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Just scanned the forum and cant find much on limiting the time people can hide in the battle results screen.

Surely some limit should be set and I think 10 minutes would be sensible.

What do you think?


p.s. Apologies if this is covered eslewhere


What does it matter if someone sits there in a after battle screen? It is their time they are wasting. If you want that PVP that badly then wait for them to finally move but if you can't be eff'd waiting that long. Move on and do something else.


I would rather say, start the 2 minute logoff timer on the battle result screen. If you don't go to open world, you get booted.


Small amendment, the logoff timer should only start once the instance is going into closure. This is purely to keep a group of friends playing together.

  • 3 months later...

What is the current status of this issue?

Am I right if i say..


1) If the battle is over and you stay in battle your are automtically moved to the result screen after 5 minutes

2) If you are in the Result Screen and go afk you will be kicked by the default afk timer kick.

3) If you are in Result Screen and go offline (Alt + F4), then you are not in Open World. Instead you did a safe disconnect


When player can do a counter attack to get a better battle situation to escape then i can accept that.

If the players has successfully escaped and is in result battle screen and the next step is a disconnect to safe his life and ship that feels like a exploit to me.


What did the devs said to this in the past?


Isn't a double because this is a useful suggestion.

Your link is just a discussion. I wanna know the thought of the devs,

not the ones of the players. I need to know the way the game wanna goes, to decide to

play or not. This is an important question for me, because i wanna have a dangerous carribean,

not such a safe playground like some other players would like to see.

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