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It would be a nice addition to actually purchase deeds instead of ships and then be able to stack the dura on an existing ship - so if you bought a snow with five dura and lost four dura you could purchase a new deed and add it to the existing ship for a total of six dura. This would justify the expense of the permanent fixtures as well.  Just a thought! 


And why should anybody bother with crafting ships if something like ships resurection mechanics was in the game? Less lives the ships have, the better for working RvR.

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Posted (edited)

There is little wrong with this idea if the deeds cost just as much as a new ship (and need to be made by crafters, and use the same materials that a new ship would have required).  The only real impact will be that permanent upgrades will never need to be replaced -- as long as you can continue to add durability to your existing ship you will be able to keep your permanent upgrades (possibly extremely rare ones) forever.


If permanent upgrades being permanent is seen as game-breaking then give them durabilities of their own, when the ship they are in loses a durability the upgrade loses one also, when it drops to zero it is automatically destroyed.

Edited by Taralin Snow
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There is little wrong with this idea if the deeds cost just as much as a new ship (and need to be made by crafters, and use the same materials that a new ship would have required).  The only real impact will be that permanent upgrades will never need to be replaced -- as long as you can continue to add durability to your existing ship you will be able to keep your permanent upgrades (possibly extremely rare ones) forever.


If permanent upgrades being permanent is seen as game-breaking then give them durabilities of their own, when the ship they are in loses a durability the upgrade loses one also, when it drops to zero it is automatically destroyed.


Making the upgrades cheaper, or easier to craft is IMO better solution. 


Limitations would have to apply to this thought. Such a limitation as they can be applied only to purchased ships and possibly limited to no more than 4 per ship can be bought. Then you could not buy any until you reach your last dura. Purchasing duras would not apply to captured ships.

You need to take in to account the crafters will be making ships and want to have your purchase these as well. Crafters would need to be the ones making the "deed of extra duras" as it only delays their ability to sell you another ship.

The price of the dura could equal a quarter of the IA market prive for the ship. After 4 dura purchase you have bought the ship all over again.

You keep the ship you like a little longer, crafters get to make money from the "deeds". It is a sort of win-win situation with the limitations applied.


This would also completely kill the economy.


Actually now that I think about it more, this could actually help the economy.  I bet if ship deeds were 20% _more_ expensive than the actual ship, people would still buy them.  Just for the convenience alone.


Exactly my point! A player has to purchase a ship first - then add additional duras via deeds that cost the same and offer the same dura as a ship. This would add an advantage to 1st rate ships and permanent mods.


There is little wrong with this idea if the deeds cost just as much as a new ship (and need to be made by crafters, and use the same materials that a new ship would have required).  The only real impact will be that permanent upgrades will never need to be replaced -- as long as you can continue to add durability to your existing ship you will be able to keep your permanent upgrades (possibly extremely rare ones) forever.


  • It's convoluted and unnecessary (you craft a ship... but not a ship... a ship sticker in a shape of a ship?)
  • It dilutes the feeling of owning or loosing a ship (need to buy new ship charges!)
  • It kill the market (no need to buy new ships, just recharge old ones)
  • It dilutes the meaning of blueprints (you only ever need to craft a ship once, then recharge it)
  • It's stupid (if it crafts like a ship and works like a ship and is like a ship why wouldn't it be a ship?)


Actually now that I think about it more, this could actually help the economy.  I bet if ship deeds were 20% _more_ expensive than the actual ship, people would still buy them.  Just for the convenience alone.


Exactly my point! A player has to purchase a ship first - then add additional duras via deeds that cost the same and offer the same dura as a ship. This would add an advantage to 1st rate ships and permanent mods.


As above - if you dilute your idea so far as to make it work just like ships, just be worse, more costly and more stupid - why would you ever want it in your game?

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I don't need to want it, I just need to be sure there's no reason that somebody else who does want it shouldn't have it (i.e it's exploitable or otherwise game-breaking).


The whole notion of ship durability is artificial.  When a ship has 5 durability you are comfortable with the risk of loss.  When it's down to 1 durability you are much more worried about sinking (or you are deliberately trying to get it sunk so you can open up dock space for a new 5 dura ship).  Adding durability deeds does not make this problem any worse, but it makes the convenience of having durability at all better.


It certainly would not kill the market.  Ideas that make people sink less (or not at all) kill the market.  This would probably help the market by making people comfortable with sinking more often (and therefore increasing demand for new duras).  Do you ever sail deep into enemy territory to conduct commerce raids?  Would you try it if you could set up a ship with 20 durability?


Really this is the only reason I can think of not to do this.  Because you don't *want* players to easily be able to sail deep into enemy territory with lots of durability on their ships; you *want* them to be forced to return home after getting sunk 5 times.

Edited by Taralin Snow

I am not for this but though about if and how it may work. The number of duras is listed in the profile of the ship. You cannot buy any replacements until you reach your last one. Then if you buy any 4 is the max you can purchase. If you use up these you lose your ship, period, no repeat. The cost of each dura is 1/4 the ship cost so if you bought 4 duras you just paid for full ship price. Duras are made by and sold only from crafters.

You craft a dura, you've crafted and sold a 1/4 worth of a ship. It may be a way for some who are short on funds to keep a ship while refilling the bank for a new purchase.

Limit it to one or two per vessel if you fill 4 is too many.


Still - why?


If it looks like a ship, works like a ship and crafts like a ship - why?


Why the redundant and complicated mechanic? You have 5 dura but you can recharge it if you have 1 dura but you cannot recharge it if you have 5-4+6^7 dura... why?




I am playing for 3 months. Since then I have lost 2 durabilities on my ships and I do active OW pvp. One was on my Surprise and the second one on my Bellona when I was sailing AFK. I think this game needs reduction or total disposal of durability system to work properly as RvR. 

