Oak for example, are only available in America and Cuba. Teak wood, for example, should only be available in capitals or regional capitals controlled by British, French and Dutch (teak wood are only present in the Indian Ocean region)

 - the price of all goods should get flowed based on the supply and demand.

 - trade mission (by finishing the orders by European traders in regional capitals and capitals, or by safely transporting goods from one place to another) and group trade missions. 

For example, shipping x amount of gold/ silver produced in Mexico to factional capital Habana. The mission would be risky, and the player who carry the mission may be a target of players of other factions and pirates.  

- maybe the introduction of separate trading xp and level, or making trader a specific profession. 

Edited by amosblanco
  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Many good ideas herein.


All means of production should to be subject to interception with the prospect of a big payoff for some lucky corsair.

This will keep OW tense.

Trading and transport would never be boring.


One of the major issues with resources which can be easily addressed, is the current limit on contracts.

I mean 5 contracts  what where they thinking, this makes it noncompetitive in major markets, this needs to be changed to at least 10 contract and possibly more.

At present why would you compete in a market when you only have a maxim of 5.

This leads to economic system which can only fail even in the short term .  

  • Like 1

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