Posted (edited)

I am of two minds on this.


First, I do agree that the entire idea of durability is artificial and gamey.  The game might possibly be better without it.


But it is a game, maybe it would be more "real" but also less "fun".  Durability certainly does reduce downtime and make it easier to keep fighting (with 1 durability you might be done for the evening after an unlucky 30 minutes but with 5 durability you can play 2.5 hours even if you are very unlucky and get sunk every 30 minutes).  So if the developers feel that we need durability, then why not have the best possible durability mechanic?  If durability that comes with the ship is good, why wouldn't refilling durability be good too?  What is the essential difference?


Maybe being restricted to only adding durability if you have 1 is artificial and gamey again.  If it doesn't add anything then remove the restriction so you can add anytime.  It might still be a good idea to cap how much you can add if you want to prevent people from creating 25+ durability monster ships that Just Won't Go Away.

I think we can all agree that it would be damaging to the game if adding durability was much cheaper than buying new ships.  So added durability should be at least as expensive as original durability.  Personally I would be in favor of having added durability be a bit more expensive to encourage people to try different ships instead of the same one over and over.


As for why people would want to do this at all: for convenience.  This way we do not have to reacquire our permanent upgrades again, and we don't have to be extra-careful to remove our regular upgrades when we get to our last durability, and we don't need to dispose of that last durability in order to free up dock space.  And most important, it means that an evening of PvP with your clan does not need to be interrupted because you just lost your last durability and have to go back to the capital to buy another ship (teleport to capital, buy ship, then wait 4 hours to teleport back to front line means your pvp is basically over for the night, unless your front line is very near your capital or you want to spend the rest of the night doing solo pvp near your capital).  Being able to refill durability means you can start every evening with 5 durability regardless of how the previous evening's fights went (as long as you have enough gold to buy them, of course).

Edited by Taralin Snow
  • Like 2

Ive been playing since EA and never lost a ship other than by fightacide.

Probably only list 3 or 4 durability do to just asking to lose.

Dont see the need for this exept to never lose a ship which seems bad for econ.


I am playing for 3 months. Since then I have lost 2 durabilities on my ships and I do active OW pvp. One was on my Surprise and the second one on my Bellona when I was sailing AFK. I think this game needs reduction or total disposal of durability system to work properly as RvR. 


How can you judge whether RVR works if you're not actually testing it? No durability on all ships would require a massive overhaul of the crafting output 


or else we might as well rename this game to "Captured 3rd rate Action"

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I'd rather players have the ability to put ship orders up for specific ships that crafters can fulfill for an upfront profit. I enjoy crafting from Privateers to Bellonas and I know some people have a specific quirk for ships that may not fall into the "Trincomalee for ganking" or "Renommee for ganking" categories which generally make consistent profits for glaring reasons.


The current auction house system is livable though, just a personal preference suggestion.

Posted (edited)

1. Players currently have an opportunity to pre-order ships via guild shipbuilders or nation shipbuilders.

2. How could one possibly "duplicate" ships by simply adding dura to a ship for convenience of continued use of a purchased product. The suggestion is comparable to using ship repairs at sea - it is a convenience in lieu of being forced to return to port after every battle. 

3. I have played since EA - far prior to the first wipe - I have dc'd in battles when the servers were having extreme lag issues and lost dura as a result.  I have lost duras due to sailing deep into unfriendly waters and being ganked - all in good fun! I have lost duras due to "friendly" player ships ramming me during a boarding - these things do happen. I have lost duras due to close proximity when another ship explodes - no compliants here - it was entertaining.  My point is - I have lost duras while playing, and enjoying, this game - again, no complaints! I expect to loose dura when I pvp - I don't care.  The benefit of being able to add dura to an existing ship keeps players like me active in unfriendly waters - without the delay of having to refit and sail back to the area from a distant friendly location where I can outfit and purchase a ship I am interested in from a guild or national shipbuilder.  It would be convenient to be able to add extra duras that I purchased from my guild or national shipbuilder and stay in those unfriendly waters.  Why do this? It takes a committment to sail from one edge of the map to another or from one capitol port to a mid-point on this enermous map. Being able to add additional duras is a benefit to the game as it keeps active players active, shipbuilders busier, and players investing more gold into their national shipyards.  This isn't not a request for some advantage in a battle - there is no advantage to stats - just to dura.  Of course, the ship deed would have to match the build spec's for the ship - for example, if you were  adding dura to an exceptional 2/4 Snow with oak, build strength, and speed - it would require the ship deed to match the ship build to add the dura. That is more profitable for the shipyards as it should require the exact amount of materials to produce.

Edited by Mayhem Like Me

It would be a nice addition to actually purchase deeds instead of ships and then be able to stack the dura on an existing ship - so if you bought a snow with five dura and lost four dura you could purchase a new deed and add it to the existing ship for a total of six dura. This would justify the expense of the permanent fixtures as well.  Just a thought! 

i wish people would stop trying to turn this game into one that failed hard.




Removed inappropiate content - Moderator team


Keep playing m8, you will eventually venture out of the safety of capitol waters.

Well first off we ain't mates. Second off i left cspital waters the third day of EA and have never been back. In fact im 53 minutes from the closest pirate port and havent been to one in ages other than a tp for supplies in short supply about every 2 weeks.

But hey kerp making assumptions they are working for ya.

Again i pvp all day every day and never lose anything so i feel to see the point.


The only advantage to having ship deeds that I see is let's say a crafter wants to sell the ship at distant free ports, they can then sail in their ship with the deed to the free port, put it up for sale, and sail back instead of sailing the ship they want to sell, putting it up for sale, and then buying a cutter to sail back. But then I really don't know how selling ships goes and so may be wrong.

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